Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 356: enemy attack

At dawn, in Sanxiang, the appearance of a group of Qing troops broke the silence before dawn.

The troopers who acted as forwards, or a team of a dozen people, or a team of several people, galloped forward from the road from time to time, and the horses' hoofs brought up pieces of mud the size of a slap, and flew towards the grass by the roadside.

Compared with those who spared no effort in exploring the horses, the Qing troops who came from the brigade all dismounted and led the horses forward. Everyone was sweating profusely, and their feet were also a little deeper and shallower. of mud. The boots under my feet were extremely heavy, and it was very difficult to lift them every time.

Hurrying on the road all night caused the Qing army to complain incessantly. At night, the vision was not clear. The road became extremely difficult to walk because of the rain. If you were not careful, you would slip and fall to the ground. In order to speed up the march, the Qing army left the baggage and the people behind, and tried to travel lightly, and only brought two days' rations on the horse. But even so, after walking in the middle of the night, the Qing army only drove ten miles.

Jingnan General Ha Mu frowned deeply. He was very dissatisfied with the speed of the march. When did Baqi Erlang become so unbearable, thinking that when he followed Taizu and Emperor Taizong to fight, it was a night of ice and snow. It will never be a bit of a pain, and you can even fight the Ming army immediately.

Erjin, these children have only walked ten miles and they are crying bitterly and complaining. They are really not angry. They don't have half the appearance of Manchu warriors. They are not much worse than their fathers. ∞Learning, w±ww.c◇fwx.n@et can be worse, the Eight Banners really made them lose their face!

Haha Mu Xin was annoyed and ordered to go down to speed up the march.

"Go faster. Go faster!"

The officers below the rank and file did not care about getting tired, they ran back and forth, restraining their subordinates. Urging them, but the effect is not good, but the speed is slightly faster.

Seeing this, Haha Mu's hand holding the horse whip trembled a little, shaking with anger. After a long time, he sighed helplessly. He had to admit. After entering the customs for more than ten years, the Manchu soldiers have indeed become slack in the Han territory, and even his physical strength is not as good as before.

In these years, there have been large and small wars with the Ming army. Most of them depended on the Han army and the green camp. The new Manchu children went to the battlefield less and less, and more used to deter the Han army. After the defeat of Prince Nikan in Hunan that year, the court no longer dared to easily use the children of the Eight Banners to fight the main force of Nanming. Only let the Han army and the green camp take on the important task of fighting the Nanming army. This strategy can indeed preserve the vitality of the Manchu children. After all, there are too few children in Manchuria. Compared with the huge population of the Han people, the population of Manchuria is frighteningly small. But the more the imperial court is reluctant for the Manchu children to go to the battlefield, the less the Manchu children are trained. When those who can fight are old and dead, the following children who can't bear the hardship can still go to the battlefield and be shocked. Those Han troops who came out from the **** rain of corpse mountains?

If it is weak at all, the branches will turn against the guests!

Hahamu is worried about the court's decision. I was worried that in the future, the mighty Han troops would see through the realities of the Manchu children and cause a rebellion against the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the court did not know what to use to suppress them.

Thinking a little too far, Haha Mu sighed again, and caught a glimpse of Karai Daoka whipping a few slow-moving disciples from a distance.

Fortunately, although the marching speed can't be fast, no matter from which point of view, the Taiping army has no reason to attack at this time. After all, the Qing army has three routes. No matter which route the thief Xiucai chooses to attack, his nest will be taken over by the other two Qing troops. Lose. After losing their old nest, the Taiping Army would have nowhere to live.

Looking at the direction of Xiangshan County, which is dozens of miles away, Haha Mu estimates that the thief Xiucai is still desperately urging his rogues to repair the city wall in Xiangshan City, ready to stick to it, and want to repeat the miracle of Xinhui.

It's a pity that Xiangshan is not a new club, so it's hard for the thief to fly this time. Under the encirclement of the three-way Qing army, the Taiping army did not have any possibility of turning over.

It was precisely because the thief Xiucai did not dare to lead an attack, and there was no trace of the Taiping army found along the way, Hahamu concluded that the main force of the Taiping army was sticking at Xiangshan, so he dared to march at night, rushing to Xiangshan at all costs, even the elite. The personal soldiers are only used as a trooper to detect horses, not to stay around as a most elite mobile force.

Haha Mu has only one purpose, and that is to besiege the Taiping Army under Xiangshan City, so that they cannot escape. When the left and right sides arrive, the Taiping Army and the thief show will be wiped out.

The Tanma in front went out for a few miles, and a journey of support led the Qing army brigade forward. Every time they reached a junction, they would stop to search for warnings, and hand over the road in front to the Tanma behind, like this Covering each other, only until the brigade can safely pass.

In view of the fact that the Taiping Army had used the terrain to ambush twice, Hahamu took full precautions this time, and was not worried that the tragedy of Tayinbu would be repeated.

Brigades of Manchurian cavalry passed by on the road. The path was rough and muddy, and the people and horses were inevitably crowded together, and chaos occurred from time to time, which seriously affected the speed of the march, and made each leader jump in a hurry.

While waiting for the front line to pass, many of the exhausted Manchu soldiers in the back simply pulled their horses to the side of the road, or leaned against a tree, or sat on the grass, took out the water in their skins and gushed. If there happened to be a pond with stagnant water nearby, they would wash the hooves of the war horse to lighten the burden of the love riding. Only then will they go to wash their boots, which makes Ha Mu a little relieved. No matter how slack the Manchu children are, they still know the importance of war horses. Although this ghostly place in Xiangshan is not good for cavalry action, he has no intention of not wielding the mobility of Manchu cavalry, as long as he can shock his opponent and dare not leave the city.

At an intersection a few miles ahead, more than a dozen Manchu armored soldiers who acted as troopers stood at the intersection. They were all the personal soldiers of the Jingnan General Ha Mu, and they were much stronger than Niu Lu behind him. Although they were waiting, they were not slack at all, and kept a high alert attitude to observe the movements around them.

One of the Manchu soldiers in the team suddenly felt the urge to urinate. After speaking to his companions, he wanted to go to the forest to urinate. Just as he walked to the edge of the forest, he heard a sudden sound of chi chi from behind. He turned to look in confusion, but found a bamboo tube spewing sparks out of nowhere, and was thrown among his companions.


In the event of a sudden change, Itxilin just stared blankly, with his mouth open, before he could say anything, he heard a "boom" explosion, and the sound of countless iron nails breaking through the air shot straight from the bamboo tube!

There was a muffled thud~www.wuxiamtl.com~ An iron nail passed through the neck of a Manchurian soldier, and the words he was about to shout in his throat turned into blood and shot out from both ends. He subconsciously raised his hand to press the wound, but the blood couldn't stop, so he could only squat on the ground, clutching his neck in vain, then kneeled down on the ground with his knees soft, then leaned forward and his head hit the ground hard , just knelt on the ground, but saw blood spurting from his neck, making a "chichi" sound.

"Enemy attack!"

Itxilin reacted, yelling, and hurriedly took out the horn from his waist and blew it against the sky.

The horn sounded, and the Qing troops at several intersections responded to the horses.


"Blowing the trumpet ahead, there is an enemy attack!"

The Qing army brigade that heard the sound of the trumpet immediately took action, and the whole team rolled like a dragon from front to back.

I’m still in the city, I’ll catch up with one chapter first, then publish another chapter immediately, and I’ll update two chapters when I go back in the afternoon. (To be continued.)

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