Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 357: drive away

The Taiping army's cavalry battalion launched an attack on the Qing army's horses. They did not have any armor on their bodies, but they only held long swords diagonally and went straight to Manchuria. www.jdxs.et Free Fiction Portal

Shao Chengguo rushed at the front with his eyes wide open. He rushed out of the gunpowder smoke and cut off the head of a Manchu soldier who had been hit by a nail in the abdomen.

At the same time, the various teams from the Taiping Army also attacked the Manchurian horses, and the shouts of killing came from all over the area, which made all the Qing army brigade alarmed. They stood on the horse and watched the screams of killing Ahead, everyone looked solemn.

The soldiers of the Qing army were all Ha Mu's personal soldiers. Many of them were veterans in their forties. All of them were brave soldiers. They were much stronger than the younger Manchu soldiers. Riding a bow, with three or four bags of arrows hanging on both sides of the saddle, facing the sudden attack of the Taiping army, they quickly stabilized their positions after panicking, so that the Taiping army did not gain much advantage.

At dawn, the fog on both sides of the Huangsha River filled the air, and in the morning fog, groups of Taiping troops stepped ashore from their boats. After landing, the battalions of the Taiping Army came and went in the morning mist, spreading their momentum and controlling the east bank of the Huangsha River. A few miles away in Shenwan, a small team of the Taiping Army was carefully exploring the terrain.

The water of the Huangsha River did not stop there, but continued to flow downward. In the morning mist all around is looming, and there is no sound. The people of the nearby villages and towns in Sanxiang had already evacuated, and the sky above Shenwan was extremely quiet, except for a few startled birds that suddenly flew out. Empty tidal flats, waiting for the upcoming battle, and waiting to engulf countless lives.

Ge Yi tightened the belt of his trousers, jumped ashore and shouted to Zhou Shixiang who was on the boat: "Xiusai, brother, I'm going, brother, I have no son. If I die, our brother's share will be given to Xiucai."

"I'm not greedy for your share. After this battle, I will pay you the share of your brothers immediately." Zhou Shixiang on the boat shook his head towards Ge Yi.

Ge Yi thought for a while, then grinned: "Alright. If I didn't die, I wouldn't be in a hurry to redeem my share. My brother's share has to be given to me first. You sold your life for so long with Xiucai. No credit. There is also hard work, and it should be enjoyed no matter what.”

"to make."

Zhou Shixiang agreed cheerfully.

Ge Yi laughed, clasped his fists at Zhou Shixiang, waved his hands, and disappeared into the morning mist with Jiang Fan.

I saw Ge Yi disappear into the morning mist. Zhou Shixiang, who thought he was mentally prepared, suddenly felt that his heart was still beating drums.

Life and death have been put aside since the tragic death of parents, wife and children.

Life and death, I know that since I came to this era, it is no longer important.

Life and death, since he decided to be a real Han family son, is not his concern at all, what he cares about is whether he can succeed.

Whether it succeeds or not depends on this battle!

This is the real showdown!

Decide the fate of the Taiping Army. It is also a decisive battle that decides the fate of Guangdong.

War is coming, war is coming!

Zhou Shixiang's blood was burning, and he felt that his whole body was very hot.

"Let's go, it's up to Ge Yi and Tie Yi, let's sail, blind man, let's go to Shenwan!"


Blind Li Chong replied, and went to the stern with the hammer that he never left his body when he slept.


The 6,000 soldiers from the left and right battalions of the infantry lined up along the east bank of the Huangsha River.

Too much fog, plus the rainy weather for days. The gun tubes and match ropes were affected by humidity, which caused many fire guns to fail to fire. In addition, the terrain on the east bank was narrow and the fog was thick. The gun team of the right battalion of the infantry could not be fully deployed, so it did not cause much damage to the Qing army. The infantry left camp also fought against the Qing army, but the fight between the two sides was tentative. In the morning fog, both Ming and Qing sides remained cautious enough.

However, the morning fog was more beneficial to the Qing army. The Manchu cavalry that burst out of the fog from time to time caught the Taiping army by surprise several times. Both the left and right battalions of the infantry were slowly retreating. Although they were about to retreat, the feeling of being pushed back by the enemy was not pleasant. Ge Yi was furious, several times he wanted to lead his troops to rush up to fight the Tartars desperately, but Jiang Fan hugged him tightly, reminding him to focus on the overall situation.

In the fog, it was impossible to recognize the military flags and orders, and the Taiping army could only rely on the sound of the suona to command its actions.

Hahamu directed the Qing army to press forward step by step. Although the situation reported by Kalai Daojia in front of him showed that he had the upper hand and the Taiping army was being pushed back, Hahamu's brows were still frowning. He didn't know how many people there were in the Taiping Army on the opposite side. It was just a small group of soldiers and horses harassing them, or whether it was the main force of thieves and scholars. If it is the former, Haha Mu is not worried at all, just drive it away; if it is the latter, he will have some admiration for the boldness of the thief, and at the same time, he must deal with it solemnly.

The intelligence shows that the main force of the Taiping Army is no less than 10,000 people, and there are only less than 2,000 Manchu Erlang in his hands. In the case of being unable to take advantage of the cavalry, if he wants to defeat the Taiping Army with several times more troops than himself, Haha Mu Don't dare to be too big.

"Go, ask the green camps behind to follow, and there must be no mistakes in the back road!"

For the sake of prudence, Hahamu sent people to urge the Guangzhou Green Camp and Li Suotai's superintendent, who had fallen behind, to join the Manchu soldiers immediately, so as not to give the Taiping army any opportunity to take advantage. He was worried that the thief Xiucai's intention was to use a small number of troops to contain the most capable Manchurian soldiers here, and send the main force to attack the Green Camp at the back, breaking his back path, so that he could not rescue the Green Camp in time. If it was him, he would also adopt this strategy. After all, the Eight Banners soldiers in Manchuria are not easy to fight.

The contact between the two sides continued, and there were casualties. Overall, the Manchu cavalry still had the upper hand, and the Taiping army fought and retreated. Karai Daoka pressed the rhythm so as not to be dragged too deep by the Taiping army.

After about half an hour, the sun finally rose. At the moment when the sun shone down, everyone in Ming and Qing Dynasties felt a warmth coming from their bodies, a feeling in their hearts.

The sun is getting stronger and stronger, and the breeze is blowing, blowing away the thick fog that shrouded the Huangsha River. After the morning fog faded, teams of Qing soldiers emerged from all over the east bank of the Huangsha River.

After the morning mist had completely dissipated, Haha Mu knew that there were no less than a few thousand Taiping troops standing in front of him. He judged that the opposite was the main force of the Taiping Army, and their leader, the thief Xiucai, was definitely among them. The battle, obviously, wanted to have a showdown with him, Haha Mu.

The thief Xiucai is a threat to defeat the Eight Banners of Manchuria to scare off Geng Jimao's letter~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Haha laughed, he admires the daring of the thief Xiucai, and also recognizes the correctness of his desperate bet, because Facts are very likely as he expected, once the Eight Banners of Manzhou on the middle road are overthrown, the monk Geng Jimao on the left side will indeed retreat without a fight.

It's a pity that the thief Xiucai thinks highly of himself.

Haha Mu calmly ordered, ordered the horses to spread out to investigate the surrounding terrain, let Galai Daoka seize the favorable terrain, and be sure to annihilate the Taiping army on the east bank of the Huangsha River, and never let them escape to the west bank.

On a high slope, the Manchurian scout found a place three li behind the Taiping army formation. There was a very wide terrain, which was very suitable for cavalry movement.

Hearing the news, Haha Mu also rushed over to inspect for himself, and then issued an attack order.

"Drive the Taiping bandits over there!"

Three Niulu Manchu cavalrymen under the command of Galai Daoga launched an attack on the Taiping army scattered on the east bank, in order to force the opponent to the empty tidal flat.

(To be continued.)

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