Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 355: Kill all the Tartars and stop

It will be a success!

If the Han civilization can be saved, Zhou Shixiang will not feel any guilt even if more people die.

Fourteen years later, there are more than 10,000 unjust souls of the Han family who have died under the sword of the Qing Dynasty. What if there are more than 100,000 lives today!

Everything is worth it!

I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood!

The men of the Han family should die on the collapsed bed during peacetime; during the national disaster, they should die on the battlefield!

A battle will determine the world!

You die and I live!

"Fuck! Do it, do it. Fuck it. Force it!"

Zhou Shixiang turned the river and the sea in his chest, and looked at the north and suddenly said a foul language, which made Qin Zhisheng stunned there. Do what the fuck!

Realizing that he had lost his temper, Zhou Shixiang laughed.

Qin Zhisheng looked at him strangely and said, "The handsome man doesn't look like a scholar."

"A scholar is also a human being, and the emperor also has to **** and eat."

Zhou Shixiang laughed. He smiled happily. He swept away the stagnation in his chest. He said: "Don't say it, swear a few swear words. My heart is really broken. It seems that I really thought too much before, winning or losing. In fact, it doesn't matter, life and death don't matter, what matters is whether I did it or not. If I really die, it's just a few days to live, but I go to ¥chang¥Wind¥wen¥Xue, ww△w.cf£wx .ne≧t When I see the ancestors and ancestors underground, my face will definitely not be red. We are also fighting this time. It is useless to worry about so many thoughts. To the sky!"

"If you can think like this, Master, my heart will be at ease."

Qin Zhisheng nodded in agreement with what Zhou Shixiang said. He also went to worry, suddenly stared at Zhou Shixiang, and said sincerely: "Commander. I will lead someone to charge in this battle. In case of defeat, you will take the rest of the brothers to General Chen's place, and he will replace them later. I will take revenge."

Zhou Shixiang shook his head and said, "No, I will not avenge you."

"Master?" Qin Zhisheng was startled.

"Because I will rush to the front, we have no way out. This battle is just a word, fight. The brave who meet in a narrow path wins. As the commander of the Taiping Army, I, Zhou Shixiang, as the leader of more than ten thousand brothers, I will never Watch them die. Die, we die together!"

Zhou Shixiang's fist slammed to the north, and he had made up his mind to die.

"it is good!"

Qin Zhisheng laughed, and he was very proud of being infected by Zhou Shixiang. He raised his voice: "The commander wants to die with his brothers. The last commander will accompany him, and he must let the Tartars know how many men in our Taiping Army are not afraid of death!"

"Commander, General Qin, I have something to say!"

Blind Li suddenly came over from the crooked neck tree and said, "I don't understand either, but I always feel that the handsome man sees farther than me. You seem to see something in the future, and the longer you stay with the handsome man. This feeling is getting stronger... Commander, General Qin. I want to ask you, if we lose this time, will Daming really die? That Jin King Li Dingguo is even afraid of Tartars. He can be called a hero of the world. Even these characters can't stop the Tartars, can't they protect the Ming Dynasty and ZTE?"

Blind Li's words made Qin Zhisheng silent. He didn't know how to answer, so he had to look at Zhou Shixiang.

Zhou Shixiang stared at the blind man for a long time, and he said, "I can't stop it, in this world, only we can stop the Tartars, and we can only come to ZTE in this Ming Dynasty!"

"Is it!"

Blind Li was very happy and exclaimed excitedly: "I believe in Dashuai, and I also think Dashuai is stronger than that Li Dingguo. Shuai led me to fight the Tartars and protect Daming. Can I be a Daming in the future? Heroes, like Xu Da and Chang Yuchun in front of Emperor Taizu?"

Blind Li didn't know who the heroes were in front of Emperor Taizu. He only knew that storytellers always brought up Xu Da and Chang Yuchun, so he naturally regarded these two heroes of the founding of the country as his role models.

Qin Zhisheng was choked by these words, and glared at Li, the blind man, but didn't know what to say to him.

Zhou Shixiang was also speechless, unable to answer the blind man Li's words. Xu Da and Chang Yuchun were the heroes who founded the country with Emperor Taizu. If your blind Li becomes Xu Da and Chang Yuchun, then Zhou Shixiang is Taizu. emperor.

These words can't be said, let alone spread, this is going to happen!

"cough cough"

Zhou Shixiang pretended to cough and ignored Li, the blind man, and said to Qin Zhisheng, "Now we will see where we will fight Haha Mujue to the death." Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of boat oars paddling on the Huangsha River.

Zhou Shixiang froze for a moment, turned his head to look at the river, not only him, but also blind Li and Qin Zhisheng, and a group of patrolling soldiers passing by also looked at the river.

A figure flickered on the boat on the shore, pulling the boat to the shore. After the boat docked, a few figures quickly jumped off the boat, said a few words to the people on the shore, and hurried straight to Zhou Shixiang's side.

"Report to the commander, the Tartar Brigade was found 20 miles downstream!"

Xiaoqi Zhou Quanbao was soaked all over, but not from the river, but from sweat. In order to rush back to report the letter as soon as possible, he and his subordinates did not stop for a moment, and tried their best to row back.

Qin Zhisheng stepped forward and grabbed Zhou Quanbao's shoulders, and asked anxiously, "Is it a Manchu soldier or a Han army flag?"

"It's full of Tartars!" Zhou Quan nodded cautiously.

"Big guy!"

Qin Zhisheng looked at Zhou Shixiang, his heart beating wildly: I finally found Hahamu!

"Blind man, go get the map!"

"Order all guerrilla battalions and above to come to the military for discussion!"

Zhou Shilian sent two orders to go down, and then carefully questioned Zhou Quanbao. After a while, Blind Li took a map from the tent, and all the generals and generals from each battalion hurriedly arrived.

Ge Yi was wearing clothes while running. When he arrived at the place, the buttons were not yet buttoned up. When everyone was there, Zhou Shixiang was staring at the map with Qin Zhisheng under the torchlight, and he shouted: "Master, did you find out? Haha, that bastard!"

Zhou Shixiang didn't lift his head and said, "The brothers sent out found the traces of the Eight Banners of Manchu, just 20 miles downstream of us, and are now marching upstream."

Hearing this, Ge Yi couldn't help but chuckle: "Yeah. Tartar has also learned a lot, and wants to come over and give us a shot!"

On the side, Shao Jiugong said: "Ge Laoliu, Haha Mu is a ghost. After he came out of Shunde, he set up a camp every step of the way, and the horses sent out could send out more than a dozen teams at a time, which made our people dare not approach, I don't know. Their exact location. Now, as soon as the rain stops, he marches even at night, making it clear that he wants to take advantage of our unpreparedness to rush to the foot of Xiangshan City. If we don't find him, I'm afraid there will be big trouble after dawn. "

Ge Yi said disdainfully: "No matter how good the **** is. His grandmother's, this time we caught him!"

"I got caught and got caught, but this battle hasn't been fought yet. Hahamu's bone is not easy to chew on." Shao Jiugong was not as optimistic as Ge Yi, and he kept beating the drums in his heart for the battle against the Qing army led by Hahamu in the middle. He has always insisted on hitting Geng Jimao on the left first.

When Ge Yi saw Shao Jiugong's frowning like a dead old man, he couldn't help looking down on him. He sneered: "The battle is going on. You, Shao Jiugong, lead people to watch from behind, and watch my infantry Zuoying beat Hahamu hard yesterday. After the battle, you can just bring someone to clean up the battlefield, it won't cost you anything."

"It's never your turn, Ge Laoliu. The 3,000 soldiers in the right battalion of my infantry have just changed their clothes. It's when the morale is strong. I want this piece of merit!" Ge Yi's words made Tie Yi unhappy.


Ge Yi was in a hurry, Tie Yi dared to compete with him! Didn't wait for him to speak. Shao Jiugong rushed at him: "Ge Laoliu, you are a vegetarian when you think of our personal battalion! The soldiers in my personal battalion are all selected by the commander himself. Which one is not a famous man, and which one is afraid of Tartars! Shuai decides to use Haha Mu, I, Lao Shao, have nothing to say, I will lead the personal battalion in the lead, Ge Lao Liu, you will lead the attack!"

Tie Yi jumped out, Shao Jiugong jumped out too, Ge Yi was really anxious, but what made him even more anxious was the guy Shao Chengguo who also appeared angrily and shouted: "Our cavalry battalion is not raised by the stepmother, I am here. I have to take revenge for the dead brother, I have fought this battle, and no one will rob me!"



Zhou Shixiang and Qin Zhisheng just stared at the map intently, ignoring the quarrels between Ge Yi, Jiang He, and Shao Jiugong. He understands that Ge Yi and the others are eager to take the lead in front of him, not really to grab some merit, but to let his commander know that none of his subordinates are afraid of death.

"Shenwan! It's here!"

Zhou Shixiang pressed his finger on the map, turned his head to meet Qin Zhisheng's eyes, and they both looked at each other and smiled.

Upon seeing this, Shao Jiugong and the others stopped arguing, and looked at Zhou Shixiang together as if they had a tacit understanding.

"The decisive battle is at Shenwan in Sanxiang!"

Zhou Shixiang stood up straight, looked around the generals, and gave an order.

"The right battalion of the infantry army and the left battalion of the infantry army will take the lead together. You will form an array in the east of the river, retreat while fighting, control the battlefield, and lead the Tartars to Shenwan!"

"After the Tartar cavalry is led to Shenwan, the personal battalion and the cavalry battalion are responsible for blocking the green battalion soldiers behind, and they must not be allowed to enter Shenwan."

"After the water camp has transported people to the back of the Qing army, they will immediately detour to the back of the Qing army, tear down the bridges along the way, and attack the green camp from behind." Zhou Shixiang did not forget to tell Tang Zhengbing, the water camp officer, "If your men can't beat the green camp, then retreat to the boat. , just don't let them cross the river."

"Then what about our baggage camp? Commander, my men can also kill the enemy!" Seeing that Zhou Shixiang didn't order the baggage camp, Zhao Sihai was anxious.

Zhou Shixiang looked at him, nodded and said, "Everyone will participate in this battle. The baggage battalion and the second battalion on the left and right of the infantry will act together. Anyone who can hold a knife will participate in the battle."

"it is good!"

Zhao Sihai was a little excited. His cargo battalion was finally able to meet the Tartars. Although he couldn't compare with the left and right second battalions of the Infantry Army, his people were not paper-based!

"We've had two experiences of setting up an ambush in the Lutou River. Haha Muken will go to Shenwan, so he won't be afraid that we will come again?" Tie Yi was a little worried, thinking that Zhou Shixiang would still set up an ambush in Shenwan this time. Haha, what should I do if I can't be fooled.

"Don't worry, he will definitely go!" Qin Zhisheng answered Tie Yi's doubts, "Because Shenwan is a tidal flat with a length of more than ten miles and a width of six or seven miles, the terrain here is the most favorable for cavalry to fight, so if we once Retreat to Shenwan, Hahamu can't not go in and chase us, unless he doesn't want to defeat us in one fell swoop."

Qin Zhisheng was fine if he didn't explain, but when he explained Tie Yi was even more confused, he asked, "Since Shenwan is suitable for cavalry combat, why should we lead Hamu over there? Isn't this asking for trouble?"

Shao Jiugong, Ge Yi and the others were also greatly puzzled. Isn't this arrangement promoting the strengths of the Tartars, allowing them to take advantage of the land and gain advantages?

Qin Zhisheng smiled and said, "Do you know why the local people call this tidal flat Shenwan?"

Everyone didn't know, they all shook their heads.

Qin Zhisheng said, "Because it's not easy for people to come out after entering this place."


Everyone is curious, there is such a place in the world?

"This place used to be a beach, and the sea water receded to reveal the tidal flat a hundred years ago. It's good if it doesn't rain. When it rains, the tidal flat can easily sink people into it. It's like a swamp. Be careful, you will be swallowed by the mud if you are not careful, so the local people are afraid of this place and call it Ghost Bay. Later, they felt disrespectful to this place and changed it to Shenwan. It is difficult for people to move in this place. Go in, hum, it will be difficult to pull out the horse's leg again."

Shao Jiugong's eyes lit up: "If this is the case, wouldn't the Tartar soldiers become infantry like us, so we can deal with them!"

"As long as Tartar's war horses are trapped, then the Tartars on horseback will be cut down by us!" Ge Yi's eyes also lit up.

"But we're going to fall in too, right?"

"You're stupid, let's go there and explore a few places where we can walk, and then run directly to those places when we retreat, the Tartars don't know where to go and where they can't go. Go back and clean them up!"

"Yes, just do it!"

"We know that Shenwan can't enter, but Hahamu doesn't know! Seeing a terrain where he can use his full eight banner cavalry to fight, our army retreated as much as possible, but Hahamu lost his head and didn't chase in!"

Zhou Shixiang gave a high five~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and felt the blood churning in his cavity, "Eight thousand people will deal with more than one thousand Tartar soldiers without horses, what are the odds of winning, I don't need to tell you again!"

Ge Yi said loudly: "Don't worry, Commander, if you still can't win, you will wipe your neck at the end!"

"Yes, let's wipe our necks!"

With the help of the treasure land of Shenwan, you will be more confident in defeating Hahamu.

"I don't want you to wipe your neck, I just want you to kill the Tartars! And I will kill the Tartars with you!" Zhou Shixiang walked to the river with his hands behind him, and gave the last order: "In this battle, kill all the Tartars and stop!"

"Kill all the Tartars and stop, kill all the Tartars and stop!"

The generals responded with a bang.

"Now, each battalion immediately organizes boarding, and must arrive at Shenwan before dawn. Before dusk, I want to see Hahamu's head!"

(To be continued.)

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