Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 339: Blackmail the court

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Last month, when the manuscript fee came out, I’d better continue to guard against theft. After all, my family of three has to live. I chose to write for a living, and I wanted to exchange my work for the manuscript fee, so as to ensure the food and clothing expenses of my wife and children. If there is no income, why should I write? It is impossible to persist in writing a book, much less to write well.

Please forgive the selfishness of the bones!

Qujing, Yunnan, the military camp of the King of Jin.

Although it was dark, King Li Dingguo of Jin was still sitting alone in the tent. From time to time, he got up and paced back and forth in the tent because of anxiety.

The two candles lit on the table burned to a fraction, and the tears of the candles slowly accumulated into heavy drops, which flowed down slowly like someone's tears, and accumulated on the silver candlestick into a puddle of oil. From time to time, the wick of the candle exploded, bursting out a few sparks, and before it fell, it turned into a charred little scum and fell onto the page, and even in this quiet night, a slight sound could be heard.

In order to get rid of the bad mood, Li Dingguo took out a copy of "Sun Tzu's Art of War" from the table and studied it carefully under the lamp. But without seeing two pages, he could no longer read it quietly, staring at the flames on the wick in a daze.

There is a stack of letters on the table. These are military newspapers and letters requesting instructions from various generals, and there are also Tang newspapers sent from Kunming.

In the end, unable to feel at ease, Li Dingguo shook his head mockingly, tossing Sun Tzu's Art of War aside, carrying the candlestick to the long table in the tent, where there was a map of Yunnan-Guizhou topography just drawn. There are strips of yellow lingerie pasted in some places on the map, and the strips are clearly marked with the words "Zhang, the fifteenth battalion, the 12th battalion of the vassal. Wang 20th battalion..." and so on.

These yellow lingerie strips indicate the number and strength of the various ministries under Dingguo's command, and the positions of the stickers indicate the garrison locations of the ministries. In addition, there are some red arrows on the map, which is the route of Sun Kewang's advance into Yunnan.

The map was hurriedly drawn by the staff office under King Jin the day before yesterday. Some of the topography in it was incorrectly marked, but it was now the most precious map in Li Dingguo's hands. If it is said that the best group of people who draw maps are the officials of the Ministry of Military Affairs in Beijing back then, it is a pity that most of these people surrendered during the Jiashen Incident. Very few went south, so that the Nanming regime was never able to draw a detailed map after that. This is a generally accurate map reference. Li Dingguo was already extremely satisfied. He looked at the map carefully by candlelight, and could see his own military deployment on the map at a glance, but what worried him was that the striking red arrow Sun Kewang's army would soon arrive in Qujing.

This time, in order to deal with Li Dingguo, Sun Kewang used almost all of his strength. It is not an exaggeration to say that he came from the nest. He even disregarded the threat of the Qing army from the north. soldier. With a crowd of 300,000 people, the oncoming force can be described as ferocious. After the forward arrived in Yunnan, it broke through several counties, and it was quite unstoppable.

Compared with Sun Kewang's 100,000-strong front army, Li Dingguo only had more than 30,000 soldiers directly under his command, and his strength was only one-third of Sun Kewang's. At this moment, I can't help but feel a little uneasy and anxious. After all, the front army under Sun Kewang's command and his own soldiers are the elite soldiers of the Daxi Army. Li Dingguo was also a little shocked by the disparity in the bad battle.

People say that good governance can be expected. Dingguo is good at using soldiers, but Li Dingguo himself knows that Sun Kewang is not only good at governing the country, but also good at using soldiers. Otherwise, the old king Zhang Xianzhong would not have regarded Sun Kewang as his heir and vigorously cultivated, and when the Daxi Army entered Yunnan, Sun Kewang would not have been appointed. The leader of the alliance commanded the Great Western Army in a unified manner.

The righteous brother is good in everything, but his ambitions are too big. If he protects Emperor Yongli like me, why would my brothers fight against each other? No matter who wins or loses, it will be cheaper than Manchu Tartars

Li Dingguo sighed, he never wanted to fight with Sun Kewang, and always hoped to have a good talk with Sun Kewang, but this righteous brother never wanted to talk to him any more.

Sun Kewang's massive advance of 100,000 troops made Li Dingguo worry, and he also worried about the fact that the Ming army under the jurisdiction of the Yongli court was too complex, not only the original Ming officials, but also Li Zicheng's Dashun army. The soldiers and horses that came, and the soldiers and horses that were united by volunteer teachers and bandits from all over the world, were so numerous that people could not remember them.

This time Li Dingguo went to fight against Sun Kewang, although Emperor Yongli had issued an edict that the King of Jin should be given special expeditions, he would be given a sword of Shang Fang, allowed to act cheaply, held a recruiting seal, and had the King of Shu as his deputy recruiting, taking the responsibility of full command and ordering various places. The Ming army must listen to the unified promotion of King Hou Jin, but the fact is that Li Dingguo can only command his own troops to fight. As a result, the battle plan made in the early days of Dingguo to defend the enemy in Guizhou was abandoned due to the lack of troops, and finally he was forced to face Sun Kewang in Yunnan.

Thinking of this matter, Li Dingguo had a headache, but there was nothing he could do.

For a long time, the Ming armies that belonged to the Nanming regime operated independently, with intricate relationships with each other. The power of the original generals was also deeply rooted. In addition, these Ming armies were scattered in various places, and the Qing army was cut off from time to time by the Qing army. This is an isolated site, which makes Dingguo even with the full support of Emperor Yongli, still unable to command and mobilize those troops and horses to fight in a unified manner, and even he cannot directly dispatch the troops and horses under the command of King Liu Wenxiu of Shu.

It is still impossible to mobilize those Ming troops against Sun Kewang. How can they expect to win these Ming troops when they face the Qing army in the future?

Dingguo's eyes looked farther. He was worried about the future. Although there were many Ming troops, they were scattered. If the Ming troops could not be integrated immediately, they would be defeated by the Qing troops one by one in the future. Still dying.

The candle flame flickered for a moment, then shook and shuddered. This made Li Dingguo's heart seem to be trembling slightly. He looked at the jumping candlelight and felt that a lot of things were crowding into his icy heart, was he depressed? Is it melancholy? Or sad? Maybe a little fear?

The past career also flashed in Li Dingguo's mind constantly. The **** battles in the past made Li Dingguo breath a little short, and he didn't want to think about it. But he couldn't get rid of these fragments of memories, his spirit became more and more nervous, and a layer of cold sweat actually oozes out of his forehead.


Li Dingguo sighed deeply, walked to the desk, put down the candlestick, and sat back on the chair. The anxiety in his heart was unbearable, but he couldn't tell anyone. Can only endure alone, support alone.

Footsteps sounded outside the tent. The sudden footsteps brought Li Dingguo back to reality. He looked up and saw that the person was Liu Yong, his subordinate, and asked him, "What's the matter?"

"My lord, the king of Shu has written a letter. He has already led his troops back from Qianqiu Mountain, and he will be able to join forces with the lord in half a month at the latest."

As Liu Yong said that, he handed the letter of Liu Wenxiu, the king of Shu, to Li Dingguo, who took it and opened it and looked at it. After reading it, the previous irritability disappeared a lot. With a smile, he said to Liu Yong: "The King of Shu still has the court in his heart. If he can arrive in time, our pressure will be much less."

However, Liu Yong was a little worried: "Although there are tens of thousands of teachers under the command of the King of Shu, they are mostly scattered in various parts of Sichuan. What the King of Shu can bring back can only be his headquarters, and I am afraid that there will not be too many, compared with Sun Kewang's side. We still have far fewer troops."

"No problem, as long as the King of Shu can come back, he will be better than tens of thousands of troops." Li Dingguo put down the letter and said in a deep voice: "There will not be all listening to my righteous brother, and there will be many people watching. When the King of Shu came back to help me, the King of Jin. They always have to think about it. When I think about it, I really fight, maybe there will be many old brothers who don't want to help my righteous brother to fight us. "

"I hope so."

The haggard appearance of King Jin under the candlelight made Liu Yong's nose a little sore. King Jin was only 38 years old this year, but he had gray hair on his temples early.

Feeling distressed, Liu Yong persuaded: "My lord, you still have to take care of your body, it's not too late. Tomorrow there will be more things to do, and the King of Shu will be back soon. Will the lord be relieved and rest? Otherwise, if your body is broken, who can afford this bright sky?"

"This king can't sleep." Li Dingguo smiled bitterly and said to Liu Yong, "Can you sleep on your behalf?"

"Can't sleep."

Liu Yong also smiled bitterly and shook his head, knowing that King Jin could not be persuaded. At this time, there were footsteps coming from outside the tent, and he went out and asked, "What's the matter?"

The people outside said: "General Kunming Le is urgently delivered!"


Before Liu Yong asked what was going on in Kunming, Li Dingguo, the king of Jin in the tent, had already walked out and said to the Kunming visitor, "Bring it!"

The visitor rushed forward to deliver the urgent delivery, and Dingguo took it and walked inward while tearing off the sealing wax on the urgent delivery.

Walking to the front of the case, Dingguo took a closer look by candlelight. The rush filled several pages of paper, and Dingguo looked at it very solemnly and didn't say a word.

Seeing this, Liu Yong's heart tightened, and he asked in a low voice, "My lord, is it that Wang Shangli can't hold his breath anymore?"

Wang Shangli was Sun Kewang's subordinate. When Li Dingguo helped protect Emperor Yongli to Kunming, because Liu Wenxiu advocated welcoming Emperor Yongli into the city, Wang Shangli did not dare to refuse, so he could only welcome Emperor Yongli to the city. Later, in order to appease the generals of Sun Kewang in Kunming, Emperor Yongli named Wang Shangli from the Marquis of Guyuan as Bao Guogong. However, Wang Shangli still kept in touch with Sun Kewang in private. After hearing that Sun Kewang invaded Yunnan, Wang Shangli was even more eager to move. I want to be Sun Kewang's inner responder in Kunming.

Before Li Dingguo set off on the expedition, in order to prevent Wang Shangli from causing chaos in Kunming, in addition to dispersing several battalions of Wang Shangli's troops and transferring them to his army, he also ordered his generals Le Tongwu and Qian Guogong Mu Tianbo to guard against him secretly. Before that, it was also Sun Kewang. His commander, King Ziqi of the Kui State, accidentally killed the Ding state-run commander because of drunkenness. Worried that Dingguo Xingshi would be punished, he led his troops out of Kunming to cross the Lancang River to Yongchang House. However, Dingguo was not worried about Wang Ziqi, because Yongchang Mansion was located in a remote location and the news was not available. Wang Ziqi could not get in touch with Sun Kewang when he fled there, and it was impossible to pose a threat to Kunming, so Dingguo ignored him.

The only thing that worries people in Kunming now is Wang Shangli. If Le Tongwu and Mu Tianbo can't watch Wang Shangli and let him make trouble, then the King of Jin will be passive.

Liu Yong was very worried, but fortunately, Li Dingguo waved his hand and said, "It's not him, it's a good thing."

Liu Yong breathed a sigh of relief, Wang Shangli was fine if there was no civil strife, and asked Li Dingguo curiously: "My lord, what's the good thing?"

"Guangdong has a good news." Li Dingguo laughed after reading the delivery in one breath, and showed Liu Yong the delivery of Le Tongwu, "You can see for yourself."

Liu Yong hurried to see him. He had studied in a private school for two years in his early years. Later, after joining the Daxi Army, he would ask some gentlemen to teach him from time to time, so he could read the Gongwen Military News. He approached the candlestick slightly, and took a closer look by the candlelight. After reading two pages, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and said a little excitedly: "We won 218 real Tartar heads in Manzhou, and the other is still gratifying. Together with Geng Jimao's 856 Han army flag soldiers, more than 30 Guangdong Green Battalion soldiers, another 3,150 Qing soldiers captured, and 14 Manchu soldiers surrendered, including a leader, Guangdong is a great victory this time!"

"It is indeed a great victory. This king admires Zhou Shixiang very much now." Li Dingguo was also smiling, smiling cheerfully, swept away the depression in his heart.

Liu Yong remembered it and asked, "Isn't this Zhou Shixiang the genius that Guo Zhiqi and Wang Ye talked about a few days ago?"

"It's not him, who else?"

Li Dingguo rubbed his temples. The news of the return of Liu Wenxiu, the king of Shu, made him annoyed for the most part, but the news of Guangdong's victory made him all worried, and he was very happy, even if the victory of Guangdong did not help him.

"This person is really amazing. I heard that he could retake the Xinhui under the eyes of Shang Keyan, and he successfully defended the Xinhui. At that time, the last general thought he was amazing, and now he has defeated the Qing army two times in a row near Guangzhou. Second, he also defeated the Eight Banners soldiers of Manchuria, which is really impressive. I heard that Zhou Shixiang is only in his twenties, and he is a young hero just like the prince back then." Liu Yong said sincerely.

"It's a man. This king is not as good as him at his age." Li Dingguo's smile suddenly froze, and he sighed: "It's a pity that we know it too late."

Liu Yong was also a little depressed, "hum": "This matter was mistaken by Ma Jixiang, if he hadn't suppressed the news, how could we not have known such a big change happened in Guangdong. If the prince led the army into Guangdong, only I'm afraid that the whole province of Guangdong will have recovered."

"It's no wonder Ma Jixiang, this king didn't think carefully about it. The new imperial court moved to Kunming, and the top and bottom were all in a mess~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The cabinet, the ministries, it is inevitable that mistakes will be made, and the blame lies on Ma Jixiang. It's not fair either."

"Why did the lord still say good things for Ma Jixiang?" Liu Yong said nothing.

Li Dingguo shook his head and said nothing.

Seeing that King Jin didn't want to say more about Ma Jixiang, Liu Yong had to shut up. He then looked down, suddenly stunned, and when he looked up at Li Dingguo, he was already confused.

"Zhou Shixiang made such a great contribution, why the emperor only awarded him the title of Xingping? Gong and Hou's big gang, even Wang Shangli and Wang Ziqi, were also conferred the title of duke, Zhang Hu and one of the guards were all named Bo, and now Zhou Shixiang has made such a great contribution for the court, but the emperor has only named Xingping Bo, what is this? What's the matter, isn't this chilling people's hearts?"

After he finished speaking, he swept his eyes to the last few lines of the urgent delivery, and couldn't help but say "hey" again: "Le Tongwu said that the emperor originally wanted to grant Zhou Shixiang the Marquis of Xingping, but Zhou Shixiang tried to threaten the court and the emperor, and the emperor was not so angry. It was only changed to Xingpingbo, what's the matter?" (To be continued.)

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