Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 338: loyalty

"The two Aiqings quickly calm down!"

Yongli Emperor Zhu Youlang, who had been waiting anxiously for a long time, had no imperial airs, and raised his hand with a smile to ask Guo Shao and Liang Shuanghu to get up. [sogou, 360, soso search free download novel] After the two got up, Zhu Youlang saw that the two of them did not dare to look at him, knew that the two of them were restrained, and did not take it seriously, and said with a smile: "I heard that Guangdong I am overjoyed that Lu Bu is victorious and has achieved a lot, you two can bring the specific report document, and show it to me, and let me know how the soldiers fought bravely to kill the enemy and won this great victory!"

"Yes, yes, this minister will bring it for the emperor!"

Guo Shao hurriedly took out from his arms the revenge document written by Zhou Shi's dating pen. Qi Fu stepped forward and took it and handed it to Wang Kun, who then handed it to Zhu Youlang.

Liang Shuanghu, on the other hand, kept Qi Fu's explanation firmly in his mind, and lowered his head and did not dare to move.

Zhu Youlang couldn't stop nodding while watching, and praised: "What a wonderful scholar, he set up an ambush in the same place twice, and annihilated thousands of Qing troops. It was an eye-opener for me." When he was about to speak, he saw Mu Tianbo, the Duke of Qian and Ding Jishan, the Minister of Rites, enter the house under the leadership of the inner prisoner.

Mu Tianbo was a few years older than Emperor Yongli, but he was quite wealthy, perhaps because he had been pampered for a long time, he looked younger than Emperor Yongli. Ding Jishan is an old man in his 10s or 60s. His hair is not all white, but his beard is all white, but he still walks in good spirits.

When the two of them bowed, Zhu Youlang asked them with a smile, "You two Aiqings, you all know about Guangdong's good news, right?"

Mu Tianbo nodded and said, "This minister already knows, and he has sent someone to test it. It is indeed a great victory. The 214 heads are all real Manchurian Tartars, and the Ministry of War has already checked them out. This minister and Lord Ding are offering victory for the imperial front. happened."

Ding Jishan followed up and said: "Your Majesty, it has now been confirmed that the great victory reported by Zhou, the general officer of Guangzhou, is true. According to the ancestral system, 36 generals of the Han should be on duty, and the Ministry of Rites should be the master of ceremonies. "Da Ming Hui Dian" and the official records of the Ministry of Rites. The emperor will not only go to the Taimiao to offer sacrifices in person, but also to show the world at the Meridian Gate." Speaking of this, he turned embarrassed and changed the topic: "But the imperial court is currently in difficulties. It is handled by the ancestral system, so it is necessary for the emperor to get a seal of approval for how to handle it, and it is easy for ministers and others to handle it.”

Ding Jishan's words made Zhu Youlang's brows furrowed. This time, the ceremony of honoring victory in Guangdong must not be carried out according to the ancestral system. First of all, there is no Taimiao in Kunming. There is no Meridian Gate, and even the Imperial Palace has not yet been built. How can there be such a venue to organize the ceremony of victory. In addition, when the King of Jin and Lu Bu were victorious, the court had not held such a solemn victory ceremony. Although Guangdong has achieved a lot, it has only wiped out thousands of Qing troops, and did not regain lost territory. Not as good as the King of Jin, if he is really serious, how will the King of Jin feel when he finds out. If the King of Jin gave birth to the heart that the court did not take him seriously. Isn't this a good thing turned into a bad thing?

The victory ceremony must be held, but it cannot be done in a big way. Mu Tianbo also has the intention to use this Guangdong victory to boost morale, but Ding Jishan said that he would not agree to do it in a big way. He thought like Emperor Yongli. , First, the court does not have so much money to manage it now, and secondly, the King of Jin is using troops, and this ceremony will inevitably provoke the King of Jin.

"This minister thinks that Guangdong is a rare victory, and the ceremony to present the victory must be done, so that it can boost morale. But now that the King of Jin is leading the army, and the court's expenses are quite large, the ceremony can be simplified if it can be simplified." Mu Tianbo expressed his opinion. .


Zhu Youlang pondered for a while, thinking that Mu Tianbo was right. Victory Ceremony can revive the morale of the army and the people in Kunming City, and sweep away the depression caused by Sun Kewang's invasion of Yunnan, so it must be done, but it can't be done in a big way. At the moment, he said happily: "Just as Mu Qing said, this matter will be handed over to the Ministry of Rites. At that time, the two Ai Qing will have to pay more attention."

"This is the duty of the minister, why did the emperor say this." Mu Tianbo said.

Ding Jishan opened his mouth and didn't say anything against it. He said that just now, but he didn't know the current predicament of the court. It's just that as the Minister of Rites, he must treat this matter according to the ancestral system. If he directly said that it should be done simply, those who do not know must think that he, the Minister of Rites, deliberately despised the Guangdong side and did not follow the system.

After deciding on the ceremony to present the victory, Zhu Youlang turned his gaze back to the two envoys from Guangdong. He walked up to Guo Shao, looked at him carefully, and asked him with a smile, "I don't know if Guo Qing is now What do you do in the Taiping Army?"

Guo Shao replied cautiously: "Returning to the emperor's words, this minister is the inspector of Xiangshan Salt."

"Salt inspector?"

Zhu Youlang was stunned, what kind of official was this? He thought that since Guo Shao was sent by Zhou Shixiang to report victory, he must have a great identity, and he didn't want to be an official he had never heard of.

Wang Kun also doesn't know what official this salt inspector is. The salt inspector in Daming has a salt inspector. Although he is a sixth-rank official, he is in charge of the Lianghuai and Changlu salt fields and has great power. The most fertile seat of the imperial censor, but this salt inspector has never heard of it.

Mu Tianbo thought for a while and asked Guo Shao, "Is this salt inspector Shang Kexi's private official in Guangdong?"

Guo Shao blushed, and did not dare to hide his identity as a descendant, and said honestly: "Don't hide the emperor, the minister was originally a Qing official, and this salt inspector is also a private party set up by Shang Kexi for the sake of salt profit. Officials, but since the ministers have surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, they have regarded themselves as bright ministers, and I never dare to have a second heart, this heart can be learned from the world!"


Zhu Youlang didn't care, he waved his hand and smiled: "Hey, it doesn't matter where Guo Qing was an official in the past, the important thing is that now you are my official in Ming Dynasty.

Mu Tianbo also laughed. Since Jiashen, there have been countless officials from the Ming Dynasty who voted to be the officials of the Qing Dynasty, and there are also countless officials from the Qing Dynasty who voted to be the officials of the Ming Dynasty. Nearby are the former rebels such as King Li Dingguo of Jin and King Liu Wenxiu of Shu. Therefore, the descending of the Qing Dynasty from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty and the return of the Qing Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty are trivial matters, not worth mentioning.

Although Ding Jishan is an old-fashioned old man, he knows that there are too many things like this these days, so he is not surprised.

Wang Kun interjected: "Since this salt inspector is an official position set up by a pseudo-feudal lord, he can't be mentioned again in the future."

"Indeed, the official system in Guangdong also needs to be rationalized." Mu Tianbo agreed with Wang Kun's meaning, how can Daming's official position be used as a pseudo-feudal lord.

Zhu Youlang smiled and said: "This time the Guangdong victory, I naturally want to award a reward. The previous Zhou Shixiang had the merit of winning the Xinhui. Those who are promoted to other positions will also be rewarded for the meritorious generals and scholars below Zhou Shixiang, so that the soldiers can be encouraged to fight the enemy bravely and serve the court."

Guo Shao was overjoyed. After he joined the Taiping Army, Zhou Shixiang did not promote him to any official position, but still guarded the salt patrol. Now Emperor Yongli has opened his mouth. Maybe he can get a prefect to do it, after all, he is the messenger who came to report victory.

Seeing Liang Shuanghu standing there with his head bowed, Zhu Youlang realized that he had been slow to treat him, and asked him with a smile, "Where did Liang Qing work before?"

Liang Shuanghu was still immersed in the excitement of seeing the emperor, but he didn't hear Emperor Yongli's question. Guo Shao hurriedly pulled him down, and then he came back to his senses and looked at Emperor Yongli blankly: "Ah? What?"

Zhu Youlang and Mu Tianbo couldn't help laughing because of his behavior. Ding Jishan's beard curled up, and he shook his head dissatisfiedly, thinking that a martial artist is a martial artist, how can you be so distracted!

Guo Shao shamelessly told Liang Shuanghu the emperor's question in a low voice. After Liang Shuanghu heard it, he subconsciously said, "Back to the emperor's words, I used to be a soldier in the Green Camp."

Green battalion?

Zhu Youlang and Mu Tianbo were both startled: Zheng Shi was a private official set up by a pseudo-feudal lord. The deputy envoy is a green battalion soldier of the Qing army. Couldn't Zhou Shixiang send any decent personnel here?

"Well, it used to be in the past, and now it is now, abandoning the darkness and turning to the light, well, it's very good."

Zhu Youlang didn't mind Guo Shao's former status as a pseudo-official just now, and now it's naturally difficult to say Liang Shuanghu's green camp status, and smiled a little embarrassedly.

I don't want Liang Shuanghu to hear what Emperor Yongli said, but he said loudly: "Many of my general's brothers used to be with the Qing army. Some brothers are still bandits who robbed their homes, but since they followed my generals. , The brothers are all soldiers of our Daming, and everyone knows that they must work for the emperor in the future. Fight for a wife and a son."

Hearing this, Mu Tianbo frowned and asked with some doubts, "Are all of you Taiping troops like this?"

Mu Tianbo didn't care that Liang Shuanghu called Zhou Shixiang a general, because there were many people calling him a general these days, and Zhou Shixiang was already the commander-in-chief of Guangzhou, although he did not have the general seal. But since he called himself a general, the court couldn't decree him. Guangdong is so far away from Kunming, the imperial court can't control it!

Liang Shuanghu shook his head, but still said with a grin, "The brothers in our Taiping Army are all of this size. The brothers drank in a big bowl, ate large pieces of meat, and killed Tartars with their heads tied to their waistbands. It's merry!"

Hearing this, Guo Shao secretly pouted, Liang Shuanghu, this bastard, can really say anything, and he doesn't even look at where this is. He, mother, has come to show off soldiers and bandits in front of the emperor. It really makes no sense.

Mu Tianbo was stunned, not knowing what to say. After a long time, the Taiping Army turned out to be a group of surrendered soldiers and bandits. With such a force, they could even defeat the Qing army. For a big victory, Zhou Shixiang was also really powerful.

Qi Xiucai is really talented!

Zhu Youlang was also a little emotional, but he didn't think too much, smiled and said: "It's okay, they are all righteous people who have my heart in my heart. No matter what your background is, I will treat you equally in the future, and will never be biased."

Liang Shuanghu looked excited: "Your Majesty, I really want to work for you and drive the Manchu Tartars away, and I even deliberately learned Yue Wumu and stabbed his words on the back!"


Zhu Youlang's spirit was refreshed. Could it be that God really wants to bless Daming ZTE, or else some martial artist would know to learn Yue Wumu. He got a little excited and asked, "But you are dedicated to serving the country?"

Liang Shuanghu shook his head and said, "I don't know how to read, and I don't know what that person carved for me. Would you like the emperor to help me take a look?"


When Ding Jishan heard Liang Shuanghu asked the emperor to look at the lettering on his back, he couldn't help but scolded him, it was too immodest, how could anyone be naked in front of the emperor.

Zhu Youlang smiled and signaled Ding Jishan not to make a fuss about it. He said to Liang Shuanghu: "Alright, you can take off your shirt, and I will show you what the words are engraved on the back with the prince."

"Hey, good! I'll take off my clothes now!"

Liang Shuanghu didn't seem to see Guo Shao's wink to stop him, he unbuttoned his clothes and turned around abruptly, pulling his shirt down.

"Your Majesty, isn't my back engraved with loyalty to the country?" Liang Shuanghu proudly turned his back to the crowd.

There was silence behind him.

Zhu Youlang was speechless~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Mu Tianbo was speechless.

Ding Jishan and Wang Kun were in a daze.

After a while, Qi Fu laughed out loud. He couldn't help laughing, because Liang Shuanghu was indeed engraved with words on his back, but it was not about serving the country with loyalty, but five **** characters - "Shunzhi is a dog".

"I learned from Yuewu and Mu Jing to serve the country with loyalty and engraved these big characters on my back, just to remind me all the time that I must pacify the Manchu Tartars for the emperor, and protect the emperor and rejuvenate my Ming Dynasty. !"

Guo Shao took a deep breath and stared at the proud Liang Shuanghu with a strange look. There was only one thought in his mind: Was this **** really honest or fake?

"Good, good, good loyalty to the country! Good loyalty to the country!"

Zhu Youlang couldn't help but burst into laughter, and only spoke to Liang Shuanghu's words, even if he was not engraved on his back to serve the country with loyalty, he will serve the country with loyalty in the future, because his emperor Jinkou opened his mouth, "Shunzhi is a dog" is loyalty! (To be continued.)

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