Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 340: imperial envoy

In June Guangdong, the heat is unbearable.

It has been two months. During this period, not only did the Taiping Army have no more military operations, but the Ming Army in Guangdong was also very quiet. As for the Qing Army, there was no movement at all.

This strange phenomenon seems to be like a truce between the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Guangdong. The reason is that everyone is afraid of heat.

Of course, the most afraid of the heat was the Qing army from the north. The Han army's flag soldiers were better and could still move around in the city, but the Eight Banner soldiers in the city did not dare to move. They stayed in the city all day long. There is no appetite for such a lackluster meal, and there is no other way to look like a Manchu warrior, let alone go to war on horseback.

General Ha Mu of Jingnan was so anxious, but he had nothing to do except keep urging the outer city to get some fruits to cool off the heat and dig more wells in the city. He is the general of Jingnan in the Qing Dynasty, and he is not the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

You must know that the Manchu soldiers who went south a few years ago will return to the capital early to escape the summer heat when they arrive in this season. Besides, if this place in Guangdong is really cool, the imperial court would have set up the whole city in Guangzhou a few years ago, where would it still be now?

After the meeting of the king and ministers that day, the Eight Banners were so violent. Wasn't it because Guangdong was not a place where they could stay, so no one wanted to come to Guangdong to suffer a living crime, and that's why the chaos started.

The sweltering heat, long wind, literature, learning, and the weather of www.c fwx.ne∞t made Ha Mu’s desire to avenge Tayinbu fade away. After the defeat, he asked the Shunzhi Emperor to plead guilty. , Emperor Shunzhi did not blame him for this. On the contrary, he deliberately decreed to comfort Ha Mu, and asked the Council of Ministers to discuss whether to send more Manchu cattle records to Guangdong.

Shunzhi's consideration is that the current situation in Guangdong is somewhat complicated. Not only did the two vassals fail to take advantage of Nanmingsun and Li's strife to enter Guangxi and cooperate with the Ministry of National Security to launch an offensive against the Ming army, but the troops under the vassal were all restrained by the Guangdong Ming army. They suffered successive defeats and lost soldiers and generals. Although Shang Kexi and Geng Jimao still claimed that the situation had not deteriorated, the Taiping bandits were only a minor problem, but a mob, waiting until the weather cooled down. The Second Domain can take care of them. However, Emperor Shunzhi was not a fool. Although he was young, he knew that Emperor Chongzhen, who could not learn from the previous dynasty, had his subjects blindfolded. Although the Qing Dynasty did not have Dongchang and Jinyiwei, Emperor Shunzhi had his own eyes and ears in Guangdong, so it is still clear about the series of wars between the Qing army in Guangdong and the Taiping bandits since last year.

Li Suotai also honestly made a statement, admitting the fact that the main force of the Guangzhou Green Camp was basically wiped out by the Taiping bandits. It is also clear that the troops in Guangzhou are currently empty. The forces everywhere were tight, and the situation was worse than when Li Dingguo came to attack the previous year. At the beginning, Xinhui, the southwest gate of Guangzhou, had always been firmly under the control of the Qing army, but now it was taken by the Ming army. Without the Xinhui as a barrier, the threat facing Guangzhou is really great.

But to Shunzhi's relief, although Li Suotai said that Taiping bandits can fight, his fighting method seems to be the rogue tactics of Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, or even bandits, because they don't want to take this place every time they occupy it. long-term control. Officials were set up to settle the people as a base, but instead they carried out plunder and destruction. Afterwards, he brought all the proceeds back to his old nest in Fragrant Mountain, which made the local people angry and hostile to the Taiping bandits. Moreover, the Taiping Army did not have the ability to attack the city of Guangzhou.

If it is not popular, it will not last, and if it cannot last, it will die soon.

Shunzhi was very happy. If what Li Suotai reported was true, this Taiping bandit would be nothing to worry about. He was not afraid that the Taiping bandit would be able to fight. Where is it now?

Li Suitai also said that the Taiping bandits did not seem to have the ability to fight in the field, and they fought against our Qing soldiers several times, but they only relied on the support of the strong city and the advantages of the terrain.

Li Shuitai said that if the officers and troops are strong enough, they can encircle the Fragrant Mountain, the old nest of Taiping bandits, and then send all the elite troops to the center of the city, and send several other roads to sweep the surrounding areas. There will be no way for the pirates to escape, and the downfall is inevitable. However, the Guangdong official army now does not have enough military strength to encircle and suppress the Taiping bandits. In addition to the harassment of other Ming troops in the territory, they can barely ensure that the essence of Guangdong is not lost. , initiate the whole body.

If the official army uses a large number of troops against the Taiping bandits, it is bound to mobilize the garrison troops from various places to come and attack them, so that they will have the opportunity to take advantage of the Ming army; The two depend on each other, which is tricky. Therefore, Li Suotai asked the court to send more reinforcements to Guangdong so that Guangdong would have enough troops to deal with this situation.

After careful consideration, Shunzhi decided to allow Li Ruitai's request to send more troops from the Eight Banners of Manchu to Guangdong. As a result, this time not only the princes and ministers were unanimously opposed, but also Prince An, who had previously proposed to set up a city in Guangzhou, did not agree.

The reason for the opposition of the kings is that the Dingkou of Manzhou is the foundation of the country, and now the imperial court has set up more than a dozen Manchu cities such as Xi'an, Jiangning, Hangzhou, Yongdeng, Jingzhou, Tongguan, Taiyuan, Yinchuan, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, etc. More than a thousand soldiers, as many as several thousand soldiers, more than 20,000 soldiers of the Eight Banners of Manchuria are required to be garrisoned in more than a dozen places, plus their families, it is no less than 100,000, which already accounts for one-third of the population of Manchuria. one more.

And the Eight Banners soldiers were only 100,000 people when they entered the customs. In these years, they suffered 10,000 or 20,000 casualties in the battles with the Ming Army, the Chuang Army, and the Daxi Army. Except for the more than 20,000 people who were stationed in the city, Only less than fifty thousand remained.

These less than 50,000 Eight Banners soldiers still have to leave a part in Shengjing outside the customs to protect the land of their ancestors Longxing, and the rest will be in the capital, and a certain number of Eight Banners soldiers must be reserved to support various battlefields at any time. Where can they be drawn? Troops go south to reinforce Guangdong!

It was Yue Le's idea to propose to set up a city in Guangzhou. At the beginning, he never thought that the war in Guangdong would be like this, so this time he really had no confidence to fight. Yue Le kept silent, and the opposing princes and ministers naturally gained the upper hand. Shunzhi had no choice, so he signaled Suksahati to come up with a compromise plan to send Mongolian troops south to reinforce Guangdong.

This plan was approved by the Manchu princes and ministers and Lord Baylor, but it was opposed by the princes of the Mongolian Eight Banners, Baylor. When the two sides were at a standoff, the old minister Ning Wan and I made a round of agreement, saying that it is not appropriate to send troops to Guangdong now. Northerners are not used to the extremely hot weather in Guangdong, so they might as well wait until autumn to discuss.

Therefore, the matter of dispatching Mongolian soldiers to the south was temporarily put on hold.

Shunzhi issued a decree to exempt the Guangzhou government from two years of money and food, which was a spiritual support for Li Suotai, and also dispelled Li Suotai's thoughts of going to Fujian. At this juncture, Emperor Shunzhi would not be confused, and Emperor Chongzhen of the previous dynasty could do things that he could do, but he would not do it. Anyway, we have to wait for the situation in Guangdong to settle down before considering the replacement.

Not fighting does not mean that Zhou Shixiang can relax, no matter how hot the weather is, he is constantly running back and forth in various townships in Xiangshan.

The decree of the Yongli court to appoint Zhou Shixiang as the general soldier in Guangzhou and the team that Zhou Shixiang sent to Kunming to report the victory were coming and going, so the two sides could not meet each other. Therefore, Guo Shao and Liang Shuanghu only knew that their commander was no longer after they arrived in Kunming. What is the name of the Chaozhou General Soldier, but the actual Guangzhou General Soldier. However, the city of Guangzhou is still in the hands of the Qing army, so it is not meaningful to teach or not to teach.

These days, Zhou Shixiang has been busy negotiating arms deals with Folang Machine in the former cottage.

A few days ago, the officials of Shanzhai had heard the most words of their commander-in-chief Zhou Shixiang scolding Fulang Jiren.

Zhou Shixiang didn't know any English, nor did he know any Spanish or Latin, so the one he scolded the most was "fuckyou!", but he didn't care whether the few Flang machines understood it or not. He doesn't care how the Han person translates things. Anyway, he wants to scold him, because these white-skinned devils are really profiteers. Medicine! That's not to mention, the price of 30 taels is futures, and the things are still on the ocean side. If you want to buy ready-made ones, double it, and get his mother's 60 taels a shot!

As for the artillery, the price was even higher. No matter how much Zhou Shixiang and his brothers robbed, he couldn't stand these white-skinned devils extorting so much.

Zhou Shi was angry, so he threw these Flang machine people in the former cottage, and brought them back to Zhirenhou Township, Xiangshan County. On the way, I kept thinking about whether this ghostly place in Macau was safe, whether I could lead troops to grab them.

When he was about to reach Renhou Township, Duke Xiang of Song sent someone to report, saying that the imperial envoy of the Yongli court was still in the city and refused to leave. As a result, Zhou Shixiang led him to Yongle Township without a word.

He really didn't want to see the imperial envoy of the Yongli court, although this imperial envoy was the chief Cheng Bangjun Cheng who ran to Daqiao Mountain to fool Hu boss.

The last time Cheng Bangjun came to send the official seal of the sergeant of Luoding Prefecture, this time it was the big seal of the Guangzhou General Soldier. Logically, they came to send the official, and they came on behalf of the Yongli court, and Zhou Shixiang ignored them. That's all, he can't always hide from others~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But he really doesn't want to see Cheng Bangjun, because the surname Cheng always pretends to be an imperial envoy and asks him to lead his troops to accept the governor of Guangdong Lianchengbi. Command to fight Guangxi.

Run from Xiangshan to Guangxi?

Zhou Shixiang wouldn't do such a stupid thing unless his brain was flooded!

But Cheng Bangjun has his own reasons and high-sounding reasons, saying that Guangxi has been occupied by the National Security Department of the Qing army line, and Guangdong has lost contact with Yunnan. Guangxi, even if Xian Guoan cannot be eliminated, the two important towns of Guilin and Nanning must be taken down. Only in this way can the three provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan be revitalized, and it is very important to fight against the overall situation of the Qing Dynasty.

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(To be continued.)

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