Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 337: Brocade pro-military

Guo Shao was very excited to be asked by a high-ranking official in red robe. Although he didn't know the identity of the other party, he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to make a compilation.

"Guo Shao? Good, good, this name is good. w.jxs.nt has the fastest update"

Guo Zhiqi heard that the other party was also surnamed Guo, but the family couldn't help but be even more happy, and asked Guo Shao in a harmonious voice: "What are you doing under Zhou Shixiang now?"

"The next officer is now..."

Guo Shao was about to speak, but there was a commotion all around. It turned out that there were two other soldiers in flying fish suits at the city gate, who were rushing towards this side, guarding a young man with white hair.

"See, the Son of Heaven has sent someone here!"

"The man without a beard on his face must be the **** serving by the emperor's side. Those two people wearing flying fish suits are probably the people who belonged to the emperor's military Jinyiwei?"

"The one in front is really the eunuch?"

"Why did I lie to you? Hey, what are you staring at people's crotch?"

"Isn't this to see if there is less meat..."


The people were very curious about the three people who appeared, and they chatted with each other, especially the young man who looked like a **** who attracted countless gazes all the way.

The officials onlookers were not as curious as the common people, but were very excited, knowing that the emperor had sent someone to hear the news of the great victory in Guangdong.

Fu Gang knew the young inner prisoner and knew that it was Qi Fu who was serving His Royal Highness. He was afraid that Guo Zhiqi would not know, so he whispered to him.

"The emperor also knows the news? We haven't reported it yet?"

Guo Zhiqi was a little strange. When he and Fu Gang received the news, they went out of the city to see if it was true or not. They didn't send someone to report to the emperor.

Fu Gang smiled and said: "I'm afraid that the little insiders in the signing room were listening to us, so they hurriedly went to the palace to announce the good news. The emperor is happy, why don't you reward him with anything? The supervisors are in a hurry to ask for happy money, so who cares if this matter is verified or not, hehe."

"That's true." Guo Zhiqi also laughed. I don't have any objection to what the internal supervisor did. After all, it's a happy event.

When Qi Fu received the errand, Wang Kun instructed him to take him to the Duke's mansion quickly. Don't delay for a moment, otherwise he will look good, so frightened that Qi Fu runs all the way towards Beicheng as soon as he leaves the Guogongfu. There is no way, he can't ride a horse, and he can only rely on two legs for this eagerly waiting errand.

It's been really hard work this way. Those two pro-militaries in brocade clothes were all strong men, but Qi Fu, the **** with insufficient yang energy, suffered a serious crime, and he was so out of breath that he almost couldn't catch it.

At a glance, Fu Gang and Guo Zhiqi were in front of the two grand scholars. Qi Fu's pace increased instantly, and he ran over quickly. Before he could stop, he quickly greeted the two grand scholars, and then hurriedly shouted. Said: "Two adults, the emperor wants to see the good news envoy from Guangdong!" He looked around with his eyes. He screamed, "Which one is the good news envoy from Guangdong?"

"Reply to this father-in-law, the lower official is the reporter from Guangdong."

Guo Shaoyi seemed to be the **** serving by the emperor's side, and hurriedly dragged Liang Shuanghu forward.

"Is that the two of you?"

Seeing that it is the rightful master, Qi Fu nodded slightly, and said to Guo Shao: "You all hurry up and go to see the emperor with our family. The emperor is waiting anxiously."

After thinking of something, he hurriedly said to Fu Gang and Guo Zhiqi: "Two adults, the emperor also asked the two to hurry over."

"Understood, you should take the two of them to see the Sage first, and I will arrive later."

Fugang and Guo Zhiqi responded with a smile. They can understand the emperor's mood at this time, just like when they heard the good news in the cabinet before.

At this time, the two pro-militaries in brocade clothes walked alone to the pile of real Tartar heads, picked up a few heads and looked at them, and after asking the inspecting military officials, they both nodded and walked behind Qi Fu again.

Qi Fu glanced at them. Didn't ask anything.

Guo Zhiqi knew that after the holy car moved to Kunming, most of the original Jinyiwei were separated. In order to strengthen the guardian of the emperor, Mu Tianbo, the Duke of Qianguo, made his subordinates as the emperor's own army. These pro-armies were not under the command of King Jin, but were ordered by Mu Tianbo alone, so the two pro-armies in Jinyi must have been ordered by Mu Tianbo to come and check again.

"Mu Guogong is not at ease."

Fu Gang smiled. Mu Tianbo is good at everything, but he is too careful. He and Guo Zhiqi brought people to investigate. Could it be that they are afraid that he and the two of them will co-author Guangdong and deceive the emperor?

When Liang Shuanghu heard that he was going to see the emperor right away, he had a guilty look on his face: "Let's go now, can you wait a moment?"

Qi Fu glared at Liang Shuanghu angrily, and said unhappily, "When are you going to leave now? Do you want the emperor to wait for you?" When he said this, he was already trying his best to suppress his temper. The two of them, his father-in-law Qi almost lost his life. If it wasn't for the fact that they were revenge envoys, and that the emperor was eagerly waiting to meet, there were still two great scholars there, I'm afraid they would have been there long ago. Say a few heavy words to them.

Seeing this, Guo Shao hurriedly said, "I don't dare, I don't dare. But I would like to ask this father-in-law to wait for a while, and then enter the palace with the father-in-law after the subordinate officials settle down, okay?"


Qi Fu's face turned down, this is ignorant, do you really want the emperor to wait for you?

Guo Shaogang wanted to say that he couldn't, so he would leave now, and wait until he turned around to settle his subordinates, but the lieutenant Liang Mingyuan stepped forward and said to him, "You can go with this father-in-law to meet the king, and I will arrange your people here. "

"Then thank the general!"

Guo Shao and Liang Shuanghu both put their minds down and didn't settle their subordinates, they were really worried and went into the city to see the emperor.

There, Fu Gang also instructed the Ministry of War officials: "You bring people to load the heads of the Tartars and the military flags to the city, and you may have to offer them to the imperial front later."

"Yes, Mr. Ge."

Several military officials acted according to their words, and quickly reloaded the head of the Tartars, and also brought the Manchu flag captured by the Taiping Army. One of the Ministry of War officials did not forget to bring Lu Bu, who recorded the details of the victory, over there. A few people gathered around and looked at it. Fang excitedly picked Lu Bu up again with a pole, ready to enter. City time propaganda all the way to the past.

Guo Shao's heart was shocked when he heard that the officials of the Ministry of War called Fu Gang an old man. He didn't think that this unremarkable old man turned out to be a grand old scholar of the Yongli court. Looking at Guo Zhiqi who asked his name again, he couldn't help but guess that this person's identity is probably not great, maybe he is also a great scholar. But I don't know what it's called, so I have to find someone to ask, or go back and talk to the commander.

Liang Shuanghu was a surrendered soldier from the Green Battalion and surrendered to the Taiping Army. How can he know what is old and not old. I only know that someone has settled down, and my family can go to see the emperor again. It is really smoke from the ancestral grave, and I am very happy, grinning and smirking.

"Two. The emperor is in a hurry, you can go with our family quickly!"

Because of the emperor's life, Qi Fu was eager to go back to do business. Seeing that Liang Shuanghu and Guo Shao were still there, he couldn't help but feel impatient.

"Yes Yes."

Guo Shao didn't dare to delay, so he bowed to Fugang and Guo Zhiqi sideways, and asked Qi Fu to go first. He gave Liang Shuanghu another wink, and the latter quickly followed suit and saluted Fu and Guo, then followed Guo Shao into the city with Qi Fu.

into the city. Guo Shao secretly accelerated his pace, took out a silver ingot from his sleeve and handed it to Qi Fu. Qi Fu held it in his hand and weighed it secretly, afraid that it would be five or six, so he couldn't help smiling, and the resentment in his heart went away.

Guo Shao touched two smaller silver nuggets and stuffed them into the two Jin Yiwei guards. The two of them took the silver nuggets and just smiled, saying that Guo Shao was being too polite.

Guo Shao naturally also treated them politely. Liang Shuanghu didn't take offense at the side, although he was sincere. But these people understand things. The two of them had just arrived, and they were going to see the Son of Heaven. They didn't understand anything and were not convenient for others. How can people be convenient for you, can I give you a few words? If there is a joke about disobedience in front of the emperor when he sees the emperor, it will be a shame.

Kunming is the capital of Yunnan Province. Although it is located in a remote place, it cannot compare with Beijing and Nandu, nor can it compare with Guangzhou City. But after all, it is also the center of a province, and without any military disasters, the city is naturally very lively. The people in the city all knew that Guangdong came to report the good news, and the streets were full of people. If it wasn't for Liang Mingyuan sending a team of soldiers to **** them, I'm afraid that these few people would have been surrounded by the people halfway.

Guo Shao is okay, after all, he is a leader, and he has been a salt inspector for a few years. Liang Shuanghu's eyes wandered around after walking away, like a country bumpkin entering the city, everything was good when he saw that, some people shouted at him if he was a hero who killed Tartar in Guangdong, and he grinned and waved at them. For fear that people will not recognize him.

After arriving at the Guogong's mansion, the forbidden army stepped forward to interrogate him. After Qi Fu showed his waist badge, he took the two into the Guogong's mansion. The two Jin Yiwei had another place.

Guo Shao knew that Emperor Yongli had just moved from Anlong, Guizhou to Kunming for a few months, so there could not be a ready-made palace in Kunming for Emperor Yongli to live in, so it was not surprising that Qi Fu brought them to the palace of Qianguo.

Liang Shuanghu was very confused. He couldn't read, and thought that the plaque on the palace's plaque was the Forbidden City. Therefore, when he entered the palace, he found that there was no grand hall in front of him, and he couldn't help but whisper, "Yesterday, this palace is so small, even a None of the three halls?"

As soon as Guo Shao heard it, he looked at Liang Shuanghu with admiration: "Hey, you bastard, do you still know about the Three Great Halls?"

"Hold your head down, don't look around, this is where the emperor is walking, not you in Guangdong." Qi Fu scolded Liang Shuanghu when he saw Liang Shuanghu looking around there.


Liang Shuanghu kept his head down and didn't dare to look around, he followed behind honestly, even though he didn't dare to hurry up.

After walking for a while, Qi Fu led them to a stop under the eaves of a corridor, turned around and said to them: "You guys stay here, our house will report to you."

"I'm sorry father-in-law." Guo Shao said quickly.

As soon as Qi Fu waved his hand, he continued to walk towards the house on the other side of the porch. After a while, he came out and waved to Guo Shao and Liang Shuanghu: "Long Live Lord has called you to see you."

"Kow your head first after entering. Long live three times. Don't look up. The emperor wants you to get up before you get up. The emperor doesn't speak. Don't move or open your mouth, you know?" Qi Fu got Guo Shao's silver ingot, Naturally, I would like to mention a few words to him.

"Don't worry, father-in-law, I both know."

Guo Shao nodded in agreement~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Qi Fu didn't say more, and led the two into Emperor Yongli's study.

When Emperor Yongli first came to Kunming, he was settled in Yunnan Gongyuan by Liu Wenxiu, and was later moved to Guo Gongfu by Li Dingguo. This study was also the study room of Mu Tianbo, the Duke of Qian. After Emperor Yongli came in, he used it as a place for his daily review of records and summons to his ministers. Because there is no hall for the court meeting in the mansion of the king, so the Yongli Emperor also kept everything simple. For the daily court meeting, he only went to the Gongyuan to hold the grand court on the tenth and fifteenth day. Usually the courtiers are on the study side. This study is also quite large, and it is not too crowded to accommodate dozens of people to discuss matters.

"Long live the report, the Guangdong News envoy brings it here!"

After Qi Fu entered the room, he reported to Emperor Yongli, and then gave Guo Shao and Liang Shuanghu a wink. The two immediately knelt forward and gave three kneels and nine kowtows.

"My minister Guo Shao (Liang Shuanghu) has seen my emperor. Long live my emperor! Long live!"

After the ceremony, Guo Shao and Liang Shuanghu remembered Qi Fu's confession, and they didn't dare to get up, they just lowered their heads and held their hands solemnly, waiting for the emperor's royal voice to sound. The two of them are also very nervous now. After all, this is the first time to see the real dragon and the emperor, just like a little daughter-in-law who is very uneasy when she first meets her in-laws. (To be continued.)

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