Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 336: 2 bachelors

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The news that Guangdong sent people to report the victory to the emperor, and also brought more than 200 real Manchu tartar heads, has spread like wildfire in the city of Kunming. [Place \\| Cross \\| Search \\| Classic \\| Classic \\| Small \\| Say \\| Free \\| Fee \\| Down \\| Load \\| Xiao \\| Say 】

When Zhu Youlang, Emperor Yongli knew the news, there were already many officials and people outside the city who came to hear the news. If it weren't for the special period in Kunming, the gates of entering and leaving the city were strictly checked, I am afraid that more people would come out of the city. .

There were too many people who came to watch, and they were afraid of thousands of people. The Ming army guarding the city was afraid that something might go wrong, so they sent two thousand generals and several troops to maintain order outside the city. Kunming government also sent more than 100 numbers. The yamen came to help, in case something really happened and it was difficult to clean up.

When Li Dingguo, the King of Jin, was a famous king and killed Nikan, the Prince of the Qing Dynasty, Kunming City was far behind, so he did not have much impression of these two great victories. Now, with the emperor's imperial car moving to Kunming, even the market pawns are aware of the great changes that have taken place in the Ming Dynasty in the past ten years. also afraid. They can't help but be afraid, because it is rumored that those Manchu Tartars are beasts that eat people's hearts, and they will slaughter the city wherever they go!

Now the Guangdong side suddenly came to report the great victory, and more than 200 heads of Manchu Tartars were sent to Kunming. The old and young men in Kunming were naturally sensational, and they all wanted to see what the real Manchu Tartar heads looked like. Does it have more eyes or ears than our Han people, or do you like to eat people so much yesterday?

The first to hear the news are the idle people who often wander around the city gate. These guys are very familiar with the gatekeepers on weekdays. Find a familiar soldier and find out what happened outside the city after a little inquiries. Came to the city to see the fun. However, these guys usually behave like heroes in the city, but when they really saw those Tartar heads that were just taken from the wine jar, they vomited half on the spot. The remaining half ran into the city with their mouths covered as if they had seen a ghost, causing the people around them to ridicule and ridicule them.

Many of the onlookers were people who were planning to enter the city, some were visiting relatives, and some were going to the city to buy things. Most of them are carrying vegetables from their own vegetable fields into the city to be sold, and many are carrying firewood. There are also several caravans going to Kunming to run commercial goods from all over the country, and they will not enter the city to watch the fun at this meeting.

Seeing that the Taiping army stopped here, they surrounded many officers and soldiers. The commoners were naturally curious, but just like the idlers, they were horrified when they saw the piles of heads that were piled up like a small Jingguan. Even the butcher panicked when he saw it. After all, with so many heads in front of him, the scene was really scary, and he panicked when he saw it in broad daylight.

Some women have seen such terrifying scenes, some of them fainted on the spot, and many children who were ignorant and forced to squeeze in to watch the fun were frightened and cried a lot. The people of the caravan traveled through mountains and rivers on weekdays and ate as much as they could, but few were frightened. Instead, they pointed at them, as if to say that the real Manchurian Tartars looked like this. Nothing scary.

Those who were dizzy were scared to faint, those who were scared to cry were scared to cry, and those who vomited were vomited. When they found out that these individuals were the Manchu Tartars who had captured the Ming Dynasty, the people naturally burst into cheers.

The people of the same clan share the same hatred and hatred in these people most vividly, even if these people outside Kunming City have not suffered the scourge of the Tartars, they still subconsciously cry out, not for other reasons, but because they are also Han Chinese.

Since ancient times, Han Chinese and foreign Tartars have been at odds with each other. Either you die or I live.

Of course, the crowd of onlookers are not all Han people. Yunnan is located in a remote area, and there are many tribes in the territory. These tribes controlled by the chieftain are very important to the Ming Dynasty. Most of them supported Emperor Yongli. However, there were also a few who contacted Sun Kewang after he invaded Yunnan in an attempt to act as a cooperator, and even a few fancied that he could be the king of Yunnan just like Shadingzhou back then. People from these tribes mixed in the crowd, and when they saw the heads of the Manchu Tartars, they also had different thoughts.

There were also many officials in the crowd. However, most of them were small officials in green robes. I didn't see a big red robe. After hearing the news, they hurried over to see the Manchu Tartars with their own eyes. Most of them are not from Yunnan Province, but from other provinces who came all the way from Zhaoqing with Emperor Yongli, some from Guangdong and Guangxi, some from Jiangxi and Fujian, and even from Northern Zhili, most of them are in their 30s and 40s .

I saw with my own eyes the heads of Manchu Tartars placed in front of my eyes. Many of these low-quality officials actually shed tears. Although they are civil officials, none of them were stunned by these heads, and none of them vomited because of them. They are all staring at the heads of the Tartars. It can be seen from their expressions that behind each of them there is a tragic past that cannot bear to look back.

The more people onlookers, the more excited Liang Shuanghu and his subordinates became, because only in this way could they show the illustrious military exploits of the Taiping Army to the people of Yunnan.

Before his arrival, Zhou Shixiang summoned Liang Shuanghu and Guo Shaoshi, and repeatedly emphasized that this time he not only escorted the heads of these Tartars to Kunming, but more importantly, after arriving in Kunming, he would do everything possible to publicize the prestige of the Taiping Army to officials and people. Let people in Yunnan know that there is a Taiping army in Guangdong that is no worse than the elite soldiers under the King of Jin.

In order to hide his identity and avoid the Qing army's investigation and successfully arrived in Kunming, Liang Shuanghu had no chance to publicize it. Now he finally had the opportunity, he felt sorry for himself without showing off. Several times, he picked up one or two Tartar heads at random, and shook it to the surrounding people and officials, telling them how these Tartars were defeated by them and how they cut off their heads.

Liang Shuanghu tried to show the "martial arts" of the Taiping Army to the people of Yunnan, but Guo Shao was a little anxious. Previously, the general said that he was going to the city to report on their behalf, but after so long, there was no movement in the city, and the light came. What is going on to help watch the fun.

When he came, Song Xianggong told Guo Shao that when he came to Kunming to offer victory this time, the emperor would definitely meet him as a good news envoy and ask about the details of the war in Guangdong. Song Xianggong himself didn't know, so he only needed Guo Shao to cooperate with the court when he got there.

Now that the gate of the city has been waiting for so long, but there is still no movement in the city, Guo Shao is inevitably suspicious, thinking about it.

The Ming army guarding the city outside the city and the officials who came to hear the news also felt strange. The team from Guangdong to report the victory had been here for half an hour. The team to report victory has been waiting outside the city for so long.

What is the imperial court doing, isn't this approach chilling the hearts of the soldiers!

The officials whispered, dissatisfied with the delay in making arrangements for the court officials.

Liang Shuanghu was also impatient, and was about to ask what happened to the Ming army guarding the city, but there was a roar from the crowd: "Come, come, come!..."

what is coming?

Liang Shuanghu looked over to the city gate, and in his sight, he saw two sedan chairs coming out of the city gate. A large group of officials followed behind the sedan chair, and seeing how they were running out of breath, they knew that the journey would definitely not stop.

After the sedan chair fell, two red-robed officials stepped out of the sedan chair, and then walked towards this side one after the other. The Ming army guarding the city saw that both of them were saluting. The former lieutenant, Liang Mingyuan, also came with him.

Seeing this posture, Liang Shuanghu knew that the two must be high officials, so he asked Guo Shao, "Who are they?"

"Don't talk nonsense, the person wearing the red robe must be a high-ranking official, let's just wait." Guo Shao signaled Liang Shuanghu to stop talking nonsense and wait patiently.

The two who came were the cabinet's second assistant Fugang and the great scholar Guo Zhiqi. After the cabinet heard the news, they both rushed over.

He beheaded more than 200 real Manchu tartarians, captured more than 800 Han flag soldiers, more than 3,000 green battalions, and captured thousands of battalions and a dozen Manchu soldiers, and even a Manchu leader led the surrender to the Taiping Army. What's the news? It does not make Fuzuna the second assistant in the cabinet excited.

Guo Zhiqi was even more happy that the Taiping army was able to win two victories over the Qing army near Guangzhou, and also sent the real Manchu tartar head and the captured Manchu army flag to the court. The Grand Master laughed. In terms of awards, Zhou Shixiang, the chief soldier of the Taiping Army, and Lianchengbi, the governor of Guangdong, have merit, and he is even more meritorious. The head of the true Manchurian Eight Banners soldiers.

After Fugang and Guo Zhiqi arrived, the people knew that a high-ranking official was coming~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and automatically separated to both sides. Under the **** of the officers and soldiers, Fugang and Guo Zhiqi came to the Taiping Army convoy.


Fugang didn't say a word to Liang Shuanghu and Guo Shao, and hurriedly ordered several military officials who came with him to re-examine their heads.

Those officials of the Ministry of War were also familiar with this kind of thing. They stepped forward to see so many heads of people. They all took a breath, and then one person picked up the head of a Manchu soldier and examined it. After inspecting one, nodding once, and after a while, 214 heads were verified one by one. After looking at the captured Manchu Eight Banners flags, several military officials excitedly reported to Fugang that it was correct.

In fact, Fu Gang knew that he could not be wrong from the expressions of the military officials when they first tested a few heads, but he still waited patiently until the end. What words can describe the joy and excitement in the heart of this cabinet deputy. If it weren't for the honor of the old man, the people were watching, I'm afraid, the Master Fu Da had already jumped up with cheers.

Guo Zhiqi also had a smile on his face, and the more he saw the people of the Taiping Army, the more pleasing to the eye, especially when he saw Guo Shao dressed as a literati, he was very cordial, and asked him with a smile, "Are you the quick envoy sent by Zhou Shixiang?" continued.)

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