Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 333: Changle County Lord

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"The sky and the earth are mysterious and yellow, the universe is prehistoric. Book http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d The sun and the moon are full of stars, and the stars and the stars are Zhang. Cold Come and go in summer, harvest in autumn and hide in winter. When more than a year old is a leap year, the law adjusts to the sun..."

In the pavilion of the rockery in the manor's mansion, the seven-year-old prince Zhu Cixuan was reading "Thousand Characters" aloud. Whenever he read wrongly, Lei Yuelong, a prince and a scholar, would tap the table with a paper fan. When you see it, you will know that you are wrong, and you should ask the teacher to read it again. After several pauses like this, the voice of the reading never stopped, and Master Lei couldn't stop closing his head.

Under the rockery, stood five or six internal prisoners. The older ones were about forty years old, and the younger ones were only twelve or thirteen years old.

"His Royal Highness is really smart. I can recite a thousand words at the age of six. I didn't know where I was with mud when I was six years old." The 12- or 13-year-old inner supervisor looked at His Highness the Crown Prince in the rockery with envy. He also shook his head twice.

A very handsome young supervisor laughed and joked with the little supervisor: "Your Highness is Longzi Longsun, and your grandson monkey dares to follow His Highness, and you are not afraid of losing your birthday."

The little inner supervisor, who was called Sun Monkey, stuck his tongue out, and then snorted at the young inner supervisor in dissatisfaction, seeing that the other three laughed.

The forty-year-old inner supervisor had been standing for a long time, and his legs were a little numb, so he leaned against the stone wall behind him, and said, "Your Highness is really smart, when Your Highness studied the Three Character Classic with Lei Xueshi, but why did you learn it? If you don't go in, it's better now, you can recite "Thousand Characters" so fluently, we people, none of us are better than His Royal Highness." After speaking, he glanced at the handsome and very young internal supervisor, and smiled at him. Said: "Qi Er, you have to take good care of Your Highness, maybe in the future you can be as big as the prince."

Qi Er subconsciously shook his head and said, "Hey, I don't have the blessing of a prince, and I don't know how many days we can last in the Ming Dynasty..." When he said this, he suddenly felt that he was wrong. Busy and distracted, he turned and said: "By the way, Eunuch Chen, I heard that the Queen Mother brought the Changle County Master with her, is there such a thing?"

Eunuch Chen was the older inner supervisor. He didn't care about Liu Er's gaffes just now, but nodded and said, "That's what happened. The county master took a look at our house from a distance, and he looked very outstanding. He was a little thin. , I'm afraid that the exiles have suffered a lot in the past few years."

Qi Er leaned his body towards Eunuch Chen and said, "I heard from outsiders that this county master was picked up by Guo Da Shi halfway, and I don't know if it is true or not. Is it a joke?"

Hearing this, Eunuch Chen's face turned pale, and he reprimanded Qi Er: "Don't talk nonsense. The Queen Mother personally brought people to check the identity of the county master, and everyone from Fujing said that he was the real county master, so the identity of the county master is There will never be fakes, you must not chew your tongue in the future, be careful that this kind of words get into the ears of the mother and you can't eat them."

Qi Er didn't take it seriously, and answered vaguely with a smile, Eunuch Chen saw him like this. Don't even bother to say anything to him.

Another shorter inner prisoner suddenly interrupted and said, "When I went out to purchase, I heard that the Princess Changle is also called Princess Changle, Eunuch Chen, what's going on?"

Qi Eryi became interested when he heard that there was still this matter, and begged Eunuch Chen to tell them the inside story.

Although Eunuch Chen is stable, he is also a good man. He couldn't beat Qi Er and the others, so he looked around, and when he saw that no one was coming, he lowered his voice and said, "I tell you, this Changle County Master was indeed a princess before, and his father is the one who lived with us in Guangzhou. King Tang who robbed the treasure, so this county master has been a princess for forty days. There is only such a saying outside. "

"Father-in-law said it was Emperor Shao Wu... ah, bah bah bah, is that the Tang Dynasty commoner?" The short inner supervisor suddenly slapped himself. Emperor Shaowu's statement was not something he could say, and it would be fatal to spread it out.

Eunuch Chen glared at him, but did not reprimand him for talking nonsense, but said solemnly: "It can't be called Tang Shuren either, we still have to call Tang King, after all, Long Live Lord did not decree to take that king's rank, besides that another He was martyred for the country, and he is in love with reason, and we, Long Live Lord, can't abolish that one."

"That's true." Qi Er stretched his waist and asked strangely: "But that one doesn't deal with our Lord Long Live, why does the Queen Mother keep this County Lord by her side? I heard that Lord Long live is still going to be re-canonized. She's a princess."

"What do you think, Long Live Master and Niangniang? It's not for us slaves to ask questions. Come on, let's stop this now, and you all pay attention when you are outside. Don't talk to people before and after. Our family If you can tolerate you, others can't, if these words reach the prince's ears, our family wants to intercede for you, and they will not pay attention to our poor family."

"Yes, yes, father-in-law taught yes."

When Qi Er and the others heard what Eunuch Chen said, they all put away their hippie smiles. It seemed that they were all afraid of Wang Kun.

A few people stood for a while, and the little inner guard Sun Monkey suddenly raised his head and said to Eunuch Chen: "Eunuch, the King of Jin personally led troops to fight Sun Kewang, do you think the King of Jin can beat Sun Kewang? I heard people say that Sun Kewang The soldiers and horses under him are the elite of the Daxi thieves, and the king of Jin has more soldiers, and they are even stronger. If the king of Jin can't beat Sun Kewang, what will we do, Long Live Master?"


Eunuch Chen hurriedly gestured to Sun Monkey to keep his voice down, and then whispered to him: "Little Monkey, it's okay for us to talk about the outside world in private, but we must not talk about it in front of outsiders, especially some big Western thieves. , these few words can't be mentioned in this state's mansion, otherwise this word is passed on to King Jin, his old man doesn't care about us, those generals under King Jin's command can spare us, Long Live Lord can spare us we?"

Eunuch Chen added: "Let's serve the Highness honestly, the sky is falling and there is a tall man on his back. You little monkey is not half as tall as ours, what are you worrying about?"

Qi Er and the others all covered their mouths and laughed. At this moment, the voice of Queen Wang came from behind.

"You guys are so brave, you dare to hide here and chew your tongue!"

Eunuch Chen and the others were taken aback, but they didn't expect Queen Wang to come suddenly, so panicked and hurriedly knelt on the ground, kowtowed and begged for forgiveness: "My Lady's forgiveness! The servants deserve to die! You shouldn't be talking about this, please forgive me. !"

Queen Wang snorted: "If you dare to speak nonsense in the future, be careful with your tongues! Get up."

"Thank you madam!"

Eunuch Chen and the others got up in a hurry, only to find that there was a girl next to Queen Wang. This girl looks very delicate, although she doesn't have the beauty of sinking fish and geese, and she doesn't have the color of a country and a city, but she looks very friendly and comfortable, as if this girl is a little sister.

Who is this girl, why does she look so familiar? Could it be the newly received maid from the Queen?

Eunuch Chen didn't dare to stare at the girl, but he felt as if he had seen it somewhere before. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he thought who this girl was. Isn't this the princess of Changle that everyone mentioned just now!

Queen Wang was in a good mood today, and took the Princess of Changle over to watch the prince read. She took the Princess of Changle by the hand, pointed at the rockery and said with a smile, "Shuyi, look, Xuan'er is working very hard today."

Zhu Shuyi pursed her lips and smiled sweetly, and also praised: "His Royal Highness is really smart, he didn't read a single word wrong."

"Xuan'er has really grown up and knows how hard she works."

Empress Wang had a smile on her face, indescribable tenderness.

"Niangniang, Your Highness has been working hard for a while! Don't look at him being a playful person on the surface, but in fact he hides in the study when he is free. Last night, His Highness posted more than a dozen posts in one breath."

Qi Er was the inner servant who served the prince closely. Seeing that Queen Wang seemed to be in a good mood, he quietly patted the ashes from his knees, stood behind the queen, and said flatteringly.

"Really? But you can't work too hard." Queen Wang turned to look at Qi Er, and suddenly asked him, "How many years have you been with the emperor?"

Qi Er was stunned, not knowing what the Queen Mother asked this for, he said, "Hui Niangniang, the slave servant was with Long Live Master in the first year of Yongli, and it has been nine years."

Queen Wang nodded: "Well, it's been a long time. Then do you know about the two emperors Wuzong and Xizong?"


Qi Erda had studied books as a child, and he had read a lot of books over the years. He was also a scholar among the inner prisoners. Otherwise, Emperor Yongli would not have let him be the prince's personal servant. He doesn't know about other things. Can he not know about Liu Jin in Wuzong and Wei Zhongxian in Xizong? Immediately, I was so frightened that I was speechless by what Queen Wang said~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I didn't even dare to look at Queen Wang's piercing eyes, and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, but Queen Wang's eyes were as straight as hawks. Staring at him heartbroken.

The Princess of Changle obviously knew what Queen Wang was referring to. She casually glanced at the prince who was still studying in the rockery pavilion, and then at Qi Er, who was sincere and panicked, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

The Empress taught Qi Er a lesson, and Eunuch Chen naturally did not dare to talk too much and stood there with his head lowered. The three of Sun Xiaomonkey did not dare to move.

"Niangniang Mingjian, since the servants served His Highness, they have never instigated His Highness to indulge in having fun, nor dare to do anything out of the ordinary. They only serve His Highness wholeheartedly and never dare to have any bad thoughts!"

Qi Er felt that he was about to cry, but fortunately, Queen Wang just scare him, so that he could serve the prince with all his heart, so as not to miss the prince's reading.

Empress Wang said with a stern face: "Because of your duty, Ben Gong and the emperor let you serve the prince... Ben Gong let you remember the stories of these two emperors, and also let you be comfortable with yourself, don't want anything Bad thoughts, or it will be your life."

"Yes, yes, what the empress said is very true, the slave has written it down!" Qi Fu raised his sleeves and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: The empress did not have a reason to scare herself.

Queen Wang ignored Qi Er, who was so frightened that her heart skipped a beat, took Changle County Master's hand, and said to her, "The emperor wanted to meet you a few days ago, but he was busy with state affairs and didn't have time, so I will do this. Sister-in-law will take you to see him today, so that he won't keep talking about it."


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(To be continued.)

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