Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 334: Lamb soup is delicious

In the study room of the Duke's Mansion, Emperor Yongli Zhu Youlang was busy reviewing the memorials sent by the cabinet in the morning. [sogou, 360, soso search free download novels] In the past, when I was in Anlong, the memorials sent from various places were first sent to the Guiyang King's Mansion, and then transferred from the King's Mansion to Anlong Xingzai, and the transferred memorials were also Most of them were reviewed by Sun Kewang, and they were only sent to Zhu Youlang, so Zhu Youlang had no real power at all, and was completely a puppet emperor. Even the cabinet and the six ministries of the Anlong Mansion are nominal, and the affairs of the Yongli Dynasty are almost monopolized by the six ministries set up by Sun Kewang of Guiyang.

After Li Dingguo Bao Zhu Youlang arrived in Kunming, the cabinet and the six ministries of the Yongli court did not really play a role, and Zhu Youlang once again exercised his imperial duties.

Li Dingguo, like Dongxun Li Chengdong of that year, was very devout to Emperor Yongli, respected the newly established Yongli court, kept the ministers' festival, and did not interfere with the appointment and removal of court officials.

However, Zhu Youlang did not learn the lessons of the past, and still appointed Ma Jixiang, who had taken refuge with Sun Kewang, as the first assistant. Although Li Dingguo did not say much about this, his subordinates and the upright officials of the foreign dynasties complained a lot. villain.

The arrival of the scholar Guo Zhiqi exposed Ma Jixiang's private detention of the governor's newspaper, but the matter was gently put down by Zhu Youlang, and he only sent someone to reprimand Ma Jixiang, and there was no other punishment.

Li Dingguo, who had personally led the army to face Sun Kewang's former army, was very distressed when he learned of this in the army, but he still told the subordinates who stayed behind in Kunming, saying, "We have already made a break between the emperor and the king today, so we should honor the emperor and the emperor. I will not arbitrarily discuss the will, and it is easy to abide by it.”

However, in order to prevent Ma Jixiang from making another mistake, Li Dingguo specially sent someone back to Kunming, and asked that future memorials from various ministries must be sent to the emperor first, which is the same as the will passed down by Zhu Youlang. But he didn't dare to contradict the emperor and the King of Jin anymore, and he was honestly holding his tail and being a man.

After this matter, the memorials of the six departments and the General Administration Department were sent to Emperor Yongli first.

Zhu Youlang also changed his slack from the past. He had to sum up everything that was sent to him. Today's memorial must be approved today. Never put off until tomorrow. Speaking of the emperor's spirit and seriousness, the foreign court can all be compared with the Chongzhen emperor of the year. This evaluation is good or bad, but it can only make people daydream.

In the morning, the Secretary for Communications and Political Affairs sent over a dozen copies of memorials and pond newspapers, all of which were quickly delivered to Kunming from various places. After Zhu Youlang approved a few copies, he asked the internal supervisor to take it to the cabinet for drafting, and then asked the supervisor of li to approve the red.

The ancestral system was first drafted by the cabinet, and then approved by the supervisor of ceremonies. The emperor officially issued a decree and issued a decree to the ministries to implement it after seeing that there were no problems. Now this system has not changed. It's just that there was an extra emperor's personal approval before the cabinet vote was drawn up.

After Ma Jixiang was reprimanded by Emperor Yongli, Lige also became more careful. Most of the opinions proposed by cabinet ministers were mainly based on the emperor's criticism. To a certain extent, the power of the cabinet was greatly weakened, and the imperial power gradually increased again.

After approving another memorial, Zhu Youlang suddenly said to Wang Kun, who was standing beside him: "Go to the cabinet and see if there is any news about King Jin, and if there is any, send it to me quickly."

Wang Kun knew that the emperor was worried about the war between King Jin and Sun Kewang. He said: "Your Majesty, the memorial for King Jin is coming. The cabinet will definitely send it to the emperor right away." He also persuaded: "The emperor will approve this all morning. It’s time to stop and rest for a while.”

Zhu Youlang shook his head and said, "Where can I rest, and where can I dare to rest. By the way, who is on duty in the cabinet today?"

Wang Kun said, "It's Elder Fuge."

Elder Fu Ge was the great scholar Fu Gang, who was originally the first assistant, but later because the emperor appointed Ma Jixiang, Fu Gang could only retire to the position of second assistant.

Fugang is a mature and stable man, and he does a good job. Zhu Youlang is not worried that he will make a mistake, and instead asks Wang Kun: "Where is Ma Jixiang?"

Wang Kun was taken aback. After thinking for a while, he said, "This old slave heard that Ge Lao went to handle the army rations for the King of Jin."

"The Ministry of Households and the Ministry of War should do things like raising rations. What does he do as an assistant?"

Zhu Youlang was very annoyed, but Ma Jixiang really knew how to do things, but as the chief assistant, he did the little things of preparing military rations. He was really clear about priorities.

Seeing the emperor's anger, Wang Kun hurriedly said: "Elder Ge is also worried, afraid that the people below will miss the important affairs of King Jin. Now King Jin is in my safety and security, and the cost of the army must not be sloppy. There can be no shortage of food and grass."

Wang Kun is obviously saying good things for Ma Jixiang. Ma Jixiang dignifiedly went to prepare military rations with one of the first assistants. Others didn't know what he was thinking. Could Wang Kun not know? It's not that I want to take the opportunity to make a fortune and make a fortune, and it's hard to reach out for this first assistant in person. I have been very aggrieved in Anlong these years. After finally getting a chance to reach out, the first assistant is shameless.

Zhu Youlang was coaxed by Wang Kun, turned his anger into a laugh, and said, "That's true, King Jin's side really needs sufficient supplies, and you must not let the people below make a mistake. Well, after Ma Jixiang was reprimanded by me, he knew it. No matter what the point is, it's not in vain that I believe so much more than him." After saying that, he ignored Wang Kun and sat there on his own, and then reviewed the rest of the memorial.

After approving a few copies like this, Zhu Youlang suddenly felt a little tired, so he asked Wang Kun to read Zashu and Tang Bao to him, and then he gave instructions, and Wang Kun wrote it.

Wang Kun studied in the Neishutang when he was in the Forbidden City in his early years. Thanks to the teaching of the Neishutang, his handwriting is good and neat. In addition, he was originally the **** in charge of the printing of the li, and he received a lot of reds. Therefore, there is no mistake in writing. Zhu Youlang was also very at ease watching from the side.

After Wang Kun drafted three copies of the memorial, Zhu Youlang felt that his spirit had recovered a little, so he waved his hand to signal Wang Kun to retire, and continued to draw up the draft by himself.

Wang Kun hurriedly took a few steps back respectfully, and then stood where he had just stood, breathing vigorously, not daring to make a move.

After one more copy was approved, Zhu Youlang saw that there were still too many memorials and pond newspapers on the table, and he could not finish the approval for a while, so he put down his pen and got up to move his muscles and bones. After sitting for a long time, he also had some backache.

Wang Kun came up here and was about to ask the emperor if he needed something to eat. There was an internal supervisor outside the house and said, "Long live sir, the empress and the princess of Changle are here."

"The queen and the county master are here?" Zhu Youlang immediately showed a smile and instructed the inner supervisor, "Let them in."

After a while, Queen Wang and Changle County Master Zhu Shuyi both came to the study.

"The concubine has seen the emperor!"

Queen Wang bowed and was about to salute, Zhu Youlang hurriedly stepped forward to support her, pretending to be unhappy: "How many times have I told you, don't salute when you see me."

Queen Wang smiled, but still insisted on salute. Zhu Youlang had no choice but to let her go.

"My sister has seen the emperor!"

The master of Changle County also stepped forward to salute Zhu Youlang. Her father was Emperor Shaowu Zhu Yuyi, and her great-grandfather was Zhu Xiao, the twenty-third son of Emperor Taizu. According to their seniority, Emperor Shaowu Zhu Yuyi and Longwu Emperor Zhu Yujian were both uncles of Yongli Emperor Zhu Youlang, so Zhu Shuyi was the cousin of Yongli Emperor, so she called herself a minister.

"The county master, hurry up and free the gift."

Zhu Youlang looked at this cousin. Thinking of her uncle and father, she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, and she felt a lot of emotion. She stepped forward to lead the county master and asked her with a smile, "Have you been used to living these days?"

"My sister-in-law is used to it."

Although brother. But Zhu Youlang, Emperor Yongli, was nearly 20 years older than Zhu Shuyi. In addition, he was tired of running around all these years and looked old. Therefore, in Zhu Shuyi's eyes, his cousin Zhu Youlang was like a father.

Wang Kun stepped forward to greet Queen Wang and the Lord of Changle County, and then went to bring two brocade stools.

"It's good to get used to it, I'm afraid you won't be used to it. Come, sit down and talk." Zhu Youlang motioned for the Queen and the Princess of Changle to sit down and talk.

"I heard Guo Xueshi say that you escaped from Guangzhou with King Tang, why did you get separated from him later?"

The Tang King Zhu Youlang said was definitely not Zhu Yuyi, the father of the Changle County Master. It was her other uncle, now Zhu Yue of Wenchun.

"The younger sister was only seven years old at the time. She was carried by the nurse and escaped from Guangzhou with her uncle, but was caught up by the Qing army on the way. During the chaos of the army, the nurse carried the younger sister and the uncle and went missing. As a last resort, the nurse took the younger sister back to her house My hometown is Luodingzhou. My sister lived there for a few years, and my nurse unfortunately died of an illness. Later, I heard that my uncle was in Taishan and wanted to find him, but on the way, they encountered bandits and told them to take them into the stockade.”

Thinking of the death of the nursing mother who loved me the most. Zhu Shuyi's eyes were red, she forcibly restrained the sadness in her heart, and continued:

"Those bandits didn't speak when they saw that the younger sister was young. Only the younger sister was dumb, so they asked the younger sister to cook and wash for them. The younger sister lived in that stockade for six years, and later the bandits heard about a scholar. If you go down the mountain to fight the Qing army in Luodingzhou City, after that scholar took the bandits down the mountain, the women who were captured by the bandits all went down the mountain and ran home, and the minister and sister did not dare to stay there alone, so they also went down the mountain. After going down the mountain, minister My sister was homeless, so she wanted to go to Taishan alone to find her uncle, but she didn’t know where her uncle was until she met Master Guo on the way.”

"If it weren't for Shuyi, Mr. Guo would not be able to pass the Qing army's checkpoint, and would even be arrested by the Qing army. Whenever he talks about this, Mr. Guo is full of praise for Shuyi, and regards Shuyi as a savior. "The Queen interjected.

Queen Wang naturally told Zhu Youlang about these things, thinking that the county master had suffered so much at a young age, Zhu Youlang couldn't help but sighed and said to the county master of Changle: "The county master has suffered a lot these years. , I feel sad when I hear it, sigh, my Zhu family disciples are really suffering." After speaking, for some reason, he suddenly remembered the two flesh and blood he lost in Zhaoqing, and his eyes turned red.

Seeing her husband like this~www.wuxiamtl.com~, Queen Wang knew that he was missing his flesh and blood, and was afraid that he would be too sentimental, so she hurriedly said to Wang Kun, "Go ask someone to bring some snacks, the emperor must be hungry by now."

"Yes, ma'am."

Wang Kun hurriedly went out and ordered the maid to bring snacks.

When the dim sum was delivered, Zhu Youlang had stopped feeling sad, picked up a piece of dim sum and handed it to his cousin, and said softly, "After you became the king of my Daming domain, you have never enjoyed any glory and wealth since you were a child. Instead, you were with us. These adults suffer the same way. I am really sad and heartbroken. Come, have a snack, this is made by a famous restaurant in Kunming City. It is delicious. I like it very much. You can try it. , I will ask them to send some more."

Changle County Master took the snack, suddenly lost his mind, and said in a low voice, "My sister knows that the mutton soup is delicious."

mutton soup?

Zhu Youlang and Queen Wang were stunned for a moment, just as they were about to ask questions, they suddenly ran over to a figure who didn't want to go outside, without looking at the road in a hurry, they knelt in front of Zhu Youlang with a "thump", excited. He shouted: "Your Majesty, Lu Bu is successful, Lu Bu is successful, Lu Bu is successful!" (To be continued.)

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