Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 332: Lu Bu wins (below)

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The named Chaozhou general was sent to report victory to the emperor?

Liang Mingyuan was stunned at first, and then burst into laughter. A registered general of Chaozhou also dared to send someone to report the victory. This really made people laugh out loud. Please search (pin@book¥) to see the most complete! fastest updated novel

Liang Mingyuan's subordinates also burst into laughter, what kind of thing is the registered general soldier, can they not know? A small county can live in several named generals, how dare such a person dare to report victory to the emperor? Damn it, he's not afraid of flashing his waist.

The Taiping troops were confused by the laughter of Liang Mingyuan and his subordinates, and they didn't know why they laughed.

Liang Shuanghu, a native of Jiangxi Province, was the leader of the Taiping army to report the victory, and Guo Shao, the ambassador of Liangzi Township, was the ambassador of the salt patrol office.

Liang Shuanghu had never done this kind of thing before, and he didn't know how to deal with people in Kunming, let alone how to repay this victory, so he listened to what Guo Shao said and did all the way, and the Lubu he just made was also Guo Shao's The idea is to say that the victory of Lu Bu can let the people of Kunming and officials in the court know the prestige of the Taiping Army, and the emperor will pay special attention to it.

Liang Shuanghu was also illiterate and did not know what Guo Shao wrote on the square silk cloth. Before he came, he had asked his old secretary Shao Jiugong for instructions on what to do in Kunming. , according to Guo Shao's intention. It is said that Guo Shao is a scholar. We have a lot of ink in our stomachs, and we know a lot of things. Since the commander made him a good ambassador, let us listen to him. We must not make up our own minds, otherwise in Kunming Making a joke not only loses the face of our Taiping Army, but also loses the face of our Jiangxi people.

Liang Shuanghu is a sincere person, and he is also a stubborn person. He listens to what Shao Jiugong says, so he doesn't make up his own mind about anything along the way. He only listens to Guo Shao's orders, and even shouts from Mr. Guo, and really praises Guo Shao. sky.

According to Guo Shao's intention, Lu Bu was lifted up, but the people of Kunming City laughed at them. Liang Shuanghu felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't directly ask what people were laughing at, so he asked Guo Shao in a low voice: "Master Guo, what are they laughing at?"

Guo Shao coughed lightly, he was also very confused by this question. Before the Taiping Army came down, he was only an ambassador of the Eighth Grade Salt Inspection Office, and he had not seen much of the world that Liang Shuanghu had seen. This is the idea that he has come up with, and how to operate it. Actually he doesn't know. Now that Lu Bu has typed it out and reported his name, people laughed, making him think he had made a mistake.

Guo Shao was embarrassed to tell Liang Shuanghu that he might have made a mistake with Lu Bu, so he bit his head and handed over to Liang Ming and said, "This general, I have come all the way from Guangdong to report victory to the emperor, but I don't know when the general will be. Let me wait until I enter the city to face the Holy Spirit?"

"Entering the city to face the holy?"

Liang Mingyuan stopped his laughter and secretly thought that these guys are really thick-skinned.

He looked down at Guo Shao and didn't answer. Instead, he asked with a smile, "Who's the surname of your general soldier?"

Guo Shao was about to speak, but Liang Shuanghu shouted first, "My chief soldier's surname is Zhou Mingshixiang."

"Zhou Shixiang?"

Liang Mingyuan seemed to think that he had heard this name before, but he couldn't remember it for a while. Thinking that the other party was a registered Chaozhou general, he asked, "So, you are from Guangdong?"

Guo Shaosheng was afraid that Liang Shuanghu would rush to talk again, so he hurriedly said: "Exactly. I waited for a month ago from Xiangshan in Guangdong to go to Guangxi and land in Guangxi. It took more than a month to arrive in Kunming." After speaking, remembering something, he quickly said: "Oh, yes, I didn't know Nanning had fallen into the hands of the Qing army when I arrived. I even fought a battle with them."

"Have you fought against the Qing army in Guangxi?"

Liang Mingyuan couldn't help but once again looked at the more than 100 strong men of the Taiping Army, nodded, and praised: "You are indeed able to escape."


Guo Shao was startled, but just as he was about to say that they didn't escape, Liang Shuanghu shouted proudly: "This general, we didn't escape. We beat the Qing army away. came here."

"You more than 100 people beat the Qing army away?"

Most of the Qing troops in Guangxi were the Han army flag soldiers under Kong Youde. Liang Mingyuan had fought against them in the past. He knew that these people were very difficult to deal with. . Therefore, he did not believe at all that the Taiping army, which had only a hundred or so men, could beat and drive away the Qing army they encountered on the road, and then calmly came from Guangxi to Kunming.

Liang Mingyuan's subordinates also sneered on their faces. This time Liang Shuanghu and the Taiping army all understood it. It turned out that they didn't believe them at all.

Liang Shuanghu blushed and shouted, "This general, I, Liang Shuanghu, never talk big. Our brothers did drive away those Qing demons. If you don't believe me, just ask our brothers one by one."

These remarks made the soldiers on the opposite side laugh again, how could there be such a reason for verification in the world.

Liang Mingyuan smiled and shook his head. Knowing that Liang Shuanghu was a rough man, he did not continue to ridicule the other party, but asked Guo Shao: "What kind of success did your general Zhou send you to report to the imperial court?"

When it came to business, Guo Shao quickly said: "My Taiping army fought against the Qing army twice in Guangzhou, and captured 218 heads of Manchu true Tartars, and also beheaded 856 Han army flag soldiers under Shang Kexi and Geng Jimao. There are more than 3,230 soldiers in the Green Battalion, and another 3,150 Qing soldiers have been captured. There are also 14 Manchu soldiers who surrendered to our Taiping Army, and they have a leader. Therefore, the chief soldier of my family specially ordered us to come to Kunming to report victory to the emperor!"

After Guo Shao finished speaking, Liang Shuanghu snorted and pointed to the carriageways behind him: "These cars are loaded with military flags seized from the Tartars, and the other are the real Tartar heads cut off. Bring it here and ask the court to verify it, if you don’t believe it, test it on the spot and see if what we say is true or false!”

As soon as the voices of the two fell, the soldiers under Liang Mingyuan's subordinates were buzzing.

"A real Tartar head? Is the car really a real Tartar head?"

"Bragging, how could the real Tartar surrender to our Ming army?"

"This group of people said that they have even handed over the flags of the eight flags. It seems that they are real. Otherwise, if something is true and false, if they really want to brag, they won't come out with some fake things, right?"


The soldiers were talking, and everyone's eyes fell on the carriages and mules behind Liang Shuanghu.

"Check, let's see if what they say is true or false, if it is false, the brothers can't beat them to death!" A soldier called out.

Someone from the Taiping Army fought back, shouting, "It can't be true. It can't be true. It's all here. We're not afraid of you coming to test it!"

"If it's false, just wait!"

"If it's true, do you want us to be beaten too!"

"Hey, if it's true, what if I let you guys beat me up!"


The people below were arguing. Liang Shuanghu's heart was also on fire, and he was sulking because the other party looked down on him. Therefore, Liang Mingyuan was ignored.

Seeing that this was not the case, Guo Shao hurriedly said to Liang Ming, "This general, do you want to check it out?"


The smile on Liang Mingyuan's face had long since disappeared. He turned over and jumped off his horse and walked to the side of the carriages. Two quick-handed subordinates took the lead to lift the sackcloth and hay covered by the carriage.


Everyone looked into the car, and the surface was covered with a layer of lime.

Is it really the head of the Tartar under the lime?

Liang Mingyuan and others all took a breath. Anyone can get the heads of the Green Camp and the Han Army, but the heads of the real Manchu Tartars are not so easy to get. In the battle of Hengbao that year, the King of Jin beheaded Nikan, the Prince of the Qing Dynasty. But in the end, there were only more than 1,000 real Manchu tartar heads. Now, a small named general soldier has also captured more than 200 real Manchu tartar heads. This is a remarkable thing.

Seeing Liang Mingyuan and the others standing beside the carriage and didn't move, Liang Shuanghu thought they were frightened, so he said to the side: "It's hot, and the head of the tartar can't survive, and I'm afraid it will rot. The noodles, but they are not buried in this way. Tartar's head is soaked in wine and placed at the bottom. Lu I once opened a jar and looked at it, and it was not rotten at all!"

After hearing this, one of Liang Mingyuan's subordinates reached out and grabbed a handful of limes. Sure enough, there were many large salt particles in the limes.

Liang Mingyuan snorted slightly and instructed his subordinates: "Pick up the jar!"

"Yes. General!"

At the moment, a few soldiers stretched out their hands to scratch in the carriage, and after a while they touched a few jars. One of the soldiers carefully took out one of its jars, not only sealed it with kraft paper, but also smeared a layer of mud.

As soon as the cover was cut open, a smell of wine came to me.

The soldier took a sniff. The aroma of the wine is very strong, but when I took another sip, I found that the taste of the wine was a bit strange.

The opening of the wine jar is huge, and the size can really fit a head in it. He probed into the jar and saw that there was a head soaked in the clear wine. He couldn't see the person's appearance from the side. He could only see that the forehead of the head was extremely smooth, and the back of the head was indeed a pigtail of money. .

"General?" The soldier looked at Liang Mingyuan and asked what to do next.

"Smash it!"

The soldier heard the words and hurriedly lifted the wine jar, and then the jar was smashed to the ground. The wine jar shattered with a bang, and the wine inside flowed to the ground, and a human head rolled along the wine and fell under his feet.

"Pick it up and test it!"

Liang Mingyuan stared at the head without moving his eyes.

That soldier is also a veteran. He has tested the head of a real Tartar. He bent down and picked up the wrinkled head that was soaked in wine. He was not afraid or taboo at all. Showing his mouth full of yellow teeth.

After looking at it carefully, the soldier turned his head and shouted, "General~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is a real Tartar!"

"Show me!"

Before Liang Mingyuan was a little excited, he raised the braid on the back of the head, raised it high, and checked it carefully to confirm that it was indeed the head of a real Manchurian Tartar.

Guo Shao said happily, "Is there anything wrong with this general's head?"

"Check again!"

Liang Mingyuan ignored Guo Shao and ordered his subordinates to re-examine the head. At this time, not a few people came to test. Dozens of soldiers came to pick up the lime from the trucks and took out the wine jar, but listening to the smashing sound of the wine jar, the heads of the real tartars were smashed by the body. The soldiers took them out and examined them carefully.

"Yes, this is the head of a real Tartar!"

"Me too!"

"There are several altars here too!"


With the cries of the soldiers, the heads of the real Manchu Tartars were raised and piled together, and the number was indeed the 214 claimed by the Taiping Army.

Suddenly, a soldier raised his head and cried out: "What's wrong with this Tartar head?"

The surrounding soldiers thought they had finally discovered the head of a fake Tartar, and they all surrounded it. Liang Mingyuan also walked over to check it out for himself. But the head is indeed a real Tartar head, but for some reason, this head has been stitched with needles and threads from the bottom to the bottom, and the crack from the bottom is as hideous as a centipede. After taking a closer look at this head, I feel that the weight is very light, as if the inside of this head is empty.

Liang Mingyuan's subordinates came over and whispered: "General, the number of heads is correct, and those flags are indeed the flags full of eight flags, you can't go wrong!"

Liang Mingyuan let out a sigh of relief and glanced at Liang Shuanghu, who was already smug: "You guys just wait here, I'll go into the city and report it to you personally!" (To be continued.)

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