Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 331: Lu Bu wins (Part 1)

During the Ming Dynasty, Yunnan was always regarded as a remote place. The so-called sky was high and the emperor was far away. The people of Yunnan were far less impressed with the emperor than the Duke of Qian in Yunnan, and they did not feel deeply about the shocking changes in the north. Everything was far away from them. Only after Emperor Yongli moved to Kunming, did Yunnan know that the capital of the Ming Dynasty had been occupied by the Manchu Tartars, and the emperor of the Ming Dynasty was also driven to Yunnan by the Manchus. |Classic|Classic|Small|Said |.|(#…)!

Now, the people of Kunming City are proud of the arrival of the Son of Heaven. The most frequently heard words in teahouses, restaurants and on the streets are "under the feet of the Son of Heaven". However, after only a few months of liveliness in the city of Kunming, the situation suddenly became tense. Due to Sun Kewang's exile in Yunnan, the city of Kunming was in a state of semi-martial law, and there were Ming troops who came in and out of each gate, lest Sun Kewang's spies would sneak into the city and cause chaos. The city does not regularly check the residents living in the market, and there are even rumors that the emperor is about to leave Kunming again, because the army of King Qin and Sun Kewang is about to kill. This rumor made people in Kunming panic, and it is no longer as lively as when the emperor came.

This morning, a strange team came from outside Kunming North City. The team brought more than a dozen horse-drawn carts and mule carts, which looked no different from ordinary caravans. But upon closer inspection, this team exudes a different flavor from that of a caravan—ordinary caravans usually have dozens of people, but this team has hundreds of people, and all of them are strong men. He also had a knife on his waist. The leading group exudes murderous aura all over their bodies, making people dare to look at it from a distance but not close-up.

Yunnan is now in a special period. In order to strengthen the defense capability of Kunming City, King Li Dingguo of Jin specially dispatched his elite soldiers and horses to garrison each city gate. Lieutenant General Liang Mingyuan.

Liang Mingyuan was born in the Great Western Army. In his early years, he followed Zhang Xianzhong to create a rebellion against the Ming Dynasty. After the Great Western Army allied with the Ming Dynasty to resist the Qing Dynasty, Liang Mingyuan became an official of the Ming Dynasty. However, the change of identity did not make Liang Mingyuan uncomfortable. He participated in the two battles of the King of Jin and the two famous kings, and the gains were not small. Accumulated merit is promoted to lieutenant general, and it is only one step away from sitting on one side. If it wasn't for being named by the King of Jin to stay in Kunming this time, Liang Mingyuan would have already led his troops to face Sun Kewang's front army, and he had to be promoted to the commander-in-chief.

When the soldiers guarding the gate found a strange team coming from outside the city, Liang Mingyuan was watching his elephant soldiers train the few war elephants obtained from the chieftain. After hearing the news, he immediately brought people to the city gate.

The strange team did not enter the city immediately, but stopped two miles outside the city. Liang Mingyuan looked at the city gate from a distance, and saw what the leader of the other party ordered. Afterwards, the sturdy men took off the bunt shirts they were wearing one by one, and pulled out new clothes from the carriage and put them on.

Liang Mingyuan could see clearly that those sturdy men were wearing Ming army clothes, which made him feel a little relieved.

Some soldiers shouted: "General, they have set up the flag!"

Liang Mingyuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked intently, and the other party really put out a banner with three big Chinese characters - "Taiping Army".

Taiping Army? Which soldier is this?

Liang Mingyuan was surprised. After searching in his mind for a long time, there was no information about the Taiping Army.

The Taiping army outside the city knew the rules very well. I know that Kunming is now the place where the emperor is stationed, so foreign soldiers cannot enter the city casually. As a rule, they have to wait outside the city gate to be brought in by soldiers and horses from the city. It's a horse, otherwise, it doesn't matter which way you are under the commander-in-chief. You have to honestly accept the cross-examination when you get to the gate of the city, otherwise, you will be a traitor - can you, a soldier, enter this place casually?

However, it seems that the Taiping army outside the city did not really understand the rules. They did not send people to contact the city gate guards, but stayed there after raising the flag. This doesn't make sense. You don't explain why you came to Kunming City, is it just to stay outside the city for so long?

Liang Mingyuan is responsible for defending the city, so he is naturally a little wary of the Taiping army of unknown origin. Seeing that the other party has not sent someone to contact him, he will send someone to question the details and origin of this Taiping army. At this time, the soldiers around him were startled again. He exclaimed: "Lubu! General. They're playing Lubu!"

Lub? !

Liang Mingyuan was startled again, and sure enough, the Taiping Army really typed Lubu, which had a written note and was used to report victory.

After being shocked, Liang Mingyuan was furious. An unheard of soldiers and horses also learned from His Royal Highness King Jin that two famous kings beat Lubu to report victory. He is so shameless!

Could it be that your Taiping army also cut down two princes of Tartars!

This is impossible!

Looking around the world, apart from our Daxi Army, there is no other Ming army that can beat the Manchu Tartars! If they can really beat the Tartars, why would they draw our Daxi Army to work for them!

"Come with me, I want to see how sacred the Taiping Army is, and dare to show victory in front of our men!"

Liang Mingyuan angrily led people down the city gate and went out of the city. A group of main soldiers also rushed out of the city angrily. They were all elites who participated in the battle of Guilin and Hengyang in those years. How could they bear outsiders to report victory in front of them.

The soldiers do have the capital of anger and the qualifications to be proud. Their pride is built with their blood. Even if these soldiers lost two consecutive battles in Guangdong, they never thought that they could not defeat the Qing soldiers in Guangdong~www.wuxiamtl.com~ They thought they just lost to the disease and the strong city, otherwise why would they When retreating, the Qing troops in Guangdong did not dare to go out of the city to pursue them.

Soldiers have the pride of being a soldier, and now some people are openly showing their victory in front of the soldiers, and these soldiers are of course not angry. If it’s true, it’s okay to say, if it’s false, this group of soldiers can beat the Taiping Army to the ground on the spot and let them know what they can do and what they can’t do!

Liang Mingyuan angrily led his subordinates to the team of the Taiping Army to report the victory, while staring at the dozen or so carriages.

Look at the carriage, there is a doorway, you can't see what's on it, you have to look at the wheel marks. As long as the impression is deep, the things in the car must be heavy. Obviously, there was not much cargo in the Taiping army's carriage, because the wheel marks were not deep.

Liang Mingyuan didn't think much about what was in the carriage. He noticed that the people of the Taiping Army really looked like that, but they only seemed to be able to fight. This alone would convince Liang Mingyuan that the Taiping Army had made a victory. Qualification is still far from enough. He rode his horse to the front of the Taiping army and shouted: "Which way are you soldiers and horses, why are you coming to Kunming, and why are you holding up Lubu?"

"Returning to the general's words, I am here to report victory to the imperial court and the Son of Heaven under the order of the Chaozhou General Army!" (To be continued.)

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