Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 224: Daughter of a false emperor

"A good thing?" Zhu Youlang was refreshed and hurriedly asked, "What is a good thing?"

"Xinhui City was recaptured by me!" Guo Zhiqi looked excited when he said this. 【Sogou,360,soso Search Classics|Classics|Fiction Free Download Novels】

"Oh, is the Xinhui you're talking about the Xinhui that the King of Jin was besieging the city for for several months the year before?" Zhu Youlang's eyes lit up a little.

Guo Zhiqi nodded heavily: "That's Xinhui City!"

"I heard that Xinhui City was built so solidly by the Qing army. The previous year, the King of Jin tried all his means to capture it, but in the end he had no choice but to withdraw his troops, but I don't know how you got it back? Guo Qing, tell me quickly, really want to know!"

Yongli was impatient to know how Guo Zhiqi and the others recaptured Xinhui City, which even King Li Dingguo of Jin could not conquer.

Guo Zhiqi shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, Xinhui City was not taken back by the ministers and the Governor Lian, but by the Taiping Army from the Qing army."

"Taiping Army?"

Yongli was stunned for a moment. He didn't know which army this Taiping army belonged to. He immediately relieved himself. Guo Zhiqi has been recruiting volunteers to fight against the Qing Dynasty in Guangdong for several years.

"How the Taiping Army captured Xinhui from the Qing army, Guo Qing will tell me in detail."

Seeing that the emperor was so anxious to know what happened, Guo Zhiqi immediately took the Taiping army to Xinhui City, and held it there for several months, and finally defeated the army under the command of Shangzhixin, the prince of the south of Qingping, in detail.

In the process of narration, Guo Zhiqi did not hide the merits of Zhou Shixiang, the leader of the Taiping Army, and finally told Emperor Yongli about Zhou Shixiang's defense of the city and the resignation of the city. Emperor Yongli was very pleased to learn that General Linghai Chen Qice also led his troops to participate in the Xinhui campaign, and now he is guarding Xinhui together with Zhenguo General Zhu Tong and others. Since the King of Jin Li Dingguo became king, this was the first time that the Ming army had regained lost ground and successfully defended it. He couldn't help but feel happy and gratified.

Guo Zhiqi also elaborated on the current situation of the Ming army in various parts of Guangdong, and reported the efforts made by him and the governor of Guangdong, Lianchengbi, to Emperor Yongli in the past few years.

Zhu Youlang couldn't help nodding, praising Guo Zhiqi and Lianchengbi for their hard work from time to time.

"Although our army was defeated in the battle of Sanjiangkou, it also contained the two vassals in Guangdong. As long as the Xinhui was in my hands, the Qing army in Guangdong could not go west with all its strength. In this way, the southwest could be protected from the threat of the Qing army in Guangdong. After I learned that King Jin escorted the emperor to move to Kunming, he was always worried about the safety of the holy car. After discussing with the Governor Lian, I went to Kunming to report the details of Guangdong to the emperor, and also wanted to invite King Jin to send troops eastward again. , to recover Guangdong and Guangxi in one fell swoop!"


Zhu Youlang was a little lost. When he and King Li Dingguo of Jin decided to go east or go to Sichuan, they didn't know that Xinhui City had been recaptured by the Ming army. If they knew, they would definitely give up going to Sichuan and go east instead. Even if Sun Kewang's army came, and even if the King of Jin needed to lead his troops on an expedition, he would definitely support him.

The Xinhui has a very important relationship. King Li Dingguo of Jin mentioned in front of Zhu Youlang the matter of drinking hatred in Xinhui several times. All Daming. The situation in Guangxi will not collapse, so with the territory of Guangdong and Guangxi, and there is a buffer in Yunnan, Sun may be able to succeed for a while, but not for the rest of his life. At a critical time, it is possible to let the holy car move to Guangzhou, with the Guangdong and Guangxi sites in hand, and with Fujian and Zhejiang echoing, Sun Kewang is not a worry, and the ZTE Northern Expedition is also promising!

Too bad the news came too late. Just two or three months late!

Zhu Youlang was very annoyed, but he couldn't sweep Guo Zhiqi's heart, so he changed the subject and said: "Listen to Guo Qing, that Zhou Xiucai is really a strange person. He is both literary and martial, I wish I could go to Guangdong to see one now. See this amazing talent!"

Guo Zhiqi didn't notice the annoyance in Emperor Yongli's heart, and said with a smile: "After Zhou Shixiang handed over Xinhui City to Linghai General Chen Qice, he led his troops to Xiangshan County. Before the minister came, even the Governor gave him the name Chaozhou General Manager. Soldier's post."

When he heard that Lianchengbi only gave Qi Xiucai a named Chaozhou general soldier, Zhu Youlang was not happy. Complained: "With such a great achievement, even the city walls are so petty, why do you need to record your name, it is a real award, and he is not afraid of the cold."

Guo Zhiqi reminded him: "Your Majesty, it is not something that can be determined by the superintendent. The reason why even the Lord only grants him a name is for the majesty of the court."

After being reminded by Guo Zhiqi, Zhu Youlang remembered that he really had to be the emperor to issue the decree, otherwise everyone in the local governors could actually teach the general soldier, and what would he do as an emperor.

"Look at how happy I am, but I forgot about it. I will ask the cabinet early in the morning to draw up a decree for the Ministry of War to send someone to Xiangshan. Zhou Shixiang has led the Taiping army to Xiangshan in Guangzhou, so let him be the general soldier in Guangzhou. Now, um, it must be taught practically, to show that I have high hopes for the soldiers of meritorious service."

"Emperor Shengming!"

Guo Zhiqi's mind was instantly relieved after hearing this. At the moment of national disaster, the court should give generous rewards to those who have meritorious deeds. Just as he was about to open his mouth to ask about the situation in Guizhou, he saw Wang Kun hurried in with a bitter look on his face.

"Long live lord, the report from Guangdong has been found."

"Bring it to me."

Yongli stretched out his hand to take the report of Liancheng Wall from Wang Kun's hand. The fruit written on it was exactly the same as what Guo Zhiqi said. Zhu Youlang was completely relieved at first, but he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, slapped the table and said angrily: "Ma Jixiang What's the matter, how dare he suppress the local governor's report and not report it!"

Wang Kun was a little frightened and said: "Xu is the holy car just moved to Kunming, the cabinet is newly built, there are so many things, forget about it."

It was fine for Wang Kun not to speak, but Zhu Youlang was even more angry when he said this, and shouted, "Shut up, I know that you and Ma Jixiang have a close relationship, but you can justify him for such a big thing!"

"Old slave dare not!" Wang Kun was so frightened that he knelt on the ground.

Zhu Youlang's anger did not subside, "From tomorrow onwards, all the reports sent by the Secretary of General Affairs and Communications must be sent to me for review and then submitted to the cabinet for drafting. If Ma Jixiang asks, he will say that he said it. If you object, ask him to come and see me!" After speaking, he glared at Wang Kun again: "You are my person, not his Ma Jixiang's person!"

Wang Kun was so frightened that he almost fainted, lying there and didn't dare to move.

Guo Zhiqi moved and said: "God feels the emperor's diligent and diligent heart, and he will definitely feel it. Protect the emperor as the king of ZTE and restore the ancestral country." But he sighed secretly, and the emperor really trusted Ma Jixiang too much. Detaining the local governor's newspaper, such a serious crime, was gently put down without taking any action~www.wuxiamtl.com~ How do you feel about courtier Zuo?

Guo Zhiqi wanted to play Ma Jixiang a copy of this matter, but he could consider that he would impeach Shoufu in front of the emperor as soon as he arrived in Kunming. I was afraid that it would be inappropriate, so he dismissed the idea and prepared to talk to him about the matter when he saw King Li Dingguo tomorrow. Wang was able to persuade the emperor to dispose of Ma Jixiang.

As for the princess, Guo Zhiqi was also hesitant and did not know if it was appropriate to tell Emperor Yongli. After all, this princess was not only the niece of Emperor Longwu who died for the country, but also the daughter of Emperor Zhu Yujian of Tang who competed with Emperor Yongli for the throne. , The identity is really sensitive, and it is involved in the dispute between the emperors. If it is not handled properly, I am afraid it will bring great trouble to the Yongli Emperor. Therefore, he did not dare to speak easily, and stood there looking very embarrassed.

Seeing him like this, Zhu Youlang knew that he had something to do, so he said, "What else does Guo Qing have to do? But it doesn't matter."

Guo Zhiqi hesitated for a while, but finally said: "This time I came to Kunming, and on the way to Kunming, I was rescued by a woman. According to the woman herself, she was Zhu Shuyi, the daughter of the pseudo-Shao Emperor Zhu Yujia, the princess of Changle."


Author's Note: The names of princesses in the Ming Dynasty did not follow the naming convention established by Taizu. (To be continued.)

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