Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 325: true or false

"Daughter of King Tang?"

When Zhu Youlang heard the name of the pseudo-Shao Wu emperor Zhu Yujia, he did not yell at Zhu Yujiao as emotionally as Guo Zhiqi thought, but still called Zhu Yujia the name of the vassal king before he became emperor, and asked him strangely: "When the city of Guangzhou was destroyed, Didn't King Tang's whole family ask Li Chengdong to catch him, why did another daughter run away, are you sure that the woman is King Tang's daughter, Duke Changle... Princess Changle?"


Guo Zhiqi couldn't figure out whether Emperor Yongli really cared about the truth of the Tang King's daughter, or whether he was speaking ironically in anger. He intuitively realized that the emperor in front of him had changed a lot over the years. However, in front of the officials, he scolded Zhu Yujia for being a rodent who stole the treasure, and could not wait to tie him up and kill him on the spot. [100\\|degree\\|search\\|journal\\|classic\\|small\\|say\\|more \\|new\\|fastest \\| They didn't dare to mention Shaowu before the Emperor Yongli, and even Shaowu's era name was a taboo. Guo Zhiqi just used the fake Shaowu Emperor to call Tang King Zhu Yuji, and also called his daughter a princess.

Seeing Guo Zhiqi looking at him nervously, Zhu Youlang knew what he was thinking, sighed softly, and whispered: "Although the king of Tang fought for the throne with me back then, he sacrificed his life for the country, which is the integrity of my Zhu family's children. , what do you think I am angry with a dead king? Since Tang Wang is my uncle, how can I really hate him for the rest of his life for his passing?"

After speaking, he sighed again: "It's a pity that the city of Guangzhou was destroyed, and 24 vassal kings of my clan were killed by the Qing army, which made the clan talent wither, and there was no great talent to assist me, otherwise, why would I be asked to deal with this crisis alone ."

Guo Zhiqi didn't know how to answer this question. When Li Chengdong entered the city of Guangzhou, 24 Ming Dynasty vassals in the city and Shaowu Emperor Zhu Yuji were martyred together. Although the close relatives and vassals were left empty, it also made the world no more vassal kings to threaten. To Zhu Youlang's succession to the throne. To put it in a bad way, if there are still a few relatives in the vassal. The Yongli Emperor may not hope that these vassal kings can assist him, but fear that another Shaowu Emperor will appear. After all, what the Yongli court has done makes some people with lofty ideals feel chilled.

Once there is a vassal king who is more capable and more popular than Emperor Yongli. Even if he is only a little more daring than Emperor Yongli, and will not run away in case of trouble, it is difficult to say whether Emperor Yongli's throne can still be recognized by the forces of Mingming in the world. This can be seen from the attitudes of the two Zhang and Zheng clans in Fujian and Zhejiang at present. Although they nominally take Emperor Yongli as their co-lord, one still does not give up on King Lu. One is under the banner of the dead Emperor Longwu, and he is not indifferent to the Yongli court.

Of course, Guo Zhiqi certainly did not dare to say these words in front of Emperor Yongli, and could only hide them in his heart.

"In those days when King Tang and I were fighting for the throne, it was still my fault when I calculated it carefully. If I didn't run away, King Tang would not usurp and use false names in Guangzhou."

Looking back on what happened back then, Zhu Youlang was also very annoyed and didn't mean to whitewash himself at all, which made Guo Zhiqi feel a little moved while surprised. After these years of ups and downs, the emperor finally matured a lot and was able to reflect on what he had done.

In the second year of Longwu, because Zheng Zhilong refused to send troops, the Qing army drove straight into Fujing and captured Longwu Emperor Zhu Yujian in Changting. Soon, Emperor Longwu died on a hunger strike, and Zhu Yuji, who was the king of Tang at the time, and the palace members of the Longwu Dynasty fled to Guangzhou, while other Nanming forces elected Zhu Youlang, the king of Gui, to supervise the country in Zhaoqing, Guangdong. Neither the Tang King Zhu Yujing nor the officials of the Longwu Dynasty who fled to Guangzhou had any objections, and would like to honor Zhu Youlang.

On October 16 of the same year, after the fall of Ganzhou, Jiangxi, Zhu Youlang, who was supervising the country in Zhaoqing, was shocked when he heard the news. Despite the dissuasion of the courtiers, he fled from Zhaoqing, Guangdong to Wuzhou, Guangxi on October 21, leaving the whole province of Guangdong in disregard. Therefore, when Zhu Youlang gave up the whole Guangdong province and fled, Su Guansheng, a scholar, discussed with a group of Ming Dynasty vassal kings who had arrived in Guangzhou by sea, and agreed on the principle of brotherhood and brotherhood. Together with the scholar He Wuzu, the Guangdong governor Gu Yuanjing, the servants Wang Yinghua, Zeng Daowei, etc., they established Zhu Yuju as the emperor, and the next year will be the first year of Shaowu.

After the news of Zhu Yuzhen's proclamation as emperor in Guangzhou reached Wuzhou, Zhu Youlang was shocked and furious, and immediately returned to Zhaoqing to become emperor and change the Yuan Yongli. After proclaiming the emperor, Zhu Youlang immediately dispatched Peng Yao and Chen Jiamo, the chief of the military department, to Guangzhou to visit Zhu Yujia with the etiquette of the vassal king, and persuaded him to cancel the title of emperor.

Emperor Shaowu Zhu Yujian himself did not express his position, but the chief scholar Su Guansheng was furious and rebuked Yongli for ignoring Guangdong for fleeing that day, but today he accuses Shaowu lords and ministers, and asks Shaowu Emperor to honor him, who escaped and jailed the country, which is extremely shameless. , therefore ordered the beheading of Peng and Chen, and then ordered the general Chen Jitai to attack Zhaoqing.

At present, the enemy of the Qing army, Su Guansheng is going to have a civil war with the Yongli court, which is obviously extremely inappropriate. Seeing that there was no hope of mediation, Yongli's monarchs and ministers also dispatched troops, with Guangdong Xue Dao Lin Jiading as the military affairs chief, Xia Sifu as the supervisor of the army, together with Wu Jingbo Li Mingzhong, who was transferred from Shaozhou, and led more than 10,000 soldiers to meet them. The two sides fought in the west of Sanshui County, Guangdong. The army of the Shaowu regime was defeated, and Chen Jitai fled. Lin Jiading was victorious at the beginning of the battle, he was smug, ordered his soldiers to march day and night, and went straight to Guangzhou, in an attempt to wipe out the Shaowu regime in one fell swoop.

Lin Cha, the commander-in-chief of Shaowu, took advantage of his relationship with Lin Jiading and his past working relationship, and resorted to a trick to lure soldiers into a false surrender, instructing the pirates of the four surnames to surrender. Lin Jiading was gullible and scheming, and led his troops to Sanshan by boat as promised, but was suddenly attacked by four soldiers. Lin Jiading's inland river boat was unable to fight against the big ships at sea, and was forced to land to meet the enemy. Because of their unfamiliar geography, they fell into a quagmire more than three feet deep. The result was a crushing defeat. Lin Jiading and Xia Sifu drowned in the water. Li Mingzhong escaped on a single horse.

While Shaowu and Yongli were fighting each other, Qing troops led by Tong Yangjia and Li Chengdong had captured Chaozhou and Huizhou. Li Chengdong used the captured Nanming local official seal to send people to Shaowu Junchen in Guangzhou to send a false news that the Qing army had not suppressed the territory, so that Shaowu Junchen in Guangzhou had no idea that Chaozhou and Huizhou had been occupied by the Qing army.

On December 15, the second year of Longwu, Emperor Shaowu Zhu Yuji was lucky to learn martial arts, and hundreds of officials gathered. At this time, Li Chengdong selected 300 Qing soldiers, entered Huashan in the north of Guangzhou City, and sent more than 10 people to infiltrate Guangzhou City. The camouflage on his head showed his braids, waved his sword and shouted "The Qing army is here", and beheaded one person, Guangzhou was completely destroyed, and then the brigade of Qing soldiers rushed in from the east gate.

The soldiers reported the attack of the Qing army to the scholar Su Guansheng, but Su Guansheng didn't believe it at all, and even confuses the public with false words and executed the soldiers who reported the news. In a blink of an eye, the Qing army boarded the city wall, and immediately removed their disguise, revealing their braids, and shooting arrows, the city suddenly burst into flames. Soon, the situation of the Qing army's pressure on the border was confirmed, and Su Guansheng urgently ordered the city gates to be closed and troops to be deployed to fight.

However, all the elite soldiers of the Shaowu court were sent to Zhaoqing to deal with the Yongli court, but they could not be transferred back. However, Xie Shangzheng, a general of Yuan Chonghuan, the former superintendent of the Chongzhen Dynasty, and the chief military officer of Fujian, led Qing troops into the city, and Guangzhou fell.

Su Guansheng saw that the situation was over, and after writing the eight characters of "Da Ming loyal minister Yigu should die", he hanged himself. When Emperor Shaowu saw that the situation was over, he could not return to the palace to pick up his wife and sons, so he dragged a quilt among the beggars, and planned to climb the city wall to escape, but was caught by the chasers and imprisoned in the East Chapel. Li Chengdong sent someone to bring food, but Zhu Yujian refused, saying: "If I drink a spoon of your water, how will I see my ancestors in the ground!" Then he hanged himself and died, ending his forty-day rule.

The main officials of the Shaowu Dynasty, He Wuzu, Wang Yinghua, Gu Yuanjing, etc., surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, and all the twenty-four Ming Dynasty kings in Guangzhou were killed. After Zhu Yuji's death, Zhu Youlang became the only emperor of Nanming.

The past is vivid in my mind. Guo Zhiqi was originally a courtier of Longwu, so there was no resistance to Emperor Longwu Zhu Yujun continuing to ascend to the throne according to his brother and brotherhood. Moreover, at that time, Yongli Emperor Zhu Youlang gave up the whole province of Guangdong and fled to Guangxi, which made the emperor. There is a vacuum in the power of Guangdong Province, so it is understandable that the officials of the Ming Dynasty who stayed in Guangdong supported the new emperor to continue to fight against the Qing Dynasty. In the end, Emperor Shaowu and Su Guansheng both died for the country, and there is no blame for their integrity. If it is wrong, that is, the Shaowu court should not start a civil war in front of the enemy, but this matter has a lot to do with the handling of Emperor Yongli at that time.

The dispute between Tang and Gui is really complicated, and it is even more sensitive that it involves the inheritance of the imperial line. Even if Guo Zhiqi is a great scholar, even if he has won the trust of Emperor Yongli, he does not dare to express too many opinions on this matter.

Zhu Youlang was melancholy for a while, and stopped mentioning the matter, and asked Guo Zhiqi, "Where is the daughter of King Tang now?"

Guo Zhiqi said: "Before entering the city, the minister will be placed in the post house."

Zhu Youlang frowned and asked, "Is there a token to prove her identity?"

"There are several ornaments that King Tang gave him to prove it."

Guo Zhiqi didn't have any confidence in his heart when he said this. After all, it was really difficult to prove that she was the daughter of Tang Wang Zhu Yuyan based on what the princess said by herself, plus a few decorations in the palace~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Sure enough, Yongli Emperor Zhu Upon hearing this, Youlang shook his head and said, "It's impossible to prove it with a few accessories alone. You have to find someone to check it." He then asked Wang Kun, "Is there anyone in the palace who served at Tang Wangfan's house?"

Wang Kun, who was still kneeling on the ground and trembling with fear, hurriedly raised his head and said, "Lord Long Live, there are no people who have served in Tang Wangfan's house, but there are people who have served in Fujing."

Fujing refers to Fuzhou, when Emperor Longwu ascended a treasure in Fuzhou and changed Fuzhou to Fujing.

When Wang Kun said this, Guo Zhiqi also remembered it, and said hurriedly: "I saw King Tang and his daughter entering the palace to see Emperor Longwu when I was in Fujing, but I can ask people in Fujing Palace to check if it's true or not. You can tell at a glance.”

Wang Kun said, "When Fujing fell, King Tang's daughter was only a few years old. Now that ten years have passed, her appearance must be different from when she was a child. I'm afraid that people in Fujing Palace may not be able to see it."

"Let them go and have a look first. I admire Tang Wang's death for the country. If Tang Wang's daughter really escapes, I will definitely keep her by my side. But whether she is real or not, I have to test it. Be upright and avoid another case of a fake prince and a fake concubine." (To be continued.)

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