Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 323: Governor's Newspaper

In the early years, Sili Jian Wang Kun was just an ordinary servant in the palace, serving Zhu Changying, the father of Zhu Youlang, Emperor Yongli. .. The fastest update Zhu Changying was the seventh son of Emperor Shenzong Wanli. When Tianqi arrived in Hengzhou in the seventh year and he was crowned King Gui, Wang Kun also followed him to Hengzhou.

In the first year of Hongguang, Zhu Changying died of illness. After his death, the third son, Zhu Youyu, King of Anren, succeeded King Gui. Soon Zhu Youyu also died of illness, so that Zhu Youlang, Emperor Yongli, took the throne of Gui. During this period, Wang Kun had been the **** in charge of the Gui Wang's mansion, and he was also quite trusted by the three generations of Gui Wang.

In the second year of Longwu, Emperor Longwu Zhu Yujian was captured and killed by the Qing army in Tingzhou, Fujian, which made the throne of the Nanming regime vacated again. According to the throne succession system of the Ming Dynasty, the throne should be inherited by the direct male descendants of Emperor Shenzong. At that time, there was only one male descendant of Emperor Shenzong, Zhu Youlang, so with the support of Guangxi Governor Qu Shiti and others, Gui Wang Zhu Youlang claimed to supervise the country in Zhaoqing. Served as a senior scholar in the East Pavilion and the left servant of the Ministry of Personnel, and appointed officials of various ministries at the same time.

According to the system, the first assistant Ding Kuichu and the second assistant Qu Shisi recommended to the Yongli Emperor the candidate of the **** of Sili and India. Pang Tianshou, the superintendent of Ma Jian, and Wang Kun, the old man of Guifan, who was favored by Emperor Yongli Zhu Youlang, could only serve as the **** of Sili Bingbi.

Before the Chongzhen Dynasty, although the **** Sili Zhangyin was the first person in the inner court, his actual power was not as good as that of the eunuchs who were admirals of Dongchang and Yumajian. The factory eunuch, and the **** Wang Tiqian, who was the chief **** at that time, claimed to be the leader of the inner court, but he was only a dog who followed Wei Zhongxian's lead. The reason is that he does not have the power to supervise the East Factory and the Royal Horse Supervisor.

After Emperor Chongzhen was enthroned, he listened to the bewitchment of the party members and abolished Dongchang and Jinyiwei, which made it difficult for the later admiral Dongchang eunuchs to use Changwei to supervise the power of the civil servants. Afterwards, with the frequent occurrence of peasant uprisings in the customs and wars outside the customs, it was originally called the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Ranked second among the twenty-four prisons of the twelve yamen in the inner court, the imperial court became the hottest and most powerful yamen in the inner court. Gao Qiqian, the great **** of the Chongzhen Dynasty, was the **** of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, and it was this person who killed Lu Xiangsheng, the premier of the five provinces.

In the early years, Wang Kun had heard and witnessed the illustrious power of the nine thousand-year-old Wei Zhongxian in the palace, and he had also seen how Gao Qiqian relied on the imperial horse prison to run rampant for a while. Deceiving Emperor Chongzhen. He knew that he had little experience and could not compete with Pang Tianshou, the elder of the three dynasties. Pang Tianshou, supported by the DPRK. If it weren't for Pang Tianshou's abandonment of the old master and Sun Kewang after the Yongli court moved to Anlong. I am afraid that Wang Kun will be crushed by Pang Tianshou all his life.

After Pang Tianshou committed suicide in fear of crime, Wang Kun got his wish and became the **** of the Yongli court and the admiral of the imperial horse.

Although Pang Tianshou was suspected of relying on Sun Kewang to oppress the old master, he was a man who knew the military. When Emperor Yongli fled from Guilin to Quangang, Pang Tianshou insisted on staying in Guilin to buy the artillery from the Macau Folang Robot. Yu defended the city, but with the help of these artillery pieces, the invading Qing army was severely damaged, and the Qing army had no hope of capturing the city and was forced to retreat. After arriving at Anlong. Pang Tianshou also actively supported Sun Kewang's eastward strategy, which indirectly created favorable conditions for Li Dingguo's victory in Guilin and Hengyang.

Compared with Pang Tianshou, Wang Kun is really too bad. He has nothing to do except keep persuading Emperor Yongli to flee before the Qing army arrives. This made him, like Ma Jixiang, deeply hated by people of insight in the foreign court, but Emperor Yongli trusted the old man of Guifan so much that he was almost obedient. Therefore, no matter how much the foreign court hated the first person in the inner court, Wang Kun’s The position is as stable as Mount Tai.

Grand scholar Guo Zhiqi was a jinshi in the first year of Chongzhen, and later had to return home after offending the then chief assistant Wen Tiren and the powerful minister Zhou Yanru. Wen, after the downfall on Tuesday. Guo Zhiqi returned to Beijing to serve as the head of the host and guest department of the Ministry of Rites, and then transferred to the foreign minister to serve Jingzhou. In the ninth year of Chongzhen, he was promoted to Fujian as a school counselor, and the main test was Quanzhou. Later, he was promoted to the deputy commissioner of the Fujian Provincial Bureau, and he led the troops to quell the chaos in the Minqing area. And sent troops to guard Shanguan, so that southern Fujian could be stabilized, and then he was promoted to Zhanshifu of Zhanshifu.

In the Jiashen year, Beijing fell, and Guo Zhiqi led the Minming army to mourn for Zhu Youlang Dai Xiao. When Emperor Yongli ascended the throne in Zhaoqing, Guo Zhiqi Ding was worried about the rule at home. In the third year of Yongli, he was called to Guilin. The official book of the Ministry of Rites. After four years of Yongli, Guo Zhiqi was awarded the Master of Dongge University. He invited him back to Leizhou, Guangdong to inspect the battalion and recruited volunteers to fight against the Qing Dynasty. As a result, he was hit by a hurricane under Ma'anshan, and the boat he was on was wrecked. Five of his wives and children were killed. To an island was only spared, and since then, he has been insisting on resisting the Qing Dynasty along the coast of Guangdong, and has not met Emperor Yongli for seven or eight years.

This time Guo Zhiqi suddenly came back, which naturally surprised Zhu Youlang, Emperor Yongli, and went straight into the study, regardless of the emperor's majesty.

Before that, Guo Zhiqi had been talking to Wang Kun. He was a civil minister who led the army. He had not seen any strong winds and waves for more than ten years. The **** Lizhangyin is naturally not a fake color, and only speaks to him lightly, without even complimenting him. Wang Kun was not annoyed, his face was calm, but he had no idea what was going on in his stomach.


"Long live Lord!"

After Zhu Youlang came in, Guo Zhiqi and Wang Kun fell to the ground at the same time.

"Guo Qing, please get up, get up quickly!"

Seeing that Guo Zhiqi, who he hadn't seen for many years, was full of white hair, Zhu Youlang couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.

"Guo Qing, it's really hard for you to drift away all these years."

Zhu Youlang looked up and down at Guo Zhiqi, who was much older. He was filled with emotion. When the monarch and minister first met, this senior Guo had just turned 40 years old, and it was when he was in high spirits. See you now, but he is like an old man with a curtain down. , with a weathered look on his face.

"It's not hard work, it's you, the emperor." Guo Zhiqi looked at the emperor he hadn't seen in years, and he couldn't tell the sadness.

Seeing that the two rulers and ministers were about to cry, Wang Kun hurriedly stepped forward with a smile and said, "Long live lord, Mr. Guo has come from Guangdong all the way, and he didn't know how much he suffered along the way. I haven't even eaten a bite of the meal, so the old slave will lead him to see Lord Long Live."

Hearing that Guo Zhiqi hadn't eaten yet, Zhu Youlang's brows could not help wrinkling, and he said anxiously, "Then how can I make Guo Qing still hungry?

Wang Kun raised his head to look out, and smiled bitterly: "Long live, it's late at night. I'm afraid the fire in the dining room has ceased."

Yongli was stunned for a moment, Wang Kun was telling the truth, the Duke's Mansion was only a temporary residence for him and Queen Wang, and the rules had not been set. Where can I get food delivered.

Yongli was a little embarrassed. He wanted to quickly learn about the situation in Guangdong from Guo Zhiqi, but he couldn't bear Guo Zhiqi to speak so hungry.

Guo Zhiqi shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, this minister is not hungry. You don't have to show up for the minister's stomach. The minister still has something to report."

Hearing this, Yongli didn't say a word, but took a plate of dim sum from the imperial case and handed it to Guo Zhiqi, saying: "Guo Qing, it's too late, I just moved to the government's mansion. Xiang Yudu has not had a charter yet, so please don’t take it to heart. These are the snacks that I have left over from my meals, so you should put them on your stomach first. Let’s talk about Guangdong things after you finish eating, I can afford it.”

"Chen!...I thanked the emperor!"

Taking the plate handed over by Emperor Yongli, Guo Zhiqi's nose was sour, he nodded slightly and stuffed the dessert into his mouth. He was indeed very hungry, and he suffered a lot along the way, and he was almost caught by the Qing soldiers. If it wasn't for the help of the princess who was living among the people, I am afraid that he would never see Emperor Yongli again in this life. .

After eating a few bites, Guo Zhiqi suddenly raised his head and said, "Your Majesty, have you seen the report from the Governor of Guangdong, Liancheng Wall?"

"Liancheng Wall's memorial?" Zhu Youlang was startled, shook his head and said, "I didn't see Lian Qing's memorial."

"No?" Guo Zhiqi was startled and lost his voice: "Why not? Even the memorial for the city wall was rushed to the imperial court in the twelfth month of last year, and the minister only left Qinzhou in February. It took several months. Why hasn't the emperor received it yet? A memorial?"

Zhu Youlang realized that something was wrong, his face changed, and he glared at Wang Kun: "What's going on!"

Wang Kun was startled: "Could it be that the Qing army was intercepted halfway?"

Guo Zhiqi snorted coldly: "Impossible, Nanning and Liuzhou were still in the hands of my Daming when the governor's memorial was issued, and the news was not interrupted. How could the Qing army intercept our memorial! Could it be that some villain in the court deceived the saint? Privately detained the Governor's newspaper!"

"Maybe it was sent to An Long, but I didn't receive it?"

Wang Kun is very aggrieved. He really didn't do this. He has the courage to suppress the governor's newspaper. He can only guess if the people from the city wall sent the memorial to Anlong by mistake~www.wuxiamtl .com~ After hearing this, Guo Zhiqi was stunned, and there was a possibility that the memorial was sent to An Long by mistake.

Zhu Youlang's eyes flashed, and he suddenly said to Wang Kun: "You go to the cabinet to check it out for me immediately. If there is a report from Guangdong, show it to me immediately."

"Yes, Long Live Lord, this old slave is going."

Wang Kun was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly took someone to the gatehouse of the Grand Duke's Mansion, which was temporarily serving as the cabinet office, to find a report from Guangdong.

After Wang Kun left, Zhu Youlang asked Guo Zhiqi a little nervously: "Guo Qing is not far this time, could it be that something big has happened in Guangdong?"

Guo Zhiqi saw that Emperor Yongli seemed to be afraid of hearing bad news, so he hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, something big has happened in Guangdong, but it's not a bad thing, it's a good thing!"


It will be released regularly in the early morning, and another chapter will be released depending on the situation. This situation is that the bones are not drunk today - the old sister is finally married! (To be continued.)

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