Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 320: Slaughter is good for 0 surnames

When Xian Guoan's generals saw that Cai Yuanlong was going to kill him, no one stepped forward to stop him, but instead, they all gloated to watch the show. -\\Classic|Classic|Little|Said|Uploaded by book friends/-See the latest updated chapter

"Master Cai must not be confused!"

Wang Guangzhao was afraid that Cai Yuanlong would really hit his head against a rock, so he hurried forward and grabbed him.


Cai Yuanlong was going to live or die, but Xian Guoan couldn't bear it anymore. He raised his hand and lashed Cai Yuanlong with a whip, and scolded: "For the sake of the general's way, you should never lose your trust! The admiral's words always count, and he never breaks his promise. , the order is also passed on to the entire army, and if it is withdrawn, how should I tell the Admiral Ben to share with the soldiers, and how will he lead the troops in the future!"?

Extremely annoyed, he lashed again, and then scolded: "Do you two think that Admiral Ben likes slaughtering cities so much! Why didn't I order the slaughter of those cities before? Why didn't I order the surrendering Ming army to kill them, but instead You want to slaughter this Liuzhou city, the truth is that you two can't figure it out?!"

Wang Guangzhao was terrified by Xian Guoan's appearance, and said in a trembling voice, "I don't know what the meaning of this move by the Admiral is."

Cai Yuanlong didn't dare to move any more. He was whipped twice by Xian Guoan one after another, and the place where he was whipped was so hot that he almost burst into tears.

"Of course you don't know! Do you know how many conscripts of the Ming army are in our army?" Xian Guoan said, reaching out to Liuzhou City, and snorted coldly: "The purpose of the massacre is to let these thousands of conscripts return to their hearts, no Repeat."

"In order to make the surrendered soldiers return to their hearts, not to repeat?"

Cai Yuanlong and Wang Guangzhao were stunned for a moment, a little confused.

"These Ganjiang soldiers used to be soldiers of the Ming Dynasty and soldiers of the Qing Dynasty. When the Prince of Dingnan came, they were my soldiers of the Qing Dynasty; when Li Dingguo came, they became soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, but now they are my soldiers. The soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, huh, there are countless people who have repeatedly repeated themselves. Now if the Admiral wants to bring these people under his command and prevent them from repeating again, he has to use some means. This massacre is one of them. The soldiers did this slaughter of the city. The Ming Dynasty has no way out. From now on, they will only work for me. If they don't do this slaughter, if Li Dingguo returns in the future, this group of people will definitely still be there. Repeatedly in the past and I am the enemy of Qing!"

He said again: "You two keep saying that Admiral Ben will save some vitality for the people of Guangxi, but you two have thought about it. The purpose of this admiral killing this Liuzhou city is to save the vitality of the people of Guangxi!"


Earlier, Xian Guoan said that slaughtering the city could make the surrendered soldiers return to their hearts. Wang Guangzhao and Cai Yuanlong could still figure it out, but the slaughter of the city was to preserve the vitality of the people, and the two of them could not figure out how to break their heads.

Xian Guoan knew that the two of them couldn't figure it out, so he didn't talk to them, he just snorted and asked them, "If Prince Yu hadn't slaughtered the city in Yangzhou back then, would you say that the Hongguang Civil and Military Society in Nanjing City would take the initiative to open the door and accept the surrender? How can the various prefectures and counties in the south of the Yangtze River be passed down?... I exchanged one city in Yangzhou for dozens of prefectures and counties in the south of the Yangtze River, and millions of people returned to my Qing Dynasty. Do you think that Prince Yu’s move was extremely wise? If there was no massacre in Yangzhou, When the Qing troops go to the south of the Yangtze River, they will definitely use the sword. At that time, it is not the 800,000 lives in Yangzhou City who died! So the massacre of the city is actually for the good of the people, thanks to the two of you who read the book of sages and sages, how can you even understand this truth No way, pedantic!"

Wang Guangzhao and Cai Yuanlong clenched their teeth in pain while covering their wounds, while the other stared at Xian Guoan stunned.

"Today, our line of Guoan has used Liuzhou to save hundreds of thousands of lives and millions of lives in Guangxi. This is the true way of benevolence and righteousness, a heart of great mercy and compassion. The two of you don't understand the heart of the Bodhisattva Ben Admiral. The front of our army is dry and disturbing the hearts of my soldiers and soldiers!... I miss you two just surrendered to my Qing Dynasty. When the court is employing people again, this admiral will not care about you and the two of you. If there is another time, stop Blame Admiral Ben for holding the flags of your two heads!"

Cai Yuanlong and Wang Guozhao were speechless. Xian Guoan's big truth sounded flawed everywhere, but the two of them couldn't refute it.

At this time, a horse galloped.


"Lord Admiral, our army has captured the entire city of Liuzhou!"

"it is good!"

Xian Guoan violently raised his horse whip and ordered to go down: "Come on, go. Quickly report the victory to the Governor, saying that our Xian Guoan did not disgrace our mission, and we have arrived in Liuzhou today!"


Immediately, several horses and horses rushed north.

?Xian Guoan sent another order: "When the entire army enters the city, immediately seal the city, so that no one in the city can escape, they will all be slaughtered, and the chickens and dogs will not be left!"


The generals under Xian Guoan responded with a bang.

"Lord Admiral has an order, the whole army will enter the city and slaughter them all, leaving no chickens and dogs!"

? "All slaughtered, no chickens and dogs left!"

More than 2,000 Han army flag soldiers roared excitedly and ran towards Liuzhou City. After the army passed, only Wang Guozhao and Cai Yuanlong looked at each other: Is the massacre really good for the people?


After the Qing army entered the city, they slaughtered wildly in the city. In order to avoid the Qing army, the people in the city crowded and trampled on each other, and the roads were quickly blocked by the flow of people. The Qing army swung their swords from all directions to kill, and in an instant, Liuzhou City became a **** on earth.

There were still thousands of Ming troops in the city who were too late to escape from the city. Generals such as Liao Feng and Zhu Xi of the clan were still leading the rest of the army to fight against the Qing army. They fought and retreated. Although it controls the gates of the four cities, it is difficult to wipe out all the Ming troops in the city for a while.

It was not until the death of Liao Fengzhan, the chief soldier, that the Ming army finally collapsed. Most of the Ming army put down their weapons and surrendered to the Qing army. Unexpectedly, the Qing army did not surrender. After coaxing them to drop their weapons, they slaughtered them all. A few Ming soldiers took off their uniforms and mixed with the people, trying to escape.

The clan Zhu Xi fought unyieldingly and vowed not to surrender. In the end, he was surrounded by the Qing army in a compound. After a hard fight, he lost his strength and was captured. Along with him were his two sons, the eldest son Zhu Defang and the second son Zhu Deyi.

After the Qing army cleared the resistance of the remnants of the Ming army in the city, they began to slaughter the city in groups of three or five, but when they saw the man, regardless of the reason, they all killed it with a knife, cut off his head and carried him with his hands, swaggering and laughing at each other. When they saw the woman, several soldiers rushed up and dragged her to the street regardless of the woman's resistance. The woman was slightly disobedient, and the Qing soldiers cut off her hands and feet with a knife. On the longest street in the city, at a glance, there are soldiers and beasts who are venting their desires, and women with their necks cut off and limbs cut off everywhere. The number of headless female corpses is impossible to count.

Yi Ning Bo Long Tao died in battle, and his wife Ma, escorted by several family members, wanted to escape from the city while the chaos was going on, but the city gate had been blocked by the Qing army. Ma's family could not escape the city, and seeing the chaos in the city, knowing that the Qing army would not let him go, he asked his family to send him back to the house to commit suicide. However, halfway through the road, they were discovered by a group of Han army flag soldiers. Seeing that Ma was well-dressed and handsome, the Han army flag soldiers swarmed forward to hack Ma's family to death and dragged Ma to a house beside the road. adultery.

Ma was resolutely disobedient, but how could she be a weak woman against all the big men, and her clothes were ripped off by the flag soldiers in the struggle, leaving her completely naked. The leader of the flag soldier ordered the others to hold down Ma's family to invade. Ma's frightened bitten the flag soldier's ear. The banner soldier stabbed Ma Shi's lower body with a fire gun, and then lit the fire gun and shot all the lead into it, causing Ma Shi's lower body to be **** and charred black, and screaming for half an hour before he died.

A big family in Liuzhou, the Chen family, knew that after the Qing army entered the city, he had his family burn incense in front of the door and set up a case, prepared wine and meat for the Qing army to eat, and kept countless gold and silver in exchange for the safety of the whole family. How do you know that after the Qing army came, they took wine and meat, gold and silver, and then they rushed up to break the gate of the Chen family, rushed into the mansion and killed men when they saw them, and prostitutes when they saw women.

Chen's family of more than 140 males did not survive, and more than 40 female relatives were raped and prostituted by the Qing army, they were tied with ropes and taken outside the city, and they were taken out of the city and sent to Guilin with young women. , acting as a prostitute in the Qing army camp.

Liuzhou prefect Wen Mingyuan continued to lead a dozen people from the yamen to fight with the Qing soldiers in the street after the city was broken, and died with dozens of knives in his body. After Wen Mingyuan's death, the Qing army rushed into the prefect's yamen. At this time, hundreds of nearby people were hiding in the yamen, hoping that the yamen could protect them. However, after the Qing army came, they drove all the hundreds of people outside to slash and kill, and then went to the backyard to search for gold and silver. For fear of hearing that the prefect's family hid the gold and silver in places they couldn't find, the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty lied and offered their money to avoid death. After the prefect's family gave all the money and jewelry, they forced their female relatives and maids to undress for them. vent.

Hearing that the prefect's wife, Song Shi, was over forty years old, she was too embarrassed. The Qing soldiers were furious and dragged her into the house. The two sons who were hiding heard the screams of their mother, and they rushed out to save their mother and wanted to fight the Qing army. , However, the hands were unable to bind the chicken, and both were beheaded by the Qing soldiers. After seeing Mrs. Wen ~www.wuxiamtl.com~, she scolded the Qing soldiers with a beast-like heart. They were all helping animals, biting off their tongues and dying.

The Qing soldiers saw Mrs. Wen commit suicide by biting her tongue, but still did not let go of her body. Four or five Qing soldiers took advantage of Mrs. Wen's death and her body temperature forcibly forcibly intercourse, causing the two maids to scold and rush to fight the Qing army desperately. He was cut in the middle by a long sword of the Qing soldiers, and he was in two places, and he was screaming endlessly.

The horrific atrocities were staged everywhere in the city of Liuzhou. Under the slaughtering knife, the people could not resist, and most of them were tied to their necks and waited to die. By the end of the night, most of the men in the city had been killed, and the women were used as trophies by the Qing soldiers and chased outside the city with long ropes tied around their necks. Due to excessive panic, the women kept falling, but they were severely beaten by the Qing army.

After the women were taken out of the city, they were forced to strip naked by the Qing army. After that, the Qing army who had been waiting for them rushed forward, and just outside the city wasted these people who had just lost their husbands and children, and lost their parents and parents. Poor women.

The husband and wife are separated, the flesh and blood are dead, and the door is dead...

The Qing soldiers didn't even spare children. There were adult corpses everywhere, as well as the corpses of babies. Some of those poor babies didn't even open their eyes.

That night, the whole city of Liuzhou was crying. (To be continued.)

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