Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 319: no dog

When the Taiping army took the Lutouhe victory, the situation in Guangxi completely collapsed. www.jdxs.net the fastest update

After learning that Li Dingguo led the army to protect Yongli and Zhu Youlang fled to Kunming, Chen Weixin, the governor of Guangxi appointed by the Qing court, immediately sent troops to attack the Ming army in Guangxi, together with the admiral line Guoan, Wuzhou commander Ma Xiong, right wing commander Quanjie, etc. Pingle, Xunzhou, Qingyuan, Nanning and other prefectures where the Ming army was stationed, and on March 24, more than 16,000 soldiers and horses of the four generals gathered to besiege the city of Liuzhou, which was heavily guarded by the Ming army.

The Liuzhou city defender was Li Dingguo's commander-in-chief Xu Tianyou. After the victory in Guilin, Xu Tianyou led 4,000 troops to garrison Wuzhou City. Later, he was defeated by Xian Guoan, and he had no choice but to lead more than a thousand remaining soldiers to retreat to Liuzhou.

Zhu Xisan, the clan of the Ming Dynasty who was originally guarding Guilin, also led hundreds of remnants to Liuzhou to join Xu Tianyou after giving up Guilin because he lost to the Qing army. The two reorganized the military headquarters in Liuzhou City, recruited volunteers, and made the defending force reach more than 5,000 people. Later, Yining Bolongtao, chief soldier Liao Feng and other ministries came to vote. Before the Qing army besieged the city, Liuzhou City was already the most important town in Guangxi, with more than 15,000 troops and horses. , roughly equivalent to the Qing army's siege force.

However, compared with the Qing army with strong morale, the Ming army in Liuzhou city was all newly defeated divisions, and except for Xu Tianyou's army of more than 1,000 soldiers who had a little fighting power, the rest of the troops had almost no fighting power, so although the number was not lower than the Qing army, But the morale of the army is extremely low. Most of the generals had no confidence in whether they could hold Liuzhou, and most of them advocated abandoning Liuzhou and retreating to Yunnan. At the critical moment, the commander-in-chief Liao Feng stepped forward and cursed those generals who advocated giving up Liuzhou. Only in this way did the generals reluctantly agree to stick to it.

After the Qing army besieged the city, the military and civilians in Liuzhou city were in constant panic.

On the 25th, the Qing Guangxi Admiral's line Guoan ordered the Wuzhou general army Ma Xiong and the right wing general army to take the lead in attacking the city.

Before the siege of the city, Xian Guoan, in order to stimulate the morale of the army, ordered that the city could be slaughtered for three days after the city was broken.

? "Fall into Liuzhou City, and the chickens and dogs won't stay!"

Encouraged by the massacre order, the Qing army rushed towards the city gate shouting slogans.

Guangxi Admiral's Line Guoan, dressed in bright armor, stared straight ahead without saying a word. Behind him were more than 2,000 Admiral Standard Teams from 3 battalions on standby. The darkness was overwhelming, and there was no sound, except for the sound of the wind blowing the flag and the sound of fighting in the distant Liuzhou city.

After Kong Youde's death, the remnants of the Han army's flags and horses under the Dingnan domain were taken over by Xian Guoan. Because Kong Youde's troops are all firearms, the three battalions of Guoan's line are also all firearms, and their combat effectiveness is the first of the Qing army in Guangxi. It is also with the help of more than 2,000 Han army flag soldiers under the Dingnan vassal that Xian Guoan made a comeback after the main force of Li Dingguo's army withdrew from Guangxi.

After all the siege of the city, they were stubbornly resisted by the Liuzhou defenders, and the offensive was blocked. The whole section received a lot of Ming troops surrendered. These soldiers were still the Ming army a few days ago, so they would not give their lives to attack the city for the Qing army, hiding behind and refused to contribute.

Seeing this, they didn't talk nonsense during the whole festival, and directly called the personal soldiers to arrest dozens of soldiers who had stayed behind and refused to rush forward to behead them on the spot. When the rest of the soldiers saw it, they were so frightened that they did not dare to delay any longer, and rushed down the city wall desperately.

The Qing army attacked the east gate and north gate of Liuzhou at the same time.

The Ming army was responsible for guarding the east gate. The guards at the north gate are the clan Zhu Xisan and the chief soldier Liao Feng.

Zhu Xisan once abandoned Guilin. But there was no way to do it. At that time, there were only a thousand soldiers and horses in his hands, but there were tens of thousands of Qing troops who came to attack Guilin. The disparity in strength was too great, so he had to abandon Guilin and retreat to Liuzhou. Like Liao Feng, he also advocates perseverance, but unfortunately he and Liao Feng together have less than 2,000 soldiers, and most of them are recruited along the way. Former Great Western Soldier. Therefore, not long after the entire Qing army attacked the city, the northern city was in jeopardy.

Seeing that the Ming army on the top of the city seemed to be unable to hold on, the whole festival was overjoyed. The personal troops were also sent to attack the city gate, trying to seize the first merit of breaking the city. Soon, the Ming army in Beicheng could not resist the attack of the Qing army, and the city gate was lost. However, the Ming army in the city is still stubbornly preventing the Qing army from entering the city.

? "Quick, quick, we can't let the North Gate succeed first!"

When Ma Xiong looked at it, he broke the Beicheng in the whole quarter, and he was in a hurry. Although the Ming army on the east city was resisting the hero. But the fool also knows that if the North City is lost, the Ming army in the city will definitely not be able to hold it.

"Everyone, if we let the whole festival take the lead, the women and wealth in the city will be lost to us!"

With the broken city in sight, Ma Xiong did not want to kill or injure too many soldiers and horses of his direct line, so he encouraged those Ming troops to surrender to serve him.

"Liuzhou City is an important town for the Ming army. It has more money, grain and goods than Guilin. What are you still doing, why don't you rush up with your people!"

Under the bewitching and instigation of Ma Xiong, the conscripts of the Ming army clenched their teeth, shouted and led their subordinates to climb up the city again without fear of death.

Ma Xiong ordered his troops to shoot arrows at the top of the city, which greatly reduced the casualties of the descending Ming army who were climbing, and improved the efficiency a lot. The long knife in the middle slashed at those former comrades.

"General, the North Gate is lost, we can't hold it anymore!"

"Quick, get off the city wall, get off the city wall!"

Xu Tianyou could not have imagined that the North Gate could not be defended for even a day, knowing that the situation was over, and this Liuzhou City could not be defended anymore.

"Withdraw, while the South Gate is still in our hands, quickly break out of the South City!"

In fact, the idea of ​​breaking through has appeared in Xu Tianyou's mind many times before, but every time he presses this idea, because he is Liuzhou's general soldier, if he abandons Liuzhou and runs away like a bereaved dog, he can't follow him. King Jin confessed. At the Japanese military meeting, all the generals advocated abandoning Liuzhou, and Xu Tianyou was also very tempted. If it wasn't for Liao Feng and Zhu Xisan's insistence not to abandon the defense, I'm afraid he would have already taken people to Yunnan to retreat.

The North Gate was lost like this, and Xu Tianyou couldn't care about how to explain to King Jin. If he didn't leave, he would not be able to leave if he wanted to. Seeing that Zhu Xisan and Liao Feng's soldiers were still fighting desperately under the north gate with the Qing soldiers who had rushed in, Xu Tianyou sighed and ordered his subordinates to follow him quickly to withdraw from the city wall and go out from the south city to break through to the west.

As soon as Xu Tianyou's soldiers ran away, the rest of the Ming army and Qingzhuang on the east city of course could not stop the Qing army. Soon, the east city wall was quickly occupied by the Qing army.

Watching the Ming army fleeing from the top of the city, Ma Xiong laughed, Liuzhou City belongs to him!

After clearing the last remaining Ming army on the city wall, Ma Xiong and his men rushed down the city wall. While chasing the Ming army who were fleeing for their lives, he sent someone to remove the stones and wood behind the city gate. .

After the Dongcheng Gate was opened, the cheers of the Qing army shook the sky above the Dongcheng, and the sound spread to the other three gates, scaring the Ming army and the people in the city to shame.

? The whole section is remorseful and helpless with a drooping face and angrily urging his subordinates to hurry into the city. So many people died. In the end, Ma Xiong robbed him of this feat. On the head of the Ming army who are still desperately blocking the Qing army from entering the city.

"Kill, kill them all for me, no chickens and dogs!"

With the entry of the Qing troops of Ma Xiong and the whole section into the city, the fall of Liuzhou City has become a fact.

? Xu Tianyou fled to the south of the city in a hurry under the **** of his personal soldiers. Along the way, his subordinates who fled from other directions joined him from time to time, and when they fled to Nancheng, there were also more than a thousand remaining soldiers who followed Xu Tianyou.

Yining Bolongtao did not escape like Xu Tianyou, but took his 700 soldiers to desperately resist the intruding Qing army, trying to cover the people from escaping. But the situation was over, and half an hour later, Yining Bo Longtao died for the country, and none of the seven hundred Ming troops escaped, and they all died in the battle with Longtao.

The desperate resistance of Long Tao's subordinates bought time for the people in the city to escape. About 2,000 people fled outside the city when the Qing army rushed to Nancheng, and the rest could no longer escape and could only wait for their coming Tragic fate.

"Slaughter the city, Lord Admiral ordered the slaughter of the city!"???

The eyes of the Qing soldiers who rushed into Liuzhou City were full of wild beast flames.

The Han army flag soldiers who had always been the most excited about the massacre would find it strange that those former Ming army soldiers who had just surrendered and the braids behind their heads had not been cut off seemed to be no less excited about the massacre than themselves.

"Lord Admiral, you can't slaughter the city. Once this is slaughtered, how can other cities in Guangxi occupied by the Ming army be willing to surrender? For the admiral's plan, for the Qing Dynasty, the lower official urges the admiral to take it back!"

Outside the city, Wang Guangzhao, the magistrate of Pingle, and Cai Yuanlong, the magistrate of Xunzhou, who had just surrendered, kept begging while holding Xian Guoan's horse legs, hoping that Xian Guoan could take back the order to slaughter the city.

Cai Yuanlong cried out: "Once the massacre ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the women and children in the city will be incapacitated, how innocent they are to suffer from this knife and neck! The lower official urges the Admiral to take his life back and spare them!"

"If Liuzhou is slaughtered, the people of Guangxi will regard my Qing soldiers as beasts of a flood. In the future, they will surely defend the whole city and fight my Qing soldiers to the death. This is not good for our army!" Wang Guangzhao said.

"This official's order has been issued, how can I take it back?"

Immediately, Xian Guoan said lightly, his eyes fixed on Liuzhou City in front of him, ignoring the two pleas for demotion.

? The next leading generals of the Ministry of National Security on the front line were impatient to hear it.

Seeing Xian Guoan ignored his request, Cai Yuanlong suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "The reason why I am waiting for the Qing Dynasty is because the Qing Dynasty's **** of the world has become the overall situation, and I am waiting for the people to not suffer the pain of swords and soldiers again. I want to save some energy for the people of Guangxi. But today, the Admiral wants to order the massacre of the city. Although I, Cai Yuanlong, have lost my temper, I will never see such atrocities happen. Hit him to death here!" After speaking, the stumbled man was about to look for a stone, and his actions startled Wang Guangzhao: Did he seek death yesterday? (To be continued.)

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