Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 321: I'm not afraid of death

In Kunming, because the palace of Wuhua Mountain has not been completed, Zhu Youlang, Emperor of Yongli, temporarily lived in the palace of the Duke of Qian with the Queen. 【Ferry Search Free Download Novels】

In the middle of the night, the drums had been beaten several times outside, and Zhu Youlang had not yet gone to bed, but stared at the letter on the imperial case in a daze.

In addition to several memorials just sent by the cabinet, the imperial case also contained a memorial from Sichuan, a scholar named Wen Anzhi.

The memorials sent by the cabinet have all been drafted, and Zhu Youlang has also looked at them one by one. The opinions of the cabinet ministers are more appropriate, and the supervisor of li has also approved the red. Zhu Youlang has no different opinions on this. , these memorials can be handed over to the Six Divisions tomorrow.

What caused Zhu Youlang to be in a daze was the memorial of the great scholar Wen Anzhi, which was related to the situation in Sichuan.

After moving to Kunming, due to the support of Jin King Li Dingguo, Shu King Liu Wenxiu and others, the Yongli court basically stabilized the Yunnan area, but Guizhou and western Hunan were controlled by Sun Kewang. At this time, there are only two options to open the situation. One is to go east to Guangxi and Guangdong; the other is to go north to Sichuan.

Going east to Guangdong and Guangxi can obtain a large enough territory for the Yongli regime in the shortest time, and can also get in touch with the Ming forces along the coast of Fujian and Zhejiang, so that the Yongli court can get more troops, horses, money and grain support. However, going east to Guangdong and Guangxi means that the king of Jin Li Dingguo must personally lead the army. If there is no threat from Sun Kewang, Li Dingguo can march east again, but now Sun Kewang has already vowed to fight against Li Dingguo in Guiyang, which makes Li Dingguo impossible at this time. Leading the troops eastward, they must stay in Kunming to deal with the threat of Sun Kewang.

King Jin could not go east, so the strategy of going east to Guangdong and Guangxi had to be abandoned. After repeated weighing, Zhu Youlang and Li Dingguo decided to send King Liu Wenxiu of Shu to send troops to run Sichuan.

Liu Wenxiu once led his troops through Sichuan and was very familiar with the situation in Sichuan, so he sent his general Weining Bogao Chengen to lead 5,000 troops from Yunnan into Yazhou, Sichuan. Sansheng was appointed as the premier of Quanchuan military affairs, and together with the aid and suppression general Di Sanpin, the general of the Pinglu battalion Yang Wei, the general of the Huaiyuan battalion He Tianyun, and the supervisor of the Chongqing Tuentian general Zheng Shoubao led troops to Jiading Prefecture.

Liu Wenxiu personally led his troops to Hongya County via Jianchang, Lizhou, and Yazhou, and established the Shu Wangfu in Qianqiuping in the county to unify the Sichuan Ming Army.

Qi Sansheng, Di Sanpin, and Yang Wu were all generals of the original Daxi Army, each with more than 10,000 men. The three also supported the Yongli court. In addition, Liu Wenxiu, the king of Shu, was second only to Sun Kewang and Li Dingguo in the former generals of the Great Western Army, so he commanded the war in Sichuan. Both Zhu Youlang and Li Dingguo held an optimistic attitude and believed that Liu Wenxiu should make a great contribution in dispatching troops to Sichuan.

However. Wen Anzhi, a scholar who had been in the middle of Sichuan for several years, filed a petition that the court should not send Liu Wenxiu, the king of Shu, to dispatch troops to travel through Sichuan at this time.

Wen Anzhi believes that the biggest enemy of the court is Sun Kewang and his army in front of him. If the king of Shu leads a large army into Sichuan, he must not be too far away from Yunnan, lest Sun Kewang turn inward and inward, and he will not be able to rescue him in time.

Again. When the King of Shu led the army into Sichuan, he had to choose an area with less damage to social production and basically able to solve the Ming army's rations on the spot. Only by solving the source of food and salaries, the King of Shu's army can gradually advance to Chengdu and Chongqing without any worries, so as to achieve the strategic vision of attacking Baoning in the north, linking thirteen families in Kuidong in the east, and the army in Hubei.

The current situation is that before the threat of Sun Kewang from the rear is gone, the King of Shu leads a large army into Sichuan. Once Sun Kewang's troops enter Yunnan, the court will be safe. The King of Shu and his army must be recalled. As a result, the King of Shu's entry into Sichuan this time will be of little significance, and it will only cost money, food and manpower.

Wen Anzhi repeatedly emphasized in the memorial that the court must consider entering Sichuan after the threat of Sun Kewang is lifted.

Wen Anzhi comforted Emperor Yongli at the same time, saying that although Wu Sangui's troops stationed in Hanzhong, Shaanxi had arrived in Baoning and joined forces with Qing Sichuan governor Li Guoying, the Qing army could not capture Sichuan in a short time. In order to prove his judgment, Wen Anzhi sent the seized letter from Zhuang Yinghui, the political envoy of the Qing Dynasty to Sichuan, to Kunming.

In this note sent to Beijing, Zhuang Yinghui mentioned that the Qing army in Sichuan had to rely on Shaanxi for its rations, and that the Qing army occupied the northern Sichuan-Yu of Sichuan with a total of more than 5,150 taels of money and grain every year. The annual salary is more than 8,000 taels of silver, and the annual payment is not enough to cover the annual salary of each official.

Wen Anzhi thinks. It is precisely because of the difficulty in rationing that Wu Sangui and Li Guohan's troops not only did not take advantage of the victory after defeating Liu Wenxiu's army in the Battle of Baoning, but instead only left Sichuan Governor Li Guoying to stay in Baoning, and the whole army returned to Hanzhong in Shaanxi for food. Although the Qing Sichuan patrol took Hao Yu's claim and charged the Chengdu Plain to reclaim wasteland. To support the soldiers of Shu with food from Shu, in addition to having enough troops to ensure the stability of the place in reclaiming wasteland, it is also necessary to invest a large amount of grain, seeds, cattle and farm implements as the foundation of the field.

Although Hao Yu's proposition is feasible, the troops and financial resources that the Qing court has to invest in this are a bottomless pit, and it is impossible to realize. However, the problem of difficult food and salaries has not been resolved, so it is impossible for the Qing army to invade Sichuan at this time.

The problems faced by the Qing army were also the same problems faced by the Ming army. Since both sides were trapped in money and food, Wen Anzhi naturally preferred that the King of Shu should not enter Sichuan in large numbers. After all, the Qing army in Baoning had no worries, while the Yongli court did not. Sun Kewang is staring at him. Wen Anzhi asked the imperial court to immediately issue a decree to invite Liu Wenxiu, the king of Shu, to be a teacher.

After reading Wen Anzhi's memorial repeatedly, Zhu Youlang hesitated.

Sending King Liu Wangxiu of Shu into Sichuan was a major policy plan he and King Li Dingguo of Jin made together, and it also received the support of the court. Now Wen Anzhi says that it is meaningless for King Shu to enter Sichuan, which makes him very confused. He doesn't know Wen Anzhi. opinion is right or wrong.

If Wen Anzhi's view is correct, then the King of Shu's army entering Sichuan will really not be worth the loss. King Jin has always assured him in front of him that he can deal with Sun Kewang's front army, but if King Jin can't stop Sun Kewang's front army, is it really necessary to call the king of Shu to rescue him?

If the King of Jin is defeated, can the King of Shu be able to stop him? Can Kunming really hold on?

If Kunming can't be kept, wouldn't I have to move west again, but where can I move to?

?The painful memory of fleeing from Zhaoqing to the west in a hurry back then deeply hurt the young emperor and made his heart hurt.

Countless nights, when Zhu Youlang was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, his mind would always come to his mind when he fled from Zhaoqing in a hurry, and he thought of his two blood and blood, Prince Huaimin, who were lost just after birth. Zhu Ciyu, mourning the prince Zhu Ci?.

Back then, when the Qing army was still a hundred miles away, Yongli's monarchs and ministers started rushing to flee. As a result, because he was too panicked, Zhu Youlang forgot his two biological flesh and blood when he ran away. When he remembered that his two sons had not run away. When you send someone to look for it when you come out, where can you find someone!

Zhu Youlang's cowardly escape gave the Qing army an opportunity. After Li Chengdong occupied Wuzhou, he once sent a small group of Qing troops to follow Yongli's monarchs and ministers to Pingle House, and then advanced to Guilin. Although there were only more than a thousand soldiers in the chase, Zhu Youlang was still very afraid, and did not listen to the firm objection of the great scholar Qu Shizi to flee Guilin, and was going to enter Hunan to join the warlord Liu Chengyin, who had more troops.

For this reason, Qu Shiti was heartbroken and said in despair: "Now there are four more people who move, and every time they move, people's hearts are scattered once. Is it okay to worry about people's hearts and things?"

However, Zhu Youlang, who only wanted to escape for his life, could not listen to such advice, and fled to Quanzhou under the instigation of the **** Wang Kun and Ma Jixiang of Jinyiwei. Qu Shisi had to ask himself to stay in Guilin, but Zhu Youlang reluctantly agreed. For the sake of stability, Qu Shisi asked Zhu Youlang not to leave Guangxi anyway, even if he temporarily stayed in Quanzhou, which is close to Hunan. Unexpectedly, Zhu Youlang was afraid of the Qing Dynasty and fled to Wugang in April, and has never been able to return to Guangxi since then.

Looking back on the timid actions of the past, Zhu Youlang blamed himself, he was in pain, but he couldn't do anything, because he was too afraid of the Qing army, he was afraid that he would die in the Qing army like Hongguang, Longwu, and Shaowu. hands.

Why have I lived such a torment every day since I took the throne?

Why did God make me suffer so much?

Why does God have to torture me like this!

I am not reconciled, I want to be the master of ZTE!

I don't want to run anymore, I can't run anymore, King Jin, I rely on you! I will not transfer back the army of the King of Shu, I believe that you will not let me down, King Jin!

If King Jin fails, I will definitely not run away, and I will hang myself in Kunming like the previous emperor!

I'm not afraid... I'm not afraid of death... I'm really not afraid of death...

With the sound of "Bah", Zhu Youlang suddenly knocked over the already cold supper, and the crisp cracking sound of the bowl alerted the guards and the inner supervisor outside, who came in in a panic, thinking what happened to the emperor.

"You all go out, I'm fine."

Zhu Youlang let out a breath, motioned to the inner supervisor to pick up the broken bowl, raised his hand and placed Wen Anzhi's memorial on the left side of the imperial case, where there were all the memorials that were left unpublished.

After hesitating for a while~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Zhu Youlang shook her head, got up and walked out.

The inner supervisor asked in a low voice, "Is the emperor going to bed?"

Zhu Youlang originally wanted to say go to bed, but the words turned into: "Has the prince ever gone to bed?"

The inner supervisor said cautiously, "His Royal Highness is at the Empress's place, I'm afraid I'm going to sleep."


Thinking of the eldest son and second son of the lost folks, Zhu Youlang felt another pain in his heart, and instructed the inner supervisor: "I hold the lamp in front of me, I will go and see the queen and the crown prince."


Author's Note: My sister who is one year older than me is getting married tomorrow, sigh, I am 34 years old, and I can finally get married, and Bone is finally my brother-in-law...Ahem, Bone's son is seven years old, and his aunt just married people...

I will definitely not stop updating this part, so today I will try my best to code the manuscripts for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and then publish them regularly. Of course, there may be less, and everyone should be considerate of this. (To be continued.)

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