Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 318: Zhuge Liang can't get out of Nanming

Beijing City was rebuilt and expanded on the basis of the capital city of the Yuan Dynasty when the former Ming Chengzu Emperor was in power. In the early Ming Dynasty, in order to facilitate defense, the relatively open area in the north of the city was set aside outside the city. , which formed the scale of Beijing's inner city today. The update is the fastest and most of the inner city is occupied by the imperial city. Therefore, most of the merchants’ transactions and stores are concentrated in the Zhengyangmen area of ​​the outer city. Zhengyangmen is the only place for foreigners to enter Beijing. The merchants' goods are in the distribution center of the capital, so this place is the most lively place in Beijing. The lamp market, flower market, vegetable market, book market, several alleys, eat, drink, play, and have fun. There are everything, restaurants, teahouses, theaters, and more. It is a family next to a family, and the sisters in the alley can hear their ** from a few miles apart, making the person fascinated. ?

The Ertiao Hutong is next to the Jiaofangsi in the former Ming Dynasty. This place was originally the famous Pirou Hutong in the capital. After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, although the Shuntian Prefecture demolished the Jiaofangsi, these two alleys were still left, making this The Hu is even more prosperous than the Ming Dynasty. At night, it is full of traffic, and the business is so good that it scares people to death.

Merchants are chasing profit. Seeing that Ertiao Hutong is doing a good job of selling meat and meat, and attracting many customers, some people build teahouses and restaurants around Ertiao Hutong one after another. They don’t do much business during the day, but when it gets dark, the shopkeeper and the staff They are all busy, and the most business is naturally the brothels in the hutongs. The sisters are busy serving the guests and have no time to go out to eat. Not just to get that one or two times, but to play all night.

I have a lot of venting, my mind is tired, my body is tired, and my stomach is even more hungry. I don’t care about the food in the brothel, so I can only eat outside. So ever. There are more teahouses and restaurants around Ertiao Hutong than the guests.

In the restaurant, the food and drinks delivered to the hutongs are called take-out. Over time, the food-delivery has become synonymous with Guigong. If someone is scolded in the capital, it is the take-out. It's definitely going to be a fight - you call someone a turtle, can people not be anxious with you?

The characters in Chunfenglou were written by a servant from the Ministry of Rites. Everyone's handwriting looks different and stylish.

As usual, it was dark. There was a lot of laughter in the Spring Breeze Building. The guests ordered a few plates of delicious side dishes, and some also ordered a few plates of wine and tea. When it's done, and listen to the movement of the brothel in the hutong next door, at least 60% of the customers will run there in a daze, and in the end, 30% will definitely ask the restaurant to deliver food.

That night, in the private room on the second floor, there were several literati-like Confucian scholars sitting around the table and talking freely. On the table are the signature dishes of Chunfenglou, such as bird's nest chicken shredded soup, sea cucumber braised pork tendon, fresh razor radish soup, seaweed pork belly soup, abalone braised loosestrife, and other dishes of stewed vegetables such as beef in sauce, which are fragrant. Alluring. ?

"Eat everyone, don't be polite when you come here, there are no outsiders around, why can't you let go? If you really don't want to eat, you can't help your belly, and you can't feel sorry for the money spent by this old man. After that, I have to go to the alley with the old man to have fun. If the belly is not full, how can I fill the belly of those little girls, hehe."?

The guest was an old man with gray beard and hair fluttering like a fairy. This person's name is Gong Dingyu. Speaking of which, this person has a lot of background. He was a jinshi in the seven years of Chongzhen in the former Ming Dynasty. It even refuted the imperial edict of Emperor Chongzhen. He was called the model of the literati by the party members at that time. However, it was the example of this literati who was not afraid of power officials. When the Ming Dynasty died, his integrity was at an extreme.

Gong Dingyu's brazenness was not only despised by the people of the Ming Dynasty, but also despised by the people of the Qing Dynasty. In the Hongguang Dynasty of the Nanming Dynasty, a system of investigating and handling "thugs" was established. This censor who had been a thief and a sinner of Nanming was very disdainful. When Dorgon was there, he even thought that people like Gong Dingyu should only sit down and sit quietly. Why should they talk about others and ridicule him for comparing himself to Wei Zheng, and comparing Li Thief to Emperor Taizong, which is shameless.

The regent of Dorgon commented that even if Gong Dingyu was surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, he would not be reused by the Qing court. He only became a nominal Taichang Temple Shaoqing. He lingered in brothel brothels every night, and even when his father died and went to mourning, he was also a slut, and he reveled in brothels every night, which was very shameless. However, this kind of person was called "" Jiang Zuo three masters", with him in the three masters are the talented Wu Weiye and the literary giant Qian Qianyi.

"Isn't it **** this journey? The old man said he was going to hold a banquet for your hometown to wash away the dust, but you refused. Today, I finally asked the old man to invite him. Come, come, don't be polite, eat quickly." Gong Dingxi persuaded with a smile The guests move their chopsticks.

"Hey, why did Senior Gong say this? It's our honor and pleasure to meet our old friends in a foreign land. Seniors, in the later life, we use tea instead of wine, and it is our honor to do it first!"

The one who spoke was the youngest and most handsome Kunshan genius Xu Yuanwen.

Xu Yuanwen stood up to make a toast, Gong Dingyu's old face blossomed, and he said hurriedly: "Come on, stop, Xu Gongzi is a splendid figure that the old man has heard of for a long time, and it's really good to see him today, with slender eyebrows, long eyes, nose augmentation and red lips, Yushu Linfeng's figure, tsk tsk. , I'm really envious of this old man."?

Gong Dingyu's praise made Xu Yuanwen a little embarrassed. He bowed his head and gave Gong Dingyu a deep nod, saying, "In any case, I would like to thank my ancestors first. Mr. Gong is a warm and sincere person, and I am very moved tonight!"?

Gong Dingyi smiled and waved his hand: "Hey, what's the point? You are the talent that Brother Mu Zhai specially recommended to me. How can I be neglected? I heard that the young master was capable of public assistance when he was young. Is there such a thing?"?

Xu Yuanwen blushed again: "It's all made up by them." ?

"Otherwise, old man, it is very clear that this matter was born late. Yuanwen was only five years old at that time..."?

"Brother Jingxiu, don't make a fool of yourself in front of your seniors."?

"Who doesn't know about this? Xu Yuanwen, the son of the old Xu family of the Kunshan family in Jiangnan, is different! To be honest, I sigh, I can't keep up! If I had known that you came to Beijing to take the exam, I would just stay there. Zai Xiaogan will not come. Obviously, you must be in front of me!"

The talking Xiong Ci has a white face and no beard. He is thin and elegant. He is also a handsome young man. He is from Hubei and wants to participate in the exam next year, so he came to the capital early this year, so that he can get to know some people in the same year and learn from everyone in the capital. . It is also good to be able to make the gold list title next year. Retreat is his word. ?

Cheng Hanbin, an old Confucian student in his forties, was very curious when he heard Xiong Cilu's words, and urged him: "Brother Jingxiu, please tell me about your brother Gongsu."

Xiong Cilu chuckled and said, "It is said that five-year-old Xu Yuanwen came home from the library one day. He only thought about the poetry and prose taught by the teacher, and he tripped over the threshold of his own house. His father helped him up. , said with a smile: 'Falling down the little scholar'. Guess what Xiao Yuanwen is right... He responded and said: 'Help up the scholar!' Do you think Yuanwen has ambition? Of course. Who is there? How can there be Mr. Gu Tinglin, a great scholar like Wuwen? Yuanwen will definitely be better than the blue in the future." He spoke with a rather envious look on his face, also, who would not want to have a scholar This kind of child prodigy deeds have been handed down to the world.

In the past, Xiong Cilu had a more serious personality and didn't like to talk like this, but today he is one of the "Three Great Masters of Jiang Zuo", and he is also the guest of Gong Dingyu from the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple, and there is also a young talent in Jiangnan like Xu Yuanwen. got excited.

?Xu Yuanwen is a descendant of the Xu family, a generational rich man in Kunshan, Jiangnan. People at that time said that the Xu family was the descendant of Xu Jie, the first assistant of the former Ming Jiajing Dynasty. Kunshan is also rich in literary style. Gu Yanwu, a great scholar in the world, is also Xu Yuanwen's uncle, so Xu Yuanwen was instructed by a famous teacher when he was young, and he was a scholar at the age of twelve. His poetry and prose are both wonderful, and his people are suave. All the poets and literati in Jiangnan fall for him. If Xu Yuanwen was born twenty or thirty years earlier, who would dare to say that he was not Qian Qianyi or Gong Dingyu, who dominated the Jiangnan literary world? ?

"The old man once heard Brother Mu Zhai talk about an interesting story about Yuanwen, saying that he was determined to be an examiner at a young age, and the villagers asked, "I want to be an official at a young age, how big of an official do you want to be? "Yuanwen said without hesitation: "Be the patriarch. Everyone laughed. Thinking that Yuan Wen was too arrogant, one of them said sarcastically: "I think I am old when I am not old," and I didn't want Yuan Wen to blurt out: "No talent to be a scholar. "It made everyone embarrassed, and I wanted to laugh at him. Instead, he made the first army. This is really wonderful, and the old man laughed so hard after hearing it."?

Among the people invited, Gong Dingyu admired Xu Yuanwen the most. First, he was recommended to him by Qian Qianyi, and secondly, his uncle was Gu Yanwu. Based on these two points alone, Gong Dingyu could not help but appreciate Xu Yuanwen. Moreover, this Xu Yuanwen is indeed a champion, and I am afraid that he will pass the test next year, and he will also come out on top in the palace test. He was a shameless person, no matter what his seniority was at the moment, he asked Xu Yuanwen with a smile: "Little brother Yuanwen, you are going to Beijing to take the exam, does your uncle, Mr. Tinglin, agree?"?

Hearing this, Xu Yuanwen said with a serious face: "After the chaos, people's minds are calm. Seeing that the Qing Dynasty has been sitting on most of the country, it is about to unify the world and heal the wounds. Su Minqi and peace in the world, my generation is very useful! As for My uncle, who has traveled thousands of miles in his life, has become famous all over the world, and he has taken very little of the fame and fortune of the secular officialdom. My uncle said that he would go west and be devoted to the classics and history, but he did not firmly oppose our brother's career. It has been reversed. Besides, I was waiting for the time when I was young and in full bloom, not to mention gaining fame and forging wives and sons, the old saying 'every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world' is also in use today. My generation has a lot of money, and if I can do good things for the country and the people, I will not waste my life." After speaking, he looked at Xiong Cilu, "Brother Jingxiu must feel the same way?"?

Xiong Ci walked sternly and said: "Exactly! It is a foregone conclusion that the Qing Dynasty will rule the world, but if the Qing Dynasty wants to govern the country and bring peace to the world, Confucius, Mencius, Cheng and Zhu Shengdao are indispensable. My generation is willing to work hard and sweat for this. Not for Brother Kong Fang, but for the ambition in your heart!"

Gong Dingyu was delighted to hear this, put his palms together and said, "Okay, okay, as expected of all young talents, they are all people with great ambitions. You are right, it is a foregone conclusion that the Qing Dynasty will dominate the world, but Nanming **** It's definitely not a good thing to live on. I might as well tell you again that the imperial court is about to deploy troops to the southwest. It will take a year and a half, and three to five years later. The world will definitely be unified. Unleash the ambition in your chest, serve the Qing Dynasty, serve the country and the people of the world... If the old man is not mistaken, you will be the pillar of the court in the future, and your achievements will not be inferior to the old man! Come, do it for the pillars of the court in the future. A cup!"

Xu Yuanwen, Xiong Cilu and the others hurriedly picked up the wine glasses and got up to drink with Gong Dingyu. After sitting down, Xu Yuanwen and Xiong Cilu both blushed a little, obviously excited by what Gong Dingyu said.

After the old Confucian scholar Cheng Hanbin sat down, he asked worriedly: "Master Gong, is it really impossible for Southwest to do anything?"

Cheng Hanbin's question made Gong Dingyu feel a little unhappy, and he just made it clear that the Qing Dynasty's **** of the world is a foregone conclusion, so why does this old scholar ask more questions. His heart was unhappy, but he said in his mouth: "If there is no internal strife between Sun and Li, or it may be possible to rule the river, it will be difficult to achieve it now."

Cheng Hanbin nodded, not noticing Gong Dingyu's impatient expression, and still said: "However, although Li Dingguo was born as a thief, he is still talented. Back then, he was a famous king and had great momentum. he..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Gong Dingyu, who disdainfully said: "What if Li Dingguo wins, what if he loses? Is it possible that you can still use your own strength to prevent me from ruling the world? I serve in the Qing Dynasty, so don’t worry about the general trend. My Qing Dynasty is like the Wei State of the past, and his Nanming is like the Shu Han. The Shu Han cannot swallow the Wei State, and cannot go against the general trend of the world. Let me ask you, is there a small country in history that can swallow a big country? ?"

Xu Yuanwen smiled and said, "Unheard of."

Xiong Cilu smiled and said nothing.

"I've never heard of it in Wansheng." Cheng Hanbin shook his head, but he wanted to say that the Qing Dynasty was a small country swallowing a big country~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But he didn't dare to say it, otherwise he didn't know how Gong Dingyu would attack. Woolen cloth.

"That's right, that Zhuge Liang is a strange man who has not been seen in a thousand years, but no matter how powerful he is, isn't he unable to help Shu Han in the northern expedition of the Central Plains? Now this Nan Ming is even more unbearable than the Shu Han of that year, then Li Dingguo was not born Zhuge Liang, he even No matter how good you are, what can you do? The general trend, this world will definitely be ruled by me! *A piece of suicide!"

Gong Dingyu firmly believed that the Qing Dynasty would rule the world, otherwise he would not have surrendered so quickly. Moreover, for the sake of his wealth and life, he couldn't tell these scholars that Nanming was good. Nanming was so good to have him. it is good?

Seeing Cheng Hanbin in a daze, Xu Yuanwen said with a smile: "Brother Cheng, relax, Nanming can't get Zhuge Liang. Come on, everyone, I'll give you a toast!" Pick up the wine glass.

After drinking a glass of wine, Cheng Hanbin sighed secretly: Xu Yuanwen is right, he is still reading with peace of mind, and then go to the imperial examinations of the Qing Dynasty to become an official of the Qing Dynasty, Nanming will not be able to get Zhuge Liang. I have been in my forties, and I have waited for more than ten years. If I wait any longer, I am afraid that I will have no hope of becoming an official in this life. That's all, that's all, let's be his official in the Qing Dynasty. (To be continued.)

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