Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 312: Run faster than me?

Seeing that his companion was knocked off by a one-eyed dragon with a hammer, the one-eyed dragon shouted a fourth, and another Manchurian soldier with a knife was frightened and took two steps back involuntarily, lest his forehead would also be hit. This one-eyed dragon was smashed. first time oh dear

want to go!

Li Blind looked at the Manchu soldier in an extremely strange way, as if this was not a man, but a naked Tartar woman. He roared hard, raised a big hammer and smashed at the Manchu soldier.

"No! Don't kill me!"

Looking at the huge hammer covered with blood and brains, the Manchurian soldiers were devastated, and there was only one thought in his mind: I don't want to die!

"Don't worry, I will love your mother-in-law! Now, die for me!"

After speaking, Li Blind smashed the Manchurian soldier's left shoulder with a hammer, and with a "puff", flesh and blood flew, and the huge iron hammer directly tore off the entire shoulder of the Manchurian soldier and half of the breast meat. Its strength was so fierce that it even smashed the armor of the Manchu soldiers into pieces. Looking at the fallen half of the Manchu soldier's body, his organs and ribs are piled up together, making people want to vomit.

When the Taiping Army on the side saw it, everyone gasped: This blind man Li is so strong!

"the fifth!"

Li Blind took back the hammer and laughed proudly: The Manchu soldiers were nothing more than that. I had known that they were so cowardly. Back then, they should not have been dragged by those cowards. Later, they surrendered and became the Green Battalion soldiers. Be the traitor who humiliates the ancestors!

After laughing, Li Blind took the hammer and stared at the two Manchu soldiers not far away who were stunned by his actions just now.

Seventh, eighth, hehe

I'm fine with this, but I don't know what your mother-in-law looks like.

After thinking about it again, I thought: there is always no good, the military commander accepts me as his personal soldier under the account. The promise is to play as many tartar mothers as you kill as many tartars as you want. If I kill too few tartar mothers, if all the tartar mothers on the stall are ugly, there is no place to replace them! Then don't have to vomit! That's it. I'll kill a few more, so that I'm not going to be so unlucky to end up with some ugly women!

After he figured it out, Blind Li was refreshed. He strode forward and only took a few steps, but saw the two Manchu soldiers squeaked like rabbits and ran into the forest.


Li Blind scolded bad luck, and there were two less girls in hand, but he was so angry that he slapped the hammer on his shoulder and drove over: "Run faster than me, you are still a little tender!" Do you know that I joined the Taiping Army because I ran too fast!

Looking at the Taiping army rushing in from all directions, looking at the Manchu Erlang who could not repel the opponent despite desperate resistance, and watching the familiar faces fall under the sword of the Taiping army. Watching the Taiping army push them step by step to nowhere to escape

The desperate eyes of Manzhou Erlang that remained in his sight made Tayinbu extremely regretful and painful. He hated himself for being cautious, knowing that there was danger, but why did he rashly ask Gangtaa to hunt down those deserters, and then Why did not guard against the back road, and even fell into this field.

I'm sorry Erlang, I'm sorry Daqing, I'm sorry the emperor!

In the past, Tayinbu happily led people to kill and slaughter Han people like cattle and sheep. Now, he is being slaughtered by the Han people in turn. As the leader of the Zhengbai Banner, he is also the master's pro-army guard Tayinbu. Psychologically, he couldn't accept this kind of gap at all, and after remorse, he finally collapsed.

how come? how so! Do I really want to be slaughtered by this group of inferior Han people!

Tayinbu's mind was blank, the knife in his hand was lost somewhere, and he stumbled while walking, just like a madman walking forward, murmuring something in his mouth so that he can listen If you understand. He tripped over the corpse on the ground several times, but got up several times, but he still looked like this.

Suna, who was struggling with the remaining flag soldiers, found out that something was wrong with Tayinbu. He hurriedly stepped forward and hugged him, shouting, "Lord Senpai. What's wrong with you!"

But no matter how Suna called, Tayinbu didn't respond as if he had been pumped out of his soul. Those empty eyes are so scary.

Done! Tayinbu is crazy!

Suna was completely desperate. He wanted to leave Tayinbu and run for his life alone, but looking around, there was no way for him to escape.

The three Niu Lu Han troops in the Han army flag had already collapsed. When Du Ledde led his men to break through the siege, he was hit in the back by the cavalry of the Taiping army. Before he died, he looked like a man, still shouting to kill the enemy. Seeing that this man was a ghost, he had to work for Tartar, but a small flag stepped forward and cut off his head with a knife, and threw it into the forest. The headless body of Du Yide was lying on the side of the road, and no one knew who he was from then on.

Seeing that the Manchu soldiers in the rear were also surrounded by the Taiping army, Du Ledde was killed, Xiang Guoqing knew that the situation was over, and led dozens of his flag soldiers to kneel and surrender.

Wang Shude was still running around with a group of flag soldiers. He wanted to find a place where the Taiping army was not well-defended and stood out, even if he ran into the woods. But after running around, he couldn't find an exit. Instead, he was shot by the Taiping Army and killed more than a dozen people. When he found out that the Taiping army did not kill Xiang Guoqing after he had surrendered on his knees, Wang Shude also opened his eyes and shouted to surrender. The group of flag soldiers who followed him heard Zuo Ling's words, everyone's expression relaxed, they threw their weapons on the ground without Wang Shude's order, and learned to kneel on the ground like the National Day gang, and hold them with both hands. The pigtail at the back of his head shouted, "I'm waiting, don't kill me!"

"Cut it quickly, cut it quickly, it's too late to have yesterday's share!"

"Fuck, this Qing soldier's head is mine, why do you rob it!"

"Obviously I discovered it first, so how could it be yours!"

"This Qing soldier is clearly killed by me, how can it become yours!"


After the surrender of the Han army, hundreds of new soldiers rushed to **** the heads of the dead Qing soldiers. They did not know that the Taiping army did not count their heads. . Because of the **** of the head, the new soldiers almost fought themselves.

"Lord Shen, wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Looking at the Taiping army encircling in all directions, Suna, who ran under a big tree, was about to cry. His survival instinct made him drag the dazed Tayinbu around in the forest just now, but how could he rush. stay home. In the end, he really didn't have the strength to run, so he had to pull Tayinbu to hide under the big tree.

Shaking desperately, Tayinbu still didn't respond at all. Suna wanted to cry without tears. He knew that there was no point in resisting any more. He would only let the remaining Manchu Erlangs be killed by the Taiping Army one by one. Cut off his head and take it away, and then throw this headless corpse in the woods for beasts to eat.

Suna wanted to give an order to surrender, he didn't want to be a headless wild ghost, and he didn't want to die in a foreign land, but the pride and pride of the Manchurians prevented him from saying so, and he was also afraid that those bannermen who were fighting to the death of the Taiping Army would not He listened to his own words, so he wanted to wake up the stupid Tayinbu, hoping that this commander would order the surrender, so that he would be better off when he was ordered to surrender.

After another round of slashing, there were only a dozen or so Manchu soldiers left. They were forced to retreat under the big tree where Suna was, and rely on each other to continue fighting with the Taiping Army.

Up until now, they didn't have much strength, and they were just holding on with their last breath.

"Stop attacking, the commander has ordered to stop attacking!"

Suddenly, someone in the Taiping army shouted loudly, and soon, the Taiping army stopped attacking, and only densely surrounded the Manchu soldiers.

"Gouda, you have today too! When my military commander arrives, I will send you to the west one by one!"

Seeing that the legendary Manchurian Tartars who are invincible in the world and can stand as one hundred are now almost in despair and fear under their gaze, the Taiping soldiers laughed, their eyes full of ridicule and sarcasm. This kind of look is a bit familiar to the Manchu soldiers, and it seems that they have seen it in the eyes of their companions, but at that time, they were the victors.

"Stop fighting, we are defeated."

The Taiping army stopped attacking and did not give Suna any hope of life. He sighed, let go of Tayinbu, and then slumped on the ground without taking the knife, so he just casually discarded it. It seems that it is resigned to the fate, let the Taiping army deal with it.

The dozen or so Manchu soldiers were all terrified. Looking at the black heads of the Taiping Army, they showed chills from their pores. They were ready to die in battle, but Suna's words completely defeated them in the end. belief.

It's already like this, what else to fight!

I don't know which of the Manchu soldiers sighed first, then dropped the knife and sat on the ground. Soon, more than a dozen Manchu soldiers sat down on the ground, bowing their heads in silence, allowing the Taiping army to point at him and laugh at him. Their heads were drooping, and the former mighty world could no longer be seen from them. They are waiting to die.

After the Manchu soldiers gave up their resistance~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Ge Yi walked out of the crowd, glanced at the group of Manchu soldiers who had given up their resistance, and called to Tayinbu who was still in a daze: "Tayinbu, our commander called I ask you, are you willing to surrender, if you are willing to surrender my Taiping Army, our commander can give you a way out!"

"Master Participant?"

Hearing this, Suna was stunned for a moment, then shivered, and suddenly gave birth to a urge to survive, and turned to look at Tayinbu. That look is extremely expectant.

A group of Manchu soldiers also looked at Tayinbu in unison. When people are about to die, suddenly they hear the words that they don't need to die. There is no doubt that the drowning person sees a life-saving straw. Even if this straw is just an image of nothingness, they will regard it as the final savior.

After all, there are very few people in the world who are not afraid of death, and who doesn't want to live? These Manchurian soldiers have killed many unarmed Han people in the past, I don't know how many words they heard begging for mercy, and I don't know how many Han people they cut down with their laughter. At that time, they never thought that they were afraid of death, they took pleasure in killing people, and they were proud of breaking their homes, but today, when they fell into the situation of the tragically killed by their knives, they suddenly realized: the original death Really scary.

"Are you going down?" (To be continued.)

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