Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 313: saw you alive

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"Tayinbu, are you going down or not!"

Ge Yi shouted again, slightly impatient. If the military commander had not insisted on persuading these Manchu soldiers to surrender, he would have been too lazy to talk to Tayinbu. http://%77%77%77%2e%6c%6e%77%6f%77%2e%6e%65%74Pinshu

While waiting, he couldn't help but secretly wondered what the military commander was thinking. Why didn't he kill all these Manchurians, instead he wanted to persuade them to surrender them and be included in the Taiping Army, but these wolf cubs could be well raised. !

All day long, he keeps talking about "the hearts of those who are not my race must be different", but when things are about to happen, they do such a thing. I really don't know what the military commander An's thoughts are.

Ge Yi was very dissatisfied with Zhou Shixiang's decision to persuade the Manchu soldiers to surrender, but he couldn't object.

"Master Participant..."

At this moment, there was only one thought in Suna's mind: Will Tayinbu agree to surrender so that they can live.

Most of the Manchu soldiers were anxiously looking at Tayinbu, who seemed to be sleepwalking, their hearts pounding wildly, and their eyes were full of longing. Faced with the threat of death, it is difficult for them to resist the temptation to live.

One or two people even thought that it was not a shameful thing to surrender to the Han people. Back then, Emperor Taizu was a servant of the Han Chinese Li Chengliang, but now the Han people are also occupied by our Manchus. Therefore, it doesn't matter if you suffer a temporary humiliation. Don't the Han people have the guts to say that as long as they can save their lives today, they may not have the opportunity to wash away their shame today!

However, there are also a few Manchu soldiers with a look of death, and they would rather die than surrender. The eagerness in the eyes of their companions makes them look at them with contempt and anger. With a sullen breath, I felt that yesterday these people had lost all face of the Manchu warriors.

The Taiping army stared at Tayinbu, and the Manchu soldiers also stared at Tayinbu, and everyone was waiting for his answer.

After waiting for a long time, Tayinbu didn't say anything, just sat there blankly. Ge Yi was impatient. He was ordered to persuade him to surrender, but he couldn't blame him for not surrendering. When he waved his hand and was about to order these Manchu soldiers to be hacked to death, Nata Yinbu moved.

"Let me surrender?"

Trance. Tayinbu finally came back to reality. He didn't go to see Suna or the Manchu children who wanted to surrender or didn't want to surrender. Instead, he stood up staggeringly and looked at Ge Yi, asking very unwillingly. : "You are not a Taiping army. Are you Daxi soldiers?"

Tayinbu could not accept that he was defeated by an unknown army. He believed that the Taiping Army was the Daxi Army, because it was a strong Han army that even Prince Nikan could defeat, and he had nothing to say about being defeated by them. After the court got the report, it would not say that he was incompetent, so although he died in battle, his name was still there, the family's pension was also there, and the most important thing was that his dignity was still there.

However, the ruthless fact took away the rag he wanted to cover.

Ge Yi laughed and said proudly: "Ta Yinbu. You are wrong, we are not the subordinates of King Jin, we are the Taiping Army!"

"Aren't you Li Dingguo's subordinates?"

Tayinbu shook his body, he knew that the other party did not lie to him, and there was no need to lie to him. He smiled wryly, shook his head, looked at Ge Yi, and asked him, "Where is your leader, the thief Xiucai? Call him to see this official!"

Hearing this, Ge Yi was furious and shouted: "Bold. How dare you, a Manchu dog, say that my family's handsome is a thief and a scholar, and your ancestors are thieves for the eighteenth generation!"

"Fucking dog tartar, dead clear demon, you are courting death!"

The Taiping soldiers were outraged. Everyone shouted and scolded. They couldn't tolerate a Tartar saying that the military commander was a thief and a scholar, and they could not wait to tear Tayinbu's mouth to pieces.

Suna was so frightened by the Taiping army's scolding that he didn't dare to move, lest these Taiping army would vent their anger on them, and also complained why Tayinbu refused to surrender, but instead called the coach a thief.

After Tayinbu regained consciousness. The person has calmed down, or he is not even afraid of death, and is still afraid of some opponent's scolding, so he does not care about the anger of the Taiping soldiers, he just looks at Ge Yi closely, and asks in a deep voice: " Where is the thief show talent?"

"you wanna die!"

When Ge Yi heard that Tayinbu still dared to scold the thief Xiucai, he was furious, and reached out his hand to cut the **** before drawing the knife. Just as the knife was unsheathed, he heard Zhou Shixiang's voice behind him.

"Tayinbu, I am your thief scholar!"

Accompanied by the guards of the military commander's mansion and Qin Zhisheng, Xu Yingyuan and others, Zhou Shixiang went straight through the crowd. Ge Yi, Tie Yi, and Jiang Fan were busy bending over and salute with the other officers, but they were stopped by Zhou Shixiang, who signaled them not to be too polite.


Seeing Zhou Shixiang appear, and he was so young, Tayinbu couldn't help but stunned and said, "Are you a thief from the Xinhui?"

"Before this commander joined the army, he was a scholar, but he was not a thief as you say."

Tayinbu called himself a thief scholar, but Zhou Shixiang was not angry at all, and only looked at this white flag ginseng leader who had been a second-class guard for Shunzhi for several years with interest.

Tayinbu met Zhou Shixiang's gaze, and looked at him with a sigh of relief. After a while, he said with some regret: "Although I am from Manchuria, I have always liked to read your Han books, and I also appreciate your Han scholars. I always think that You Han scholars all read the books of saints and sages, understand the great truth, and will be in great shape tomorrow, so we Manchurians still have to hand over to you Han people to govern, otherwise we Manchurians alone cannot rule the world.. ...

You already have a reputation as a scholar, you just need to work harder. In the future, the imperial court will open the imperial examination, and then you will be admitted to the jinshi, and then you will become an official, and you will be the right way to govern for the court. How could the court not use you for your ability? As long as you live well, you will be able to seal your wife and son, but why do you go against the thief and the court? "

"The court of this handsome heart is the Ming court, not your Manchu court! You ask me why I don't study hard? Well, I'll tell you, I want to study hard, and then be admitted to the jinshi as a high-ranking official, but you The court of the mouth did not let me study at home! Not only did you not let me study hard, but you also destroyed my home and killed my parents, wife and children! Tayinbu, I ask you, your court forced me to ruin my family. , how can I continue to study, take the imperial examinations, and work for your court!"

After Zhou Shixiang finished speaking, he burst out laughing, the pain and anger that the laughter could not express.

Tayinbu knew about Zhou Shixiang's information long before he led his army out of the city, but he said, "Your parents, wife and children were not killed by my Manchurians. You can't blame the court."

"It's not that you were killed by the Manchurians. I just ask you, it was your Qing army who defended the city in Xinhui! Are they loyal to the court of your Manchurians? Are they doing things for your Manchurians? After defending the city, has your court added officials or titles to them? If so, why is it wrong for me to put the blame on your Manchu people!"

"Nothing wrong."

Tayinbu took a deep breath. He really couldn't refute Zhou Shixiang's accusation. The massacre in Xinhui City was indeed the work of the Qing army, although it was not a Manchu army. But that was also the Qing army. Zhou Shixiang and the Qing army had a feud of destroying their family and destroying their families. Naturally, this account should be counted in the Qing Dynasty, and it would naturally be inseparable from the Qing Dynasty.

He paused and said, "You said you wanted to persuade me to surrender?"

"As long as you are willing to surrender to me, I will keep you and your subordinates safe and sound."

No matter how much Zhou Shixiang hated the Qing Dynasty, he would not give up his plan to persuade Tayinbu to surrender. It will definitely increase the prestige of the Taiping Army, and it will also be a major blow to the Qing army in Guangzhou.

Tayinbu sneered, his neck twitched, and said proudly: "There are only fallen Manchurian warriors in the world, and there is absolutely no man of the Eight Banners who surrendered! Thief Xiucai, I want this sergeant to lead you to surrender, in your next life!"

"Are you Manchurians really not afraid of death?" Zhou Shixiang sneered, and suddenly pointed at the seated Manchurian soldiers and asked them, "Are you going down or not!"

"I would rather die than surrender!"

A tall Manchurian soldier who hated Zhou Shixiang snorted "Bah" and scolded: "The thief of the South, I swear to the death of a man of the Eight Banners, and I will never let you down to a Han Chinese who is inferior to your pigs and dogs!"

The voice did not fall. Seeing that a big man suddenly flashed in front of him, and then saw a huge hammer smashing towards him, but after hearing the scream of "ah", this tall Manchurian soldier had a big hole in his chest. It was "gulugulu" bleeding out.

"It's not as good as pigs and dogs, I'll kill your dog first!"

Blind Li Yi succeeded, scoldingly stood aside with the hammer, glanced at Zhou Shixiang, and said loudly, "Master, the eighth one. Remember, there are eight!"

"I wrote it down, I broke the city of Guangzhou and gave you eight Tartar women!"

Zhou Shixiang didn't even look at the Manchu soldiers who were twitching and bleeding, and only asked the stunned Manchu soldiers, "Are you going to surrender? If you don't, you'll be the same as him!"

"Can't go down!"

Blind Li Hehe smiled and pointed the big hammer at them: "If you don't surrender, you are all mine, and your mother-in-law is also mine!"

The tragic end of the tall Manchurian soldiers frightened these Manchurian soldiers. When they saw the blind man pointing a hammer at him, the whole group of Manchurian soldiers couldn't stand up anymore, and they all said: "Come down, I'm waiting for the surrender, I'm waiting for the hope. Come down! I beg Taiping Army Commander Zhou for mercy!"

At this point, even "Zhou Dashuai" was called out, which shows that these Manchu soldiers were completely scared. This will just want to live, and nothing else.

Zhou Shixiang nodded with satisfaction as the Manchu soldiers kowtowed, then looked at Suna, and said with a half-smile, "Su Nazuo, they are willing to surrender, how about you?"


Suna was horrified by Zhou Shixiang's gaze. Of course he didn't want to die, but it seemed too embarrassing to surrender like this. He hesitated again and again, and couldn't decide. However, after seeing the half-blind man who made the hammer move, he couldn't think about it any longer, and suddenly fell down and couldn't stop kowtowing and begging for mercy: "Little wishes come! a way to live!"

Seeing this, Blind Li couldn't help cursing bad luck and stopped there with a helpless expression.

"Haha, good, good!"

Zhou Shixiang turned his gaze to Tayinbu and said sarcastically, "Tayinbu~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You've seen it all. Your so-called warriors of the Eight Banners seem to be nothing more than that."

"You bastards, disgrace your ancestors, you don't deserve to be my warriors of the Eight Banners, you cowards! This thief show is playing tricks on you, he will torture you alive if he doesn't kill you now!"

Tayinbu was so angry with his subordinates that his hands were shaking, and he wished he could kill them all with a knife, so as not to lose the face of the banner warriors here.

"Tayinbu, I'll ask you one more question, would you like to surrender?"

Zhou Shixiang didn't want to see Tayinbu scolding his subordinates, he just wanted to know how brave Tayinbu was and whether he was really not afraid of death.


Tayinbu turned his head and glared at Zhou Shixiang, his eyes told Zhou Shixiang unmistakably: I will not surrender!

"The bones are hard."

Zhou Shixiang snorted coldly, he may continue to be patient with the hard-boned Han people, but he has no such patience with the hard-boned Manchurians. No matter how important this person is, it is no bigger than the anger in his heart.

He shouted fiercely, "Where is Xu Yingyuan!"

As soon as Xu Yingyuan heard his call, he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "The next official is here!"

Zhou Shixiang didn't look at him, but asked, "How did the great scholar Chen Gong die?"

The old scholar Chen Gong?

Xu Yingyuan was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood that Zhou Shixiang was referring to Chen Zizhuang, a great scholar in the East Pavilion of the Yongli court, and hurriedly said: "Returning to the commander's words, so the great scholar Chen Gong was sawed alive by the Qing soldiers with a big saw, and his death was extremely tragic and solemn. !"

"That's good, I told them to be sawed alive, and today's handsome Japanese also sawed to death one of their full eight flag ginseng leaders!" Zhou Shixiang raised his hand and instructed: "Blind Li, find a saw!" continued.)

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