Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 311: Manchu girls

"Crash it!"

Gantaa took out his dagger and stabbed the war horse fiercely, and the war horse rushed towards the mud wall in front of him with a neigh in pain.

Gangtaa went mad, and those Manchu soldiers also went mad. They knew that if they couldn't break through that mud wall, they would all have to die here today!

"Drive! Drive!"

The Manchu soldiers kept accelerating, as if they did not see the corpses of their companions lying in front of them. The hooves of the war horse trampled the corpses on the ground, and the corpses were sunk in the east and hidden in the west.

Ge Yi and Jiang Fan, who led the infantry's left battalion and rushed up to cut down the Manchu soldiers, couldn't help but get nervous when they found out that the Manchu soldiers were about to rush through the mud wall. Although the mud wall was high, it was only built up by hundreds of sacks. If the Manchu soldiers were desperate to hit them with their horses, there was no guarantee that the mud wall would not collapse.

"Song Erniu, stand up to them!"

Ge Yi shouted at Song Erniu, the deputy camp officer behind the mud wall.

"Brothers, the Qing Yao is coming to us, and they all stand up to me!"

Song Erniu stood in the front row behind the mud wall with his spear tightly in his hands, and glared angrily at the Manchu cavalry rushing towards him.

Hundreds of spearmen lined up in three columns, leaning close to each other, without gasping for breath.

"Shut up!"

The Manchu soldiers kept rushing to the position two horses away from the mud wall before suddenly reining in their horses. Although their mounts were almost pulled up by them, they continued to charge forward habitually, smashing their front hooves on the sack. A built mud wall.

The strong impact of a dozen war horses shook the mud wall, and a dozen sacks fell from it.


With Song Erniu's roar, dozens of spears stretched straight out from behind the wall. The sharp point of the spear stabbed straight on the armor of the Manchu soldiers and stabbed in.

The Manchu soldiers and horses were so aggressive that when the Taiping army's spear body stabbed at them, the wooden spear body quickly made a crackling sound, breaking a dozen of them.

The seven or eight Manchu soldiers who were at the forefront fell backward one after another, or fell directly to the ground, or smashed on their companions at the rear, and two more Manchu soldiers fell directly behind the mud wall. In the blink of an eye, he was stabbed into blood by six or seven spears.

Gantaa flew back a full ten feet, and after falling to the ground, the armor on his body still looked intact, and he didn't see any injuries. But he lay on the ground and couldn't move again. His lumbar spine was broken alive.

"Southern Barbarians"

Gangtaa's eyes were full of unwilling fierce light, but what was spit out from his mouth was bubbly blood.


Suna cried out in despair.

"Get off the horse and shoot the arrows!"

Tayinbu was also distraught, but he was still stubbornly resisting, seeing that he could not reach the mud wall. He ordered the Manchu soldiers to abandon their horses and shoot the Taiping army behind the mud wall with arrows.

Hearing the call of the leader, the remaining Manchu soldiers dismounted, took off their bows and arrows from their backs, and shot a row of arrows at the Taiping army behind the mud wall.

The Taiping troops hiding behind the mud wall either used spears or swords, or shielded them with shields, and few people were shot by the Manchu soldiers.

"Abandon the horse and go through the woods!"

Seeing that the Taiping army knives and spearmen were about to rush over, Tayinbu urgently ordered the Manchu soldiers to abandon their horses and pass through the forest. Only in this way, they might be able to return to Guangzhou alive.

The Manchu soldiers wanted to escape from the forest, but the Taiping army was willing to let them go. Song Erniu led someone with a spear and rushed out from behind the mud wall. Towards those Manchu soldiers.

Ge Yi and Jiang Fan also brought people over, and they surrounded Ta Yinbu and the remaining Manchu soldiers on the right side of the official road.

The Manchu soldiers who abandoned their horses were still brave and good at fighting. They were not frightened by the number of Taiping troops, but under the command of Tayinbu, they continued to counterattack the Taiping troops who were catching up. There were even a dozen Manchu soldiers who turned around and killed the Taiping army. They wanted to use their own deaths for their companions in exchange for a life.

There were constantly Manchu soldiers being hacked to death by the Taiping army, and there were also Taiping soldiers being overturned to the ground by the Manchu soldiers.

In a small area, Manchu soldiers and Taiping soldiers fought each other.

After clearing up the Han army, Tie Yi, who arrived in a hurry with 2 teams of gunmen, found that he couldn't hit the gun, so he pulled out his waist knife and joined the battle.

"For the sake of the Qing Dynasty, for the emperor, kill!"

Kadesh Morgen, who was under Suna, swung a long knife and shouted and rushed towards Tie Yi. "Bang" fell to the ground suddenly.

Tie Yi was stunned, and when he looked back, two gunmen under his command fired their guns. Tie Yi nodded slightly towards them, turned his head and killed again.

"Kill all the demons. Don't let one go!"

More and more Taiping troops rushed to the reinforcements, while fewer and fewer Manchu troops. No matter how brave these Manchu soldiers are, no matter how brave they can be, they will only have to wait to die for the Taiping army that is rushing in from all directions.

"Get out of the way, don't rob Laozi's Manchu girls!"

in melee. A blind Taiping army man with a big hammer pushed aside several of his companions in front of him one after another, and jumped in front of two Manchu soldiers who were frantically fighting for survival. I saw him smashed with a hammer, and the Manchu military knife was used in front of him, but the knife was smashed by the hammer, and then he saw his bald forehead disappear from his head, leaving only one with blood and white. Pulp half the head.

"the fourth!"

Li Xianzi was so unhappy, every time he killed a Manchu soldier, he would excitedly report the number, so that his companions could hear it clearly, so that after the war he could get the Manchu girls promised to him by the commander Zhou Shixiang.

That day, Blind Li was unfortunately captured by the Taiping Army. He was unwilling to surrender. As a result, Zhou Shixiang learned from Shao Chengguo that Blind Li was brute force, and a dozen people could not get close to him. Come and persuade him personally.

Before the meeting, Zhou Shixiang deliberately asked two of the captured Hu Qili's personal soldiers, and learned that the blind man Li was indeed brave and unusual, but he was blinded by the Ming army in one eye, so he hated the Ming army the most, and he had suffered from Hu Qili. Great grace, that's why I don't want to surrender.

Zhou Shixiang didn't believe it. If Li Blind didn't want to surrender, he wouldn't be caught alive. If he could be caught, it showed that he didn't want to die. The reason why he was unwilling to surrender was simply that the Taiping Army did not offer a price that made him tempted.

After Zhou Shixiang mentioned Li Blind, Zhou Shixiang gave him a careful look. The first impression was that this blind man was really a fierce man.

Zhou Shixiang asked him, "I heard that you are a good woman?"

"Which man in this world doesn't like women!" Li Blind raised his head to the sky and didn't even look at Zhou Shixiang, but he wondered why the thief Xiucai asked this.

Zhou Shixiang wasn't angry either, he smiled and said, "You can do it with me, I'll make sure you have a woman to play with."

This made Li Blind seem to have suffered some kind of humiliation, his face flushed red, and he said angrily: "I am a lecher, but I will never be a villain just for a woman to play with!"

Zhou Shixiang said slowly, "I'm talking about making sure you have Manchu girls to play with."

"Manchu girls?"

Li Blind's head did not lift up this time. Zhou Shixiang's words really surprised and shocked him.

Zhou Shixiang nodded~www.wuxiamtl.com~ pointed to the north and said, "I can't get you from Beijing now, but I can get you a lot from Guangzhou, so you can have a good time. I think You have never been a Manchu girl in your life, have you, and you want to do it once in your dreams, right? People live in the world, and if they have a dream, they must pursue it. Now I give you this opportunity to realize your dream, so that you will never have any regrets in your life! How about it, do it with me?"

These words really speak to Li Blind's heart. Manchu girls are high above the ground, why doesn't he want to do it? The thought of having some Manchu girls who would not dare to look up on weekdays for him to ride on his crotch, made his heart really itch. But he hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "You can't beat Guangzhou City, you can't beat Manchurians, and you can't get Manchu girls to give me happiness."

"You haven't done it with me, so how do you know that I can't beat the Manchurians and Guangzhou City? You must have thought that the Taiping Army couldn't beat your superintendent. Now, do you still have this idea? So, this is It's not what you think, but what I will do. The chance is this time. Now I give it to you. It's up to you whether you want it or not. Now, I'll give you ten breaths of time to think about whether you want to go or not. Fuck Manchu girls!"

After ten breaths, Li Blind became the first Taiping army to surrender for the sake of Manchu women. To be continued. Mobile users please visit

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