The space in front of Su Han.

In an instant, it twisted and collapsed together, just like a piece of paper was crumpled together, forming a"space wormhole".

Su Han could feel the sharp space gale from this"space wormhole"!

The next second.

Su Han waved his hand, and this"space wormhole" was instantly smoothed out, and the space returned to normal.

Seeing this scene.

Su Han's pupils shrank sharply, and even his breathing began to quicken.

This seemingly small operation contained a terrible meaning, which was equivalent to him directly distorting the space rules of this space!

Although, generally after entering the Purple Mansion Realm, you can cross the void. However

, this crossing of the void is not actually a shuttle space.

Instead, it jumps from this space node to another space node in a principle similar to teleportation, without affecting the interior of the space, let alone the rules of the space.

Because, if the rules of a space are very fragile, then the space of the continent may have been shattered long ago.

Just like when two peerless strong men fight, they will break the mountains, rivers and earth, but basically they can't break the space.

It can distort space, cause space faults, and temporarily open a space crack, but it cannot break space and cannot affect the internal space rules. At least Su Han has not seen such a strong person yet.

Su Han once saw a"plane space theory" in an ancient book.

The general meaning is that the higher the plane world, the more solid the space and the more complete the space rules.

The lower the plane world, the more fragile the space and the incomplete space rules.

Let a strong cultivator from a higher world go to a lower world, then he can easily break the space.

But let a strong cultivator from a lower world go to a higher world, then he may not even be able to fly in the air...

According to Su Han's speculation, the space rules of Lingyuan Continent should be relatively complete, so the space is very solid.

In fact, Su Han doesn't know whether Lingyuan Continent is a higher world or a lower world.

Because there is no comparison, no reference.

But those are not important, and they are not what Su Han is considering now.

In general, Su Han seems to have mastered an ability to change the space rules of Lingyuan Continent at will!

It may be a bit exaggerated to say"change", but at least it can slightly affect the spatial rules of the continent!

Because with Su Han's current strength, he can affect the space and make it distort and fault, but it only affects the surface temporarily and does not affect its internal rules.

But since absorbing that strange fragment.

He can directly affect the internal spatial rules through the surface of the space!

The next second.

Su Han clenched his fist towards the circle of space in front of him.

Then, the space of the courtyard where Su Han was instantly disappeared in Fu Longcheng!

From the outside, it seemed that this courtyard did not exist in the space of Fu Longcheng at all.

In order to verify his thoughts, Su Han walked out of the door of the courtyard.

After he walked out of the courtyard, he found that he had come directly to the street of Fu Longcheng.

He turned around and found that the courtyard in front of him was no longer visible, but an empty space!

Seeing this, Su Han's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

His operation was equivalent to directly making the space of the courtyard independent and forming a world within a world!

It is equivalent to directly affecting and changing the spatial rules!

As long as Su Han wants, he can even directly transfer the entire Fu Longcheng!

This ability already has a little bit of the power of law. With a wave of the hand, the martial arts of the law can be activated, and the space can be affected with a wave of the hand!

After Su Han's attempt, he found that with the power of law he now mastered, he could only transfer space and crush a certain space in a directional manner.

Moreover, there are also limitations to transferring space. At most, it can only transfer a space as large as half of Fulong City.

And the directional crushing of a certain space can only be done in a space of about five inches, that is, four cubic meters of space.

It seems small, but four cubic meters of space is enough to crush a person!

Directly collapsing and crushing the space around an enemy is equivalent to directly killing the enemy.

This way of killing is so cool!

It can be silent, and even the corpse will be reduced to ashes, leaving no trace.

Although the size of the space that can be changed now is still very small.

But Su Han discovered that the boundary tree in the Dantian world will spit out a piece of fragment every time it grows a few centimeters, floating in his own Dantian world.

Those fragments contain the laws of space. As long as these fragments of the laws of space are absorbed, the control over the power of the laws of space will become stronger and stronger.

One day, when Su Han has mastered the power of space laws to a certain extent, it is not impossible for him to transfer the entire continent with a wave of his hand....

However, that was just Su Han's conjecture, and it would take time to verify whether it could be realized. The biggest benefit that this boundary tree brought to Su Han was not only the surge in spiritual power reserves and the changes in the Dantian world, but also the power of the law!

Su Han had another trump card, and his upper limit of strength was raised to a higher level again.

The main reason was that Su Han had not encountered an enemy that could make him fight to his heart's content, and he himself did not know where his upper limit of strength was.

In the Broken Realm, he had not fought before, so he did not know. (To read the novels of violence and excitement, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

But after the Broken Realm, Su Han could control it at will with a wave of his hand. (aedh) The next second.

After Su Han waved his hand again at the empty space in front of him, his courtyard returned to this space again.

After returning to his own courtyard.

Su Han was ready to try another attempt again.

Standing in place, he slowly stretched out his hands and compressed the ten-inch space around his body.

The next second.

A magical scene happened again, and the ten-inch space where Su Han's body was located was compressed by Su Han into a tiny particle into dust.

Su Han was in this space particle, floating in the air, and his breath was absolutely hidden.

Because Su Han could control the space at will, even if the space was compressed to the extreme, it would not hurt Su Han himself.

This is a perfect way to hide.

Then, Su Han controlled the space particle he was in, floated out of his courtyard, crossed the street, entered the teahouse, entered the wine box, and even entered the city lord's mansion, and came in front of Li Changdu. The idiot didn't have any breath.

From this performance, Su Han's concealment ability has reached the extreme.

Soon, Su Han controlled the space particles and flew over Fulong City, overlooking the entire Fulong City.

Then, Su Han was ready to try the last attempt.

He controlled the space particles and entered the interior of the space.

The next second.

Su Han felt that the terrifying space winds inside the space could not get close to him at all, and were wrapped by the space particle barrier wrapped around him.

He could feel the changes in the surrounding breath, shuttling through space!

Just a breath.

He appeared above the Endless Sea!

You know, the distance between Fulong City and the Endless Sea is like billions of kilometers. Even if you cross the void, you can't reach it in a breath!

This is completely equivalent to CD-free transmission!

Soon, Su Han entered the interior of the space again.

In an instant.

He continued to return to the courtyard where he was in Fulong City!

The success of these two attempts made Su Han very happy.

Because of the absolute concealment and absolute speed, Su Han was greatly facilitated.

After calming down.

He continued to sit down. He took out the piece of Tianxuan Turtle Shell auctioned at the auction.

For this piece of tortoise shell, Su Han did not hesitate to offend the so-called Prince Gou Bali.

After getting it, he has studied it for several months, and he has not studied anything.

If the system had not repeatedly emphasized that it contained the"Xuangui Treasure Technique", Su Han really couldn't help but throw it directly into the river!

If there is no"Xuangui Treasure Technique", this is just an ordinary innate spiritual treasure, which is really not of much use to Su Han.

It is very likely to be given to his own disciples.

"System, do you want to give me a hint?"

"How can I get this Black Turtle magic?"

"If you don't say anything, I'll just smash it to pieces for myself!"

He asked the system several times, but the system didn't seem to say anything to Su Han except reminding him about his investment. It was really inhumane!

"The legendary Qilin magic is engraved on the bones of the Qilin. Logically, your Black Turtle magic should be engraved on the tortoise shell."

"do not care"

"I knocked directly to see if it was inside!"

As he spoke, Su Han ran his skills, preparing to smash the tortoise shell!

With Su Han's strength, even if this defensive magic weapon was at the level of an innate spiritual treasure, it was as fragile as paper in front of Su Han!

He clenched his fist and hit the surface of the tortoise shell heavily.

Crack - soon, there was a shattering sound.

The shell was covered with spider-web-like cracks.

The next second, something strange happened.

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