Although spider web-like cracks appeared on the carapace, they only lasted for a moment and then recovered.

This surprised Su Han.

With the power of his punch just now, it was enough to smash the carapace into pieces, but he didn't expect that it would be broken but quickly recovered.

However, as the carapace recovered.

Su Han found that the carapace turned black in an instant~.

Seeing this, Su Han took a closer look.

He was surprised to find that it was not the color that turned black, but dense black runes appeared on the carapace, one layer on top of another. From the appearance, it just turned black.

Seeing these overlapping black runes, Su Han was overjoyed.

He could feel that these black runes were the training texts of the"Black Turtle Treasure Technique".

Just like that, Su Han crossed his legs, held the black turtle shell, and began to study and practice.


He sat like this for three days and three nights.

Su Han seemed to be fascinated and could not feel the passage of time at all.....

The more he looked, the more shocked he was, and the more he was amazed.

As expected of the Black Turtle Art, which was rated as one of the"Top Ten Treasure Arts" by the system, every word shocked Su Han, and he was enlightened.

After seven days of research,

Su Han finally touched the threshold of the first level of the Black Turtle Art.

It must be said that Su Han's comprehension is still incomparable. It is very likely that he will not be able to touch the threshold of this level of treasure art for decades or even hundreds of years.

Su Han stood up and operated the Black Turtle Art. A layer of faint fairy light lingered around him.

He could clearly feel that this layer of fairy light had unparalleled defensive power.

Su Han initially judged that he didn't even need to operate his spiritual energy. He stood in place and let a cultivator in the Breaking Void Realm punch him, and he couldn't hurt him at all!

This was Su Han's conservative estimate!

Moreover, this was only the first level of the Black Turtle Art. There were seven levels of the Black Turtle Art. If he practiced it to perfection, Su Han himself couldn't estimate what level he could reach.

Feeling the benefits, Su Han's sense of loss was instantly made up.

Not to mention the Prince Li at that time, even if the emperor came, Su Han would have to fight hard!

Because the upper limit of this treasure technique is too high, and the technique Su Han needs now is based on the upper limit.

Su Han's strength has improved too fast, just like the heavenly-level techniques that Su Han practiced before, which have long been completely unable to keep up with Su Han. However

, the Taihuang Jue that Su Han invested in Shi Yi to get is still the most special one. Even if Su Han has now stepped into the Poxu realm, he is still at the entry stage of practicing Taihuang Jue!


Su Han waved his hand, and a purple spirit beast egg floated in front of him.

This was also bought from the auction. Using the Sky Eye to detect, it was purple luck.

However, for some reason, Su Han could not find out the information about this spirit beast egg, and what kind of spirit beast it was. He could only wait for it to break out of the shell to know.

But in the past few months, Su Han has also tried many ways to hatch, and it seems that none of them worked.

He also asked for help from Bai Li, but it had no way.

It only knew that the blood of this spirit beast egg was very noble, but because the vitality was too weak, it was unlikely to hatch successfully.

In fact, Su Han also knew that the vitality of the spirit beast egg was very weak, and the hope of hatching was too slim.

At that time, Su Han saw that this spirit beast egg had purple luck, and he also captured the faint vitality, which came with a strong desire for life, so Su Han chose to take a picture.

However, after several months of attempts, Su Han was also helpless and tried everything.

He even tried to use a drop of his own blood to stimulate hatching, but it didn't work. You know, Su Han's drop of blood is a supreme treasure. If it doesn't work, Su Han has no other choice.

At this time, the shadow of the boundary willow tree flashed in Su Han's mind.


He entered his own Dantian world.

Holding the spirit beast egg in his hand, he came to the center of the Dantian world, in front of the boundary willow tree.

As he approached the boundary willow tree, Su Han could clearly feel that the vitality in the spirit beast egg seemed to have increased a bit. Although it was very weak, this tiny change was still captured by Su Han....

Su Han's eyes lit up, it worked!

Then, Su Han placed the spirit beast egg in front of the boundary willow tree. This is the place with the most vitality and spiritual power in the entire Dantian world.

After a few breaths.

The vitality in the spirit beast egg is growing little by little!

Seeing this, Su Han was overjoyed. He didn't expect that this boundary willow tree was so awesome!

It is worthy of being the supreme sacred tree that can determine the boundary. It can give birth to all things, and of course it can give birth to life!

Su Han squatted down, stretched out his right hand, touched the eggshell on the surface, and said softly:"Little guy, it seems that you and I still have some fate."

"Looking forward to your birth...."

The next second, a faint breath came out from the egg, which made Su Han stunned for a moment.

Then, Su Han stood up and left the Dantian world. After several months of research, the three treasures that had not been researched were solved one by one after the successful planting of the boundary willow tree.

In the dark, one thing led to another.....

Time passed day by day.

Unknowingly, two months had passed. The war on the front line had reached a white-hot stage.

Moreover, according to the news from the front line, the Daqian Empire had already declined.....

The open and covert struggles between the Daqian Empire and the Dayu Empire have been going on for thousands of years, but there has never been a war of this scale. The

Dayu Empire seems to be aiming to destroy the Daqian Empire and annex it.....

Therefore, just a few days ago, the Daqian Empire launched another conscription, calling on more monks to go to the front line....

Of course, as one of the three major cities of the Daqian Empire, Fulong City must have responded to the call. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

During this period, many cultivators have been dressed in armor and rushed to the front.

There are many Tianjiao brothers in Fulong City, wearing willow armor, and they will visit Su Han in person the day before they go to the front.

Because they have all received help from Su Han.

Unexpectedly, when Su Han came to Fulong City, he also sent many cultivators to the war.

When he was in Huanyun Sect before, those disciples who were passionate and loyal to the country would go to the Sutra Pavilion to say goodbye to Su Han before leaving for the war.....

Unconsciously, Su Han's prestige in Fulong City has skyrocketed, and is almost approaching that of the city lord.

Because during the time he lived in Fulong City, Su Han would invest in helping some worthwhile cultivators every day.

Therefore, Su Han's helpful, low-key and powerful image has been deeply rooted in the minds of many Fulong City cultivators....

He has been in Fulong City for more than half a year.

The objects of his investment and the forces involved have included dozens of big families and powerful forces in the entire Fulong City.....

To exaggerate, if Su Han raised his arm, he could even mobilize most of the forces in the entire Fulong City and directly surround the City Lord

's Mansion! Because many of the people Su Han invested in were young men and women from large families.

Su Han has invested in so many people, and he has also mastered the rules.

In fact, grassroots cultivators born in poverty have two extremes, either very mediocre or very awesome!

Just like Qinghe and Qingyu, they have direct talent for Dharma!

But they are just exceptions.

This world is very realistic, there are not so many examples of grassroots cultivators' counterattacks.

And those young men and women who are born noble, from some large families with a long history, and from immortal cultivation families, generally have good luck.

After all, they have cultivated immortals for three generations, and the blood talent accumulated through inheritance is not so easy for you, a poor family, to surpass? It is still a minority for poor families to produce noble sons, very few.....

Li Changdu could no longer sit still for the rapid rise of Su Han's prestige.

He was prepared to wait until the limelight passed before trying to make a move.

But he did not expect that the limelight not only did not pass, but it became more and more intense!

According to his investigation, Su Han's prestige in Fulong City was almost second only to him.

Was he the city lord, or was he the city lord?!

At this moment, he already felt that Su Han was threatening his position. He had only been in Fulong City for more than half a year, and it had already reached this level.

If he continued, his majesty as the city lord would be completely suppressed.

However, Li Changdu only thought that Su Han had a way to win people's hearts, and it was just a superficial prestige.

In this world, strength is still needed, and everything else is false.

As long as he can suppress them steadily in terms of strength, no matter how high his prestige is, as long as he dies in his hands, everything will be in vain.

However, Li Changdu overlooked one point. Su Han was not winning over superficial people's hearts.

He was winning over real people's hearts!

For example, if Su Han used his ability to save the life of a young lady from a big family, then Su Han would be a great benefactor to that big family!

Or if he helped the head of a family to solve the problem of being possessed by the devil.

Then, with a wave of Su Han's hand, wouldn't that family obey him?

In addition, Su Han showed great strength.

Su Han can definitely do it, raise his arm and call for a hundred responses!

Li Changdu underestimated Su Han's influence, and even more underestimated Su Han's strength.

At this time, Li Changdu couldn't bear it anymore.

Prepare to deal with Su Han in the next two days.


A skinny man walked into the room, clasped his fists towards Li Changdu and said:"Lord City Lord, a document has been sent from the front line."

Hearing this, Li Changdu didn't even look up, but waved his hand and said:"It's the tenth letter, I've said it, I can't get away here, I don't have time to go to the front line"

"Burn it��

After saying this, the skinny man was a little embarrassed and whispered:"My Lord, this letter is from Prince Li....."

Hearing the words"Prince Li",

Li Changdu raised his eyebrows, thought for a moment, and continued,"It's also burned."

"Others are afraid of Qian Liping, but I am not. I just want to be a free and easy city lord, and I am not interested in anything else."

He was still afraid of the power of"Qian Liping". After all, he had been developing in the Daqian Empire for so many years, and he, the city lord of Fulong City, could not compare.

However, the barefoot are not afraid of the ones wearing shoes. As long as Li Changdu does not want to climb up and does not want to cling to others, then he is the Lord of Heaven!

Isn't it great to be a free and easy city lord?

And he is the city lord of Fulong City. He has everything he wants, not to mention how great it is.

Right now he just wants to get rid of Su Han as soon as possible, and other things are not important.

At this time, the skinny man said embarrassedly:"The person who delivered the letter brought the words of Prince Li, saying that the city lord should read the letter first and then consider it."

Hearing this, Li Changdu waved his hand impatiently and said:"Bring it here, bring it here."

Li Changdu opened the envelope with an unhappy look on his face. After reading a few sentences, his brows furrowed and his expression became serious.

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