The next second.

Su Han was practicing his skills, and dark yellow spiritual energy began to burst out from his palm.

Soon the spiritual energy enveloped the"amber".

He manipulated the spiritual energy to separate the seed of the boundary tree and the relic wrapped inside.

Su Han originally thought it was very simple, but it was still a bit troublesome to operate. This was a great test for the ultimate control of spiritual power and spiritual consciousness.

An hour passed.

Almost half of it had been separated.

Dong - with a sound like a stone falling into the surface, the two were finally separated.

He used a brocade box to pack the relic first.

After all, this relic was also of great value, and Su Han could not lose it, so he kept it well first and slowly studied it later to see if it would be helpful to him.

After separation.

Su Han's spiritual consciousness locked on the seed of the boundary tree.

Since removing the protective shell and separating the relic, he finally felt a faint wave of vitality from inside it.

It can be seen that this boundary tree seed has not lost its vitality and can still be planted.

However, where to plant it becomes a problem. He can't just plant it here casually, nor can he take it back to Huanyun Sect to plant it.

Because God knows what will happen after it is planted, and how many years it will grow.

Moreover, Su Han does not have so much time to wait for the growth of the boundary tree in the same place. The cost is too high and it is full of uncertainties.

Soon, Su Han thought of the role of the boundary tree. Its role is to define and stabilize a space.

Suddenly, Su Han's eyes lit up!

He thought of his Dantian space. No, to be precise, Su Han's Dantian space is already a Dantian world.

Su Han's spiritual power is inexhaustible, and it is also because the Dantian world is large enough to provide Su Han with enough backup energy.

This Dantian world is equivalent to Su Han's spiritual power hub.

Therefore, Su Han had a bold idea and attempt in his mind.

Can it be?.....Plant this boundary tree in your Dantian space!

Once you have this idea, you can't help but want to try it.

However, Su Han still has some concerns, because this boundary tree contains some"space laws", which are"laws".

What if something unexpected happens and Su Han's Dantian space can't bear it and is directly blown up?....

After a little hesitation, he finally made a decision.

To cultivate immortality, one must be brave!

He absorbed the seed directly into the Dantian world.

Su Han's Dantian world has now expanded to a terrifying scale, with no end in sight.

Compared with Su Han, the Dantian space of ordinary cultivators in the Void Breaking Realm may not even reach one thousandth, or even one ten-thousandth. This is Su Han's overestimation, which may not even reach one hundred thousandth. Although

Su Han's Dantian space is large, it also has a disadvantage, that is, it is an empty space with gray soil on the ground, which is filled with spiritual energy.

In addition to soil and spiritual energy, there is nothing else.

Su Han usually uses this Dantian space as his own storage space.

At this time, Su Han murmured:"I don't know if the seeds can survive in this environment......."

With a try-it attitude,

Su Han found a piece of soil in the center of the Dantian space and buried the seed.

When the seed just fell into the soil, a strange scene happened.

Suddenly, the spiritual energy of the entire Dantian world instantly gathered towards the seed landing.

In just three breaths, the spiritual energy of the entire Dantian world was completely drained!

In an instant, Su Han's face turned pale, because the spiritual energy of the Dantian world was drained, which meant that the spiritual energy in his body was also exhausted.

At this time, Su Han's breath became very weak.

If it weren't for his strong physique and strong blood, he would probably faint if his spiritual power was suddenly drained.

The next second, the soil where the seed landed began to change, and the color of the soil began to change from gray-black to azure blue.

Ka-- with a crisp sound of breaking the soil, a small green bud broke out of the soil, emitting a faint azure light.

With the appearance of the small bud, majestic spiritual energy emanated from it.

In just a few breaths, the exhausted Dantian space was instantly filled with spiritual energy. The azure spiritual energy lingered in the space. Due to the high concentration, you can even see the materialized spiritual mist!

Moreover, as long as the spiritual energy in the Dantian space is consumed.

This small green bud will immediately emit spiritual power to replenish it.

It is equivalent to a perpetual motion machine!

In an instant, Su Han returned to normal, and even felt that his spiritual power had skyrocketed by more than dozens of times!

Absolutely no joke, if Su Han's spiritual power reserve was 1 before, then now it is 50!

This feeling makes Su Han feel that he has spiritual power that will never be used up and will not be exhausted!

The reserve of spiritual power is very important for a cultivator.

Because the real strong, and when the two sides are equally strong, the battle between them is a test of endurance, to see who can stand to the end.

The reserve of spiritual power is extremely important.

And with Su Han's spiritual power reserve, the green buds of the Dantian World Boundary Tree will also provide him with spiritual power in an endless stream, which is equivalent to Su Han being able to fight endlessly!

Then the upper limit of strength will be raised again! (To read the novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Soon, Su Han's Dantian world continued to undergo strange changes.

The buds continued to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye......

In just half an hour, it grew to a height of one meter.

At this time, Su Han could already tell the species of the tree.

"This is....Willow tree?"

Su Han murmured in surprise.

It turned out that the boundary tree was a willow tree.

Then, the boundary willow tree continued to grow, and after another hour, it had grown to almost three meters high.

Hundreds of emerald green willow branches hung down, emitting a faint green light. From a distance, it gave people an inexplicable sense of sacredness.

When the boundary willow tree grew to three meters high, it stopped.

At this time, Su Han's spiritual power reserve increased from 50 to 100!

It was equivalent to Su Han's spiritual power reserve being one hundred times more than before!

Just when Su Han thought it was over.

The boundary willow tree began to emit dazzling fairy light, illuminating the entire Dantian world.

Then, the entire space began to change.....

The originally lifeless and gray earth soil has now become fertile and rich, and flowers, plants and trees have begun to grow.

Mountains have begun to rise from the ground in just a few breaths.

At a glance, the mountains are towering, the Milky Way waterfalls, the fairy mist is lingering, and the fairy grass and flowers are dotted. It is definitely like a small fairyland.

Seeing this scene,

Su Han was stunned.....

If Su Han's Dantian world was a vast wasteland before, then now it is a small world filled with fairy air, a paradise!

Su Han looked inward at his own Dantian world that had undergone earth-shaking changes, and was stunned for a long time.

Now, his Dantian world can no longer be called Dantian world, but should be called....A fairyland outside the world!!

Moreover, Su Han could clearly feel that the space of his Dantian world was very stable, and it already felt like a real small world.

At this time,

Su Han was shocked to find that the willow tree in the middle of the small world continued to emit a faint fairy light, constantly nourishing the earth, and it was also growing slowly...

Moreover, as the boundary willow tree grew, Su Han's Dantian world was undergoing strange changes.

Although it was very slow, the feeling was very obvious!

After Su Han's Dantian world underwent earth-shaking changes, he found that some debris was floating in the space of the Dantian world.....

Seeing this, Su Han was stunned the moment he touched the fragments.

The next second, he found that his body had undergone strange changes, and in his mind, there were also some intermittent rune fragments.....

Although he couldn't understand it, he could feel that it was the power of the law!

Moreover, it was the law of space.

Although it was only a little bit, so small that it could be ignored.

But after all, it was the power of the law, and it was the top-level law of space. Let alone a little bit, even if it was contaminated with a little bit of cause and effect, it was unimaginable....

Then, Su Han waved his hand, and all the floating fragments in the space gathered in his palm.

After he absorbed all the fragments, he soon felt that strange feeling became stronger, as if he had touched the power of the law a little bit, but it seemed that he had not touched anything......

Then he left his Dantian space.

Soon, he opened his eyes, stood up, and looked down at his hands.

Then, he was ready to verify his guess.

He slowly raised his right hand. He grasped the void in front of him.

The next second, a magical scene happened!

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