The face of the young man in black robes at the head improved slightly. This was a small group he had cultivated. They all came out from the weak stars and had no big family power behind them. They were alone in Taihang Taoist Temple and were gathered together by him. Now they also said coldly: "It turns out that I think he’s extremely talented, so it’s okay to get to know him, but he’s so arrogant and looks down on me, so I won’t pay attention to him in the future!”

He mocked lightly.

The corner of my eye is also turning towards you.

I'm going to kill Ma Wei.

Let his words spread and block Chu Xun.

He raised a wine glass and swayed gently, and squinted his eyes slightly. Don't you like making friends? Okay, then I will make sure you never get friends again this time, and no one will dare to take the initiative to make friends with you.

Raise your glass.

Drink it all in one gulp.

His reddish cheeks also showed a bit of disappointment. Others only knew that he looked down on the disciples of these aristocratic families, but deep down in his heart, he wanted to get acquainted with these people. For example, there was a distinguished figure in Taihang Taoist Temple, Taihang. The son of the master of the Tao Domain, His Highness the Sixth Prince, is now practicing in the Taoist courtyard.

He wanted to get acquainted, but had no way.

After hearing about Chu Xun's origin earlier, he was even more shocked. What kind of existence was Taihang Taoist Temple? How could it be so easy to change the rules once they were established? He had never heard of anyone with such a big face that he could force his way in without any examination, let alone It was still more than two hundred years after the assessment ended, so he was extremely cautious about Chu Xun.

He was even more surprised when he heard the rumor that Chu Xun was only in the second realm of the Imperial Dao and entered the core area directly.


His origin.


It may even be comparable to His Highness Six, even if he is weaker, he will not be much different, so he tries his best to curry favor with him; he looks down on those ordinary family members, but that doesn't mean he looks down on people like His Highness Six, it's just a pity that he He visited and invited people to visit him again and again, but they were all rejected, which made him lose face.

Hence this scene.


After three rounds of drinking.

The food tastes delicious.

Everyone was about to discuss the Tao and start the next lottery when they suddenly heard someone hurried over and whispered in Chang Ling's ear: "Brother Chang Ling, what is the origin of Chu Xun? His Highnesses have all gone to visit him. ?”


Chang Ling, who was drunk, woke up immediately, his eyes widened, and he said hastily: "What did you say, say it again?"

"The Sixth Prince went to visit Chu Xun!"


The whole small gathering was in deathly silence. Everyone present knew the origin of His Highness Sixth Prince. They looked down upon their small group at all and did not even bother to take a direct look at it. Looking at Taihang Taoist Temple, only a handful of people were worthy of being visited by Sixth Highness. However, now they are visiting this Chu Xun, their expressions have changed. Could it be that his origin can really reach the sky?

Courtyard No. 56.

"Don't send it!"

"Don't send it!"

"Brother Chu, stay!"

His Highness the Sixth Prince was dressed in a gorgeous purple robe, and the jade stones on his body and the rings on his fingers all told his origins. However, at this time, he was extremely humble and low-key. He was particularly respectful to this young man in a simple blue shirt and stepped back. He said from behind: "Stay, stay, I'll be angry if I see you off Chongyan again!"

"That's fine!" Chu Xun nodded gently.

After watching the other party leave, he also murmured: "I don't know if it has any effect!" After six hundred years in Taihang Taoist Temple, the world's inner order has still not been fully restored, and he initially refused the news that His Highness Sixth Prince came to visit, but it turned out that After knowing the origin, he changed his mind. Just like now, he wanted to use the power of His Highness Sixth Prince to see if he could find his disciples.


Get out of the courtyard.

His Highness the Sixth Prince took a long breath, his eyes full of wonder, and exclaimed: "It's unbelievable that there is such a real dragon hidden in Taihang Taoist Temple!"

The servant next to him also complimented: "Taihang Taoist Academy is the highest institution in the Taihang Taoist domain. Countless geniuses crowd into it. It is normal for one or two true dragons to be born occasionally. Otherwise, how could we attract His Highness here!"


His Highness Chong Yan, the Sixth Prince, nodded. He had also finished this retreat and heard his subordinates recommending this person to him. At first, he was not interested. As the sixth son of the Palace Master of Taihang Dao Domain, he had never seen any genius, and the other party's But the origin attracted his interest, the Lord of the Galaxy.

There are no secrets in front of him that are difficult for others to find out, so he spends his free time wandering around. If the other person has good talent, he is also willing to give some advice. Who would have thought that after entering the courtyard, the other person really thought he was here to discuss the truth? Although it was funny to have a long chat with him, I still did it because I wanted to see what a monk at the second level of the Imperial Dao had to say.

But gradually.

His smile.

Can't laugh anymore.

"Is he really in the second level of the Emperor's Dao?" This was the initial thought of His Highness Chongyan, the Sixth Highness. However, with the in-depth exchanges, he was completely convinced. In front of the other party, no matter it was the avenue of time and space, swordsmanship, or partial formations that he was good at. The Tao comes out smoothly in the hands of the other party, and it is easy to show it in more detail than the tutor who educates you.

His mentality also changed invisibly. When the discussion was over, there was the scene of refusal and courtesy. Even now, he still exclaimed: "Did he really reach the second level of Emperor Dao when he entered the Taoist Academy?"

"You can't lie!" the servant said.


Even though he knew that he couldn't fake it, Chongyan was even more shocked in his heart. In 600 years, he had entered the Imperial Academy from the second realm of the Imperial Dao to the fourth realm, and might even enter the fifth realm of the Imperial Dao. What kind of heaven-defying talent is this? , he didn't dare to think that it was extremely rare in the history of Taihang Dao Domain, but it took more than six hundred years to break through three realms in a row.

"According to this cultivation speed, he can hope to reach the Seventh Realm of the Imperial Dao, or even the Eighth Realm of the Imperial Dao." The servant was also shocked and said that there may be some monks in the Seventh Realm of the Taihang Dao Domain, but the monks in the Eighth Realm are all real giants. In total, There were only a few people, but now he saw the potential to break through the Eighth Realm from one person. Even though it was still a long time ago, he still couldn't hide his shock.

"Yes!" Chong Yan nodded: "The most important thing is that not only is his talent terrifying, but his background is also amazing. The Lord of the Galaxy protects him and no one dares to attack him. It only takes time. For someone like my father, his achievements will far surpass mine in the future!”

The servants beside him were also shocked, wondering if His Highness the Sixth Prince admired him too much. The master of the Taihang Dao Domain was in the eighth realm of the Imperial Dao. But when he thought that with the Lord of the Galaxy protecting the Dao, he was so powerful, and it was indeed possible to reach it. He said: "Your Highness did the right thing. If you cling to friendship before he rises, you will have an escape route in the future!"


Chong Yan nodded, and then said hurriedly: "How many friends does he have in the Taoist Academy?"

The servant showed hesitation. He didn't know this. After all, there was very little information about Chu Xun. He didn't expect him to be so defiant. He also said: "It shouldn't be much. I heard some rumors. Chu Xun rarely makes friends with outsiders. He has a withdrawn temperament and likes to be alone, turning a blind eye to many visits!”


Chong Yan took a long breath, with a bright smile on his face, and said: "That's good!" Naturally, the fewer friends a genius like this has, the better. If he had more friends, wouldn't he become an insignificant person among all living beings inside? One? Only when you have few friends can your own value be reflected.

While smiling brightly.

There is a group of people coming in a hurry from the front, and the leader is Senior Brother Chang Ling.

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