"Sixth Prince!"

Chang Ling, blushing, quickly descended from the sky and was very polite to the nobleman in luxurious robes. The group of people who were traveling with him also bowed and saluted: "Sixth Prince!"


Chong Yan completely lost his courtesy in front of Chu Xun. He exuded indifference in his bones. He looked at them expressionlessly and said coldly: "What are you doing here?"

His tone was more like looking down and asking from a high position, but it was rare that no one thought there was a problem. They thought it was a matter of course. It would be strange if they were kind.

Chang Ling said with a stiff face: "Well, I heard that a talented and highly comprehensible junior brother was born in the Taoist Academy. As a senior brother, I should come to take care of him. Maybe he can be of use. To be ashamed, Chang Ling was turned away several times when he visited, and he never met even if he asked someone to mediate!"

Chang Ling thought Chu Xun knew the Sixth Prince, and was even more glad that the conversation in the wine shop had not spread.

He didn't know.

Chong Yan's heart trembled when he heard this, and he felt inexplicably alert. He felt that Chu Xun, such a monster, would not be unknown in the Taoist temple. Now it really came true. He has been in the Taoist temple for hundreds of years and there are so many people trying to get close to him. If this goes on for a long time, it will be terrible. He immediately said coldly: "Oh, him, you don't have to go, he is just a person who seeks fame!"




Chang Ling and others were stunned.


Senior Brother Chang Ling reacted, with a righteous look on his face, and snorted coldly: "Your Highness Sixth Prince is right. I was saying that even if a cultivator of the second level of the Emperor Dao has some talent in some aspects and has a unique understanding, how deep can it be? The one present is not a cultivator of the third level of the Emperor Dao, or even a cultivator of the fourth level of the Emperor Dao. Is it necessary for him, a cultivator of the second level of the Emperor Dao, to explain?"

"I always felt that there was something fishy, ​​and wanted to visit and try it out. I never thought that the Sixth Prince would get there first, wasting the Sixth Prince's precious time. It's really hateful, but it's okay. The Sixth Prince is clearing our name and eliminating harm, letting people know that there is such a shameless person who is seeking fame and relying on his ancestors in the core disciple area!"

This series of changes.

Let the servants of the Sixth Prince be amazed!

"Okay, okay, people have seen it, you can retreat!" The Sixth Prince waved his hand. He was afraid that he could not help but listen for a while and would attack the black-robed young man!


"Let's go!"

"If you have time, please give us some pointers. I have endless admiration for you!" Senior Brother Chang Ling flattered him.



Witnessed his departure.

The servant beside the Sixth Prince looked at him with contempt and said sarcastically: "What an idiot! Even if he is a fraud who seeks fame and reputation as the Prince said, you are qualified to mock him?" With the support of the Lord of the Galaxy, who else but the Sixth Prince is qualified to preach?

"But, speaking of which, he is really a good dog!"

The Sixth Prince shook his head sarcastically and said, "What's a good dog? I dare not use such a dog. I don't know when it will bite me back!"

The servant nodded, and then said guiltily, "Your Highness, you just said that about Chu Xun. Aren't you afraid that he will be angry after knowing it?"

Chong Yan's face was stern, and he said righteously, "I am blocking the tedious dealings for Brother Chu. He himself will not care!" Although he said this, he still said guiltily, "I remember that my father left me a video recording the battle of the Eight Realms monks. You should take it out and give it to him. In addition, I don't want today's words to reach his ears!"




In the distance.

A group of people turned back.

But these people looked at Senior Brother Chang Ling with a slightly strange look. Chang Ling has always represented a lone hero and has always looked down on these children of aristocratic families. But today's attitude towards the Sixth Prince made them feel very different, especially the last almost brainless words.

Mocking Chu Xun.

Can that be said casually?

Just as the servant thought.

No matter how useless Chu Xun is.

He also lives in Courtyard No. 56.

He has a big backer.

Chang Ling guessed their thoughts with a glance and snorted: "Since the Sixth Prince also dislikes Chu Xun, then spread what happened today and let the Taoist temple know that Courtyard No. 56 is home to such a useless person!"


But they didn't dare to object to Chang Ling's words. As the crowd left, Chang Ling sat alone with a feeling of loneliness all over his body. He knew that his lackey-like behavior was disgusting, and his face showed resentment, but what could he do? He had no big power and limited resources for cultivation.

If he had a big man behind him, he would have entered the fifth realm of the Great Emperor early with abundant resources, so why would he still waste time in the fourth realm of the Great Emperor? Now an opportunity has finally been born, an opportunity tied to the Sixth Prince's boat.

He would do his best to catch it, with fierceness in his eyes, and said fiercely: "Chu Xun, if you want to blame someone, blame yourself for being arrogant and looking down on me, or blame yourself for offending the Sixth Prince. Ha, I haven't seen many people who offended the son of the Palace Master in Taihang Dao Domain survive!"

Shaking the wine glass.

He narrowed his eyes.

A trace of fierceness.


Chu Xun is sure to be defeated, and even the king of heaven can't stop him!


The Taoist temple is very big.

But not very big.

Some things spread quickly under deliberate spread, and soon the whole Taoist temple knew that Chu Xun, who lived in No. 56, had offended the Sixth Prince and had been banned by the Sixth Prince.

Originally, many people who wanted to improve their relationship with Chu Xun and take the opportunity to tie themselves to this big tree retreated, and the endless visits were empty in an instant. The contrast from being crowded to being empty was disappointing, but most people were just watching the fun and mocking him.

In the past, they were afraid of Chu Xun's background and deliberately made friends with him, but were ignored. Now that he has been banned by the Sixth Prince, they will not be able to find a friend even if they want to. Then Huang Yi will become the only one who will never leave him, and people will also ignore him, and even with contempt, mock Huang Yi's lack of self-awareness.

What happened in the Taoist temple was seen by some elders in the Taoist temple. For example, Xu Feng, who received Chu Xun into the Taoist temple, was confused. He didn't know how Chu Xun offended the Sixth Prince. Normally, the Sixth Prince knew Chu Xun's background and would give him some face. As the saying goes, don't look at the monk's face, look at the Buddha's face. After all, the Lord of the Galaxy stood behind Chu Xun.

But things had come to this point, and even if he wanted to mediate, he was powerless. After thinking it over again and again, he chose to give up. The Sixth Prince was someone he could not afford to offend, and not knowing the true relationship between Chu Xun and the Lord of the Galaxy, he could not fight against them. This kind of fight between gods would affect innocent people, so he could only watch.

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