In the blink of an eye.

That’s ten years.

Within ten years in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

After observing the battles of countless monks in the fifth realm of the Imperial Dao, the huge accumulation even took Chu Xun to freeze for a while to sort out the ideas in his mind. Countless mottled essences gathered together to form a huge amount of knowledge.

He returned to the courtyard.

Start retreat.



There were also visits.

But they refused one by one.

Before you know it, it will be thirty years!


Chu Xun danced his sword lightly in the quiet courtyard, and the sword technique was light and fast, like a sword dancing, but it moved more and more smoothly. Wisps of sword smoke bloomed in the courtyard. When the sword was cheated, the remaining The charm of the sword still did not dissipate, and Chu Xun also had a smile on his face, and said to himself: "Sword of Misty Rain!"

This is a set of swordsmanship that he compiled after gathering all the huge accumulation in his mind. It incorporates the Qinglian Sword Intent and all his own swordsmanship. It is currently his strongest move.

Close your eyes.

[Name: Chu Xun]

[Realm: Imperial Realm Third Heaven]

[Swordsmanship: 56% Emperor Realm Third Heaven]

[Form Dao: 7% Imperial Dao Third Heaven]

[Confucianism and Taoism: 2% of the third level of imperialism and Taoism]

[The Avenue of Life: 1% of the Third Heaven of Imperial Dao]

This is his own information. After reading this sword technique, it soared to 56%. Chu Xun murmured softly: "The speed of practice has obviously slowed down!"

When he first came to Taihang Taoist Temple, it only took him one year to reach 36%. Now it has taken him another thirty years to barely increase it to 20%. And he has a premonition that he will enter a peaceful period next. If he wants to break through or Mastery will take longer.

But he was not discouraged, with a smile on his face, and said calmly: "We may be stuck in a temporary bottleneck in the way of swordsmanship. We can also take the opportunity to practice and strengthen in other aspects, and there are still two trump cards that have not been used!"

Taixuan Taoist Temple.

Core disciple.

Watch the image.

There is no limit to the number of battles in the five realms.

Fight in six realms, ten times!

Seven realms of battle, once!

Eight realms of fighting, no qualifications!

He has never watched the viewing videos of either the Sixth Realm Battle or the Seventh Realm Battle, and he firmly believes that watching these two viewings can bring huge gains, but he is not in a hurry. He will first establish a solid foundation before observing such things. image.

in this way.

Time is dim.

In the blink of an eye.

That’s six hundred years!

This is the longest span of time that Chu Xun has ever spent. Six hundred years have passed unknowingly since he opened the mainland of China. During these six hundred years, he spent these six hundred years in Taihang Taoist Temple. In the early stage, his realm improved for a short period of time. It progressed by leaps and bounds, but then it really fell into a short period of silence. It no longer exploded, but it still gradually improved.

During this period, he also met some fellow Taoists.

Listed as now.

"Brother Chu!"

A young man in blue robes walked out of the courtyard. His name was Huang Yi. He was 5,700 years old and was now at the peak of the Third Heaven of the Great Emperor. He was only one chance away from the Fourth Realm of the Great Emperor. When he came over, he looked at Chu Xun with a smile and said: " Congratulations, brother Chu is in good condition and has made great progress in practice!"

"Not bad!" Chu Xun nodded warmly. During the first hundred years of his six hundred years in the Taoist Academy, he closed the door and thanked guests, but later he made some friends. Huang Yi, who appeared in front of him, was the first friend. They sat and talked. At that time, Chu Xun His realm is not much different from that of Huang Yi. The two of them sat and talked and gained a lot from each other.

Later, Huang Yi introduced some friends, and his reputation in Taihang Taoist Temple gradually became famous. The main reason was that his realm was much higher than that of his fellow disciples. It took him less than a hundred years to reach the fourth level of the Great Emperor. When he communicated with these people again, He has an advantage to some extent, causing many people to want to listen to his advice.

And after this trend spread.

People who want to visit him.

There was an endless stream.

Even though he often used the excuse of retreat, he still couldn't stop the enthusiastic crowd outside. At present, Huang Yi took a pot of turbid wine and said enviously: "Brother Chu doesn't know his reputation in the Taoist temple. Many senior brothers have contacted me warmly. , I hope to get in touch and have a chat with Brother Chu!”

He was indeed envious. Senior brothers who usually had a much higher status than him were trying to get in touch with him. He wanted to sit down and talk with Chu Xun, but he smiled and said: "Senior brother Chang Ling asked me to intercede again. I have admired Brother Chu's reputation for a long time. I want to form a bureau and meet together.”

"Organizing a game?" Chu Xun shook his head slightly, thinking of the first game he participated in and meeting some disciples from Taihang Taoist Academy, but he was quite disappointed. He thought they were all focusing on practice, so he asked with all his heart, but he never expected that there would be Too many people have given up on seeking the truth, and instead pursue making connections and making friends, abandoning their roots for the sake of the bottom.

Then he stopped thinking about organizing the game.

This time is no exception.


Huang Yi secretly said that he really hoped that Chu Xun would go to this bureau. Senior Brother Chang Ling was a monk in the fourth realm of the Imperial Dao. He had visited many times but failed to do so. He heard that Senior Brother Chang Ling looked down on these people who relied on family fortune. Yin's disciple may be angry if he refuses again this time.


Taihang Taoist Temple.

In a rather luxurious courtyard, a banquet was being arranged and a young man in black robe was sitting at the head of the table. After seeing Huang Yi's response, his face turned cold. The people around him noticed the emotion and couldn't help but probe: " Senior Brother Chang Ling, but Chu Xun declined the invitation again? "

After hearing this, everyone present fell silent. They all knew that this time the bureau seemed to be called for fellow disciples to come to discuss the doctrine, but in fact it was for that person. However, he refused again this time. Some people secretly thought in their hearts: It's already... Is it the third time?

Everyone looked at him cautiously. They knew that Senior Brother Chang Ling was at the fourth level of the Great Emperor of the 'Spear Dao 86%' realm, and he had a good chance of breaking through to the fifth level of the Great Emperor. By then, his status and position would have changed qualitatively. Everyone in Taihang Daoyuan would give him some face, but he refused all three invitations, which was a bit embarrassing.

The most important thing was that Senior Brother Chang Ling was different from those disciples of aristocratic families who relied on their families or ancestors to help them. He had come to where he is today step by step from a weak star. He was quite arrogant. Normally, he would not look at these children of aristocratic families. Now that he had invited them many times and was rejected repeatedly, he might get angry.

"Oh, it's really ridiculous. A small second level of the Emperor realm just relied on someone in his family to squeeze into the core disciple area of ​​our Taihang Daoyuan. Senior Brother Chang Ling gave him some face. He really thought he was a great genius?" The person who was good at observing words and expressions immediately echoed.

"That's right, that's right. Let alone a genius, even if he is a peerless genius, who can be enrolled in Taihang Daoyuan and is an ordinary person? In my opinion, Chu Xun is too arrogant. His fellow disciples are afraid of his background and deliberately flatter him when discussing Dao. Does he really think he is extremely talented and has a strong understanding?"

"He is only at the second level of the Emperor Dao, but he dares to refuse the invitation of Senior Brother Changling. I really don't know who gave him the face!"

Everyone said something.

Willfully belittling Chu Xun.

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