Chu Xun didn't know all this. He sat cross-legged behind the enlightened lady, and the green vine sword flashed in his palm and fell on it. He slowly danced the sword, and the sword energy was soft. Different from the past, the sharp edge began to be more restrained. He He whispered softly to himself: "The swordsmanship absorbed by Qinglian Sword Intent is particularly domineering."

The sword is too bright.

Imperial swordsmanship.

Chaos swordsmanship.

These are the sword intentions that he once exchanged, which made his sword unstoppable and he was able to kill decisively in Jiuzhou. He even beheaded the Supreme Being. His sword technique was too fierce. Now he softened his sword technique. When he swung out slowly, he His movements are getting slower and slower, and his steps are getting lighter and lighter, as if he is about to become a feather and soar, or he is about to dance with a sword and move around.

The sword dance gradually became filled with beauty.

It seems to be misty and hazy.

The sword shines brightly.


Just dance!

The realm within the body.

A silent breakthrough.

"The Third Heaven of the Imperial Dao!"

Properties panel.

[Name: Chu Xun. 】

[Cultivation: Third level of the Imperial Dao. 】

[Sword Dao: 1% of the Three Realms of Imperial Dao]

[Confucianism and Taoism: 95% of the second realm of Imperial Taoism]

[Array Dao: 90% Imperial Dao Second Realm]

[Strength: 85% of the second level of Imperial Dao]

Obviously, the breakthrough in cultivation is due to the way of swordsmanship, while the other aspects are obviously much worse. However, the breakthrough in realm is accompanied by a brief realization, which is the feedback of the way of heaven, which makes Chu Xun immersed in it along with other attributes. It is also rising sharply. If there are no accidents, it will break through one after another in a very short period of time.


In the small courtyard.

Chu Xun spent a spring and summer, and his strength naturally experienced a considerable increase. However, this year he stayed behind closed doors and did not receive any visitors. Now that he opened the small courtyard, he It turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the Sutra Collection Pavilion of Taihang Taoist Temple. When I came to this continent, I had very little understanding of this place.

As he went deeper and began to flip through the books inside, more and more cognitions and information were read. Relief gradually appeared on his face, and he murmured: "The Taihang Dao Realm is not as scary as imagined."

In books he perceived.

Taihang Dao domain.

The strongest.

Taihang Dao Zun (Ninth Realm of Imperial Dao)

When he saw the news, Chu Xun was also stunned for a moment. In his imagination, a big man like Taihang Taoist Master was at least beyond the imperial realm, and he never imagined that he was one of them. However, he did not feel contempt because of this, because he thought of the galaxy. Lord, that huge body can be covered by the Milky Way, and his realm is far inferior to Taoist Taihang.

It can only be said that the first level of the nine realms of the Imperial Dao is a hurdle that may not seem big but is different from clouds and mud. Many extremely talented monsters may be stuck in a certain realm throughout their lives.

And I also have a certain understanding of Taihang Taoist Temple. Those who can pass the recruitment of disciples every thousand years are almost all those who have become emperors under 500 years old, or a very small number of people who have become quasi-emperors within 100 years. The disciples who enter the core area are basically emperors. In the third heaven, there is hope of impacting the five realms of the emperor's path.

The person who received him, Xu Feng, was one of the elders of Taihang Taoist Academy. He had cultivated himself to the fifth level of the Imperial Dao. Even though this realm seemed ordinary, it could still go sideways in the Taihang Dao domain. Many people with outstanding talents ended up in it. It is difficult to reach it in a lifetime. For example, Ji Wu claims to have hope in the fifth or even sixth realm of the Imperial Dao. It is enough to see that this realm has extraordinary status.

After reading.

Do not know why.

There were a few ripples in his heart. He stared at the fact that it only took a very short time for him to go from breaking through the Imperial Realm to the third level of the Imperial Realm. If this was known to the outside world, it would be an extreme exaggeration. He paused slightly and muttered to himself. : "My talent is a bit scary?"

Thought briefly.

Gather your mind.

Chu Xun put down the book and had some understanding of this world, and then turned his eyes to other areas. The first thing he looked at was a sword inheritance, but what was surprising was that the inheritance was not engraved in books or inscriptions. Instead, a light ball appeared directly, with the number of views written on it: 33 times.


"Core disciple!"

"Fight in the five realms, no limit to the number of times!"

"Fight in six realms, ten times!"

"Seven realms of battle, once!"

"You are not qualified to fight in the eight realms."

When the palm of his hand covered the ball of light, he understood its meaning. His mind fell into a silverless starry sky. There were two strong men standing there, one carrying a spear on his back and the other with a sword. The two only had a brief confrontation and then fell into a duel. In an instant, the silverless starry sky was surging with their ups and downs.

A terrifying swordsmanship filled the world, and there was a trembling impact. If he had watched this confrontation at such a close distance, he would have been hit by the aftermath, but he could watch it safely despite the impact. The battle came into view clearly.


"The great road leads to simplicity!"

"Back to Basics!"

Witnessing the sword cultivator of the fifth realm of the Emperor Dao taking action, they often saw the infinite star field transform into sharp sword intent, which could cover countless miles with a little suppression. The ordinary Emperor realm was like an ant in front of them, and could be killed with just a thought, while watching the battle Zhong Chuxun also showed a little bit of shame. In contrast, his swordsmanship was... rudimentary!

It can be seen that he was not discouraged after reading it, but was full of determination and ambition. He was too lonely in Jiuzhou and had no one to guide him all the way. But now that he has seen the battles of higher-level monks, he can gain some insights from the duel. , it also guided him on a path, knowing how to practice next, so he no longer had to explore alone.

"My swordsmanship may be integrated into other people's swordsmanship!" Chu Xun said to himself, learning from the strengths of others to make up for his own shortcomings. After all, the swordsmanship he has seen is still too little, and he may learn from others to improve himself. He did it as he thought. He covered the next swordsmanship light ball with his palm in the Sutra Library, observing the confrontation and absorbing the essence.

Unknowingly, a year has passed.

His attribute panel.

It is also changing.

[Name: Chu Xun! ]

[Realm: Emperor Dao Third Heaven]

[Sword Dao: 36% Emperor Dao Third Heaven]

[Array Dao: 4% Emperor Dao Third Heaven]

[Strength Dao: 1% Emperor Dao Third Heaven]

[Confucian Dao: 99% Emperor Dao Second Heaven]

After the breakthrough of the realm, he occasionally read the other attribute battles he was good at, and his understanding was advancing by leaps and bounds, but the Confucian Dao he was good at in Jiuzhou fell into a bottleneck. This method, which has always been very special in Jiuzhou, has no teacher here, and cannot take shortcuts like other avenues, and has been surpassed by other avenues one after another.

But he was not surprised. It was inevitable that Confucianism would lag behind temporarily when he was majoring in other aspects. He would catch up slowly in the future. At the same time, he was very satisfied with his practice results this year, especially in swordsmanship, which was amazing.

One short year.

He increased by 36%.

This was exaggerated. You should know that the core disciples of Taihang Daoyuan might not increase by 5% in 30 years, but he increased so much in one year. Even though he knew that he had never come into contact with this kind of inheritance, he would show a short-term rapid progress when he suddenly encountered it, and he would soon return to normal and make slow progress like others.

But even so, he was confident that he could break through the fourth level of the Great Emperor within a hundred years.

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