"I do!"

Without too much hesitation, before finding No. 2 and the others, Taihang Taoist Temple was undoubtedly the best choice. Moreover, being favored by such a big shot was enough to save him a lot of trouble. But when he looked slowly, there was also a trace of Confused, such a big man should have no shortage of disciples in the Taihang Dao realm, why does he favor him?

The Lord of the Galaxy smiled slightly, and stood there with his huge body, stretching out his palms. Chu Xun naturally landed on it. He walked forward, and the surrounding stars were retreating rapidly. He did not explain Chu Xun's doubts. , maybe there is a feeling in the dark, or maybe my heart is moved, and I think of the little things I have done.

"Little brother Chu, goodbye!" Luo Mo waved his arms behind him, his face full of disappointment and joy for his little brother, but he knew that this time the two of them would be far apart, and it would be extremely rare to meet without special fate. arrive.

Taihang Dao domain.

Under the palm of the Lord of the Galaxy, the sun, moon and stars were flying backwards. The cities, lakes, and mountains below all came into view. It would have taken a long time for him to cross the distance. Under the escort of the Lord of the Galaxy, It only took two short days to arrive at a Taoist temple full of spiritual energy!

It is better to say that it is a Taoist temple than a natural enlightenment field. Stepping into the rich Taoist charm here will wrap yourself up. This is a unique condition that the outside world does not have.

"Senior Xinghe!"

Immediately, a stream of light rushed towards here. His figure was not as big as the Lord of the Galaxy, but he was far more blazing than Chu Xun. After he arrived, he looked at the juniors brought by the Lord of the Galaxy, showing a trace of surprise and said: "Should we admit him to the hospital?"

The Lord of the Galaxy nodded.


The monk in charge of Chu Xun smiled and stepped forward and introduced: "My name is Xu Feng. I am responsible for the admission of new people. From now on, you are a disciple of Taihang Taoist Temple. Could you please ask me your little brother's title and cultivation level so that I can record it?" On file!”

"Chu Xun, the second level of the Emperor Realm!"

"Chu Xun?" Xu Feng showed a look of surprise. Monks who have reached this level usually give themselves a title. For example, Lord of the Galaxy is not his real name. He also has a title, but he doesn't know the depth of Chu Xun. He didn't dare to call himself, so he was humble and low-key. However, Chu Xun didn't announce his name. After a brief surprise, he didn't care.

A token emerged from the palm of his hand.

Carve and write on it.


One token is created.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "From now on, you are a disciple of Taihang Taoist Academy!"

When he took the token, Chu Xun was extremely calm and had no idea what the token meant in the Taihang Dao realm. It was not an exaggeration to say that he walked sideways, and he could easily enter the Taoist temple that others dreamed of.

"Senior Xinghe still has something to do, let me arrange a place for you first!" Xu Feng said with a smile.


along the way.

Go all the way.

Xu Feng talked eloquently, and his temperament was gentle and restrained. He did not show that he was a senior person with profound cultivation. The main reason was that he was not clear about the relationship between Chu Xun and the Lord of the Galaxy, although it was not the first time that the Lord of the Galaxy brought a disciple to the Taoist Academy. , but this kind of assessment that has passed once in a thousand years has never been forced into the exam halfway.

Along the way, he also directly passed the residences of ordinary disciples and came directly to a core area. This place was often reserved for the core disciples of the Taoist Academy, or those with great backgrounds, but he didn't know Chu Xun's location. Foundation, he hesitated and brought him to this area.


Tao rhyme.

Tao rules!

Obviously another level up.

The practice here is more than one level better than in the outermost area, and you can also see Taoist elders sitting cross-legged in the distance and giving lectures, expounding the Emperor's Way. Such rich and excellent conditions are compared to the shabby place in Jiuzhou. The two are not at the same level at all, which also makes Chu Xun appear complicated. Even ordinary geniuses can make rapid progress here.

After arranging everything, Xu Feng said again: "Junior Brother Chu Xun, if you have anything you don't understand, please contact me in the token. In addition, I live not far away and will be here when you call!"

"Okay, thank you!" Chu Xun also thanked him.

Xu Feng smiled.


In the clean little courtyard.

Just a simple clean up afterwards.

Chu Xun sat quietly under a big locust tree. His eyes were still warm and peaceful. He took out the Jie Xin Ling and looked at the information on it. The group of friends had not communicated with each other for some time, and there was also a trace of Jie Xin Ling. Yingwei's brilliance and his warmth during this period have also made the Jie Xin Ling slightly turn around. According to the situation, it won't take long for him to be able to communicate normally.


"I'll find you soon!"

"hold on!"

Chu Xun whispered to himself softly. He put away the Jie Xin Ling and felt the quiet Taoist charm of the small courtyard slowly coming in. He stretched out his palms and felt the wind blowing, like gentle palms and more like the flowing avenue of time. This made him He whispered softly: "If you practice here, you will break through in less than half a month!"

Earlier, he was not far from the third level of the Imperial Dao. After the Lord of the Galaxy explained the realm of the Imperial Dao to him, he had some insights. His own swordsmanship had reached 99%. Now in this place with a strong charm of the Dao, he only needed a little hidden cultivation. This can be used to break through.


He whispered softly.

Slowly close your eyes.

The wind blew.

Blow your hair.

A handsome man in green shirt sat cross-legged under the big locust tree and realized enlightenment!

outside world.

But there were waves.

There is no other reason.

There are very few people living in this core area. Every person who comes here has a great background or is extremely talented. The neighbors next door will come to visit. Now that there is no recruitment of disciples and nothing major has happened, a neighbor who suddenly moved in still surprised them, especially when they heard the gossip that this neighbor is the latest to enter the Taoist Academy.

You know, this news can cause quite a stir in this area. You know, Taihang Taoist Academy is the largest force in this Taoist area. Ordinary forces can hardly squeeze in one person during enrollment. Now that the enrollment period has passed, there are still people who have the ability to enter the Taoist Academy directly, and the core area?

What does this mean?

You can imagine!


Great background!

Great origin!

Or amazing talent!

Either of these two types is amazing. The former should not be provoked, and the latter is even more amazing. A person who does not even need to participate in the assessment can directly enter the core area. How amazing talent is this? Soon, after careful inquiry, it was learned that this new neighbor was taken care of by a big man.

When the news was confirmed, people felt jealous and disappointed. There was nothing they could do about it. They had a powerful backer behind them who could force them in outside of the enrollment period. Although they didn't find out the background behind them, they labeled Courtyard No. 56 as something that should not be provoked.

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