Chu Xun didn't know this.

He was immersed in enlightenment, and the confusion he had in the past was solved. The majestic figure of the Lord of the Galaxy appeared in front of his eyes again. It seemed to be the incarnation of light, so huge that it was incomparable. The imperial path was weak and insignificant in front of him. From it, He also peeked out other avenues of time, like the avenue of light, the avenue of time, etc.

They were all reflected one by one in front of his eyes, leaving Chu Xun with a ray of clarity and confusion. He whispered to himself: "The cultivation level that cannot be improved in Jiuzhou will be revealed on the first day when he comes to the outside world." After seeing the harvest, I understand why the Emperor Realm monks are willing to leave their homeland and wander abroad!"

This kind of opportunity is rare in Jiuzhou's life.


After a moment.

The mind that followed him also sank under the avenue, completely falling into enlightenment, and his understanding of various avenues was visible to the naked eye. The most important thing was that he saw the path of cultivation and the state of mind from the Lord of the Galaxy. Divide!

He was alone in Jiuzhou, and he didn't even have an inheritance. He didn't know how to divide the realm of the Great Emperor. He only knew that he had transcended to a certain level or had broken through the Second Emperor realm. But in the Lord of the Galaxy, he saw a complete path of evolution.

The first level of the imperial path!

The second realm of the Imperial Dao!

The Three Realms of the Imperial Dao!

The Nine Realms of the Imperial Dao!

The Great Emperor's Ninth Heaven.

The voice of a sermon also seemed to be heard in my ears: "Ordinary practitioners can become quasi-emperors by comprehending a single avenue of heaven and earth, and they can become great emperors by fully comprehending and thoroughly mastering a single avenue. This is the first level of the emperor, and it is also the most common state. Most monks spend their whole lives in this place and find it difficult to survive and exhaust their potential!"

"Little did you know!"

"The Nine Realms of the Imperial Dao!"

"One realm and one heaven!"

"Whether it is the Dao of Wind, the Dao of Formation, or the Dao of Swords, there are nine levels of Dao rhyme. Every time you comprehend one level of Dao rhyme, you will break through a realm. If you are included in it, you will comprehend the second level of Dao rhyme. You are already far away from the third level of Dao rhyme. Not far!”

Chu Xun expressed confusion and relief. Back then in the Demon Prison, he was called the Quasi-Emperor. His limit was that he had mastered the complete Dao and could directly break through the Great Emperor. However, after more than a hundred years of enlightenment, he belatedly reached the Second Emperor. territory.

Close your eyes.

A panel of its own.

Also came into being.

[Name: Chu Xun]

[Realm: The Second Heaven of the Imperial Dao]

[Kendo: 95%]

[Confucianism and Taoism: 86%]

[Array: 80%]

[Boxing: 75%]

[Avenue of Stars: Not in the Flow]

Obviously, the Dao that he is good at is at the second level of the Great Emperor, but he is not at this level, and the sword that he is best at is almost at the third level of the Imperial Dao, and this is completely Qing Dao. The merits of the Lotus Sword Intent were used to absorb Yu Zhi's avenue and use it for worship, making it the strongest in swordsmanship.


Chu Xun suddenly realized that the Lord of Observation Galaxy could clearly see the differences between the imperial realms. Therefore, when this voice resounded in his ears, he was naturally blessed and his soul was completely enlightened, and he had a clear understanding of his own realm. Divide, with just one more epiphany, the sword will reach 99%, and it can even break through the three realms of the emperor.

"Thank you!" Chu Xun pursed his lips.

The big man sitting cross-legged on the Wuyin Galaxy also had a funny smile on his face. Thank you? Even a three-year-old child knows this kind of common sense in cultivation. It's really interesting that a person who has broken through to the second level of the Imperial Dao doesn't know this. But he doesn't mind giving this little guy a chance. If he wants to see it, he can let you see it. thorough!

He floated his palms, and Chu Xun, who was originally enlightened, suddenly felt that the wind and clouds suddenly changed, and he was stirred into the vast ocean of stars by a strong turbulence. The flowing stars quickly arranged themselves in order, sometimes condensing into gorgeous flowers, and sometimes condensing. It turned into a sharp-edged spear, and sometimes turned into a black flame.

And he himself is in the center, feeling the surrounding stars and rivers, developing an understanding of his own way, the way of the stars, and the infinite avenue of the universe and starry sky, and more of it is admiration. In the past, he felt that he was peering deeply into the avenue of heaven and earth, but after all, It was a superficial star of life, but now what I was observing was the laws in the starry sky.

He reveled in it.

Ignore time.

When next you wake up.

The whole body suddenly shook.


He suddenly woke up and looked at the Lord of the Galaxy in front of him who was emitting endless brilliance and seemed to be made up of blazing light. He was still sitting cross-legged there, with strands of hair entangled with the sun, moon and stars, and a strand of the Milky Way hanging on his robe. Just now All that seemed to have nothing to do with him, but it was presented so clearly.

"Are you awake?" Luo Mo said with envy, watching his companions realize the Tao, and it lasted for so long, which made him extremely envious for nearly three days.

"Well, I have gained some insights from watching senior practice." Chu Xun said. He seemed to see the endlessly glorious Lord of the Galaxy moving his body slightly and looking towards him. Because the other party's figure was too majestic, the sun, moon, stars and The emperor was like an ant in front of him, so Chu Xun was not sure whether to look at him.

Luo Mo was so excited that he couldn't control himself. He shook Chu Xun's shoulders and said excitedly: "Brother Chu, he is looking at me, looking at me, hiss... such a big man will look at us one day!" Next, he saw the Lord of the Galaxy's huge body shrinking, no longer emitting that huge heat, and his true body was also coming here.


Luo Mo was stunned.

I thought it was an illusion.

He rubbed his eyes suddenly.

He said in a daze of disbelief: "He is walking towards us?"

This time Chu Xun was sure that the harvest just now was a gift from this big man. The Lord of the Galaxy was approaching. Even though he had restrained his body, he still stood in front of the two of them like a lofty god. Those two pairs of His deep eyes stared at Chu Xun, with a strange color.

"Chu Xun, meet the senior Lord of the Galaxy!" Chu Xun said respectfully.


The Lord of the Galaxy nodded gently, with a strange look in his eyes. When he stared at Chu Xun at close range, he was also observing Chu Xun's past. Although he could not be like some great powers who could see through other people's lives at a glance, he could also After peeking into what had happened, he naturally knew that Chu Xun came from the weak life star. He came to the Taihang Dao realm for the first time and did not join any forces. He also said: "Are you willing to enter the Taoist academy?"

"Taoist temple?"

Chu Xun murmured, and then he realized clearly that the Taoist temple mentioned by this senior should be 'Taihang Taoist Temple'. He had an impression of this name. Ji Wu encountered obstacles everywhere in the Taihang Taoist domain, and he was the only one who could do it. The person who spoke once was a senior from Taihang Taoist Temple. It may have been a casual remark, but it saved Ji Wu's life, and because of this, he had a good sense of this Taoist Temple.

"Taoist temple, Taoist temple...Taihang Taoist temple!" Bearded Mo Luo's eyes almost popped out of his head. It is known as the first Taoist temple in the Taihang Taoist domain. There are too many disciples of big forces fighting over it and they can't get in. , enrollment opens once every millennium, and it is impossible to make an exception to join, but now this big shot of Taihang Taoist Academy is personally inviting his little brother Chu.

Crazy, crazy, crazy!

Luo Mo was shocked and numb. Even though he realized from various contacts that this little brother was amazing, he would definitely occupy a place in the Taihang Dao realm in the future, but who would have thought that he would be directly invited by such a big shot before entering the Taihang Dao realm. , what kind of luck is this?

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