In the blink of an eye.

Six hundred years have passed.

Jiuzhou has long been restored to its original state. I am very pleased with the birth of a new generation of geniuses, and I am not stingy in preaching to them my own Taoism and teaching my experience. Jiuzhou has built countless immortal monuments for me. All creatures in the world love me and support me. With me, even if I wanted to unify Jiuzhou, it would be easy, but I didn't do it.

Watch the ruined flowers bloom.

After the storm in Jiuzhou, there is a rainbow.

I'm very relieved.

The retreat began.

In a blink of an eye.

That's one thousand years.

"The breakthrough...failed, it doesn't matter. There is no smooth sailing in cultivation. I have to go through some setbacks and go out drinking." That was the first time I failed to break through in my life. It was also the first time I tried to break through the emperor after practicing for a thousand years. I failed in the Second Heaven Realm, but my mentality was still very good and I thought it was normal.

‘Eleven hundred years. ’

'Breakthrough failed...'

‘Twelve hundred years. ’

'Breakthrough failed...! ’

‘Nineteen hundred years. ’

'Breakthrough failed...!

I no longer have a smile on my face. I once saw others trapped in the saint realm, the great saint realm, and even the quasi-emperor in their lifetime. I feel confused. How can it be so difficult for you when it is obviously very easy? But now I couldn't laugh anymore, and this bitterness overwhelmed me for a time.

I started walking in Jiuzhou, but there were no old friends in Jiuzhou. I was alone. The more than a thousand years of seclusion made Jiuzhou and I feel strange, as if I was walking in an unfamiliar homeland. Acquaintances only looked at me with awe, and I began to feel a little tired of being born. I wanted to retreat and continue to seek the Tao. Maybe for me...seeking the Tao is a lifelong pursuit.

Continue to retreat.

'two thousand years'

‘I broke through! ’

‘Emperor’s Second Heaven’

This state that I praised as extremely relaxing has trapped me for two thousand years. At the moment of breakthrough, I did not feel joy, but instead felt a sense of sadness. I used to be young and frivolous, and I once promised to be the best in the world. Now, the second level of the Imperial Dao has stuck with me for two thousand years, making me suddenly realize that my future may have reached its end at a glance.

The most important thing is that I realized that the rejection of Jiuzhou has never come to me. Generally speaking, there are only two possibilities. One is that I have just broken through the imperial realm and am too weak to be rejected by heaven. The second possibility is that The end is approaching, and God's tacit approval for a short time makes me panic, because I fit the second category.

What a joke!

The Great Emperor can easily live hundreds of thousands of years!

How long have I lived!

A mere two thousand years!

But when I think of that imperial war, where blood splashed across the starry sky and damaged the origin of the avenue, my face turns a little pale inexplicably, with a flicker of regret. If I had restrained myself and not fought, could it have been avoided? It was already here. At the end of the great tribulation, there were not many living beings left in Jiuzhou. No matter how bloody the slaughter, they did not dare to finish the killing. They had to save some seeds for the next harvest.

But I quickly expelled these emotions and thought that everything was worth it. I thought that the head of the Ji family, the elders, and countless friends from the outside world had died generously, but I only paid a small price and could still live for thousands more years. After making a lot of money and suppressing these emotions, I began to practice spiritual practice.

a hundred years!

Two hundred years!

Three hundred years!

A thousand years!

In the blink of an eye, another thousand years have passed. During these thousand years, my realm has still not improved, and I am still in the second level of the Great Emperor. The more important point is that I truly feel the deadline of death. I can already predict when I will die, and I can truly face it. When I died, the panic overwhelmed me for a time, and I turned out that I was afraid of death!

Thoughts that had once flickered were also emerging one after another, the kind of thinking that if I had not succeeded in attacking the emperor that day, I would not have to face the Ruthless Supreme and the others. This kind of thought frequently got out of control, and I began to regret it and began to think about the head of the Ji family. , elders, and friends from the outside world, are they really willing to die generously?

I'm sure I wasn't forced to do anything.

Killed in desperation?

Even hiding like a hide-and-seek and being found in the end, killing them like a tease of prey. Did I think of them too noble?

'Such thoughts appeared frequently. One day I suddenly realized that something was wrong with me and started to walk outside the territory. Speaking of which, I had never seen the wonderful world outside in my life, so I left. This trip circled the mainland of China. Nearby, I have to say that I feel much better when I go for a walk, and I will never feel like this again! ’

'When I returned to Jiuzhou after being away for a while, the unreasonable irritability overwhelmed me again, because Jiuzhou's rejection had not yet arrived. I felt as if heaven was reminding me... You are going to die, you are going to die soon. Dead, you are dying! ’

I started to get tired of it.

Starting to get bored.

Even irritable.

I want to leave him.

'This time I left, I walked very far, and came to a completely unfamiliar place. Taihang Dao Domain is a vast and vast domain that governs countless small worlds like the Jiuzhou World. It seems to be this star domain. In the center of the city, emperors who are rare to see in Jiuzhou can be found everywhere.

Think about it, there are countless small worlds under the rule of Taixuan Dao Domain. The birth of a great emperor in each world is a huge number. Not to mention that Taixuan Dao Domain itself is extremely easy to give birth to strong men. I can see hope there again. The foundation damaged in Jiuzhou is completely possible to be resolved here.

‘I began to look forward to the future, and to visit a sect. This was a shame for me. A great emperor, the helmsman of a small world, was like an apprentice, but I took the test and hoped to join this sect. But I endured it. Who asked me to ask for help? What was shocking was that I was rejected. ’

For a while, I was synonymous with genius, and freedom was unparalleled. Looking at the reputation of the two ancestors of the Ji family, I was praised as the existence with the greatest hope of surpassing them, and I did it. Now I was rejected by an ordinary sect. This made me want to laugh, but I realized my body and accepted the reality.

Then I began to hit the wall everywhere.

The first sect.

The second sect.

The third sect.

I can’t remember how many times I hit the wall. My former pride was degraded to pieces. I realized that it was not my talent problem, but my body was out of shape, so these big sects were unwilling to cultivate me. I began to find another way, trying to make friends and let them solve problems for me. With just a little investment, I can shine and let them realize how right it is to invest in themselves.

But I didn't expect that after I gave my heart, they would tease and play with me like a clown, and even make a bet. One of them, named 'Feng Nie', humiliated me the most, saying that I was a bumpkin who didn't know where he crawled out of. With what low-class identity, I wanted to tie up these nobles. I was not qualified to be their dog. '

Being ridiculed in public.

I was very angry.

But I endured it.

I smiled and left there.

Self-comfort 'Young man, it's understandable that you don't know the depth of your words. Wasn't I also very sharp when I was young? '

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