"Next, I no longer tied my hopes to them. I began to invest in myself, knowing that only I could really help myself. I set my sights on a restricted area in the Taihang Dao domain. Ordinary creatures dared not enter, but something happened inside and a terrifying existence seemed to have passed away. There was a great inheritance inside."

"I was like a madman and was very lucky. It seemed that God had blessed me with hope. There I harvested the Ice Soul Divine Medicine that could heal myself. I also saw a picture of the 'Zhu Xian Sword Formation' left by the ancient sages, but before I could be happy, I was robbed!"

'Such a precious place has long alarmed the Taihang Dao domain. After those top forces treated them as guinea pigs, they also entered after confirming that nothing was wrong. Unfortunately, I ran into people from the Feng family, including Feng Nie, who relied on the power of the family to rob me. The Ice Soul Divine Medicine I just got was robbed, and my hope was shattered again! ’


After reading this, Chu Xun couldn’t help but feel sympathy for Ji Wu. He had achieved the Emperor Realm without any troubles when he was young. Even when he was training in Jiuzhou, all the people he met were kind people who respected his status. There were no so-called evil people at all. After leaving Jiuzhou, the law of the jungle in the outside world made him obviously uncomfortable.

More importantly, the Emperor War had an impact on his luck. When he was weakest and most eager for help, no one lent a hand. If someone had helped him a little at this time, he would definitely not have the fate of the future.

He flipped through the book.

It was almost the end.

He looked more intently.

‘I began to survive and became a wanderer in the restricted area. When I had a big harvest again, I met Feng Nie again. He teased and humiliated me as usual, but this time I didn’t show mercy and sacrificed the ‘Zhu Xian Sword Formation’. Even if his realm was one level higher than mine, it didn’t matter. He was still beaten by me. If it weren’t for the arrival of his family elders, he would have been a dead soul. ’

‘That was also the time when I experienced the most terrifying life-and-death moment. If it weren’t for a senior from the ‘Taihang Daoyuan’ who couldn’t bear it and casually said that I was already a dead soul, he would be scolded by the Feng family’s strongman. If he dared to set foot in the Taihang Daoyu again, he would die. ’

“I ran away!”

“Carrying my broken body!”

“Like a dog that has lost its home!”

“Others teased, despised, mocked, and looked down on me. The mocking expression was like looking at a clown. My dignity was trampled on. At this moment, I began to hate it. If I hadn’t fought for Jiuzhou, it would not be a problem for me to join the ‘Taihang Daoyuan’ with my talent. Why would Feng Nie, a lowly figure, dare to humiliate me?”

“If I hadn’t seriously injured my foundation for Jiuzhou and had the support of a powerful force, how could the Feng family dare to bully me, and how could others dare to tease me? The most important thing is that I fought to the death for Jiuzhou, and no one Sympathize with me, stand up for me, it turns out... people are selfish! "

"I want to become stronger!"

"I want to get it all back!"

'The first restricted area'

'The second restricted area'

'The third restricted area'


"Finally, I succeeded!"

The yellowed book stopped recording here. Chu Xun closed his eyes and looked back at Ji Wu's diary, which showed his whole life. He was a lucky man, but also a sad man. When he was young, he was too comfortable under the protection of the family elders, and it was too cruel to go to the outside world. He did not recognize the reality and was despised and humiliated again and again.

Finally, he succeeded.

But Chu Xun knew that Ji Wu must have obtained some strange secret technique in the forbidden area, which allowed him to live a second life, but the price was very high. He did not dare to take action in Taihang Daoyu, or even show up in Taihang Daoyu, and how could other stars tolerate him, a broken and weak emperor.


He is back.

Back to Jiuzhou.

This time, he did not have good intentions. When a person is full of resentment and filled with negative emotions, how can he remember the good old days? He only wants to deprive Jiuzhou of everything and offer countless lives to himself, so as to evolve. He wants revenge, he wants revenge on Feng Nie, and he wants the Feng family to pay the price.

For such a person who is eager to become stronger, everyone is his tool. Jiuzhou's cauldron-like formation should be arranged by him, but the sudden arrival of the Dark Ages later disrupted his layout. And why Ji Wu did not show up in the end when he had such a strong fighting power, he also found the reason.

At the end of the yellowed paper.

Two sentences are written.

The first sentence.

'Ye Wushuang? '

Even if there is only one name, Chu Xun also understands the meaning. Ye Wushuang is not from this world. He left Shenzhou Continent after the battle in Huangzhou. Since Qin Huang and the Lord of Yuling can detect Ye Wushuang's origin, Ji Wu can also detect it. Therefore, he is afraid that Ye Wushuang will suddenly return and bring his elders to quell the unrest, so he lies dormant.

What Ji Wu had never expected was that Ye Wushuang had not returned, but Chu Xun had appeared instead. However, he was still watching the show without participating. He had already lived a second life. Even if the other party became an emperor, it would still be his world after leaving this world. However, he had never expected that this underestimated person would eventually find him.

So far!

Ji Wu!


"What a pity!" Chu Xun sighed softly, with some complicated emotions. From this sentence, it can be seen that Ye Wushuang actually indirectly saved his life. If it were not for him, Ji Wu would have a high probability of being born, and with his combat power at that time, he would be enough to sweep across the Nine Continents, even if he was far from being an opponent.

But giving himself a breathing opportunity for more than a hundred years had different results. He slowly looked down at the second sentence, which seemed to be written for himself, and also seemed to be his advice to himself.

"In the past, you would also enter my way!"

This was originally a curse from the Supreme Lord of Unfeeling when he was killed. Unexpectedly, it became a prophecy. Ji Wu not only sealed himself as a life forbidden zone, but also turned into a more terrifying existence, intending to directly kill the vitality of Jiuzhou and crush this star into dust. Now that Ji Wu is dead, this advice seems to be a mockery of himself.


Close the yellowed book.

His eyes were warm and calm, how could he be affected by Ji Wu? The dean of the academy came over, looking at the yellowed book, and Chu Xun also let them read it. As they flipped through the book, the sighs on their faces became more and more complicated. Who would have thought that Ji Wu would step by step go to the dark side like this.

"It's all Feng Nie's fault!" The sloppy old Taoist priest also sighed. If there was one person in Taihang Dao Domain who showed goodwill, he would not stop there. If Feng Nie could restrain his malice a little, Ji Wu would not have reached the current situation. From the frequent appearance of this person named Feng Nie in Ji Wu's records, it is obvious that he hated him so much that he wanted to grind his bones and scatter his ashes.

"If it were normal time, Feng Nie should still be alive!" Chu Xun said to himself. The life span of the emperor is generally very long, especially in Taihang Dao Domain, the life span will increase with the improvement of cultivation. Even Ji Wu can do everything he can to live to this day. Feng Nie, who is already well-off in Taihang Dao Domain, should also live a long and long life.

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