‘After returning to the Ji clan, the elders praised me for what I had done, saying: The Ji clan carries the glory and should protect Jiuzhou. ’

I agree with them. They respect me, love me and respect me. When I encounter difficulties, I should stand up. I seem to know the true meaning of cultivation. Not only to support the Ji clan, but also to protect them, just like my friends Xiao Wen and Xiao Rui in the outside world, protecting them from being harmed by fallen demons.

This time.

I work harder.

More hardworking!

‘Dao Ze Finger Seal, practice for one month! ’

‘Heavenly Cage Prison Technique, practice for five months! ’

‘Emperor Dao Sword Technique, practice for three years! ’

‘Heavenly Desolation Jue, practice for three years! ’

‘Desolate Sutra, practice for three years! ’

It is worth mentioning that he used to resist these books, especially Dao Ze Zhi Yin. He felt that practicing was too cumbersome and extremely mentally exhausting. He gave up after three days of trying to practice for the first time. He didn’t want to learn these rather complicated moves, but after this trip, I liked them because they were more powerful.

I wondered if I had not been lazy before the first trip down the mountain and practiced these hard, whether I could find more powerful fallen demon cultivators. Not only that, I could also find more demon cultivators to avenge those who died.

I was addicted to it.

I couldn’t extricate myself.


I broke through.

Great Saint Realm.

‘This is the 40th thought of my practice. The Great Saint Realm that others dream of seems to be easy for me. I have mastered it naturally without deliberately practicing. But I am not proud of it, but I am more immersed in it, observing the avenue in the Ji family’s Sutra Pavilion! ’


It has been twenty years!

My practice is getting more and more profound.

‘My father asked me to go down the mountain again, worried that I would be bored from practicing hard all day. This time I did not refuse. I wanted to see if there were any fallen demon cultivators in Shenzhou after more than 30 years of accumulation, and I wanted to make good friends in Jiuzhou. ’

After going down the mountain, I couldn’t wait to find them. Both Xiao Wen and Xiao Rui had become the key trainers of their own forces. After more than 30 years of not seeing them, they also came to the ninth realm of saints. Although they were much worse than me, they had become the sons of their own forces. I was very happy about this. I stayed drunk with them until dawn. This was my first time to get drunk.

Then I traveled around Jiuzhou. It seemed that because of me, the forces in Jiuzhou were fighting against the fallen demon cultivators together, resulting in an extremely small number of them. I was very pleased about this, and I made many good friends during this period. Unknowingly, I saw that I had friends all over Jiuzhou, including low-level cultivators with average talent and helmsmen of high-ranking forces.

Suddenly looking back.

It turned out.

I already have so many friends.

‘That was the first time I laughed from the bottom of my heart. Unlike when I wanted to play with Xiaochan and Xiaoyun when I was young but was rejected by my father, I now have friends, and there are many of them. Among them, Xiaowen and Xiaorui are my best friends. I was very happy that night and my realm naturally broke through to the Quasi-Emperor realm. ’

‘Just by chance! ’

‘One hundred years old. ”


Seeing this, Chu Xun’s mouth twitched slightly. The Quasi-Emperor realm of one hundred years old is still quite valuable. He remembered that he had not broken through to the Quasi-Emperor realm when he was one hundred years old. Even if he had wasted sixty years of his life, even if he had not wasted like the Great Saint Zhenwu Ye Wushuang, he would have broken through at about this age.

But Ji Wu was able to break through naturally in such a short period of time. His character and talent are really terrifying. No wonder he was praised as the son of the Ji family, and he had the greatest hope of surpassing the two ancestors of the sages and reaching the highest achievement in the history of the Ji family.

‘ Good times don't last long! ’

‘The elders in my family suddenly called me back. After returning to the family, I heard the elders say that there might be another dark turmoil in the near future. They asked me if I wanted to be sealed. My Ji family has some secret techniques that can help me avoid these turmoils, but I don't know how long it will take to wake up again. ’

‘I refused. ’

‘I thought of Xiaochan and Xiaoyun who followed me, and also thought of my friends Xiaowen and Xiaorui in the outside world, as well as the endless friends who came one after another. What would they do if I avoided this turmoil? ’


I went crazy practicing.

I had never slacked off.

But I worked harder!

‘I longed to become stronger, and also hoped that the dark turmoil would come later, but everything was not what I expected. During the time I was in seclusion, the darkness revived and swept across the Shenzhou continent. The dark day that I had seen in books came. On that day, the emperorless fought, and the five emperors appeared in the sky, reflecting the dark end. ’

‘I can’t imagine what a dark time it was. The patriarch and elders of the Ji family went out to fight the enemy, but never came back. The five emperors fought for the lives of the nine continents and devoured them. Over and over again, only a weak spirit remained. Even so, they would not let go, and even killed each other to kill each other for the remaining food! ’

‘When I woke up from enlightenment, I saw the tragic situation outside. I went crazy and suffered a severe trauma in my heart. That was the 400th year of my cultivation. Darkness fell, and the world was forever silent. After the catastrophe, only one in ten creatures survived, but those beasts outside the domain were still fighting for it. My friends, good friends, and old friends all died! ’

‘I went crazy! ’

‘I swear to break through the realm! ’

“Either I live or I die!” With the determination to die, I attacked the emperor realm. Fortunately, I succeeded. It was the blessing of Shenzhou and the attachment of my ancestors. I stepped into the emperor realm, and there were only three supreme beings left in the outer space to fight for the last food. I fought a bloody battle with them. I didn’t remember anything at the end of the battle.

The sky collapsed, the avenue collapsed, the sun and moon were dark, and the outside world was even more chaotic and hazy. The blood of the emperor and the emperor's soldiers were scattered between heaven and earth. I broke the two imperial weapons of the Ji ancestors, but I also killed all three of them.

Before his death, the heartless supreme said to me: Is it worth it? Kill me and damage your foundation. In the past, you would also follow my path and follow in my footsteps!

I sneered!

The great Ji Wu.

The younger generation of the Ji family.

How can I be like you?

I returned to Jiuzhou with my broken body, and what I saw was the shocking ruins. All the old people I knew were dead, and the clan leader and the elders also died. It seemed that I was the only one in this world. I found a fragment of Xiao Wen's steps, which was his fall when he took the initiative to fight the supreme.

I was very sad.

I wanted to cry!

But I couldn't cry.

Because everyone in the world was calling my name.

But I felt ashamed. If I had come out earlier, how could they have died? I sat there sadly repairing the great road between heaven and earth, but I ignored my seriously injured body. I realized that there was something wrong with my body, but I didn't care. So many people died, why should I still care about life or death?

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