'When I was four years old, I started to practice Qing. I introduced spiritual energy into my body for half a day and set foot in the realm of body refining. ’

‘Father and mother, everyone is happy! "

‘You will know by consulting. ’

‘Looking at the Ji family, with such speed, it can rank among the top ten. ’

‘I, I am also a little genius~! ’

Chu Xun saw that the words written on this yellowed paper were slightly childish, and the handwriting was sloppy, but quite sharp. The joy of a young child could be seen in the words. If there was no accident, this would be the diary written by Ji Wu when he was young, but he didn't know Why did he gradually stop touching such things as he grew older?

He continued to read.

"It's so fast. I'm one year old again. I don't want to practice. It's too boring. Xiaochan and Xiaoyun are playing. I want to play with them too! But my father won't let me. He says I'm some kind of candidate cultivated by the family. First, we must practice hard since childhood to support the Ji family in the future!"

"I don't want to hold on!"

"I want to play!"

"I want to play with them!"

At this time, Ji Wu still clearly had the nature of a child. After practicing for a while, he became lazy. His innocent playfulness like other children outweighed this. From the records, it can be seen that Ji Wu at this time had reached the Dharma Realm.

This is terrifying. It takes an ordinary person several months or a year from being exposed to cultivation to being able to enter the body and step into the body refining realm. Ji Wu only spent half a day, while others would need several years or even more to cross the realm of concentration, golden elixir, and law. It took a long time, but a five-year-old child came here easily, which I have to say is a bit exaggerated.


"That's it, that's all!"

"Who made me the pillar of the family?"

"We will support the sky in the future!"

"Xiaochan, Xiaoyun, just play, I'll support you today!"

This is little Ji Wu's first compromise, and it also reveals wisdom beyond his age from the text. His peers have not yet set foot in practice, but he has reached an extremely high level and even learned the self-comfort of compromise.

Time flies.

As I flipped through, there were a few missing pictures.

When there is another record.

"I, I am already ten years old!"

"We have arrived at the realm of princes!"

"I heard from my father that this realm can already establish a kingdom in some weak places outside, and the emperor in the dynasty can be called a prince, and he is honored as a prince, hahahaha... Am I also a young emperor? I am so excited. It would be great if I could go out and build my own kingdom, but it’s a pity that my father wants me to grow up!”


"I'm sixteen!"

"Come of age!"

"He was even named the emperor's son!"

"But I can't be happy!"

"Xiaochan, Xiaoyun and the others have become my maids and servants. I can obviously play with them, but their eyes look at me with fear and respect. They are incompatible with me. I feel so lost. I want to be Their friend rather than their master, but they are afraid of me..."

"That's all, that's all. They were a little panicked at first, but they will get used to it gradually."


"I'm already twenty!"

"Xiaochan and Xiaoyun are still far away from me. They are afraid that I will be cautious and unsmiling when we are together. But when they are together in private, they smile brightly and are very relaxed. That is the most comfortable state for them. It doesn't matter. Even if we can’t be friends, I will protect them as younger brothers and sisters!”

Until now, I have not seen any problems with the records in this diary, and this is more like the dean of the academy, the old Taoist priests of the Taoist sect, the young Ji Emperor who quelled the dark turmoil and saved the common people in the dawn, with his precocious wisdom and Take responsibility.

"Practice the simplified version of Ji's imperial method today!"

"There are some difficulties. Practice for three days!"

"I, why do the elders of the clan look at me like this?"

"Practice the Heavenly Phoenix Seal and complete it in half a month!"

"Practice the Gale Technique and complete it in half a month!"

"Practice the Taihao Sword and complete it in one month!"

"Practice the Heavenly Eye Technique and complete it in three months!"

"Practice the Emperor's Scripture and complete it in one year!"

'My father suddenly told me that I could go out for a walk. I don't know why but I was a little nervous. I have been in the Ji family for twenty-four years and I have never left the past. Even when I was ten years old, I wanted to go outside and start my own dynasty, but now I don't. With such enthusiasm, I want to stay at home and practice scriptures. Isn’t it happy? ’

'A few days later, Xiaochan and Xiaoyun came to see me. They told me that I wanted to go outside and take a look. I agreed, put down the scriptures in my hands and came to the outside world for the first time. It was so big, with ancient Taoist traditions, and The supreme dynasty and the sect's territory are much larger than my Ji family. ’

‘I also have delicious food. ’

'delicious. ’

‘It’s just that they seem to know who I am and respect me very much. I don’t know why, but it doesn’t matter, I will pay for the meal. ’

"In my first year abroad, I encountered an evil demon. He slaughtered a small town in memory of me, and my realm soared. Looking at the blood flowing in the city, and even the bodies of young girls, I became angry and killed the demon cultivator. Kill and stay in that desolate dead city for three days."

"I can't figure it out. Doesn't cultivation rely on oneself step by step? This kind of crooked way of offering sacrifices is not the right way. Even if you gain strength for a short time, you will become addicted to it, sink deeper and deeper, and finally become lost and only know how to kill people. Devil."

“Three days later, I finally understood why some cities I passed by didn’t look desolate, but when I walked into them, there was no one in sight. I’m afraid it’s the same as this city. There are still demon cultivators in the outside world, but they are far inferior to the Ji family. But then again, who dares to do anything reckless with the fathers of the Ji family guarding them?”

“I seem to know the meaning of going down the mountain!”

“I want to kill them!”

‘In the first year, I killed ten such demon cultivators. ’

‘In the second year, I found seventeen and killed them all! ’

‘In the third year, I found sixteen, one of whom was very strong, but still no match for me. ’

‘In the fourth year, I found sixteen, but they were all very weak. ’

‘In the fifth year, I found seven, and they seemed to know that I was looking for them and began to hide. ’

‘In the sixth year, I found five, and they hid very well, and I almost missed two of them. ’

‘In the seventh year, I only found three people, but when I passed by some places, they looked at me differently. It was still admiration, but it was different from the awe and distance when I was just born. It was a real enthusiasm. It was a feeling I had never experienced before, and it was the same wherever I went! ’

‘In the eighth year, I was ashamed that I did not find the demon, but I met two good friends. They were also chivalrous like me. In fact, I had heard of them at the beginning, but I had never seen them. I saw them this year and called them Xiao Wen and Xiao Rui! ’

‘In the ninth year, we traveled together. ’

‘In the tenth year, I ended my journey down the mountain! ’

Seeing this, Chu Xun's emotions surged with complexity, perhaps because he was not born and raised in this world and did not have a deep understanding of the Ji family. When he flipped through this diary, he saw the record above, that was a noble boy, a son of the emperor who combined talent, chivalry, character, wisdom, responsibility, and responsibility.

It was hard for him to imagine how this prototype of the emperor's son, who was so perfect in his youth, would end up in such a state. He suddenly understood the loss felt by the dean of the academy and the old Taoist priest after witnessing the death of the ancestor of the Ji family. He couldn't wait to read the book below.

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