"Trapped Immortal Sword!"

Ji Wu spoke, and the second sword also started to move. This golden divine sword, which was as bright as the sun, released the Geng metal property. With one strike of the sword, it was combined with the Immortal Killing Sword to cut the Huangtian Cauldron into two pieces!


Chu Xun's breathing was rapid.

His eyes also solidified slightly.

Only two swords!

Just break an imperial weapon!

"Absolute Immortal Sword!"

Ji Wu said again, the sword behind Chu Xun also moved, and the three swords were killing Chu Xun. At this moment, he was extremely calm, his eyes fixed on the sword in front of him that was bursting with killing intent. The lightsaber, the Immortal-killing Sword, is the most terrifying killing sword in the world, and its bloom is the real core!

"The Immortal Killing Sword!"


The next second.

Ji Wu spoke.

He stood there and commanded, and the four killing swords exploded with miraculous effects. In this dark void space, he was instantly overwhelmed by the endless sword intent. Even if Chu Xun thought that he was unparalleled in swordsmanship, under the encirclement and killing of the four swords of Zhu Xian, Feeling only his own insignificance, he no longer hesitated and took out the ivy sword he had been practicing!


Master this sword!

Cut it down with your sword!

There is a vast expanse of white in the pitch-black void, a collision of pure sword intent to kill!

As everyone knows!

Their fight.

How shocking is Jiuzhou!


"Imperial Way!"

"Imperial War!"

"what happened!"

"And the Emperor?"

The people of Jiuzhou were all shocked. Earlier, Chu Xun had trampled the forbidden area of ​​​​life and flowed through the restricted areas. They thought that everything had been eliminated, but they never thought that an imperial war would break out at this time. They looked in the direction where Chu Xun was going, and saw The world was in awe as the endless killings circulated, even the appearance of the great source of swordsmanship was far inferior.

"Whose sword?" At first, people thought it was Emperor Chu's sword, but then they were awakened that this was not Chu Xun's sword. This sword is too pure and sharp. If you don't devote yourself to the sword sincerely, you can't practice it. Show this kind of unparalleled sword light!


"Who's still alive!"

"Confronting Emperor Chu!"


The outside world didn't know that Chu Xun was in big trouble at this time. After a few brief encounters, blood bloomed on his body. Drops of bright red blood containing pure vitality. If it fell to the outside world, it would be the supreme magic medicine. But in As soon as this area fell, it was annihilated into powder by the extreme chill!

The Four Swords of Killing Immortals!

Kill everything!

And Chu Xun knew.

This is far from over!

The really scary thing is!

That formation diagram!

If the Four Swords of Zhu Xian can be called the leader of swordsmanship, but with this formation diagram, it is the most terrifying killing formation in the world, and only a handful can compete with it!

"What a pity!" Ji Wu's eyes also showed a ray of sadness. This huge sword formation was not created by him, but he was lucky enough to observe it in a restricted area in the Taihang Dao domain. He was astonished by the people who used this formation. The supreme senior power is sitting cross-legged in the universe, and with the flow of his thoughts, the four immortal-killing swords cover the world!

A thought!

A universe is in disillusionment!

That shocking image was imprinted in his heart and could not be dispelled, so he deeply remembered the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and imitated the Four Swords of Zhuxian and the formation diagram. He murmured: "If there is that person With any supremely powerful sword, Chu Xun would be nothing more than a corpse!"

Even if he got a few scraps from that huge formation and integrated it into his own refining, he could kill Chu Xun thousands of times. Unfortunately, he just observed its charm and imitated it.

But he didn't take it seriously. He took a deep breath, suppressed his chaotic emotions, stared at the other party coldly, and said: "It's not a loss for you to die in the Zhuxian Sword Formation. After seeing this beautiful killing formation, you should die." No regrets!”




Endless chill filled every place in the world, in his ears, in his hair, under his eyes, on his thighs, between his knees, and the sword intent everywhere in front and behind him was about to drown him. In this murderous place, I can't see the light under the formation, I can't sense the avenue, I'm like the most primitive blind man, and the laws of time I'm proud of are even more disillusioned for a time!

Confucian law!

Taoist principles!

All failed!


But his mind was extremely quiet, because when he saw the third sword, he realized the origin of this killing formation, and did not dare to be careless at all. He put all his reserves at this moment, knowing that this was In the final killing blow, when the killings in heaven and earth were everywhere, he opened his star-like black eyes and stared at Ji Wu.

This peerless evildoer who once calmed down the dark turmoil is really not an ordinary person. How can he kill easily like Xiaoyao Tianzun and Gu Tianhuang? "I may be helpless, but now how dare I expect it to kill me?"


Standing there, his robes billowed with the wind, and his chest surged with both sword intent and killing intent, and a blooming green lotus was born from under his feet, turning into a huge lotus to set him off. , blocking the murderous intention between heaven and earth, Chu Xun whispered to himself: "The great sage can imprint the law into his body without relying on the power of heaven and earth, let alone the great emperor?"

That green lotus!

People who are familiar with Chu Xun.

No stranger to them!

"Qinglian Sword Intent!"

This sword art that was once exchanged in the system, it was mediocre at first and could not be considered as defying the heavens, but it has the potential to grow as the cultivation level increases. The stronger the avenue it absorbs, the stronger the green lotus should be. For example, the green lotus in full bloom, each petal contains a rich Dao rhyme, some deep and some shallow. If you observe carefully, each pattern contains a kind of avenue.

This is more than swallowing three thousand laws, it simply contains all kinds of avenues in the world. When the green lotus blooms and isolates the killing intention between heaven and earth, the counterattack from Chu Xun begins. He raises his hand to raise the sword, holding the Qingteng Sword in his palm, sweeping it down and saying: "This heaven-defying formation known as the supreme killing formation is also suitable for you to use?"


It is the same sword light, but the sword at this moment is thousands of times better than the previous one. This is the sparse integration of all the avenues in the world. What if the sword formation of Zhuxian isolates everything between heaven and earth? I stand here and I am the avenue, I am all the avenues, I am a world. He swung the sword and slashed it, and the sword energy was brilliant!

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation was also not weak, especially when the formation diagram that had never been revealed appeared, the terrifying sharpness was attached to the four killing swords. Just a glance caused the huge green lotus to crack, and some patterns were disappearing, but the sword light slashed by Chu Xun was also sharp and amazing.


Ji Wu shouted, even if the Immortal Execution Formation diagram showed its power and the green lotus was cracked, but this was not what he wanted. He expected that Chu Xun would have his head rolling the moment the Immortal Execution Sword Formation was sacrificed. Even if he could not kill him in the first place, he would kill half of his life, but this was different from what he imagined.

Standing there, a kind of secret technique burned in his body, and the whole Jiuzhou became uneasy at this time. All the spiritual energy was rioting as if it was sucked away by something. Extreme fear spread in their hearts, and they looked up at Di Zhan in fear, feeling uneasy.

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