"Oh, the one who can quell the dark turmoil is not an easy person!" Chu Xun laughed at himself. He thought he was cautious enough about the ancestor of the Ji family, but it was only at this moment that he realized that he still underestimated him.

One calmed the dark turmoil.

Even if the foundation is broken.

The rest of my life will be unparalleled.

Those remaining years.

How could it be desolate?

Just like now.

There is a huge formation diagram above the head, with the runes of Dao Dao and Swordsmanship engraved on it. It is ancient and mysterious. The infinite and awe-inspiring killing is as if the cosmic killing formation is completely natural. Hanging there is the ultimate killing in the world, plus four mouthfuls. Who can resist such a powerful sword formation?

"You should be glad that it is just an imitation of that formation, with a little bit of charm!" Chu Xun laughed at himself. If it were really someone's killing formation, even if there was only one sword in the formation, he would have been reduced to ashes.

The body was also filled with extreme coldness, and a strong aura emerged from Chu Xun. He pressed his palms down and said coldly: "But I said that you also want to kill me because of this?"

If it were more than a hundred years ago.

He will be helpless.

But this is...more than a hundred years later!

His eyes released complicated avenue runes, flowing on the huge formation diagram, and said coldly: "And this is also the formation path that I am good at!" His eyes penetrated this huge formation diagram, if He didn't dare to look at the complete Zhuxian Formation, but it was just a defective imitation, so why wouldn't he dare to look at it?



A flaw!

Two flaws!

Three flaws!

The reflections appeared one after another, and then the green lotus condensed endless sword intent. They poured into the ivy sword, making the gleaming green sword more and more green, and then the eyes bloomed with sharp beams, Suddenly, he slashed towards the flaw in the Immortal Killing Formation, when even the infinite beam of light turned into lightning.

"call out!"

The whole green lotus was condensed into one, and Ji Wu's pupils shrank sharply when he cut it off. He didn't know what the flaw in his formation was. Finding the flaw at such a frightening speed made him inevitably exclaim: "How could he?" Will you find it so soon?"

The spiritual energy that is being extracted from the entire Jiuzhou has also slowed down. If there are emperors outside the territory, they will see that the vast Nine Provinces are like a baking cauldron, extracting the essence of all living things, and are flowing towards it in a steady stream. It was rushing in one direction, but now the movement suddenly stopped and came to a standstill!

"Cut~!" The terrifying Qinglian Sword Intent surged crazily, and when it fell towards a stronghold, the Four Zhuxian Swords had no time to defend themselves. They almost witnessed the terrifying Sword Intent tearing apart the flaws in the huge formation, and accompanied by the disintegration of With the sound, I could clearly feel that this terrifying killing formation was disintegrating, and the four fairy swords that lost the formation diagram were no longer so shocking.

Ji Wu was never idle. When he cut down the formation diagram, he absorbed the energy of the entire Nine Continents. He suddenly took a step forward and came to behind Chu Xun. He pressed his palms and made thousands of palm prints in one second. The green lotus that protected Chu Xun finally couldn't withstand the terrifying energy and completely collapsed, and subsequent palm prints fell on him one after another.



Blood Mist is being born.

If Chu Xun hadn't stayed in the Imperial Realm for a long time and used Thunder Tribulation to cleanse his body, he might have collapsed under this attack. Even so, there were many palm prints pierced through his body, dripping with blood.

But Ji Wu was not much better. This was the formation he had set up, and now he was forced to have a strong backlash, making him groan and cough up blood, and his black hair turned white instantly, even his green face The young boy's face turned old for a moment, and his eyes were sinister, as if a soul was about to come out.


Horrible movement.

It completely moved this world.

Boom boom boom~!

A countercurrent visible to the naked eye swept across all directions in an instant, and the hundreds of thousands of nearby mountains were instantly razed to the ground. Countless flowers, plants, trees, and weak livestock creatures suffered the disaster of annihilation. They witnessed the powerful torrent sweeping away, and their bodies were destroyed in an instant. Exploded into fly ash, the Chinese continent also experienced a brief shock.

The figures from the outside world were also rushing here quickly. When they saw the two people in the confrontation, they were surprised and confused, and exclaimed: "Who is fighting with Emperor Chu?"


Ji Wu coughed up blood in his mouth, and the rich blood spurted out. As his vitality passed by, his face transformed into immortality, sometimes turning into a young man's thick lips and white teeth, sometimes like another old soul covering his cheeks. , alternating continuously, looking gloomy and ferocious, but at the same time as his breath dropped, he also felt that the end was approaching.

That kind of extreme unwillingness.

Keep coming.

he knows.

Keep fighting.

He will die!

"You must kill me!" Ji Wu roared with a ferocious expression.

"You have gone astray." Chu Xun stood in the sky holding an ivy sword. After defeating the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, he realized how cold Ji Wu's backhand was. A huge cauldron enveloped Jiuzhou. It was about to destroy Jiuzhou. The entire Nine Continents were smelted and turned into flesh and blood to support him alone.

"Hoo~!" Ji Wu laughed desperately and hoarsely. He knew that he would die regardless of whether he could defeat the other party in this battle. He suddenly thought of the time when he was killing the supreme being in the restricted area, and the supreme one had ridiculed him that he would do this in his old age. Like this, he fell into the realm and became a restricted area. At that time, he didn't believe it, but now he mocked: "You will also pursue this path in your future!"


He ascended.

Lifts all spirits.

The ultimate explosion!

Trying to attack the Third Heaven of the Imperial Realm, because his previous peak state was the Third Heaven of the Imperial Realm, but this aging body could not accumulate that kind of energy for him, and at this moment he was in his strongest state, so he stepped forward to kill him. !

Before anyone arrived, the ferocious evil spirit had swept across the mainland of China, turning the vastness of the world into red. No color could be seen clearly, only the madman like a mad dog could be seen.


he growled.

The face is ferocious.

It looks like a roar.

"who is he!"

The dean of the academy and the others were shocked. Chu Xun walked through the restricted areas and circulated from one life restricted area to another. He thought he had eliminated everything and never thought that the Supreme Being was still alive and unleashed such bloody and cruel methods. The young man and the old man The faces kept overlapping, making it impossible to figure out his origin for a while.


Chu Xun stood there, and the scars injured by Ji Wu returned to their peak in just a few breaths. The hot blood surged out and spread across the heaven and earth, like a sun god.

Seeing this scene, Ji Wu became even more desperate. When Chu Xun found him, he knew that his death was coming. Now, seeing that he had exhausted all means to kill the opponent and recovered in just a few breaths, he truly Realized despair.

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