
"Ho ho!"

"I have changed?"

Ji Wu's voice was hoarse and desolate, but it was getting more and more bloody. The evil aura on his body was rampant in the world, and there was no restraint at all. Even if the next imperial war affected innocent people, he would not care, and he would deliberately choose a densely populated area. In the sect's holy land, it would be pleasant to annihilate them all and watch them disappear between heaven and earth.

"Madman!" Chu Xun said, with no last respect for this senior in his heart. He didn't know what happened to this senior, but he knew that Ji Wu's original intention had changed. In the darkness and turmoil, he relied on his passion Being able to forcibly attack the Imperial Realm relies on the belief in saving the common people from water and fire.

If it weren't for the kind of righteousness engraved in his bones, he would not have succeeded. The period of calming down the dark turmoil should be the most proud and proud thing in his life. Jiuzhou called his name, built an immortal monument for him, and was immersed in desire. In glory, as the end came, his original intention changed, and he became self-pitying, blaming everyone, and blaming everything on Jiuzhou.

Although he fought for Jiuzhou.

But there are creatures in Jiuzhou.

Is he the only one!

Through the ages.

There are not many sages who have fallen due to the darkness and turmoil. Not to mention the distant Lord who died for the sake of righteousness, not to mention the Guangfa Bodhisattva, the ancestor of Jianzhou, and the helmsman of the Holy Dao Palace who does not know whether he is alive or dead. Which one of them is not fighting for Jiuzhou? Is their death a matter of course? This is how it should be?

He thought about himself again. If it weren't for the Demon Prison, he would have been killed and died together with the Lord of Yuling. Didn't he regret it? But at the moment of death, he realized that he really didn't regret it. He thought of sacrificing himself. Xiao Rongyu, Jiang Chen, Liu Jian, Jian Qingzhu, Donglin Sect, and so many acquaintances from Huangtian Palace were still alive, and he felt that he couldn't accept it.

From Ji Wu's perspective.

Is this all.

Shouldn’t they all?

His mentality was lost.

The original intention has changed.

Blaming everything on the former guardian, how heartbreaking it would be for him before he became an emperor to be in the present situation. I am afraid that he would rather die in that imperial war than see himself become like a madman.

"Incorrigible!" Chu Xun's tone was gentle, but there was no mercy in his heart. All that turned into was a raging fighting spirit. It would be the best respect to kill this senior.

Ji Wu's eyes were also sinister and scary, with a ferocious look on his face. He stared at Chu Xun and said cruelly, "Do you have to do something to me?"

"Fight!" Chu Xun said.

"Okay, okay, it's okay to be bullied outside the territory, but you will still be bullied when you return home. I was kicked in the head by a donkey and saved your ancestors from fire and water!" Ji Wu's eyes were sinister and filled with madness and hysterical resentment. Shaking the sky, he said even more murderously: "Don't you claim to be good at formations? I also have a big formation, take a look!"


In nothingness.

A chill.

Full of excitement.

When he looked up, a dark black divine sword appeared on the left side, hanging in the void and devouring all the luster in the world. Its appearance was obviously very ordinary, but even the sun and the moon were dimmed by it. What was even more terrifying was that This sword exuded a ray of Gengjin murderous intent, instantly annihilating all luster in the world.


Where Ji Wu stood, the water in the lake and river under his feet evaporated into nothingness instantly, and the thatched house was blown to pieces. Even the surrounding mountains suddenly sank, as long as the peaks were higher than the black sword. All the mountains were beheaded.

"Immortal Killing Sword!"

Ji Wu's pupils were cold.

As he spoke.

Right direction.

The ultimate killing intent extends in the void, and a golden divine sword is suspended there. Its size is similar to the dark Immortal Killing Sword, but it exudes a brilliant and blazing Sun Sword Intent, which is indestructible and upright. .

"Trapped Immortal Sword!"

Ji Wu continued to speak.

And behind Chu Xun, the void exploded at the same time, and a feeling like a light on his back came. He didn't need to go back to know that a killing sword that was not weaker than the left and right was born. It was the ultimate time, and even the imperial weapon could not compete with them. Comparable, but looking at the birth of these three swords, Chu Xun suddenly felt something in his heart.

"Absolute Immortal Sword!"

His murmur seemed to match Ji Wu's, and at the same time as he spoke, another sword with endless sharpness appeared in front of him. It seemed to be in charge of all killings in the world. It was obviously a sword but it carried the ultimate killing power. , with the naked eye you can only see endless chilling and sharpness!

"The Immortal Killing Sword!"

Chu Xun's breathing was rapid.

Of course he is familiar with these four swords. In his previous life, there was a supreme classical divine figure named Lingbao Tianzun. His killing was the Four Swords of Zhuxian. If nothing unexpected happened, he would also have a powerful killing formation named: Zhuxian. Sword array!

The sky and the earth were changing in all directions, and they collapsed directly into nothingness under their feet. The sky was also submerged by endless nothingness. Sharp sharp gold filled the world. What he was in was no longer the Jiuzhou Avenue, but a huge killing array. Among them, under this formation, there is no time, no rules, and no void. The sword formation kills everything.

There is only life and death!

"Zhuxian Sword Formation!" Chu Xun's scalp was numb. He was not frightened by this sword formation, but by the shock of the divine flower reflected in the real world, which made him unable to adapt for a moment. The most important thing was that the power of these four sword formations was not used. Questioning, with such a big battle, it would be easy to simply kill an emperor.

Ji Wu stood there calmly, still looking like a young man, his vicissitudes of life eyes revealing sinisterness and resentment, and he said: "I didn't want to kill you, but why did you provoke me!"

He was roaring.

His face gradually became ferocious!


Raised his hand to guide!

The Immortal-Slaying Sword tore through the chaotic and hazy darkness, swallowing the light between heaven and earth. Under the cover of the night, it was impossible to find its body, but the extreme killing made Chu Xun feel a slight tremor. He immediately sacrificed the Desolate Heaven Cauldron!


Above the head of the Desolate Heaven Cauldron, wisps of dark yellow aura fell from the cauldron and enveloped Chu Xun, but the sharp Immortal-Slaying Sword was too terrifying. With one sword, the Desolate Heaven Cauldron trembled and shook violently. A wisp of aura was beaten out of it, and a complete piece of the Desolate Heaven Sutra was shaken and revived!


Under Ji Wu's guidance, the Immortal-Slaying Sword crisscrossed in an instant, slashing dozens or even hundreds of attacks in an instant. What was shocking was that this unparalleled defensive imperial weapon, which had never collapsed after several imperial battles, was directly chopped apart at this moment, and was almost torn into two pieces.

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