It was a long, long time.

[No. 4: I have reached the limit of my cultivation in this world. The impact of the imperial war is still too terrifying. I can't see the possibility of moving forward. ]

[No. 7: I have noticed it too! ]

The two of them are Jian Qingzhu and Daozi Wangye. Their cultivation is closest to Chu Xun. Affected by the incompleteness of the world, it is extremely difficult for them to comprehend multiple great ways and improve in the quasi-emperor. At this time, No. 2 also threw out an olive branch and invited them to Taixuan Daoyu.

Read the message.

Look slowly.

At the beginning.

They did not go.

Still with expectation, they believed the words of the dean of the academy. There are still variables in the future, there are still possibilities, and they are still searching, but in the end they gave up and acknowledged the fact that Chu Xun was dead, but they were also influenced by Chu Xun's eldest disciple Jiang Chen. Even if he died in battle here, what would happen? He wanted to reach the peak and forcibly reverse the long river of time to revive his master.

A new fighting spirit.

Move them.

A few years later.

The group members agreed.

Go to Taixuan Daoyu. …


At this point.

Chu Xun put down the Jie Xin Order in his hand, took a short breath, and his eyes also showed a little complicated expression. He whispered to himself: "Tai Xuan Daoyu!"

This is where he knew his disciples and old friends went.

At the same time.

He also wanted to laugh.

There was mist in his eyes.

He didn't expect.

These old friends.

Treated him so sincerely.

He couldn't help but think of Xiao Rongyu, and his disciples Jiang Chen, Liu Jian and others. Even his old friends were so sincere. Wouldn't his relatives miss them even more? He could even think of their despair and helplessness when he just fell. Guilt surged in his heart, but he still flipped through the Jie Xin Order.

One message.

Two messages.

Three messages.

Ten messages.

Hundreds of messages.


There were scenes of old friends just entering Taixuan Daoyu, and there were also news about family matters. After learning that they were worry-free inside, Chu Xun was relieved. He sat on a dark meteorite and floated in the starry sky, but there was an aunt-like smile on his face.

It turned out that there were people who cared about him in this world, and there were people he cared about!

For a long time.

For a long time.

He read the message.

Take a deep breath.

Calm down the excitement in his heart.

With a bright smile on his face, he engraved on the Jie Xin Ling: "I'm coming back" After thinking about it, he deleted it and re-engraved "I miss you" but paused and re-entered a simple and straightforward sentence on it: I'm back.


He clicked to send.


But it failed to send.

"It turns out that the Realm Heart Order was also affected!" The high emotions were drowned out by complexity in an instant. The impact of the imperial war was too terrifying. Not only did it shatter the surrounding star domain avenues, but it also affected the Realm Heart Order. Otherwise, he should have found it himself like the Desolate Heaven Cauldron and the Heavenly Evolution Furnace when he was born.

However, these two imperial artifacts have spirituality. Even if they have been severely damaged and have undergone more than a hundred years of self-repair, it is normal for them to have a brief spirituality and find the old ones. On the contrary, although the Realm Heart Order is made of special materials, it is not an imperial artifact after all.

"It doesn't matter!"

"It will always be repaired and solved!"

Chu Xun comforted with satisfaction. He was relieved to find the Realm Heart Order and know that his group friends and disciples were safe. This was the biggest gain. Sitting on this drifting meteorite, he did not feel lonely. He flipped through the contents on it again and again, with the purest smile on his face, and whispered: "Taixuan Daoyu, Taixuan Daoyu...!"



Over and over again. His rationality was gradually recovering. He began to wonder who No. 2 was. There were three group members who never came out in the Jie Xin Ling. No. 2 was one of them. He looked up No. 2's introduction from the beginning to let the group members have a basic understanding of him. He was born in the chaotic world after the dark turmoil and became an emperor in an extremely short time.


Chu Xun said to himself.

This was not his evaluation. Even Daozi Wang had said so. Those who really experienced the years after the dark turmoil knew that the world was incomplete and the order collapsed. It was extremely difficult for ordinary people to practice, let alone become an emperor. No. 2 was very humble and thought that it was just luck, but also lucky.

After the three ancestors of the Ji family pacified the dark turmoil, they left the Shenzhou Continent and went to the outside world. During that time, there were no emperors in the Shenzhou Continent, and many inheritances were left behind. Those ancient forces recruited new disciples and cultivated them without leaving any room. With such resources, he was lucky to become an emperor.

"Ancestor Ji!"

In the past, I was attracted by the group members and didn't pay attention to these conversations. Now, after reading it over and over again, when I saw this name again, Chu Xun also showed mixed emotions. This legendary figure was born in the ancient Ji family and was a divine figure who saved the collapsing building. If he hadn't chosen to seal the forbidden area, how high would the evaluation in history books be.

"I am also lucky. Not only did I not live under the pressure of the ancestor of the Ji family, but I also met him once when I went out to Taixuan Star Region. It's just surprising that he should have been at least the fourth level of the emperor, or even the fifth level of heaven, according to my prediction at that time, but when I met him, he was only the second level of the emperor!"

Group member No. 2 was sighing, because he knew that the ancestor of the Ji family chose to seal himself as a forbidden area, so he explained a little more. He continued: "I was born in that era, when the third ancestor of the Ji family had supreme achievements. The whole Jiuzhou was praising his deeds, and I knew more!"

"Being born in the ancient and glorious Ji clan itself has a certain pressure, and he was listed as the emperor's son at a young age and was praised as being no less than the first two sages of the Ji clan, and even the Taoist ancestors of Daozhou and the Buddha of Fozhou. His subsequent performance also confirmed this point, and the tide of saving the great building has already come!"

The words and sentences all show the worship of the three ancestors of the Ji clan.

And in fact.

Born in that era.

It is also reasonable.

Chu Xun didn't notice anything about these before, but now he looked through the praises and worship of group member No. 2. He kept thinking it was wrong. He went back to the beginning of these conversations and started to read them over and over again, frowning. He felt that there was a problem but couldn't find out where it was.

But when he read it more than ten times, a bolt of lightning struck his mind, waking him up suddenly. He whispered to himself, "Is the Ji ancestor I met too weak?"

If it were usual, he would never think so. Even if he was a little confused when he killed the other party, and even when he came to the Ji family's tomb, he stared slightly, but he was not so confused. But now he recalled what kind of person the third ancestor of the Ji family was. He stared at the pressure of becoming an emperor in the dark age and quelled the dark turmoil.

You know, the dark turmoil is so difficult to quell. Both himself and the Lord of the Wasteland paid the price of falling and it was not completely quelled. It was not until the second resurrection that he became an emperor that it was completely resolved. But the third ancestor of the Ji family suppressed all of this by becoming an emperor. How brave his talent and combat power are.

Of course.

What about the ancestor of the Ji family whom he killed? He might be slightly stronger than an ordinary emperor, but definitely inferior to Xiaoyao Tianzun, and might not even have the combat power of the ancient emperor. Could such an existence really be the great and proud Ji Wu who was famous throughout the nine continents and pacified the dark turmoil?

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