Outside the domain.

In the starry sky.

It was desolate and dead. Originally, this star field had many stars, which were magnificent and gorgeous when combined together. However, after the impact of the imperial wars, the outside of the domain had already fallen into chaos and haziness, and dead stars could be seen everywhere.

Originally, some stars had already given birth to the law of life, and they might breed creatures in hundreds of thousands of years, but with the impact of the imperial war, they turned into dead silence again. Now Chu Xun stepped on these desolate stars to find the boundary heart order.

"Has it been picked up by someone?" Chu Xun whispered softly.

Unlike the active revival of the Desolate Heaven Cauldron and the Tianyan Fire Furnace, the boundary heart order was completely abandoned and disappeared. He wandered in the starry sky for several days to find the desolate stars, but still got nothing.

The huge divine consciousness covered this star field and found nothing. He continued to pace, crossing the star fields, searching around the war, knowing that even if the boundary heart order was lost, it would not be scattered too far.

One day.

Two days.

Three days.

The seventh day.

On a planet that had just emitted a life star, it was still blue when it was seen, and the endless sea water submerged the life star. If hundreds of thousands of years passed, bacteria and organisms would be born in the sea water, evolving little by little until the ocean retreated and new species were born on land.

This was a phenomenon of nature, but a smile appeared on his face. He crossed the battlefield one after another to search, and finally found the Boundary Heart Order.

The figure dived.


He took a step lightly.

He went deep into the ocean.

The vast oceans on both sides separated like tides. He came to the bottom of the sea and saw that the former Boundary Heart Order had lost all its spirituality and was lost in this ocean. He picked it up with a relieved smile on his face. Fortunately, he found it. If it was lost, it would probably take thousands of years for someone to find it.


Holding the Boundary Heart Order.

Crossed out.

A few short steps.

Then he came to a meteorite that was crossing the outer space. He sat cross-legged on it and wiped off the water droplets on the Jie Xin Order. With a light touch, Emperor Dao's heart was also moved. They were about to meet again after more than a hundred years. With relief, he gently touched it.


As usual.

The Jie Xin Order was not damaged.

He entered the group chat.




A series of crisp sounds rang out continuously. It was a message that came one after another quickly. The flashing picture was too fast, and he couldn't see clearly for a while. Countless texts were flashing for half a quarter of an hour before it stopped, and he also read until he disappeared.

"Shenzhou was robbed, No. 9 died in battle... Dark creatures slaughtered the world!" A long manifesto was written by No. 4 with tragic emotions. He could imagine how desperate No. 4 was at that time. The Lord of the Wasteland fell, Chu Xun died in battle, but Jiuzhou still had the Supreme to poison the creatures.

Even if that period of time had passed.

When I flipped through the pages again, my heart was still filled with ripples.

When I flipped through the pages again.

I saw the response from No. 2.

"No. 2!"

Chu Xun whispered softly. Even though the dean of the academy told me that all the friends in the group had gone to No. 2, there was no information about No. 2. As I flipped through the pages, I had a general understanding of No. 2. He was born during the last dark turmoil and rose after the dark turmoil.

After becoming a great emperor.

He left his hometown.

I continued to read.

The information in the group came one after another, and No. 2's appearance was exciting, but his distance was far away, and then it was after the dark turmoil.

There was a gap of several months.

[No. 5: The Desolate Heaven Palace is gone. The remaining people before the dark turmoil were dismissed by me, and most of them died in the turmoil. Now the Desolate State Avenue is incomplete, and high-level cultivators cannot be born. No. 9, should I reorganize it! ]

I can feel the confusion of the master of the Desolate Heaven Palace. He had a strong talent before, but was dragged down by the trivialities of the Desolate Heaven Palace. Now that the Desolate State has the Donglin Sect and other top forces settled in, the advantages of the Desolate Heaven Palace are gone. Is it necessary to reorganize?

[No. 4: I miss him. Although Ruzhou has avoided this disaster, I have also lost my dear friend. I miss him very much! ]

[No. 6: Speaking of which, Jiuzhou without him is so peaceful. ]

[No. 7: This guy is obviously blessed, but how could he... die! ]


After a while.

[No. 3: Wow, hahaha, I finally mastered the avenue and am qualified to break through to the Quasi-Emperor...]

He spoke excitedly in the group, but soon fell silent. For a while, he was praised by Jiuzhou as the most dazzling evildoer, but before he could bloom, he was robbed of the limelight by others.

[No. 4: Congratulations! ]

[No. 5: Congratulations! ]

The congratulations of the group members revealed a sense of loneliness and longing.

[No. 6: I walked along his old place and saw his stone sculptures, but never saw him in person again…]

[No. 7: Why, why, why was he the one who died!!!]

[No. 5: I still reorganized the Desolate Heaven Palace and sincerely want to invite him to be the elder of the Sutra Library! ]

[No. 5: Tomorrow is his memorial day. Are you going to worship? ]

[No. 4: Go! ]

[3 OK: Go! ]

[No. 6: Go! ]

[No. 7: Go! ]

[No. 4: It’s a great news. Chu Xun may not be dead. I heard from the dean of the academy that the luck of Ruzhou has not dissipated. He inherited most of the luck of Ruzhou. If he dies, the luck of Ruzhou will usher in a change! ]

[No. 3: What? ]

[No. 5: Really? ]

[No. 6: I'm going to look for him! ]

[No. 7: I'm going too! ]

[No. 3: Damn it, where did he go? I've been looking for him for months, but there's no trace of him left. The starry sky is vast, and there are traces of him everywhere, but there's no trace of him anymore! ]

[No. 4: Maybe he went to a distant star. Let's look for him one by one. I don't believe we can't find him! ]

[Group members: OK! ]


[No. 3: It's been ten years, and we still haven't found him. What about you? ]

[No. 7: Let's look for him again! ]

[No. 6: Do you think this is fake news deliberately made by the dean of the academy to comfort us? After all, we all saw it that day! ]

[No. 3: Bah, bah, bah, take it back, take it back, look for him again! ]

[No. 2: Maybe... he's gone! 】

No. 2 also took the exchanges of these years into consideration and knew that these group members were still unwilling to believe in No. 9's death. From the perspective of a bystander, No. 9 really died in the battle outside the domain and there was no possibility of resurrection. They just supported and searched for the illusory belief in their hearts, but the result was already doomed.

The group was quiet.

No more talking.

Chu Xun understood from the atmosphere that the group members were more sincere and tried hard to find him, and even stopped looking at the Jie Xin Ling and the cold and heartbreaking but extremely realistic conversation between No. 2. If it were him, he would probably think he was dead, he whispered to himself, his eyes were full of complexity.

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