A breath leaked out.

Under him.

The meteorite.

It shattered directly.

Standing in the starry sky, strands of long hair scattered on his chest and back, his pupils shot out sharp cold lightning, and the confusion of the past was solved at this moment, without any doubt.

He had pondered this issue before, so much so that he put the Ji ancestor last in the final imperial battle, but what made him disappointed was that the Ji ancestor did not give him too many surprises, and his performance was mediocre. After being killed by himself, he also went to the Ji ancestral land on purpose. Although he had the intention to pacify the Ji family, he also wanted to see if he really killed it.

Then he walked through the forbidden area and searched in the nine continents, but he found nothing and cut off the thought in his heart. He just thought that the Ji ancestor really fell, but now seeing the praise between the words of No. 2, he also whispered: "How could the once peerless prodigy Ji Wu be so mediocre?"


He paced.

Trampling in the galaxy.

Return again.

The high-level creatures on Jiuzhou all showed surprise. They thought Chu Xun was going to leave here completely, but he came back again. The dean of the academy was not too surprised. They thought Chu Xun had some funeral arrangements. After all, he had said before that he would leave here in a few days, so it was normal for him to return now.

But after Chu Xun landed in Jiuzhou, he sat cross-legged in the sky. He closed his eyes, and the whole world was dim, and the huge emperor's spiritual consciousness was truly in full bloom, covering the Shenzhou continent in a thought. In his vision, Jiuzhou turned into a dark night, and he was the blazing sun in the night.

The radiance emitted was so bright that it was impossible to look directly at it. Those cultivators who had cultivated to the holy realm were as weak and tiny as fireflies in his eyes, releasing a little bit of radiance, while the great saint realm cultivators were like candles lighting candles. Only those who cultivated to the quasi-emperor realm were truly like his eyes. The weak quasi-emperor was only as bright as a lighthouse.

And those quasi-emperors with extremely strong cultivation, such as the dean of the academy and the old Taoist priests of the Taoist sect, have been infinitely close to the brilliance of the faint stars, enough to shine in the dark night sky and release light; but they will still be dim under such a bright sun.






Chu Xun whispered softly.

There are not many quasi-emperors left after the dark turmoil, especially since he has come to settle accounts again and killed many quasi-emperors. Now every quasi-emperor is counted, and his eyes flow from these brilliances. A powerful cultivator may be able to cover up the breath and obscure the secrets of heaven, but his own life essence cannot be covered.

The life breath of the quasi-emperor is so strong that it is dazzling, and even the avenue cannot cover it. He encompasses the entire Shenzhou continent, and those great emperors are like ants.



On Jiuzhou.

These quasi-emperors.

They also trembled inexplicably.

When Chu Xun's consciousness passed through them, they felt a sense of fear for no reason, as if they had no secrets in front of this powerful emperor. They couldn't help but whispered softly, "The emperor, it's too scary." They suddenly realized how lucky they were to survive the dark turmoil.

If it weren't for the bloody fight between the Lord of the Wasteland and Chu Xun, I'm afraid they would all be the nourishment of the emperor. In this realm, the life energy of other cultivators would have nowhere to hide.


After passing through the bodies of powerful cultivators one by one, Chu Xun finally stopped at a life form that was emitting a blazing light. This breath was too strange. Earlier, he might have noticed it but didn't care. He just thought it was a powerful hidden person in Jiuzhou. The Shenzhou continent is vast and boundless, and many powerful people are also understanding it, so he didn't bother it.

But now when it passed through him again, Chu Xun's eyes were cold and he said to himself, "I found you!"


He stood up.

Crossing the void.

Next step.

The sky appeared abyss.

Somewhere in Zhongzhou.

Beside a lake or river, a very young handsome young man was bending over to drink water. He seemed to have noticed something and slowly raised his head, looking at the void in front of him. After only a moment, ripples appeared, and then a young man stepped out from it, with a surging imperial aura and pressure, blocking this place.

A pair of cold eyes also flowed on him, and said coldly: "Finally we meet, the ancestor of the Ji family, or...Senior Ji Wu!"

The handsome young man did not look flustered, but raised his head to show his handsome face with thick lips and white teeth, with a bright smile on his face, and said: "You finally found me!"

Looking at this handsome young man who has lived a second life, Chu Xun frowned slightly. To be honest, he was still surprised when he first saw him. His spirit and body were too young and too pure. He didn't look like a decadent person at all, but more like a vigorous young boy.

But if you observe carefully, you can find that under his vigor and vitality, there is an old soul, which is extremely corrupt, but is suppressed by the youthful vitality of this body. To maintain this balance, you have to pay a certain price, either a continuous supply of vital medicine, or... the spiritual energy of the living.

It's hard to imagine.

If I leave.

What will happen to Jiuzhou?

The dark turmoil is likely to come again!


"Let's talk?" The handsome boy had a bright smile on his face.


Chu Xun nodded, and there were some doubts in his heart that he wanted to be answered by the other party.

"How did you find me!" He lowered his head and drank the water. The whole person was extremely relaxed and casual, and there was no sign of nervousness.

"I thought of some things and thought they were abnormal, so I reviewed them many times. Every time they pointed to you, a peerless evildoer with great talent, who could become an emperor at a young age, and even pacify a turbulent dark age. It's like this How could such a monster's genius be so powerless in the end!" Chu Xun whispered.

He thought of Emperor Qin, and also thought of himself. In this era, the two of them were the only ones who had the greatest hope of becoming emperor. However, under the Dark Lord’s algorithm, neither of them could reach the imperial realm after their resurrection. In fact, it was true that In this way; if he hadn't briefly visited the Imperial Realm during the first darkness resurgence, the entire Nine Continents would have been leveled in that liquidation, and there would be no follow-up at all.

When neither of them can see a way out, will the Forbidden City Supreme of the previous generation's dark resurgence ignore Ji's family? He would ignore the emperor's son of the Ji family who has an imperial appearance at such a young age, but under such circumstances, he can still ascend to the imperial realm, break through the intervention of the supreme, forcefully traverse the forbidden area, and quell the turmoil.

How could such a peerless genius be killed so easily?

"That's it!" Ji Wu listened quietly, then nodded and said: "After all, it is a piece of skin that I shed. Even if I control the secrets and methods of my life, it is still a piece of skin, even if it is derived from New consciousness, but it’s not me after all, and I recognized the clues!”

He said calmly.

The tone is very relaxed.

"A piece of skin!" Chu Xun's pupils shrank slightly, and the confusion in his heart was easily solved. No wonder Ji Wu was standing here at such a young age, no wonder that skin could explode the strength of the second realm of the Great Emperor, and no wonder he killed Hou Tiandihui The birth vision has deceived even the great road.

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