He stopped there.

A good lover.

Get up.

Go outside the territory.

Take a step.

He clearly feels the relaxation and sobriety of Jiuzhou Avenue, and at the same time, the rejection of himself has also turned into a blockade. If he enters again, he will tear out the barrier with tyrannical strength and step in. Otherwise, it will turn into a barrier and prevent Imperial realm monks also protect the monks in Jiuzhou and achieve a new balance.

Turn around and look.

Overlooking Jiuzhou.

There was also a hint of relief in his eyes.

A trace of confusion in Yu's heart was also solved at the same time. Chu Xun had thought about a question a long time ago. If the emperor wanted to be buried in dust, why would he kill himself? If he was the emperor when he woke up from sleeping in the emperor realm, wouldn't it be more Are you invincible? Why do you need to cut yourself off and become the supreme being in the restricted area? Your combat power is no better than that of the great emperors?

No one could answer his questions earlier, but now he finally understands that sleeping in the Nine Continents with the Great Emperor Realm will make the heavens feel the pressure and reject him. Although it will be fine for a short time, if the whole world is always targeting one person, even if Even the emperor would be struggling, not to mention he would fall into a deep sleep at any time.

And if you cut yourself with a knife.

Falling into realm.

Arrive at the quasi-emperor realm.

Is ignored by the avenue.

Then you can sleep calmly.

It can easily be hundreds of thousands of years.

If so.

All questions.

It will also be solved easily.



Many figures rose into the sky.

Dean of the academy.

An old Taoist priest.

The two of them arrived first, and there were many strong men who also wanted to come from outside the territory, but they did not dare to get too close. First, they were under the pressure of the emperor, and second, their relationship with Emperor Chu was not that close.

"Are you leaving?" asked the dean of the academy.


Chu Xun nodded lightly. The matter in Jiuzhou was over. There was nothing worthy of his nostalgia. Instead, Xiao Rongyu, Jiang Chen, Liu Jian, Bai Luli, Jian Qingzhu, Gu Dongliu, and the helmsmen of the Holy Dao Palace had already left. Here, the helmsman of the Holy Palace was led away by this group of young people.

On that day, the helmsman of the Supreme Holy Dao Palace was extremely sublime, burning everything to invite the phantom of the Confucian saint to come, and wanted to kill the ancestor of the Ji family, but the latter just ran away without fighting them head-on. As a result, although the helmsman of the Holy Sacred Dao Palace Burning life but not overdrawing the limit, there is still a glimmer of life left. They were taken outside the territory to join No. 2. The situation is still unknown.

"It's okay, your destination is outside the territory. The Chinese mainland is still too small for you!" The dean of the academy sighed, and at the same time said: "If you meet the helmsman of the Holy Palace, try your best to protect him. My temperament is too straight after all, and I’m worried about being bullied outside!”

"Okay!" Chu Xun nodded.

The dean of the academy also relaxed his tense mind. Even though the Palace of the Holy Spirit and the academy have been competing for generations, for the helmsman of the Palace of the Holy Spirit, there is no conflict in his heart, especially the harmony of these times. He was worried and angry about this old friend. His pedantic temper sometimes made people irritated, but he was also worried that he would cause trouble for it.

The old Taoist priest of the Taoist sect had nothing to entrust, so he just relayed: "Muxue is leaving. Before leaving, let me tell you that you don't have to worry about her. She wants to see the vast starry sky!"

"Okay!" Chu Xun also nodded.

She also understands Muxue's situation. Jiuzhou is a sad place for her, and it is also a good thing to be reborn and go out to the outside world to see the prosperous world and the infinite universe.

The old Taoist priest of the Taoist sect also had an envious look. The Great Sage Realm can travel outside the territory, and the quasi-emperor can swim in the starry sky. However, he knows his own situation, and his potential has been exhausted. It is a blessing to reach the peak of the quasi-emperor in this life, and he will not be able to go to the outside world again. It's useless, accidents will happen instead, but I can continue to stay in Jiuzhou, free and easy.

"As for the stability of Jiuzhou, I leave it to you two!" Chu Xun also said.

The dean of the academy nodded and said urgently: "Are you leaving now?"

"No!" Chu Xun shook his head slightly and said, "But it's coming soon, it should be within these few days!" He lost everything in an imperial war that year. The Desolate Sky Cauldron and Tianyan Furnace were found again, and Jie Xin Ling was completely lost. He wanted to look for it to see if he could recover it.

After a short exchange.

Chu Xun left.

And behind.

There were also many people standing.

They looked at Emperor Chu's back, and the pressure from their hearts was also dissipating. They couldn't help but whisper: "Is he leaving?"


"It's good to go!"

"He was under too much pressure there!"

Even if a ray of imperial pressure overflows inadvertently, it is an insurmountable mountain for high-level monks like them, and their hearts are always clouded. If the other party leaves, it will be a blessing for them.

And in front of a clean small pond somewhere in Jiuzhou, a handsome young man with thick lips and white teeth looked out of the territory, saw the back of the figure with a smile on his face, and said softly: "Let's go, let's go, after we leave." This continent of China belongs to me alone!”

when he whispered.

Happened to see it.

A handsome young man wearing ancient robes came here, looking at a place where destiny condensed under the unnoticed general trend of heaven and earth, and built a thatched house next to the lake. His face flashed with surprise and murmured He exclaimed: "I never thought that there is such a blessed land in Jiuzhou. It's so good, so good!"

He moved forward without fear, because his own background was terrifying. As a guardian of the Yuling Tomb, even after the revival of darkness, the fall of the emperor, and the liquidation of Emperor Chu, he still survived. Now even Emperor Chu is leaving here. He firmly believed that there was no place in the vastness of Jiuzhou that he could not go, so he confidently walked towards that thatched house.

When approaching.

Seeing a young man with his back turned to him, the guardian of Yuling's mausoleum smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, this cave is a good paradise. If you don't mind, how many years can I practice here?"

The young man with his back to the guardian of Yuling Mausoleum turned around, revealing his good looks and extraordinary handsomeness. He looked at the guardian of Yuling Mausoleum, with a half-smile expression on his face, and said with a smile: "You're just in time. , I can finally rest my stomach after being hungry for so long!”


When the handsome Yuling guardian saw the young man turning around, his scalp went numb, and an extreme tremor surged into his heart. The fear made him lose his voice for a time. He wanted to scream but couldn't. His body was trembling and shaking violently, with endless fear, and he wanted to say: "You, you, you... are not dead!"


In the next breath, he wanted to break the void and escape, but the young man with thick lips and white teeth looked at him with a smile: "You are already here, why are you leaving in such a hurry!" It can be seen with the naked eye that this man can walk sideways in Jiuzhou. The guardian of Yuling's mausoleum was played like a puppet in the opponent's hands. He said softly: "You have an old soul, why are you pretending to be a young man!"

He reached out and tore off the Yuling young man's skin, then grabbed the other man's body bit by bit and started to eat. After a while, the thick-lipped young man with white teeth wiped the blood from the corners of his lips and licked his fingers. With blood on his face, he said with a bright smile: "It's still the quasi-emperor's essence energy that greatly replenishes it!"

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