"I can afford it!"

Facing the unicorn's questioning, Chu Xun said calmly and pocketed the imperial weapon. This scene also made the eyes of those passing by below widen in shock.

"He's crazy!"

"This imperial weapon!"

"Just snatched it away?"

These people also rushed to New War City to support them. After witnessing the turmoil, they were shocked and stunned by the last action. Were the imperial weapons of Zhanzhou just robbed and taken away?

Chu Xun really had no intention of returning it. Zhanzhou was the first place to be ravaged by the dark turmoil and had been washed away more than once. However, the ancestor of Zhanzhou didn't even look at it and had no intention of resisting at all. Such What's the use of holding the imperial weapon in Zhanzhou? Rather than leaving it to rust, it's better to hold it yourself and be of great use!


New battle city.

The situation is tense.

The atmosphere solidified.

A fierce battle will break out at any time.

There are many figures of old men sitting cross-legged in the sky. Their bodies are filled with hazy light groups, like chaotic energy. A ray of pressure makes the sky below tremble, and the monks below are trembling even more. With envy at the time, he murmured: "That's the quasi-emperor realm!"

Now Jiuzhou.

Saints are hard to find.

The great sage is missing.

The quasi-emperor even became a legend.

Perhaps it can only be seen here. These few come from all over Jiuzhou. There are also several quasi-emperors who were destroyed by the Qin Dynasty earlier. They gathered here and sat cross-legged above the new battle city. They were supreme. A strong person not only inspires momentum, but also intimidates the Qin Dynasty.

"call out!"

But suddenly a figure full of energy and blood rose into the sky in the New Battle City. His energy and blood were as abundant as the ocean, filled with the powerful laws of the Great Saint Realm. He walked like a dragon and a tiger, attracting the attention of the monks in the city, even in the sky. Among the several groups of light sitting cross-legged, some people slightly raised their eyes and looked down.

"The Holy Son of Zhanzhou!"

"Long Mo!"

Someone whispered softly.

Recognized the latter.

During the time when Jian Qingzhu and Wang Ye disappeared, the Holy Son of Zhanzhou, the Holy Son of Yuzhou, Jianzhou Jian Jiuxiao and the others had not left. They had become famous in Jiuzhou, replacing their previous names, and they were among the most popular. man of the hour.

"call out!"

However, the Quasi-Emperor dropped a wisp of breath from high in the sky, blocking Long Mo from leaving. The war was imminent. Long Mo himself was the mainstay, and he was the one who carried the banner outside the battlefield of the Quasi-Emperor. How could he withdraw at this time? , Not only that, the imperial weapon he promised has not yet arrived, and it cannot leave.

"Someone intercepted and killed my brother, I want to go take a look!" Long Mo said.


Several quasi-emperors above all opened their eyes and landed on Long Mo. They knew that Long Nie was escorting the imperial weapon, but the war was about to begin. However, these people did not believe what Long Mo said and suspected that Long Mo had risen. In order to retreat and not want to fight to the death with the Qin Dynasty, he said: "In the land of Jiuzhou, no one can plunder the imperial weapon!"

"But the fact is that it is a disaster. I have lost touch with the imperial weapon!" Long Mo said.

In an instant.

The atmosphere solidified.

The monks in the city all whispered to each other, and one monk whispered: "Impossible, is the imperial weapon an ordinary Taoist weapon? Even if the holder is killed, the imperial weapon will escape far away, and who can stop the emperor in Jiuzhou today?" Now the Holy Son of Zhanzhou is saying that the imperial weapon has been robbed, how dare he say such words to deceive a three-year-old child? "


"that is!"

"Take this to fool people!"

"Do you think I can believe it?"

"I think I'm just scared!"


Communicate in a low voice.

Long Mo frowned slightly and said, "It's just two thousand miles away!"

A second ago, the quasi-emperors were skeptical, but now the eyes of these quasi-emperors are slightly cold. Two thousand miles away, at such a short distance, you are kidding me when you say that the imperial weapon has been plundered by me. ?

In today's world, there are only a few people who can quietly seal and trap the Imperial Artifact. Even the dean of the academy may not be able to do it. And now that the Holy Son of Zhanzhou is claiming that the Imperial Artifact has been looted, he certainly doesn't believe this nonsense.

"If you insist on leaving, then go!" A skinny old man with a rather kind appearance sat there cross-legged, with disappointment in his eyes. He knew that those who wanted to leave could not be kept. He looked at the army in front of him, and the God of War was even more Coming in person, stepping on the ten directions map, the new battle city seems to be in danger at this moment.

"It's hard to stop!" He was quite disappointed. If the imperial weapon promised by Long Mo earlier was the support, with the formation of the new battle city and their several old guys, they might not be able to stop the Martial God, but Long Mo didn't want to borrow the imperial weapon, and To leave, people's hearts will also disperse, making him really see no hope in this battle.


If someone else had Long Mo's arrogant character, he wouldn't care about it, but he still respected this kind old man very much and said: "I have sent an old servant to rush over. He should be here now. The scene can be reflected. If you don't believe it, , you can watch it yourself!”


He raised his hand and patted it away.

The void rippled.

A scene emerged.

That is an old servant Vision.

He crossed the void, cultivated in the Great Saint Realm, and quickly arrived at the place where the incident occurred. Before he arrived, he was filled with anger and shouted: "How dare you, who dares to rob my Zhanzhou Imperial Artifact?"


The pressure of the Great Sage Realm fell, causing the mountains not far away to shake and tremble, and a ripple even stirred up dust. This also made the monks in the New Battle City stunned, but they also said with envy: "The Great Sage Realm is as terrifying as Si!”


A young man.

Gradually it comes into view!

Central state border.

Collected the imperial weapon.

Ignoring the shocked emotions of the people on the road.

Chu Xun raised his head slightly.

Feeling a stream of light coming at a high speed, he stood there calmly, not avoiding it, but waiting. As the other party arrived, the breath of the Great Saint Realm overflowed. A burly old man with flying white hair, sharp eyes, and a face full of anger, was furious when he saw that Long Nie was seriously injured. He was relieved when a breath fell and saw that he was not dead.

For that kind of ant, Chu Xun was too lazy to slap it a second time. Even if it was just this, it would be enough for the other party to bear for the rest of his life.


After seeing that Long Nie was not dead, the burly old man with white hair looked at Chu Xun. He was determined to make this person look bad. Even if he was in the Great Saint Realm, he would kill him. He was really bold to rob anyone. The imperial weapon was related to the victory or defeat of the New War City. Such an important imperial weapon dared to rob. He was really tired of living.

The overwhelming aura of the Great Saint Realm was suppressed towards the other party, and as the green-shirted man turned around lazily, revealing a handsome face, the Great Saint Realm cultivator trembled all over and almost knelt down.

"What the hell!"

He was shocked.

Not only him.

In the New War City.

The originally quiet atmosphere.

Instantly rioted.

Countless pairs of eyes opened wide, even the big shots who were sitting cross-legged above were also shocked and looked at him with extreme shock, trembling and frightened: "Chu, Chu, Chu Xun?"

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