They are confused!

This face.

How familiar?

It may be a bit unfamiliar to the new generation of monks. Even though there are stone statues erected for Chu Xun, how many of them actually go to see them? Even if someone sees them, they will not take them seriously, and they will think of people who have been dead for many years. Appear.


Central state border.

The passers-by who were still feeling sad for Chu Xun earlier looked at him with dumbfounded eyes. The burly old man with white hair was filled with the aura of the Great Saint Realm when he first arrived. They felt like the power of heaven below, but they felt pity for Chu Xun. In their eyes, the young couple were the real victims.

But when the burly old man with white hair became furious, he was as fierce as a frightened wild cat, and almost fell from the void on his hands and knees, which surprised them. With astonishment, they said in bewilderment: "How could this happen?"

Then everyone looked at him suddenly and whispered: "Is it possible that he also has a big background?"

"So young!"

"You have cultivation!"

"There is a background!"

"Is it possible that he is the son of Emperor Gu?"

People suddenly thought of Gu Dongliu, a genius with a reputation throughout Jiuzhou, but this man had not appeared in the world for more than a hundred years. Could it be him? After careful consideration, they felt that it was very possible, and even felt that everything fit together, except that Who, the son of Emperor Gu, would dare to rob the imperial weapon so brazenly? Moreover, his age and cultivation are very suitable for the status of the son of Emperor Gu.

If it's really him.

That’s right!

"Ha, finally someone recognized me!" Chu Xun said lightly to himself. In the past, he spent all his blood to protect the Shenzhou Continent and dyed the sky red. In the end, no one recognized him. Even the juniors dared to attack him. Now he finally met someone who recognized him.

The burly old man with white hair had a numb scalp and his courage was about to burst. Who could have imagined that he would meet this god of death? Thinking of the man who fought with the Supreme Being outside the territory and killed the emperor, the color of the sky changed and the outside world collapsed. , is a real God of Death, and how did his little ancestor provoke this God of Death?

He was trembling with fear and was extremely frightened. He even heard the comments below and thought that it would be great if he was really the third son of Emperor Gu. Facing this seemingly handsome young man who was actually a murderous monster, he was frightened to death. I didn't even dare to breathe.


"An old friend is here!"

There was a strange color in Chu Xun's eyes. He didn't pay much attention to the burly old man with white hair, but he felt that someone was coming at extremely fast speeds through the sky, and he stood there silently counting when it reached the tenth second. , the void in front of him suddenly rippled, and before anyone arrived, terrible oppression had already come.


The violent speed tore apart time and space, and the terrifying aura that permeated the air made everyone below tremble with fear. When they looked at it, they became more convinced of their own ideas. But what shocked them was that more than one person was shocked by this aura.




Huge black holes appeared one after another in the sky, as if they were guiding the strong man in this position from a very far away place, and the aura released from them was shocking, not only frightening the people passing by, but also the unicorns. They all looked up tremblingly, smelling many powerful auras with fear.


As the void breaks apart.

The Holy Son of Zhanzhou walked out with his blood boiling like an ocean. His eyes were cold and stern. When his blood was boiling, he was far from being comparable to the burly old man with white hair. He was at his peak and one of the strongest Great Saints at that time. Even if he stood There, it looked like a ferocious beast, and people couldn't help but quickly retreat and stay away from him.


Another figure walked out. He was dressed in Jianzhou white clothes and carried an ancient sword on his back. The ancient sword released coldness that had been stained with the emperor's blood. It released a terrifying cold that made people's scalp numb. He not only said: "Jianzhou Sword Jiuxiao!" "

Then he saw another young man walking out. It was Xiao Wuya, the Holy Son of Yuzhou, an old friend Chu Xun was familiar with. He never thought that he would survive in these troubled times and now stand at the pinnacle of the saints.

In an instant.

One after another figures.

Like a god.

Come here.

Let the four directions of space be blocked.

The monks passing by were trembling.

Incredible look.

"Who is he?" These people's scalps were numb. If they had mistakenly thought that Chu Xun was Gu Dongliu earlier, they no longer thought so. Maybe Gu Dongliu's status was not ordinary, but he would not let them all come together. , and what was even more horrifying was that they felt the Supreme Spirit descending here, and it was the Quasi-Emperor, also peeping.

It makes their scalps tingle.

This person who robbed the imperial weapon.

Who is it?

The people who were confused earlier looked at Chu Xun's face and it became more and more familiar, but they didn't know where they had seen it before, and they said firmly: "He is not Gu Dongliu!"

"Of course he is not Gu Dongliu!" The Holy Son of Zhanzhou stood there indifferently, staring at Chu Xun and saying coldly: "Tell me, who are you and why are you pretending to be Chu Xun?"

When he first saw him, he was astonished and shocked beyond measure. The dead man came back to life and stood in front of him, giving people an unrealistic dream. But on the way, he woke up again and Chu Xun died. It was witnessed by the creatures of Jiuzhou. Even the big tomb has been worshiped for more than a hundred years. How could it suddenly be resurrected?

Therefore, he concluded that this person was pretending to be Chu Xun to gain attention, but he didn't know what the purpose was.

Jian Jiuxiao also frowned slightly. When he first saw Chu Xun, he was really surprised. He was filled with joy and couldn't be more excited. This old friend miraculously survived. But he calmed down in an instant. He also had such considerations as the Holy Son of Zhanzhou. If this person He dared to offend his old friend and act recklessly in Jiuzhou despite his achievements. The sword in his hand could not bear it.

"Who are you? You are not Chu Xun!" Jian Jiuxiao's eyes were filled with suspicion. The old friend in front of him gave him a particularly familiar feeling, but when he saw the beautiful woman beside him, he gave up the idea. Which of his old friends had never been close to women, so how could there be a woman accompanying him?

Although Mu Xue was the daughter of the Lord of Yuling, she had never entered the world after all, and not many people knew her.


The void cracked.

There were still figures rushing over.

They were excited to call Chu Xun, but they calmed down after hearing this conversation. They were lost and suddenly realized, muttering: "Yes, Chu Xun has been dead for more than a hundred years, how could he suddenly come back to life?"

And those who watched from beginning to end were suddenly awakened and realized who this familiar man was. Isn't it Chu Xun, whose merits were so great that he overwhelmed the emperor, but he had died a long time ago, how could he come back to life?

A chill grew.

The dead revived.

It was still very strange!

On the other hand, Chu Xun saw how unfamiliar his old friends were with him. He did not blame Zhanzhou Zhanzi and Yuzhou Shengzi for not recognizing him, but when he saw that even Jian Jiuxiao did not recognize him, he was really dazed and felt that time and space were disordered. He asked in a complicated way, "Even you don't recognize me?"

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