
The carriage stopped very quickly.

The groom holding the whip also looked at Mu Xue in surprise. As a servant of a big shot, he had also seen many high-ranking goddesses, but this one was different. Both his temperament and appearance were first-class beautiful, which made him reveal his greed. Xinxing whispered to the people in the carriage: "Master, I met a top-notch beauty!"


The big man in the carriage frowned and instinctively wanted to refuse, but when he saw the woman outside through the gauze of the window from the corner of his eye, he suddenly stopped talking and pretended to be unhappy: "My brother is in New War City. There is still a mission for me, so hurry up and come back!"

"Jie Jie!"



The servant had a lustful smile on his face, and he knew that his master could not refuse such a woman. Looking at the delicate and beautiful face, he was so amazed that he was so amazed that he swept down from the snow-white neck to the purple dress that could not cover it. The plumpness and slender waist are all flowing out.

Thinking of such stunning beauty, could the master allow himself to have a taste of it after enjoying it?


His thoughts were fixed on that moment.

That clairvoyant gaze was like stripping off her own clothes. The disgust that made the hair stand on end made Mu Xue frown slightly. She killed the servant with a breath of breath. She was not a murderous person, but From the arrogance of the servant just now, she knew that she would not kill the wrong person.

The passers-by below looked around breathlessly. Although the servant whipped them extremely arrogantly, everyone knew the origin of this carriage. They were horrified and looked at it in disbelief, because it was Long Nie's servant. He was one of the top ten young people in China mainland. If he killed his groom, big trouble would happen.

Someone immediately kindly reminded: "Girl, run as fast as possible, the further away the better. Brother Long Nie belongs to the previous generation of Zhanzhou Holy Sons. He survived the darkness and turmoil. Now he is with Jianzhou Jian Jiuxiao and Yuzhou Xiao Wuya. Qi Wuhuo from the Dynasty has the same name, you will not end well if you provoke him!"

The words have not yet finished.

Inside the carriage.

Exudes a rich breath.

I only saw a young man with a bare upper body, bronze skin and a strong body like a demon walking out. He had raised eyebrows, a rude appearance, and long hair with dirt on his head. He was a little dirty, but he had an extremely strong and domineering aura. Staring at the two men, he said, "If you dare to kill my servants, then don't leave!"

"It's over!"



The monks passing by below paused, looked at Chu Xun and the two and expressed regret. What a good couple. What's the difference between provoking Long Nie and dying? My hobby is collecting beauties. It makes my heart hurt to think about such stunning beauties being ruined by others!

"Is this the Jiuzhou you protect?" Mu Xue also looked at Chu Xun sarcastically.

"It's inevitable that there will be moths when there are too many people!" Chu Xun could hear the knot in the other person's tone. It was because she was resentful about killing her father. Even if she followed him, she could not resolve the frustration.

"Killing my groom is still in the mood for romance. Long wants to see how qualified you are!" He stepped forward, powerful energy and blood filling the sky, as blazing as the ocean. With one step, the earth fell. It's cracking, and the mountains in the distance are shaking, about to collapse, and they can't bear it anymore.

"Holy Realm!"

"It turns out to be a holy realm!"

"Long Nie's cultivation speed is too fast...!"

The passers-by below were shocked. In today's world, the Taoist Holy Realm is unusual, but it is possible to establish a sect. It is really surprising that Long Nie came to the Holy Realm monk at such a young age. At the same time, they also lamented that the top ten on the Shenzhou Genius List are really powerful people. , can reach this point in a very short period of time.

"Dragon Detection Hand!" Long Nie's energy and blood were like a dragon. He raised his hand to grab it. The energy and blood gathered into a terrifying big hand, intertwined like a real dragon, causing the void around him to tremble.


Chu Xun's eyes flickered with boredom. He never thought that the first target he was born would be such a thing. He raised his hand to take a picture and lightly described it without triggering all kinds of strange images. With a bang, Long Nie was driven into the ground hard, and a wave of energy spread from underneath. The hazy bronze brilliance protected the other party from death.


Chu Xun was astonished. His current state was not to mention that of an ant-like holy state. Even when the quasi-emperor came in the early stage, he would be slapped to death, but this person was not dead. He looked intently and saw a treasure that killed him. Shrouded, with a move of his hand, a bronze rod fell into his hand, making him surprised and said: "Imperial weapon!"

Then he looked at Long Nie unexpectedly and whispered softly: "In today's world, can any cat or dog be able to carry an imperial weapon?"

Although Long Nie was not dead under the protection of the imperial weapon, he was bleeding from all his orifices. He struggled hard and saw the other party take away the imperial weapon. His throat squirmed with strong blood gushing out. What was more, he felt regret. That was what his brother had allowed him to do. The treasure he brought urgently was to be used in the 'New Battle City', but at this moment it was plundered.


Another spurt of blood.

Completely fainted.

at the same time.

Thousands of miles away, there is a newly built city. The city walls are covered with traces of swords, spears, and halberds, stained with a lot of blood, and even the blood of the Great Saint is splattered on the city walls. Most of the people inside have mutilated bodies and look sluggish and weak; Now, a certain monk in the city suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the outside world, and said solemnly: "My brother was cut off and the imperial weapon was robbed!"


He walked out of the city, and before he rushed over, he suddenly felt the thunder of war drums. He saw the Qin Dynasty's army outside the city approaching the city again, and a thin old man stood with his hands behind his back in the sky. He stepped on a ten-square map, squinted his eyes and stared at the new city, and said lightly: "Today this city will be destroyed!"



The six snow-white unicorns spoke human language and scolded Chu Xun angrily: "Quickly release the imperial weapon, which was taken out from Zhanzhou by the Qin Dynasty. If you delay and cause the new Zhancheng to fail, you can bear this responsibility!"


Chu Xun looked at it with interest, and at the same time glanced at the distance, sensing the fluctuations of the quasi-emperor's breath. He also understood this new Zhancheng. The Qin Emperor wanted to annex Jiuzhou, and many ancient Taoist sects in Zhongzhou were destroyed again. If the Qin Emperor quickly unified Zhongzhou, the remaining Jiuzhou would not be a climate.

Therefore, the remaining states united together to resist the Qin Dynasty. A war broke out in Zhongzhou, and a city for recuperation was built near the battlefield, and it was named New War City!

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