Guarding the Sutra Library for a hundred years, investing in the villain of destiny

Chapter 643 The dragon slayer eventually becomes a dragon!


The Ji ancestor who turned into a blood cloud and left was very unwilling. The territory of the Qin Dynasty was too fertile and had endless nutrients. If it was devoured, it would be far beyond the reach of other small states. However, the figure in the imperial robe made him extremely fearful, and he suddenly understood why the Qin Emperor was listed as one of the three people that the Lord of Yuling feared the most.

He was just a quasi-emperor.

But he had a fighting power close to that of a great emperor.

Before the ultimate sublimation, the fighting power of the two of them should be almost the same, but he was in the weak period after being sealed, and he would only become weaker and weaker as he consumed his blood. On the other hand, the other party was always at the peak. If the final outcome of the two people's fight, he must win, but he won in the way of ultimate sublimation. In that case, even if he killed the other party like an ant, what would be the use?

After the ultimate sublimation.

Waiting for.

There is only one death.

He didn't want to die, and he didn't want to die.

That's why the Qin Emperor asked him: Do you want to die?

"We can't underestimate the Shenzhou Continent!" The Ji clan ancestor's eyes were filled with greed and fear. This was an unprecedented golden age, with the number of quasi-emperors born far exceeding that of previous generations. It also announced the danger of the Shenzhou Continent. Anyone could fall before entering the realm of emperor.

He looked.

Lord of the Wilderness!

Lord of Samsara!

Lord of Yuling!

These three were dead.

The Dragon Emperor was nowhere to be found.

His eyes fell on a huge dynasty. As his figure approached, he didn't care about the ants below, but stared at a forbidden area behind the Yuhua Dynasty with burning eyes, and said in a muffled voice: "Old friend, do you want to revive?"

The Yuhua Dynasty began to tremble inexplicably, and pairs of eyes suddenly raised their heads to look at the sky, feeling the bloody eyes, which were like a bloody and dirty sun across the sky, covering the sky, and revealing a hazy face, but everyone felt the fear and trembling from the depths of their souls.

That was the Supreme.

The Dark Supreme.

"It's over!"

"Who can stop it!"

"Where's Emperor Gu!"

The high-level cultivators of the Yuhua Dynasty looked pale, but they realized that even if Emperor Gu appeared, they might not be able to stop it. However, a few cultivators who knew the inside story realized something and set their eyes on the depths of the Yuhua Dynasty. If the rumors were true, they should also have a forbidden area supreme to protect them, but which one... will come out?


In the depths of the Yuhua Dynasty, there was indeed a breath of resurrection, but it was not grand. It was like a dream talk, with a wisp of spirit overflowing, announcing to outsiders that it was still alive, but it had no intention of waking up; when the ancestor of the Ji family just frowned slightly, he suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of Daozhou, where a sleeping grand and ancient breath revived.


He was slightly surprised.

This person revived.

I didn't know.

It was not in the plan.

But soon.

A look of joy appeared on his face. No matter who it was, it was enough to revive another Dark Supreme at this time. If he faced a group of ants from Jiuzhou alone, it would be a little difficult, but if two Supremes faced each other, they would be the lambs waiting. Whoever acted faster would devour more blood and food. His eyes instantly became gloomy and strong.



"How could there be a Supreme in Daozhou who proclaimed himself!"

The face of the old Taoist priest of the Taoist sect also changed suddenly. The cultivators of Daozhou had practiced to a certain extent for generations. When the deadline was approaching, they would ascend to heaven. They would never proclaim themselves as emperors and cause trouble to the world. This was different from their original Taoism and violated the concept of cultivation. But today, a Supreme was revived and rose from Daozhou.


Compared to him.

The ancestor of Jianzhou.

The Bodhisattva Guangfa.

The dean of the academy.

Many quasi-emperors.

Their expressions changed completely. If there was only one revived emperor, they might be able to replace the other party with all their might and die together. But if two forbidden zone supreme masters appeared, what would they be? They were just lambs to be slaughtered, waiting for the other party to hunt at will.

"It's over!"

An extreme despair.

Drowned them.



The last revived emperor was born with thunder and lightning, but he didn't care at all. He wore an ancient and old Taoist robe, which was even worn and rotten after being buried for a long time. His hair was gray and stained with dirt. He looked dirty and didn't look like a Taoist priest, but more like someone who crawled out of a grave.

"It's been too long...!" The revived Supreme looked back at the place where he was buried and whispered softly: "Even my tomb has collapsed, and the forbidden area has turned into ruins. This sleep is too long. Who in the world still remembers my name, Xiaoyao Tianzun!"


Many cultivators in Daozhou were shocked when they heard this, because Xiaoyao Tianzun was very famous in Daozhou. There is a powerful foundation-building method in Taoism that was created by Xiaoyao Tianzun. His status in Taoism is second only to the Taoist ancestor riding a green bull, and his disappearance was recorded as one of the mysterious events in Taoism. But who knew that he was still alive and became the Dark Supreme.


His hollow eyes seemed to have crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, looking coldly down at a place where Taoist people gathered. He opened his mouth and sucked, and the whole city turned into ashes. He trampled on the decayed city with cold footsteps, and then stepped forward. There were countless Taoists crying and praying below, and some even shouted: "Ancestor, we are the descendants of your lineage!"


Xiaoyao Tianzun acted as if he didn't hear it, and wiped out the entire sect with a casual slap. The blood river gathered into a river, but he didn't even look at it, and he was cold and thin in his bones.

Such a bloody act further stimulated the Daozhou cultivators. A Taoist cultivator of the Great Saint Realm flew in anger and roared under the Dark Supreme: "You are unworthy of being a Daozhou cultivator. I trained you, but you harmed the younger generation of cultivators. You are not worthy of being respected by my Taoism!"

Xiaoyao Tianzun's turbid and empty eyes showed a ray of color, and whispered softly: "That's right!" Then he slapped the Taoist in front of him with his big hand and blew up the Great Saint Taoist in front of him. Then he turned and looked at Fozhou, whispering: "There are some bald donkeys there who are very annoying. I wonder if they are still there now!"


He set off.

But he still did not restrain his murderous intent along the way. He killed all the cities, sects, and Taoism he passed by. In just a short moment, billions of Daozhou people were slaughtered by him. The world was full of wailing and screaming, which he had never heard of. As for the quasi-emperor combat power outside Daozhou, he never cared about it, revealing a complete indifference.

He also had a deep sense of arrogance. He crossed from Daozhou to Ruzhou and stepped directly into it. He stopped here briefly to look at the city in front of him. The population there was very dense, with hundreds of millions of people and many powerful monks. Eating them was a great tonic. He paused, like a glutton eating.

He inhaled the thick blood and qi into his nose to nourish his body. In a short moment, he didn't know how many people died. Ruzhou had its own high-level monks who were angry, but they became the blood food of the other side. In just a short pause, he didn't know how many people he killed. The corpses drifted and the blood flowed into a river.

Even though the sky of Ruzhou was scarlet, he was quite interested in the densely populated areas farther away, but when he looked at the west, he was disgusted with his bones and said, "These bald donkeys deserve to die!"

He crossed Ruzhou and arrived in Fozhou in just a short moment, but in such a short journey, his white hair had turned black again, and even his age was much younger. He didn't know how many people he killed.

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