"Daozhou has fallen...!" The face of the old Taoist priest in Daozhou suddenly collapsed, and he looked towards his hometown, where the blood was steaming and the turbid odor was steaming. That was the resurrection of the supreme being in the restricted area, where endless evil spirits were flooding.

"who is it!"

"How can there be a Supreme Being sleeping in our Daozhou!" The old Taoist priest in Daozhou couldn't believe the scene in front of him. There was thick filth there, the blood was steaming, and a large killing light was released. He turned into a stream of light and rushed away, but was caught by the academy. The chief shouted to stop him: "You can't do it alone, let's join forces!"

He also moved forward. As for Zhongzhou, he could no longer care about it. They were not a force in Zhongzhou. Moreover, except for the Liuli Palace, all Zhongzhou chose to wait and see during the catastrophe. Such a heart-warming move would not allow others to ignore it when they were being robbed. .


Guangfa Bodhisattva of Buddhism also chanted the Buddha's message softly, looked deeply at Zhongzhou, and then turned and left. When the great calamity is about to happen, the first priority is naturally to take care of his family, but before they have gone far, Zhongzhou breaks out. After the horrific massacre, the ancestor of the Ji family also began to wreak havoc on the mainland of China.

They paused.

Looking back.


This is a great disaster.

But they can't control it.

Together they can barely deal with a dusty Supreme. Moreover, the dean of the academy also said coldly: "If Zhongzhou doesn't save itself, no wonder others. If Emperor Qin is willing to support the general of the building, he can intercept the Supreme with his own strength. Besides, Zhongzhou can't help himself." The leader of the Heavenly Sect and the head of the Yin Yang Family, these ancient traditions also have foundations, and taking them out may not be enough to kill the opponent! "

"But they are hiding their clumsiness!"

"Don't want to take action!"

"No wonder the others!"

Such words.

This allowed the quasi-emperor who was still shaken to completely stabilize his mind.

Don’t save yourself.

Who's to blame?


When he returned to Daozhou, the quasi-emperor still had fear and uneasiness in his heart, and he couldn't help but ask: "After solving these two supremes, will this dark turmoil really be solved?"




The helmsman of the Palace of the Holy Sacred Dao firmly swore that there were too many forbidden supreme beings in this catastrophe, more than at any time in the past. Even the appearance of Xiaoyao Tianzun was an accident, and if there are still dust-covered supremes, they will be there. He will be born at this time and has been born long ago, and he will not wait any longer, because all the creatures in Jiuzhou are about to be cannibalized to the last drop.


The ancestor of Jianzhou shouted violently.

I am completely convinced in my heart.

Holding the sword of the ancestor of the sword.

Yu Jian rushes up!




The blood is overwhelming.

Flooding the sky.

A stalwart figure wearing tattered Taoist robes can be vaguely seen. He has absorbed the nourishment of hundreds of millions of living beings, making his dry skin plump, his white hair regaining its black luster, and the vicissitudes of Gujing Wubo's eyes appearing full of life.


The dean of the academy changed his expression. They did not expect Xiaoyao Tianzun's pace to be so fast. It only took a short moment to go from the killing in Daozhou to Ruzhou. One step was an infinite distance, and it was difficult for the quasi-emperor monks to catch up.

"Go to Ruzhou!"

they shouted.


Qin Dynasty.

So many figures.

Stand in the sky.

They looked into the distance.

The entire continent of China was reduced to blood and chaos. There were devastations everywhere, and countless creatures were killed miserably. Under such desperate hope of life, even these arrogant and cold-hearted quasi-emperors felt chilled. The God of War said in a hoarse voice: "With this, In comparison, the fall of Tianyan Holy Land is nothing!"

Too bloody!

too cruel.

And looked away.

I felt happy in my heart.

Fortunately this is the Qin Dynasty.

Fortunately, they have Emperor Qin by their side.


They will also fall into this troubled world.

Now the Qin Dynasty has become the only detachment in this troubled world, and it is also the only holy place. Here, the restricted area does not dare to be provoked. The Qin Emperor protects his people and allows them to live without worries in troubled times. This sense of security makes The people of the Qin Dynasty expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the birth.

"Emperor Qin!"

"Emperor Qin!"

"Emperor Qin!"

they chanted.

Even more people worship him.

Look at that figure.

Like a god.

However, Emperor Qin stood tall and motionless. His eyes were thin and indifferent from beginning to end. His deep eyes penetrated the mainland of China and caught his sight. A ray of regret flashed deep in his heart. If he had obtained the Thunder Tribulation Liquid that day, he would have With the possibility of becoming emperor, this turmoil may not happen, but it will be too late after all.

He has not yet become emperor.

Can protect you.

Only the Qin Dynasty.

"We, the Qin Dynasty, can really stay out of this matter!" The Martial God still stepped forward in a hurry. The foreign enemies had already caused chaos. If the Forbidden Zone Supreme devoured enough creatures and still lacked energy and blood, what should we do if we set our sights on the Qin Dynasty?

"It doesn't matter!" Emperor Qin's robe was dancing, his expression showed indifference, just like he asked the ancestor of the Ji family before, although he was unable to suppress the darkness and turmoil, he still had the ability to protect this surrounding land. He was invincible before he was fully sublimated. , under the ultimate sublimation, he can also try to defy heaven and break through the imperial realm. Although he will fail, there is no danger of this.

He looked around and saw the alliance formed by the old Taoist priests in Daozhou and others. They could defeat the Supreme Being, but after all they lacked a figure who could carry the banner. After all, they were determined but unable to defeat the Emperor.

But in the eyes of others, the expression under the emperor's crown was unmoved, and no one could figure out his will.


Of course.

As a group of people walked away at high speed.

Outside the domain, a huge dragon body streaked across the starry sky. Its body was covered with old age. It had fallen from the realm of the emperor and could always sense that its vitality was fading. It knew that it would not live long. It came to the starry sky and looked at the wreckage left by the war. Its demon eyes were full of blood and anger.

Chu Xun is dead!

He is dead!

How could he... die!

The Dragon Emperor roared. It wanted to sit back and reap the benefits, but who knew that Chu Xun was dead. After it escaped from this star field, it devoured the stars with vitality, devoured endless creatures, and nourished its blood and qi, but it was far less fast than the speed of fading, making it really realize that it would die without the medicine.

After it really came here, it could not sense Chu Xun's breath at all, and even the blood and qi of the Overlord and the Lord of Yuling were gone. It knew that both sides were finished, and they would perish together in the outbreak of the war. This made it extremely desperate. It was obviously an emperor, invincible in the world, but it felt the vitality fading and could not do anything.

It completely drove it crazy.

"The emperor is dead!"

"There will be millions of lives accompanying him!"


It plunged down like a huge flaming meteor, entering the Shenzhou continent, feeling the remaining vitality under the wounds all over the land, and its killing intent was released to the extreme, almost a roar that stirred up the wind and clouds of the Nine Continents, causing the old Taoist priests and others who were walking forward to stop and look at the demon dragon in horror.

The powerlessness in my heart.

It came at a very fast speed.

His face was as pale as ever, and he said in a trembling voice: "Another, another, another Dark Supreme!"

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