
Screams of horror.

It suddenly resounded.

The ultimate horror overwhelmed them.

Those who had spoken so arrogantly earlier had chills running down their spines and felt complete fear. Only when they truly stood under the Dark Lord did they understand how terrifying it was. They shouted in horror: "Senior Chu, come help me!"


Those bloody eyes were full of sarcasm. Chu Xun was dead and Jiuzhou's combat power was damaged. Even the group of quasi-emperors who came down from the outside world worked together to fight against the master of Yuling. They all had more or less He was injured, and no one could stop him anymore. The most important thing was that he had just quietly sucked the blood of some of Ji's clan members.

There will be something dry for him.

Return to your peak.

Just ask Jiuzhou.



Can you stop him?


The huge eyeball blinked again, and the whole world seemed to be swallowed up. All the monks who appeared there were swallowed up and turned into charred corpses. Their essence and blood were swallowed up, and they turned into the ancestors of the Ji family. A ray of nourishment.

The people who were discussing Chu Xun's tomb in the distance suddenly froze with their eyes, staring in the direction of Zhongzhou. They saw the violent blood rushing into the sky, turning that area into a human purgatory. They couldn't help but trembled and said: "The Forbidden Zone Supreme... …revived again!”

Their faces suddenly turned pale.

Only those who have truly dealt with the Imperial Sect realize the horror of this realm. The Lord of Yuling, who was only seriously injured earlier, will be dying at any time. Many of their quasi-emperors worked together to kill him, and even sacrificed several people to kill him. Now, one of them has not The difficulty of the birth of a supremely sublimated emperor can be imagined.


The voice of the Academy Dean was hoarse. They had no retreat. Today's Jiuzhou, Chenzhou, Zhanzhou, and Yuzhou have been destroyed; most of the remaining Daozhou, Huangzhou, Fozhou, and Jianzhou are related to them, and The Forbidden Zone Supreme cannot only devour Zhongzhou, they are also the targets of hunting.

This is an unavoidable battle. Only by completely killing the Forbidden Zone Supreme can we survive the disaster. There is no so-called room for relaxation between them.

China mainland.

Just after a short period of peace.

I thought the turmoil was over.

But who knows.

Still have it!


Only then did they truly realize what panic is. After Chu Xun fell, no one could protect them anymore. When the emperor resurrected, he would devour the lives of a whole state at every turn. No one could escape this disaster. People with weak cultivation trembled. And despairingly said: "Oh my god, when will the dark turmoil end!"

"God, someone come and save us!"

"The dead souls of Sword Ancestor Confucian Sage, are you still there?"

"Ancestor of the Ji family, come and take a closer look~!"


The demonic and bloody eyes opened and looked down at the miserable ordinary people. The ancestor of the Ji family stared at them evilly and said greedily: "Are you calling me?"

In an instant, an unprecedented silence enveloped the place. Even the rumbling sounds of swallowing saliva could be heard, and then the angry roars and questions were heard: "No, you are not the ancestor of the Ji family, you are the devil!"

"Oh!" The ancestor of the Ji family laughed at himself: "I shouldn't have saved you ants back then. You should have been swallowed up by the Dark Supreme. I was the one who was trying to calm down the last dark turmoil, but in the blink of an eye I was negated. Damn it, damn it, you guys You all deserve to die... you humble ants and white-eyed wolves!"


Greedily absorbing the essence and blood of these people.

A former dragon slayer.

Become a dragon!

"Swish, swish, swish!"

One after another, the tyrannical monks came here and looked at the devastated land of Zhongzhou. They were overwhelmed by inexplicable suffocation and heartache. After such a long time, the continuous dark turmoil still failed to stop them. Their faces were pale and they looked up. Go, that powerful aura surges towards the Qin Dynasty.

"Ang ho~!"

Approaching the dynasty.

The golden dragon's luck roared.

This is the golden dragon of luck from the Qin Dynasty. It has great luck. Even if its main veins were taken away by Chu Xun and became weak for a while, it still has a huge body and powerful abilities. But when this golden dragon of luck saw those scarlet eyes, it revealed The traces of fear are the human eyes and the innate nature of living beings.

"If this golden dragon is swallowed, my energy and blood will be enough to restore a lot!" The ancestor of the Ji family stared at the luck golden dragon greedily, and then an emperor wearing imperial robes and a crown on his head stepped into the void and walked step by step. The sky is like stepping on the stairs, standing on the golden dragon of luck, looking at the other party indifferently, and said: "Do you want to die?"

Ji's ancestor Jie Jie laughed wildly. He had never seen such an arrogant person in so many years, so much so that even he was amused. However, his smile gradually solidified as he watched the imperial weapon fall into his palm with a raised hand. The imperial man left without looking back, leaving with a cloud of blood all over the sky.


Qin Dynasty.

Billions of people.

Both frightened.

Shocked again.

Immediately it landed on the back of the man in imperial robes, showing unparalleled fanatical admiration.

Before the liberation, the ancestor of the Ji family arrived, enveloping the dark and scarlet clouds in the sky, turning into blood clouds that covered the sky and the sun, covering the territory of the Qin Dynasty, making the people inside tremble and feel endless fear and trembling. Then they saw a beam of golden light tearing apart the clouds, Oli was between heaven and earth, and the figure from behind was none other than the familiar Emperor Qin.

And then.

The Supreme retreated.

The blood cloud dispersed.

The feeling of surviving a catastrophe made them collapse on the ground in exhaustion, and they felt endlessly lucky. Fortunately, they were lucky to be a member of the Qin Dynasty and had the blessing of the Qin Emperor to be worry-free.

Of course.

Over the Qin Dynasty.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Multiple figures soared into the sky. These were the quasi-emperors of the Qin Dynasty, and the God of War was among them. Even the quasi-emperors’ late-stage cultivations were all hairy when the Dark Lord came, and every cell burst out with extreme fear. , urging him to escape and stay away from this land, but fortunately, the other party retreated.

Looking at the imperial-robed figure standing under the sky, the awe in his heart became even stronger, and he said, "Is he afraid of you?"

Emperor Qin stood there silently, watching the other party heading towards the Yuhua Dynasty. His deep eyes flashed with unknown waves, and he said calmly: "He doesn't want to die!"



A crowd of people were waiting.

All shocked.

Looking at that figure in disbelief, with extreme excitement and trembling, is it possible that their Qin Emperor can kill the emperor?

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