Seeing the confrontation is imminent.

And outside the territory.

One after another figures.

Also coming slowly.

The dean of the academy had white hair. He summoned the phantom of Li Sheng, which had a huge impact on him from the beginning. Especially when he saw the death of Chu Xun, he was even more sad than heartbroken. At this time, the figure was still a little stooped, and his steps were staggering He looked weak and heavy, and his pursed lips had a complicated expression.

Chu Xun is dead.

Outside the territory.

They searched for a long time and only collected the tattered clothes of Chu Xun. At this moment, they were holding a piece of cloth stained with blood. Looking at the bloody cloth, tears welled up in his eyes. He didn't know how to deal with Chu Xun. Family members told.



So many figures.

He also rushed away very quickly.

Gu Dongliu.

Li Sheng.

The master of Huangtian Palace.

Dao Zi Wang Ye.


These were all people who had a good relationship with Chu Xun. They hurriedly ascended to the sky with a hint of unrealistic fantasy. But when they saw a bloody cloth in their hands, these people all felt as if they had been struck by thunder, and their bodies froze. There, a pair of incredible eyes stared at the blood-stained cloth, and said in a trembling voice: "This belongs to Chu Xun...!"

"He's dead!" the academy dean said hoarsely.

In addition to the broken blood cloth he found outside the territory, he also found the broken flesh and blood of Chu Xun, which was bombed into pieces. There was no vitality medicine in it, and it was completely turned into dead blood, without any spirituality. The rest of the people searched for him with the same result, and they were convinced that Chu Xun was dead.


These people's faces were pale and languid. They did not want to believe this scene. They looked up and saw someone shouting outside the territory. The voice shook the sky, revealing infinite sadness, making the stars sink. The breath of the quasi-emperor Unable to restrain himself, a monk said, "That's a disciple of Chu Xun!"

Jiang Chen.

Liu Jian.

Bai Luli.

When their master faced the extreme sublimation of the Forbidden Zone Supreme, they forcibly overcame the tribulation and tried to intercept the opponent with thunder tribulation. Although it failed, they had quasi-emperor level combat power and could travel through the stars. They tried to find where the master's remaining vitality could be. I found a glimmer of hope, but no matter how I looked for it, it was all cold and empty.

This made their cries of grief, the desperation in their voices moving, and the tears in their eyes that could not be suppressed. Even ordinary people knew that a supreme hero who protected them had died!

"Chu Daru is really dead!?" Many great scholars from the academy rushed over.

"Dead!" The helmsman of the Holy Palace said decadently.

This is like thunder.

Make them dull.

Even if I already know the result.

Or intense grief overwhelmed them.

"The posture of an emperor!"

"The posture of an emperor!"

"He has the appearance of an emperor!"

The people of Ruzhou were heartbroken. Chu Xun was expected to become the Great Emperor while he was still alive, and his potential was endless. However, the death of such a world-famous monster made them extremely heartbroken.

"Chu Xun!"

"Elder Chu!"

"Senior Chu!"

Their shouts merged with the mournful voices calling for Master from outside the territory, making people cry when they heard them, and the inexplicable grief overwhelmed them.

The old Taoist priest of the Taoist sect also felt his eyes astringent. It was rare for him to meet such a genius, and he said solemnly: "The matter is over, let's make arrangements for the funeral first!"

There is no resurrection after death.

Chu Xun is dead.

Carve an inscription.

But stand up.

"That?" A monk from the academy asked. They looked at the dean and said with pleading eyes: "Bring Chu Xun back to Ruzhou, take him home, build a tomb for him, and enjoy Confucianism like the two saints. State tribute!”

The dean of the academy's Adam's apple squirmed. How much he wanted to bring Chu Xun back to Ruzhou. In his eyes, there was no difference between Chu Xun and the people who were born and raised in the academy. But there was mist in his eyes, and he knew that this was not his decision. This depends on the opinion of the head of Huangzhou, as well as Chu Xun’s family and disciples.

"We in Huangzhou have a big tomb that can accommodate him!" Huangtian Palace's breath was heavy, but it didn't give in. It wanted to take Chu Xun back, and said with tears: "We in Huangtian Palace can also set up a tomb for Chu Xun. The Immortal Monument will be dedicated to Huangzhou forever; I believe that the Donglin Sect will make such a choice!"

He walked forward and put away the fragments of tattered robes in the hands of the dean of the academy. In a trance, he seemed to see the old man in white for the first time when he first entered Huangtian Palace. At that time, he really thought that Elder Chu was extremely old and was as wise as a fool. , I have accumulated a lot of experience, but I didn’t expect that it was just Elder Chu’s disguise.

His eyes were red, and the tears in his eyes could no longer be held. Drop by drop fell on the blood-stained robe, crying and sobbing silently, but he still said: "I, Huangzhou, will set up a tomb for Senior Chu. I also look forward to your coming to offer sacrifices, but those who died as a result of the war should also set up a cenotaph to be recorded in the annals of history and be remembered by future generations!"

This battle.


Quite a few.

In the end, with the decline of Chu Xun, many quasi-emperors rose up in anger in Shenzhou Continent. They attacked in groups, surrounded and hunted down a supreme emperor who had fallen into the imperial realm, but they also paid a heavy price, killing many quasi-emperors. , the old woman from Ruzhou Academy died in this battle, so she should set up an inscription.


The old Taoist priest from Daozhou nodded heavily.

Daozhou also had a quasi-emperor fall during this battle. The number of quasi-emperors in Daozhou has always been not weaker than that in Confucianism, but the practitioners in Daozhou are too leisurely and pay attention to quietness and inaction. He shouldered the burden alone, and those quasi-emperors were lazy as long as they could, but under true righteousness, they would not give in at all.

The rest of the quasi-emperors looked at the withering Jiuzhou. Under this dark resurgence and turmoil, Zhanzhou and Yuzhou were completely finished. Even Chenzhou had to recuperate for a long time. It was considered that Jiuzhou was destroyed in one battle. The three states in China will not be able to recover for a long time.

Can be viewed from above.

He has the look of a monk.

Something suddenly changed.

Their eyes fell on a certain place in Zhongzhou in shock, and they said in a trembling voice: " can the aura of the Forbidden City Supreme be awakening?"

The group of people in Zhongzhou were still shouting about the darkness and turmoil, but that was all. Under the slander, they suddenly felt that the sky was dark, the sun and the moon had no light, and extreme depression enveloped their hearts. When they suddenly looked up, they saw only a pair of bloody eyes in the darkness. Huge eyes, bigger than the sun and the moon, were looking down at them coldly and ruthlessly.

In an instant.

All the bickering.

Silence fell.

Only those extremely terrifying eyes stared at them, and they trembled: "Isn't the dark turmoil over?"

And those cold bloody eyes stared at them teasingly. When they blinked, everyone could clearly feel their blood flowing away rapidly, and vaguely heard the mocking voice: "You said, the so-called dark turmoil... But that’s it?”

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