"Second level of the Demon Prison!" Chu Xun was stunned, his thoughts kept returning, and the scene in front of him became clearer.

A dim scene appeared in front of him, and at the end of the dimness there was a figure entrenched there. It had two tentacles on its forehead, and its whole body was covered with black scales. It was tied there by iron chains, unable to move.

"Devil's prison!"


Chu Xun's confused eyes became trance-like and clear. This scene was not unfamiliar to him. The first time the demon prison bound aliens was somewhat similar to it, and it was not the first time he had come to this place. It was just how he came here. ?

Slightly dazed.

All kinds of thoughts.

It keeps coming.

"My last moment was a decisive battle with the Lord of Yuling. The former did not know what secret technique he used. His whole body was burning with blazing flames, and his whole body was also burning. His body disintegrated, his soul was scorching, and his cultivation in the imperial realm was also burning. At that moment, it began to retreat, and the Confucian saint and Dharma image behind him was also burning with flames!"

"It seems that I saw the helmsman of the Supreme Holy Dao Palace for the last time. The ancestors of Jianzhou and the others rushed out of the territory. At that time, my consciousness began to collapse. In the mist, I was pulled by a divine flower and brought here!"

"I'm not dead...!" Chu Xun whispered, and looked down at his physical body, which was slowly recovering as he repaired himself in his sleep. Now that he has a physical body, he can mobilize very little energy, and he still needs a slow recovery. adaptation period.

Just sit here.

My thoughts are a little confused.

He missed Jiuzhou and wondered what happened to the mainland of China while he was sleeping. Although the Lord of Yuling was severely injured by him, he was still the supreme master of the restricted area. It was still difficult for the former emperor to kill him, and he also thought of the escaped dragon. Emperor, it's not dead yet.

Moreover, the lifespan of the dragon clan is extremely long. Even if it is fully sublimated, it can last longer than the human emperor. The most important thing is that in the fight with him, the dragon emperor has always been clumsy and has never used all his strength. Even if he fell to the realm of the great emperor at this moment, It's not far from checkmate, but it still can't be underestimated.

Finally, it thought of the ancestor of the Ji family, the supreme being who had not yet fully sublimated. He was also a major scourge on the Chinese mainland. When he thought of the Ji family, he felt sad and helpless in his heart. Just imagine that the Ji family appeared one after another. After three great emperors, who would have thought that the dragon slayer would eventually become an evil dragon.

Even when he went to the Ji family, he still had a ray of unrealistic hope in his heart, hoping that the ancestor of the Ji family would lie dormant like the Lord of Desolation and perform heavenly feats in the dark and turbulent times. But in the end, he thought too much. When he thought that the outside world was still there, With these three remaining, there is even suspicion of the Supreme being being revived.

The man behind the Yuhua Dynasty.

Never showed up.


The land of Jiuzhou.

Could there be anything else?

For a while.

Sitting here feeling restless.


"You can't get out!"

The alien creature sitting cross-legged looked at him expressionlessly, penetrated Chu Xun's complex and disordered emotions, and said coldly: "You should find a way to improve yourself, kill me, and then think about it again." Something else!"

Chu Xun's thoughts returned and he looked at the aliens in front of him and said, "You all are eager to die!"

"This is nature!" The alien sitting there was quite magnanimous. It looked down at the iron chains that pierced its body. The pain had been ignored for many years, but what really made it intolerable was loneliness. The outsiders committed heinous crimes and were imprisoned in the devil's prison to receive punishment. As proud and bloodthirsty aliens, they would not care.

Facing death.

Not afraid yet.

What else is it afraid of?

But after sitting in captivity for so long, there is no living thing here, no living person, it will always be the same. In this second level, even time seems to have frozen. If he had a normal lifespan, he would have been alive for millions of years. Died years ago.

But what awaits it is a long period of torture. No one speaks, no one cares about it. No matter whether it is violent, crazy, or even seeking death, what it gets in the end is a cold and lonely imprisonment. It is too lonely. Xun was the first living being he saw, so he hoped that the human monk would kill him and be freed. He would go crazy if he was imprisoned any longer.

Looking at those numb and empty eyes, Chu Xun felt a sense of relief in his heart. Perhaps this was a prisoner like the first level of the devil prison, longing for liberation. He also looked at it and said: "What kind of ability does it have? I can kill you!"


This foreigner, whose entire body was covered in pitch-black scales, raised his scarlet eyes, which made people's souls stir and tremble. The terrifying ape-like evil energy overflowed, creating a violent impact that even a cultivator at the pinnacle of the Quasi-Emperor could not withstand.

This also made Chu Xun stare at him with frowning eyebrows, and secretly said in his heart: "It is so powerful, it is comparable to the Lord of Samsara who has fallen to the Great Emperor Realm!"

And China mainland.

After the Imperial War.

a mess.

This war affected too much, even if the remaining states were not the main battlefield, they were still affected. But at this moment, people looked at the blood-stained figures returning from outside the territory, and there was only endless fear and tension deep in their hearts. The previous Dark Supreme had resurrected. It is too bloody and cruel, and it can easily destroy a state, which is shockingly terrifying.

Now, is the dark turmoil finally coming to an end? Those who have not been affected are very grateful. They whisper: "Did we survive? Is the dark turmoil completely over?"

“In the midst of the darkest times of all time, we have survived.”

"The great catastrophe is over, and China will return to its past!"

People's emotions changed from the initial nervousness and apprehension to the subsequent excitement, and they were full of fierce enthusiasm. However, there were still some people who raised the corners of their mouths with a bit of contempt and said boringly: "This is the dark turmoil, and that's it."

The people around were furious when they heard it: "White-eyed wolf, how can you not see the darkness and turmoil? If Senior Chu hadn't shed his blood and killed several supreme beings, how could you stand here and say sarcastic words?"

"So what, you haven't gone through the dark ages. In my opinion, this so-called dark age is just like that. It's just bragging to add to your own achievements."

"Bullshit." A monk was furious and said angrily: "Without Chu Xun and the many fallen quasi-emperors, how would you be qualified to stand here? If it weren't for Zhanzhou, there would be no living beings in Yuzhou, and the Supremacy would be sucked by Your dog brain, if the battlefields were not set in Chenzhou, Zhanzhou, Yuzhou and other places to fight the broken roads, you are not qualified to regulate the laws of heaven and earth at this moment. Now stand up and bark like a dog, let's see if I don't beat you. !”

"I have no intention of offending Chu Xun and other seniors who have devoted their blood, but the dark turmoil is obviously exaggerated. If this is the case, there will be no strong people in the past, and there will be no monsters. I think It was just a deliberate depiction by the ancients in order to fabricate the sadness and powerlessness of the dark age. In fact, that’s it!”

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